Love Letters Summer 2011

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Love Letters provides content designed to activate, educate and empower you to bring even more Love into your Life.

Transcript of Love Letters Summer 2011

The Love More Project Magazine Summer 2011

Step in to the Web of Life and Embrace the Wisdom of the Spider

Discover the Healing Power of Chia Seeds

Enter the Magical Realm of the Elves

Embrace the Abundance of the Season

All logos, branding and content © Megan Gala 2009-2011 as representative of The Love More Project . Content may be reprinted and disseminated only with written permission from the copyright holder.

Summer 2011 2

contents Summer 2011


7 namaste

Our exclusive reading supports you in navigating the month’s energies in order to experience even more Love in your life.

8 recommends

The Love More Project Contributors share their favorite books and products.

9 ooh la raw!

Enticing recipes and insight from a raw food chef

19 harmony gardens

Learning to manifest with Grace and Ease.

7 9

8 Editor’s letter (5)

Support (6)

Follow us on:

Summer 2011 3


contents Summer 2011

11 tools for your transformation

Create and embrace change in your life with this holistic and heartfelt guide.

12 chakra talk

Learn about this ancient energy system and the healing properties of color to bring balance and clearing on a multitude of levels.

This month: The Loving Green Heart Chakra

15 angel fairy tales

Explore the magic and mystery of the realms.

17 voices of the animals

Learn about Love from our guides in the Animal Kingdom




Summer 2011 4

The Love More Project Magazine

Founder and Executive Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Editorial Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Publisher The Love More Project

Production Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Art Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Web Design and Production Megan Gala, M.A.

We love receiving feedback about how our content. If you have any questions or feedback, please email us at:


Or call: (512) 827-0505 ext 8760

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About The Love More Project

The Love More Project is an Inspired Media Company and Gathering Place for the next stage of human and planetary evolution. As a holistic merging of media and the metaphysical we deliver content designed to activate, educate and empower you to experience even more Love in your life. Through this work we fulfill our mission to serve as a sacred portal for the transmission of even more Love in this realm.

Dear Readers,

We have a delicious cornucopia of spiritual delights for you in our Summer 2011 issue, encouraging you to divine in and embrace the wonders of this season.

I am thrilled to introduce you to a wonderful new column here at Love Letters that will tangibly allow you to enjoy the fruitful abundance of the season. Sanaz Mansourian, a gifted raw chef and spiritual teacher, has joined our staff of talented Lightworkers and will be sharing with us her monthly column, Ooh La Raw!, which will provide us with nutritional information, encouragement and delicious recipes so that we can embrace more living fruits and vegetables in our daily lives. I am particularly excited to try her simple and delicious looking recipe for raw Almond Milk from this month’s article!

In this season of abundance I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of the beautiful Lightworkers who are dedicated to sharing their voice and hearts with us here at The Love More Project. It is truly a blessing and a pleasure to create and hold this sacred space where Lightworkers around the world can gather and share ideas, experiences, love and community and where we can truly serve as a sacred portal for the transmission of even more Love into this realm.

Have a beautiful and blessed summer everyone!

Blessings & Namaste!

Founder of The Love More Project

editor’s letter Megan Gala, M.A.

Summer 2011 5

support June 2011

To Our Beloved Community,

Thank you for allowing us to support you.

From its inception, The Love More Project has been 100% community funded. We choose to make our media platforms and content accessible to ALL who seek it, regardless of economic circumstances. And we hold the vision for this beautiful, thriving community to be self-sustaining and self-supporting.

We are proud to serve as a positive resource and community for you. We are grateful to be a source of Love, Peace and Inspiration in your Life.

Our community thrives on your participation and commitment.

Here are some ways you can interact and give back to the community for the nourishment you receive here:

• Express your Gratitude on our testimonial line: (512) 827-0505 ext 8760

• Contribute your story to Love Letters

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We affirm that all that you give in support of this vibrant community is returned to you 1,000 fold.

We don’t seek to profit from the work we do here at The Love More Project, however, we are committed to meeting our expenses and to be engaged in balanced and harmonious relationships with those we serve and work with. The Love More Project is a for-profit company and your donation is not tax-deductable. Your in-kind donation will contribute to our company as a whole. We are NOT a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, but a for-profit enterprise taking part in this donation-based program.

Thank you for supporting us.

Blessings & Namaste

Summer 2011 6

I invited the Angels and Higher Guides of our readers to bring forward guidance on what opportunities they could follow through on this season in order to experience even more Love in their lives. This summer season I am using Doreen Virtue’s Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards (Hay House, 20053.

The overarching message for this Summer Season is Healing Heart. Allow yourself to step out of the old story, release the old baggage of fears and worries, of old hurts and disappointments. We are being called upon to embrace new, deeper and more intimate relationships with our loved ones, both here and in Spirit. Our Allies are calling on us to open our hearts to allow ourselves to be nurtured and supported and we are encouraged to Break Free from the past and shift into a new perspective. As we lean in to one another, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and real with each other our Friendships and Soulmate Relationships will provide us with the catalyst and foundation that we need to embrace the next stage of our lives and spiritual growth.

If it feels frightening or overwhelming to let people or if you feel as if you are loosing control or will appear weak, please call on Archangel Michael. He will help shore you up with confidence and assuredness. He will also guide you on who it is appropriate to open up to as well as brining you new, safe relationships.

Tune in to Megan’s YouTube channel for the extended reading:

Megan Gala, M.A. supports people making positive change in their lives. Using her holistic “toolbox” she provides her students and clients with practical, easy to implement strategies to transform their lives. A life long clairvoyant, clairsentient and student of the Mystic, Megan began her private practice after the miraculous healing and reawakening she experienced working with the modalities she now lovingly refers to as her Toolbox:. Megan is an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER®, Reiki Master, Atlantean Healing™ Master and Certified Yoga Instructor. To learn more, please visit her website:

Megan Gala, M.A.

Summer 2011 7



Angel Medicine by Doreen Virtue PH. D.

How to Heal the Body and Mind with the Help of the Angels

This is an amazing book that explains perfectly how to utilize the healing rays of the yellow sun to activate and balance not only your solar plexus chakra but all of your chakras. She explains how to heal the body and mind with the help of the “Angels of Atlantis.” This includes messages from the angels and scientific research on the health benefits of light, sunlight, sunsets, and moonlight. A must have for reference and enjoyment of reading again and again.

The Heart’s Note: Sounding Love in Your Life from your Heart Chamber

By Stewart Pearce

This is a wonderful read about the many different ways to understand our heart including scientific research, ancient rituals and the many ways to mediate and chant to open your heart chamber as he explains so eloquently. We explore in his writing the Heart Archangels of Color and Sound and how they resonant at our hearts core chambers of existence. Through his mediations of the Sacraments of the Heart we enter to meet them while raising the vibration of our being. It is truly life changing as you feel yourself vibrating and zinging after listening and mediating with his CD of “The Heart’s Note.”

The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood

This amazing book is a bible of essential oils and their uses. It is a must have for those new to aromatherapy as well as for avid users wanting to learn something new. Ms. Worwood is an authority on aromatherapy and essential oils in Europe and has compile this amazing compendium so that people all over the world have access to her amazing wisdom and clear love for her work. Her chapters on natural skin care are not to be missed., especially for those of us who experience problem skin. This book is a definite must-have for any one wanting to embrace a more holistic, balanced and natural health care regimen.

Summer 2011 8

Our Contributors Share their Favorite Books & Products

Summer 2011 9

I was sitting at the table one morning with my mother and sister sharing a bowl of chia vanilla pudding with fresh strawberries and a side of green juice. While I was relishing this combination of flavors and the yumminess of the company around me, I began thinking about all the benefits this wonderful seed has to offer and why everyone should consider including this superfood in their diet. Here are 8 reasons to embrace this seed and welcome it into your kitchen:

Protein! Chia is considered a complete protein. It provides all the essential amino acids and is higher in protein than other seeds and grains and it’s easily digested.

Fiber! Chia seeds are a great source of fiber containing both soluble and insoluble fiber that aids in digestion.

Blood sugar stabilizer! The soluble fiber in Chia forms a gelatinous shell when soaked in liquid. When ingested, this shell creates a barrier between carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down. This regulates blood sugar by slowing down the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar, making this food an excellent choice for diabetics.

Healthy Fats! Chia has a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids that are essential in the body’s absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. In addition, research has shown that omega-3 fatty

acids reduce inflammation, lower the risk for heart disease, cancer and arthritis, and increases cognitive performance.

Hydration! Chia seeds can hold more than 10x their weight in water. This increases hydration in the body by maintaining fluid balance and retaining electrolytes.

It reduces cravings! Chia is a good source of vitamins

and minerals. When the body lacks the micronutrients it needs, it sends a signal to the brain, which triggers food craving as a means to get the body the nutrition it requires to maintain its balance. By eating foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, your diet will become balanced and cravings will begin to decrease.

Chia vs. Flax! The champion is chia! It’s favored over flax seeds because it’s higher in calcium, iron, fiber, omega-3s, and antioxidants! Furthermore, chia has a longer shelf life compared to flax, which can go rancid fairly quickly.

Versatility! Chia has a neutral taste, which makes it ideal for use in smoothies, desserts, cereals, crackers, breads, smoothies, and much more.

Are you convinced yet? Give this ancient seed a try and see what it can do for you. To make it easy, here is my recipe for a raw vegan pudding you can experiment and have fun with. Bon Appetit!

(Continued on the next page)

ooh La Raw

The Goodness of Chia Sanaz Mansourian

Summer 2011

Chia Vanilla Pudding

½ cup of white Chia seeds

2 ½ cups of sweet raw almond milk (recipe below)

5 tbsp of high grade maple syrup

2 cups of fresh fruit (optional)

Combine the chia seeds, maple syrup, and almond milk in a bowl. Mix together and let sit for about 30 minutes and mix again. Cover the bowl and place in the fridge overnight. In the morning it is ready to be served. Scoop into individual servings and add fresh fruit. For variation, sprinkle spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, hazelnut, and chocolate or some nuts on top. This will keep for 4 days in the refrigerator. Makes 4 abundant servings.

Sweet Raw Almond Milk

2 cups of raw almonds (soaked for 24 hours)

4 cups of purified water

5 pitted dates

1 tbsp of organic vanilla extract

Blend all the ingredients together in a high-speed blender. Pour the mixture into a mesh bag and squeeze the milk into a bowl or pitcher. This will separate the almond pulp yielding a smooth and creamy liquid. This will keep for 4 days in the refrigerator. Makes 4 cups.

The Goodness of Chia

ooh la raw! Sanaz Mansourian

Sanaz is dedicated to providing information and support demonstrating the abun-dance of raw and living foods, inspiring the incorporation of more plant-based foods into our daily lives. Her company, Ooh La RAW! is dedicated to sharing the benefits of raw living foods with people from all walks of life. To learn more about raw nutrition and see her current class schedule, please visit Ooh La RAW’s Facebook page:


You have big goals and big dreams. You are passionate about your purpose. You know this is what you are so supposed to do. And more importantly, you know it is what you LOVE to do. Then why do you have that sense of overwhelm? Why are you hesitant to take action? What are you afraid of?

Taking the first steps in creating a life you LOVE living can be scary. There aren’t many support systems in place in our mass messaging systems and consciousness that encourage the “average” person to attain fulfillment. You, however, have the added benefit of taking steps forward into uncharted territories…you are here to bring forward a new level of consciousness, which means creating new forms and new ways of being, thinking and doing in this realm. This means that there is not necessarily someone you can emulate and no convenient and safe route to take. Add to that the fact that many of us are burdened by the anxiety of perfectionism and it’s a wonder we get anything done!

Perfectionism takes on many forms and flavors. It may ask us to play safe. It may cause us to create excuses and drama that keep us busy. It can look as hesitation to say the words in our hearts, jump passionately into a new career, embrace relationships with an open heart or dive courageously into that long dreamed of project. In short, perfectionism can not only buffer us from failure or fear, but also from excitement, passion and enthusiasm.

As someone who has tasted all 31 flavors of perfectionism and even invented my own I’d like to share some tips about what has worked for me in navigating its tangled web. First and foremost, allow yourself to be with your perfectionism. I realize this is counter-intuitive and contra-indicative of what we learn in our society. We share phrases such as “no pain, no gain” and advocate the virtues of struggle. And while I believe that struggle has its benefits, what I am suggesting here is that when it comes to perfectionism, it is not in our best interest. I believe that the more we

struggle against what we do not want the more tangled in it we become. Just like a fly in a spider’s web, the more we fight the more it ensnares us. So how do we release the struggle? How do we embrace our inner perfectionist?

The first step is to take ownership of it, bring it in to your space. The funny thing about perfectionism is that it knows no bounds and we are most likely holding our personalities up to the same standards of perfection that we are holding our external experiences. When we acknowledge that we have this “flaw” we need to work with instead of continuously pushing it away it tends to deflate its hold on us. As the web slackens we can breathe again and move around. Experiencing this sensation of space, we can now rely on our skills of self-awareness to note when we feel expansive and when we feel the web tighten around us. When we feel that sense of restriction or even panic arise within us it is important to note that we are becoming enmeshed in the web of perfectionism. At this point we can take a deep breath, and remember that as we acknowledge this we once again embrace it and allow its hold on us to release. Like any new habit, this will take commitment, motivation and a heightened sense of self-awareness in order to move forward. Rely on your support systems, enroll a trusted friend or counselor in your adventure or seek out professional support to gain accountability. I guarantee that with intentional dedication you, too, can learn to work with your perfectionist and more fully bring forward that life that you LOVE to live!

Megan Gala, M.A. supports peo-ple as they make positive, life-affirming change. Using her holistic “toolbox” of Yoga, Reiki and Readings, Megan provides you with the catalyst and skills needed to maintain the change long beyond your work together.

tools for your transformation Megan Gala, M.A.

Summer 2011 `11

P is for Perfectionist

chakra talk Laura Galvin

The Loving Green Heart Chakra

As we move to the middle months of the year we also move up our energy system to the Loving Green Heart Chakra. This chakra is called the “Rainbow Bridge” and it mediates between the lower earthly physical energies and the higher spiritual chakra energies. Our Loving Heart Chakra is our powerhouse, and as such is important to keep open. This enables us to express and receive love in greater degrees. It also teaches us how to show love and compassion and to know and recognize that the most powerful energy is love. This means both self-love and love towards others. Balancing this provides you with the ability to take care of your health and well-being.

The heart chakra is located in the center of our chest and spins at medium fast speed. It is a beautiful shade of emerald green. This chakra is all about unity, peace, unconditional love, hope, forgiveness, compassion and generosity. As this chakra opens, so does your ability to connect with your higher self. When opened this chakra also radiates love and forgiveness.

The Heart Chakra is the element of air and relates to the heart, lungs, and the circulatory system. When

someone has breathing difficulties such as asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis it is thought to reflect their relationship with love, especially a difficulty letting it in or out. It is also associated with the thymus gland, which controls the immune system. The energy of this center allows us to be in touch with all things.

In this fourth chakra, we experience the sense of touch and images, words, sounds, and smells that transform into feelings. The experience of the chakra is “I Love.” When we learn to fully love and accept all parts of ourselves from the depths of our heart, we have the ability to be transformed and healed. A strong balanced and cleansed chakra looks like a brilliant emerald jewel. You radiate natural warmth, sincerity and happiness. You put your heart in all that you do, say and create. You accept and love everyone unconditionally and see those you interact with through “God’s eyes.” This enables you to experience the deep bliss of true love and living in the now, which creates freedom for the soul. The color green is about empathy and experiencing inner peace, serenity and receptivity to reconciliation.

(Continued on the next page)

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Green is the color associated with the heart chakra and is the middle spectrum color that regulates the etheric body. It is the color of life, harmony and health. Using this color in healing will dissolve blood clots in any part of the body or head. This is an excellent cure for headaches. I imagine green liquid pouring into my brain passageways healing away all negativity from my mind as I take a restful nap. I wake feeling wonderful and full of life once more. It is also excellent for chest complaints such as asthma, chronic bronchitis and angina. Green has properties to influence basic cell structure to treat tumors, cysts and growths including cancer. Green is calming in hat it alleviates fear in traumatic situations and is effective in treating shock. Green is the renewal of life as new growth in spring and its highest vibration enhances the spirit of evolution.

Harmonizing and Balancing the Loving Green Heart Chakra

Sound note F is useful to connect to the heart chakra, allowing us to give and receive freely. Sounding the vibration of the note F and chanting Hah or playing instruments with love over this chakra bolsters the resonance of the Heart chakra creating the capacity to overcome any kind of physical difficulties. Note F# is the bridge between the heart and throat chakra moving into the throat chakra for expression that supports our life purpose and accomplishments.

Crystals and gemstones of the Green Heart Chakra are known to protect and shield the heart from unwanted energy. Green gems soothe and harmonize the nature of the heart center helping to release feelings that bind the heart and keep it from staying healthy. These stones also assist the lungs, adrenals glands and muscular system. They help tolerate

annoyances, anger and enhance relaxation and regeneration. They encourage us to be true to ourselves and our dreams. Gemstones for our heart are:

Aromatherapy Essential Oils of the Green heart chakra can be stimulating like mint or soothing like rose. The mint aromas enhance alertness and soothe headaches. Rose essences uplift and enliven your feelings and creating peace and gentleness. Other essential oils for the heart are:

Loving Touch has always been recognized as healing for the body but also for our soul which is housed in our heart chakra. The two known loving touch therapies are body massage and etheric touch, as the laying of hands that affect the energy of the body. Combine these two energies together in a session and you will have nurturing peace to your body and heart.

Foods benefiting the heart chakra are the highest vibration for perfect health. They keep your vital organs alive and running at the peak performance. Beneficial green heart center foods are:

(Continued on the next page)

chakra talk Laura Galvin


*Green Agate


*Rose Quartz











*Green Beans




Summer 2011 13

chakra talk Laura Galvin

Chroma live Light Pen Therapy for Heart, Circulation and Metabolism Activation. This is a wonderful way to balance the flow of energy in your heart chakra. Massaging green and orange on the heart chakra hand zones and on the bridge of the nose on the face zone will start the flow of energy bringing harmony to the central heart area, thymus and lungs. With this activation these areas will warm and the life energy will begin to flow there again.

Clothes can cleanse negative vibration and bring harmony to your nervous system enabling relaxing and balancing. Dress in green when you wish to:

*Ease heartaches and be kind and good

*Give peace and balance to yourself and others

*Be for other people what you wish other people would be for you.

Affirmations of the heart are loving and peaceful to your body and soul. By holding these thoughts in your mind as true you will see remarkable changes in your perceptions and attitudes, bringing about an abundance of love and friendships. To enhance your affirmations find a quiet place in your mind and

imagine a garden. Breathe in the wonderful green essences of this garden all around you. Feel the green grass beneath you and inhale the freshness of nature as a healing balm for your soul. See the wonder of Mother Nature sustaining life in the oxygen we breathe and feeling the peace and calm vibrating within you while affirming these thoughts:

*I am grateful for all the love that I have in my life.

*I love the peace I feel when I am in nature.

*I open myself to the healing powers of love.

*I love unconditionally.

Summer 2011 14

Laura is an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D, a Grand Master Reiki Teacher, a Certified Massage Therapist, an Atlantean Healer™ and a certified Colour Biopulsar Analyst. She synergizes these powerful modalities to benefit your quest for guidance, healing and

activating your soul purpose. In addition, Laura creates colorful and meaningful jewelry with the assistance of the Angels. Her website is .

You may have heard about the Elves before, but do you know who they are? Most people use the word ‘elf’ as a synonym for a fairy; however, they are two different kinds of beings. And while they both live in the elemental realm that has not always been the case.

I believe there are many different kinds of Fairies and many different kinds of Elves living all around this planet. And, of course, I can only talk about the ones I’ve actually met. I didn’t know anything about Elves until I first met a friend of mine. When we met I instantly knew that I had met this person before in a past life. Little by little I received visions and pieces of information about who we were in that lifetime, where we lived and what we did. It felt like I was in a Robin Hood movie as I saw us in the woods, wearing green clothes and running through the forest with a bow and arrow. I knew we were somewhere in Great Britain. The forest was our home and we knew it inside out. It was our realm. I saw us fighting, defending our territory against a group of people. At first I thought we were human, yet I noticed many differences between our kind and those we fought against. So I began asking questions. I wanted to know more about who I was and what was happening in that lifetime. And the answers came.

Our kind was not human, even though we looked very similar at first sight. We were a little bit smaller than the humans and had some magical energy around us. We were very connected with Mother Earth, the trees and the forest. I knew we were peaceful even though we were fighting. All we

wanted was peace but the humans invaded our territory and we had to defend ourselves. We were very talented warriors, but we didn’t manage to chase away the invaders. So we decided to go. We decided to leave our home and ascend to a higher dimension. We had magic and wisdom and the veil was thin in these times. We took the leap and left the plain to live peacefully once again. During this lifetime my friend and I were Elves. I had never heard about Elves before, but all of a sudden people

around me began talking about Elves and more and more people who remembered being Elves came into my reality. The more I talked to people about Elves the more information about them I received.

Elves live now on the same plane as the fairies in the elemental kingdom. They live hidden away, deep into the forest far away from humans. They choose to stay away and only very few people have access to their world. The elvish folk are mysterious and very shy. They have a lot in common with the Elves you know from “Lord of the Rings.” They are very wise and know all about the ancient wisdom that was taught in Avalon. But they are very guarded when it comes to sharing their wisdom. They want to protect themselves and their knowing because of their previous experiences with humankind. However, they asked me to write about them and wanted to share a little bit of their wisdom with us:

“Not many of you may know our kind, but there are a few of you who have lived with us before. (Continued on the next page)

angel fairy tales Christina Mosberger

The Magic of Elves

Summer 2011 15

We decided long ago to keep our distance from humans and we still do. But we know that we have valuable information that is important for your kind and have decided to share with you a part of our knowledge that is useful to you right now.

We have knowledge about Mother Earth, the sun and the stars. We understand their powers and we understand how to use their powers for the benefit of all. That is what differentiates us, the elvish folk, from humans. Most people still try to overpower each other or choose to let others have power over them. But we also see that there are more and more individuals who understand that this is not the true meaning of power. Power is meant to be used, not misused. It is meant to be used for the good - with love.

Everything is energy and every energy can be directed . That is what power means. It is about directing an energy toward a desirable outcome. Nature has many different energies and there are many different beings working with these energies. We are glad that most of humankind has forgotten how to use these energies over the centuries, but as our planet ascends, the ones who are working for the light need to know about these powers.

Some of you would call it magic, but let us ask you a question: What do you think are the powers which work behind magic? The priestesses and druids in Avalon knew magic. They had power. They used it for good. They knew how to use the energy of the four elements, earth, water, fire and air and they knew how to direct those energies. They used the energies for example to protect themselves, to construct buildings and sanctuaries, to achieve abundant harvest and to go through the veil of

different dimensions. This wisdom is still here, available and will be given to you when the time is right. Many of you remember Avalon, feel a connection to this mysterious island or are fascinated by stories about it. If you have this connection, you can ask for information and it will be given to you. “

The Elves still live very deep in the forest. They have not shown themselves to humans in a very long time. If you want to connect with the elvish folk and learn from them, tell them your intentions. If they decide to share their wisdom with you, you will know when they are ready. It is wise to not push them to interact, but to be very open. Treat them as you would treat a very shy person and with an open and loving heart. You will be surprised by the magic that will enter your life.

angel fairy tales Christina Mosberger

C h r i s t i n a i s a compassionate intuitive counselor, spiritual teacher and healer with an open and loving heart. She is intimately c o n n e c t e d w i t h

the Angelic and Elemental Realms. She is also an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER®, certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD. and holds a Masters Degree in Psychology from the University of Zurich. Her website is:

Summer 2011 16

I live in a Ponderosa Pine forest in the mountains of north-central Arizona. I am blessed to be close to the natural world every day, and to learn from and communicate with the many plants and animals who call this landscape home. The tarantulas are some of my favorite beings in this habitat, and each encounter with them feels like a profound gift of grace. When I asked for an animal to assist me in writing this month’s column, a beautiful female tarantula came to share her wisdom. She said: Our bodies are designed so that we can walk on the earth with the most exquisite sensitivity. Each of our legs, and the hairs on our legs and bellies, is a finely-tuned, delicately-calibrated antenna. With them, we feel the pulse of the Earth. We can feel and communicate with our brothers and sisters all over the planet. Our mission includes monitoring the vibrational frequencies of the planet, both of the land in each specific location where we live, and the global “lines” that travel the through the earth. We carry the wisdom of the ancient ones. We are the elders, the grandmothers and the grandfathers, the ones who walk on the earth in balance and harmony. Humans often fear us. There is an inaccurate belief that we are dangerous to humans. This is not true.

Our perspective is that humans often fear us because they fear the wisdom and deep spiritual awareness that we carry. We can teach you an important lesson about your fears. You often fear us, yet we are benevolent. Face your fears, the things you have disregarded, shut out, or hidden. If you can do this as individuals, and as a tribe, profound changes can occur. I asked her if she would share her perspective on the current state of the planet, and what information, wisdom,

and guidance she could offer the people who will be reading this article. She replied: We walk on the earth with full awareness, full consciousness. Watch our movements: we move slowly, deliberately, with complete consciousness of each step, each movement. We feel each step as what you would call a prayer: as we touch the earth, we feel the information from the earth radiating up through our bodies, giving us all we need to know in that moment. With each step, we also bless the ground beneath us. Each step sends vibrations of energy, communication, and knowledge that can be felt by our brothers and sisters all over the earth. In this way, as a species, we embody an awareness of the pulse of the earth in each moment. At this time, we are doing intense work to help the earth stay in balance. Many other species are doing this too. (Continued on the next page)

voices of the animals Nancy Windheart

Summer 2011 17

(In particular, she shows me outdoor/feral cats, many other insects, and burrowing animals, as well as birds who keep the balance above the earth). We are experiencing the earth “growing”. She is stretching and expanding. There is a new energy being born, and we feel this energy pulsing beneath our bodies. We travel below the surface of the earth, and balance the energies inside of the earth as well. There are many tunnels, many worlds, beneath our feet. Our perspective is that the earth is growing and healing. There is much yet to come, but we are all working together, each doing her part, to assist with this process. Humans can, and must, do this work as well. If you simply walk on the earth with full consciousness, full awareness, the vibrations of your bodies can affect the earth and assist her growth and healing, as well. There is no living being on the earth who is not capable of doing this; it is simply a choice. However, many humans do not have this awareness or this understanding. The more of you who learn from us, and the other beings who feel the life, the blood of the earth in this way, the more peaceful and rapid her growth and healing will become. We are happy to be your guides, your teachers. We can show you the way. Will you take a walk with us?

Feel your feet on the ground. Feel the hairs on your body receiving the transmissions of the energy of the earth. We are willing to share our wisdom with all who will listen. We are weaving, weaving, weaving...the web of life, the web of balance. We love our home, we love our planet, and we walk in harmony with all beings. We have great understanding and compassion for humans. Feel our softness, our love, our light. We are both delicate like the finest

thread of silk, and strong with the wisdom of the ancient ones. Walk with us.

voices of the animals Nancy Windheart

Nancy Windheart is a p r o f e s s i o n a l A n i m a l Communicator and Animal Communication Teacher, Reiki Master-Teacher and Registered Yoga Teacher w h o t e a c h e s a n i m a l communication classes and

provides animal communication consultations for clients worldwide. She is on the faculty of the Animal Spirit Healing and Education Network, and trained professionally with animal communication pioneer Penelope Smith. Nancy lives in the mountains of Prescott, AZ, with her animal family of dogs, cats and chickens.

Summer 2011 18

Manifestation = the art of creation. We co-create our own lives, with every thought, action, reaction, and intention. Where we stand in this minute is the sum of every decision we have made so far along our path. A lot of people have trouble accepting this Truth, mostly because we don't like taking responsibility for anything except the positive aspects of our lives ~ it is much easier to be the "victim", living in the illusion that we just can't help the way things are. Obviously, there are some situations where we aren't in control, but here we are discussing your regular, everyday life.

For example; Charlie constantly complains that he dislikes his job, and that he wishes he could work elsewhere, yet he refuses to take any kind of action to either search for a better job, or to educate himself to open doors of opportunity. One day, he is laid off without notice, causing him to panic and have feelings of "How dare they?" In fact, it wasn't "them" at all ~ it was the Universe bringing him exactly what he was asking for... the opportunity to move into a new career. Charlie has two choices: take advantage of this amazing opportunity and move into a job that he loves, or else continue along his path under the illusion that he has no control over the situation, and that the world is against him.

When we become conscious of the role we play in our past, present and future, we empower ourselves to take control of our existence, and to make improvements and adjustments wherever necessary in order to create the abundance we all deserve.

First, let's clear up the meaning of the word “Abundance” (at least in the context of this article) ~ it's not just about receiving lots of money.

Abundance comes in many forms: friendship, health, family, love, a home, good food, clean water; when we understand this true sense of the word, we realize that we live in a very abundant society, leading very abundant lives, which brings us to the first step in Manifestation ~ Be Grateful.

Being grateful is easy. Really. Although, when people are caught up in the daily grind, rushing from one obligation to another, and focused on everything that went wrong on any given day, they have a hard time admitting that they really are lucky and blessed. A good way to start being grateful is to

lay in bed for a few minutes each morning before you get up, and count all of the positive things you have at that moment; air to breathe, a roof over your head, blankets and a bed, your children, spouse, family, friends, food, a hot shower, the ability to read, etc. Chances are, you will run out of time before you run out of blessings to count!

Only after you have become truly grateful can you begin to manifest; until then, your efforts will be either partially or fully blocked by unhealthy beliefs that your present life isn't good enough, by feelings of greed and self-pity, or by the habit of taking what you already have for granted. Once you have removed at least some of these hurdles, you are ready to start!

Visualization is very important when manifesting; keeping a solid vision and intention in your mind of what you want to create, and what it will be like when it is complete.

(Continued on the next page)

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For example, if you are manifesting financial abundance, picture yourself reading over your bank statements after you have paid all of your bills in full, seeing a comfortable account balance. Don't try to put limitations on when the abundance will come, or where it will come from; simply see it there, and feel the security, as if you are living in that moment. When you decide to “fill in the blanks” of how, when, where and why, you create roadblocks, closing some of the doors through which your abundance can flow toward you, filtering it and slowing it down.

Another great manifestation technique is to take advantage of the amazing energy of the New Moon. This is when the moon is renewing and beginning a fresh cycle, pouring that energy upon Earth and all of her inhabitants. It's no secret that the Moon affects our tides, seasons, and our natural cycles as Humans Being. As the waxing Moon builds its strength, it will build your dreams, as well. One of the easiest ways to use the Moon's energy is to stand outside during a New Moon, and state, either out loud or in your head, your manifestations. Be clear and keep it simple; remember not to water it down with details, and to only manifest a few things at a time so that you don't become overwhelmed.

Burying a piece of paper with your manifestations written on it is also a popular tool that many people use. All you need to do is write down your goals on a slip of paper, then, on the New Moon, bury that slip of paper, either in the garden, in your lawn, or even in a potted plant in your home. Remember to perform these rituals with grace and gratitude for all that you have, and for all that you will receive. Once you've planted your desires, all you need to do is visualize, work toward your goal, and watch them grow!

Because we don't put limitations on how our manifestations will appear, be open and receptive to all of the doors that open for you, no matter how off-the-wall they may seem. Your Guides and Angels are working hard in order to bring these things into your physical world, and sometimes they need to be very creative! Even though our Guides, Angels and the Universe will do their absolute best to bring us everything we ask for, it is imperative that we continue

to work hard, and actively move in the right direction; without our participation and consciousness, we can't expect anything to improve or change. Inaction is essentially the decision that everything will remain the same.

The final step in manifestation is to Trust. Know that Abundance is coming to you; feel it, and embrace it! Trust that your Guides and Angels are doing everything in their power to get you what you want. Giving them updates and reinforcement every once in a while, letting them know of any changes, and confirming what you have already asked for are all great ideas, but the best thing to do is just to thank them for all of their hard work ~ Gratitude is a powerful force. When opportunities come up, don't be afraid to take them ~ it is through these opportunities that your manifestations are becoming “reality”. Take Action! Sometimes, you may have the chance to take a Leap of Faith; a beautiful experience, as is being pleasantly surprised at the outcome. Trust that your team of Angels and Guides wants to see you happy, and keep the communication open between you. In this way, you make their jobs easier, because they have no need to work under the burden of negative energy caused by your doubts.

This is a very basic description of the steps involved in manifestation; because it is a very personal matter, you should most definitely adapt your own process to reflect your unique tastes and comfort level. Like always, there is no “right” or “wrong”, as long as you are acting with positive and light-filled intentions. Accept only Love and joy, and leave the rest behind ~ you deserve to live an Abundant and Blissful life!

Kathaleen Groomes uses garden healing methods and has experience with color and candle healing, natural remedies and aromatherapy. It is her deepest desire to manifest a tranquil have of nurturing and education for all those who would benefit from it. Her website is:

harmony gardens Kathaleen Groomes

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You are Divine.

Photograph courtesy of Tamara Ellis © 2011 all rights reserved.