Love As I See It 1

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Love As I See It 1


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There is no such thing as evil and unjust. Humans are not beast,

they are the best; they are not brutal, they are angelical;

they are not abusive, they are appreciative. Why this is so?

It is because in every heart of a human lies the four-letter word

L-O-V-E. A scenario showing how a father loves his child.

Oftentimes, they don’t speak much; they seldom spare their

time; sometimes the only thing that they can give is just a pat

on the back; and they never ever wanted us to see them cry.

But what we don’t know is that in their every silence are their

powerful words of appreciation; in every gathering they missed

are the great sacrifices of earning for a living; instead of just a

pat on the back, what they really wanted to give is a tight hug;

and in every pretentious face they make, is a crying and heart

that hurts them most. Why they act like these? It is because

they are a “FATHER”. It is their way; their perspective of showing

what love is. Love is defined in what we think and believe it is.

It grows on how we cultivate it with optimism and it dies on how

we take it for granted. So, what is love then? Ask yourself!

- Robert Anton Aparente

This photo shows Love in it's simplest but at the same time,

grandest form. A child. Love was never complicated or complex

and never wrong.

Love is seen in the photo with different forms. Love of a brother,

a mother and father, and life.

The truth is, Love has no meaning... we just feel it.

- Ellis Lazarte

Everytime these four little blessings are together, I see how much they love each other.

The type of love that's contagious to anyone who see's them playing, being silly and laughing

at each other's crazy antics. A child's love is so sweet, innocent and pure. There's nothing

more satisfying than to see your children have a unconditional depth of love, a kind of love

we strive to have everyday but only a child and God can possess.

- Sandra Sanchez

Maita and I knew of each other since we were 2 years old.

We were neighbors, busmates, same batch year in school.

She was my first love. I have love her since I can

remember, but never told her how I felt. We always felt

a connection between us but nothin further happen.

I left in 1984 to immigrate to the states, unfortunately,

we lost connection with each other.

25 years later, in 2009, we got in touch with each other

again thru FaceBook. I knew that my feelings for her

have never left, I am still very much in love with her—

the girl of my dreams. Maita said that she was in love

with me too since we were young; her first love as well.

She said that she's always been sure of what she felt for

me, and that she's in love with me still. I flew back in

2010 to finally see her again after all these years.

Call it luck or fate, but Maita and I simply believe that

we are just meant to be. Today our love story continues,

we are engaged and will be married Feb. 2012.

- Joe Munar

Love was when my newborn son took my finger into his sweet pudgy little hand. All the cravings, mood swings,

Physical expansions, morning sickness and anxious jumping for every nudge, turn and cramp, just disappeared

like a floating memory at the back of my head. It was at this very moment that I realized, that MY SON has just

made all that I went through... WORTH IT!

- Susan Gail Bautista

My husband captioned this as "Any Given

Weekend" the first time he uploaded it

on his social network. It's a perfect

snapshot of what happens in our home

whenever we're not preoccupied with

work. And it serves as my constant

reminder of the difference between

making a living and making a life. My little

girl here is not just being cute, though.

She was doing something a little more

mischievous--enough to make me

scream, call my husband's attention,

and have the moment captured forever!

Do I see love in the picture?

In frolic's crazy clothing, yes.

- Flornida Ramirez

My good friend Ting was the 1st mommy shoot I did after I had miscarried, we were supposed to give birth

a few months apart. She was part of my mommy cheering squad when i was pregnant and was a great comfort

when I lost my angel. I thought I'd feel sad and sentimental shooting her a day before her full term, but all I

felt was excitement for her and Baby Teng! I got lost in trying to even approximate the love a mother has for

her child... and I know my pictures will always fall short of that kind of love. After all, I was blessed enough to

feel it, even if it were a short while...

- Lynette Redublo

Love as I see it is multi-faceted and universal. Its profound

quality refuses to be contained that it continues to spill itself

all around us, manifested whether in symbols such as the

heart formed by the delicate necks of these two flamingos

as they express their affections to each other becoming one

entity, sharing an eye for something that transcends the


- Christine Tan

Somewhere in Manila - a beggar in old crutches ...

This is a burden that no body can bear on his own; armed only with his weather stricken crutches,

all by himself, he is able to carry the daily hustles and bustles that life offers.

It's not all about the amount or the value of what we can give them... but of what our heart speaks.

For me, the true meaning of love is sacrificial giving."

- Brian Lovino

Amidst the noisy crowd, the party, and the chaos, there is peace in their embrace. It was as if this world did not

exist but a world of their own. Entrapped in each other’s arms.

This was, literally, as raw as love can be.

With this connection, how does one resist not to press the shutter?

- Melete Tejada

What my son has grown up to has had a lot to do with his mother’s love. Every beaming smile, the boisterous laughter,

and his affectionate gestures are the product of the love and devotion of his mother. It’s no secret that kids learn through

what they see at home and my wife, as a dedicated mother, would make sure to spend quality time with our son amidst a

busy and stressful day. Waking up to cook breakfast, driving and picking our son up from school, attending to her job, preparing

the family dinner, helping our son with his homework, and reading books with him before falling to sleep are some of her daily

activities that never fail to amaze me. They say you won’t truly understand what a mother’s love is until you become one but it

doesn’t mean a father can’t appreciate this wonderful gift from God. I know someday, the effect of this great love would help my

son succeed in this long and complex journey we call life.

- Victor Marasigan

Loveas I see it


There's that one person for all of us...

whether by design or fate.

Someone who will feel what you are feeling,

someone who will cherish you

and feel a few seconds of what eternity means.

We all need to feel real love and a life ever after.

Why would you ask for perfect

when what you have is beautiful?

That's love I guess... it’s like magic.

- Jayson Patrick Chavez

Congratulations to Jayson Patrick Chavez for

winning the 100,000 Pesos Grand Prize!