Lotus Quickr 8 -...

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Transcript of Lotus Quickr 8 -...

Lotus Quickr 8.2 Services for Lotus Domino (IBM i)

Consolidated Fixpack for Domino 8.5.0PTF LQ02994 for product ID 5724S31

June, 2010

Table of ContentsAbout the FixpackPrerequisitesInstalling the FixpackUpgrading your places and other Quickr Domino databasesUpgrading offline installationsDocumentation Updates / AddendumsAdditional information for special fixesTroubleshootingQuickr 8.2 Fix List

About the Fixpack

This Fixpack package includes the following files:

o Readme document: this file

o LQ02994: a savefile containing the fixpack that is built and applied as an IBM i PTF to Lotus Quickr 8.2 for IBM i (5724S31).

Information for customers with locked down client environments: This current build,, does not include updated qp2.cab. The most recent update was included in 8.2.010, dated 2010/02/09.

August/2009 - QuickPlace 6.5.1 and 7.0 migration to Quickr 8.2 Migration from QuickPlace 6.5.1 or 7.0 to a new Quickr 8.2 server with Quickr Fixpack and later fixpack versions is now supported. Detailed documentation for migration is available in the Lotus Quickr Wiki: http://www.lotus.com/ldd/lqwiki.nsf/dx/06302009062522PMWEBUAW.htm

August/2009 – New option added to “qptool upgrade” in FP : When running “qptool upgrade -f -a” as specified in this documentation, some Form customizations may be lost. Those customizations are now retained if you use the new qptool upgrade switch -saveformprefs. The customizations that will be retained are the “hidden” status of the form and also the “order” in which the forms are displayed

This fixpack can only be installed on Lotus Quickr version 8.2 and is intended only for Lotus Quickr 8.2 servers running on Domino 8.5.0. Do not install the PTF if you plan to run your Lotus Quickr server on any level of Domino other than 8.5.0.

This fix only includes the changes to the Quickr Domino services code. You should also obtain the latest available version of the 8.2 Quickr Domino Connectors update from Fix Central and copy the update to your server. The latest Quickr connectors update is included in the recommended fix group for 8.2 Quickr services for Domino on IBM i. The Connector updates are intended only for Lotus Quickr version 8.2 but are independent of the level of Domino

If you have previously installed any Quickr 8.2 PTFs, remove them before installing this PTF. It is not necessary to remove connector updates before installing a later level.

New Quickr installation:

If you are deploying Lotus Quickr for the first time and have never installed an earlier Quickr or QuickPlace release, you should first install Domino 8.5.0. Then install this fixpack and also install the latest connectors update before configuring your Lotus Quickr server.


For more information, see the Lotus Quickr 8.2 information center, which is available from the Lotus Quickr documentation site: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/documentation/quickr/

Upgrade from an earlier release:

Before installing this fixpack or a connectors update, Lotus Quickr 8.2 must be installed. Therefore, if you are using an earlier release of Quickr or QuickPlace, first complete the upgrade to Quickr 8.2.

You can install this PTF and the connectors update before or after installing Domino 8.5.0 and upgrading your Quickr server to Domino 8.5.0. However, complete the Domino upgrade and install the fixpack before you start the server and attempt to use Quickr.

If you have multiple Quickr servers running in the same IBM i LPAR, they must all be running Quickr 8.2 and Domino 8.5.0 in order to use this fix.

(Domino multi-versioning permits you to run other Domino or Sametime servers in the same LPAR using different Domino releases if you prefer.)

PrerequisitesBefore installing this fixpack:

5724S31 V8R2M0 Quickr 8.2 for IBM i must already be installed on your system.

Installing this Fixpack (PTF LQ02994)This fixpack installation procedure requires a user profile with command line capability and a user class of *SECOFR.

The PTF is provided as IBM i save file called LQ02994.

1. Establish a 5250 session with the IBM i server and sign on with the appropriate user profile.

2. Run the following command to create a temporary library:

CRTLIB LIB(MYLIB) TEXT('Library for Quickr 8.2 Fixes')

3. Run the following command to create the necessary Save file:

CRTSAVF FILE(MYLIB/LQ02994) TEXT('Quickr 8.2 Fix LQ02994')

4. Transfer the PTF save file from your workstation to the System i server.

From your workstation, enter the following commands and responses when prompted:

cd xxx [change to the directory on your workstation that contains LQ02994] ftp: [your System i name or IP address]Name: [Enter your user profile name and press ENTER] Password: [Enter your password and press ENTER] ftp>binaryRepresentation type is binary IMAGE. ftp>put LQ02994 MYLIB/LQ02994ftp>quit

5. To end any active Quickr servers, enter the following command:


Use option 6 (End Domino server) to end each active server that is running Quickr.

Use the Work with Active Job (WRKACTJOB) command to determine when all Quickr servers have ended. Wait until the servers have completely shut down before continuing to the next step.

6. Determine if any Quickr hot fixes are currently installed by running the following command:


If any PTFs are currently applied, remove them using the RMVPTF command.

7. Run the following commands to load and apply the Quickr PTF:




8. Now you can start the Quickr servers.

Use the WRKDOMSVR command and select option 1 (Start server).


Upgrading your places and other Quickr Domino databasesAfter upgrading the files on your Lotus Quickr server, you should upgrade the place templates and other Quickr Domino databases so that they reflect the most current changes to the files you’ve upgraded. Complete the following steps on each Quickr server:

Make sure the Quickr server is running.

From the Domino Console type the following commands:

Note: Wait for each of command to finish before proceeding to the next command. You will know that the command has finished when you see a message in the console such as qptool: command finished: {the command performed}

Command Action It Performsload qptool unlock -a Unlock all the places.load qptool upgrade -f -server Upgrade all the databases on the server.load qptool upgrade -f -a Upgrade all the places and PlaceTypes.

Upgrading offline installationsWhen you install a Quickr Domino fixpack, you also receive the latest files needed for your offline installations. Clients taking a place offline for the first time after applying the fixpack will automatically get the latest version of the offline support files installed to their machine.

For client workstations that already have offline places installed on their machine, the following steps are recommended for updating the client with the latest offline support files:

1. Take note of all the subscription names from the Domino Sync Manager.

2. Synchronize all the places to deliver any changes from the offline places.

3. Delete the subscriptions from the Domino Sync Manager.

4. Uninstall the Lotus Domino Sync Manager to remove it from the machine.

5. Go to the online places that were noted and take them offline.

This will ensure that the latest version of the offline support files have been installed on the client machine.

Documentation Updates / AddendumsApplying a Fixpack to Quickr 8.x servers in a cluster

For the Quickr cluster to run properly, each server in the cluster needs to be using the same release and fixpack. To upgrade Lotus Quickr servers in a cluster to the new fixpack, perform the following steps:

*Please note: It is highly recommended that you first backup all places and PlaceTypes.

1. At the Domino console, use the “load qptool unlock -a” command on only one server in the cluster to unlock all the places.

2. Stop every Lotus Quickr server in the cluster.

3. Upgrade all the servers with the Fixpack.

4. Restart each of the servers (cluster replication and qptool replicamaker tasks should remain running).

5. Use the “load qptool upgrade -f -server” command on only one server in the cluster to upgrade the design of databases.

6. Use the “load qptool upgrade -f -a” command on only one server in the cluster to upgrade places and PlaceTypes.

7. Let replication pass the design upgrades to all servers.

Your Quickr 8.x servers should now be upgraded to the latest Fixpack.


Additional Information for special fixes *Please note: Each row in the following table represents a specific issue as described by the SPR / Description column. These special fixes only need to be applied by following the steps in the Instructions column if you encounter that specific issue. Applying these fixes if you do not encounter the issue specified may cause unexpected results and is not recommended.

SPR / Description InstructionsWBSI7DL3R9 - With Quickr’s embedded Sametime support, “In A Meeting” is not offered as one of the Sametime statuses.

To apply this fix, you will have to copy the peopleonline31.jar file to the Sametime server as specified in the “Enabling Lotus Sametime features in places” section in Quickr’s documentation.

DAMC7AEGQU - In connectors, if “Show Views” is selected on a place, checked out and draft documents in subrooms are not shown, only those documents in the main room are shown.

Please see new section in qpconfig_sample.xml, be sure to read about this fix in the description above the webservices section:<webservices> <connector> <views_include_rooms enabled="false" /> </connectors></webservices>

YXIO7QBBKL - Daily news update email is not sent to all group members.

The following qpconfig.xml settings need to be applied if applying this fix:If using LDAP as your directory, set the following<notifications> <recipient_rules> <send_news_to_groups enabled="true" /> <expand_external_groups enabled="true"/> </recipient_rules></notifications>If using Domino Directory as your directory, set the following<notifications> <recipient_rules> <send_news_to_groups enabled="true" /> <expand_external_groups enabled="false"/> </recipient_rules></notifications>

DAMC7F2GF5 - With QuickPlaceHandleWebsphereTokenDNSpecialChar=7, users with “(“ in OU name can't be added to places

Fix requires QuickPlaceHandleWebsphereTokenDNSpecialChar=7 in notes.ini

XSS Protection updates See xss protection section in qpconfig_sample.xml for this fix.NXLE79BBG2 - Sign out won't display with TAM LTPA Junction

See <authentication> section in qpconfig_sample.xml for this fix.

KABS785K2A - Connector does not display places for users with umlauts/accented chars in name

Requires Domino Fixpack 801HF376

MPUL7FRLK4 - When ST Enabled, browser Hangs (CPU 100%) when User Clicks On Context menu of locked discussion post

Requires Sametime Fixpack AJMA-7GRMFZ

PMOO7ECMPS - Domino Drag and Drop does not work after Domino Quickr 8.1GA update

Requires Quickr81hf_path_prefix=1 to be set in notes.ini

MMOI7H9VCV - Using the 8.1 theme, user lookup replaces desired results if there are pauses in typing

Requires QuickPlaceLookupTimer=(some amount of time in milliseconds) to be set in notes.ini. The default is 300 (3 tenths of a second).

GAKI7L5MD4 - Added ability to change the default font for the Rich Text Editor

See <rich_text_editor> section in qpconfig_sample.xml for this fix.

DAMC7KWNPC - While adding Members, Members lookup only displays 15 members shown in search results.

See ‘display_max_num_names' in the 'member_lookup_ui' section of <user_directory> in qpconfig_sample.xml for this fix.

ESEO7M9LVH - Groups unable see place in my places or authenticate directly to places with FP8103 and SAM

Requires QuickPlaceThirdPartyDSAPIAuthentication=1 to be set in notes.ini


SPR / Description InstructionsSHYN7LATXP - Two managers editing the same document can create save/replication conflict with no warning given to the second editor.

Requires QuickPlaceShowConflictWarning=1 to be set in notes.ini

KABS7HMHTX - My Places displays member email addresses as "Unknown" when using Domino Server as non-LDAP user directory.

This will fix newly created places, to correct old places perform the following: qptool unregister -placecatalog -a qptool register -placecatalog –a

KABS7MEK5A - Need to support multiple Notes users with the same common name but different domains.

Set <use_whole_dn_for_member_nsf_lookup enabled="true"/> within <user_directory> section of the qpconfig.xml file.

SSHD7P7HG8 - Need option to hide Files link UI for customers who don't support shared files (Quickr Entry places)

Set <file_ui enabled="false"/> within the <my_files> section of the qpconfig.xml file.

PNOT7DZQCG - In Accessibility Mode, changes to color schemes are not retained.

Requires QuickrTimeStamp=1 to be set in notes.ini.

THES7PNQGV - “Find Shared Files” drop down list should be configurable for the amount of entries returned and be able to scroll that list

See <member_lookup_ui> section in qpconfig_sample.xml for this fix.

MMOI75D2LF MMOI7LAP5T -Offline: Use login passwords (use_login_passwords) not functional when MSSO enabled

Offline password does not synchronize with online password change

See the new section named <password_synchronization> within the <offline> section of the qpconfig_sample.xml.

TJOR7W7NWZ - Adding approval process to a custom form causes previously submitted documents to become unusable.

After applying the FixPack, existing Work Flow documents will have to be checked out and then checked in for the functionality to be restored. New Work Flow documents will function correctly.

KABS7XGLGZ - Form fields are being scrubbed automatically with the new XSS code, need a way to allow live HTML in some fields.

See the <xss_whitelist > attribute in the <security> section of the qpconfig_sample.xml for this fix.

CWIR7XUV8C - Using Domino Native Authentication, cannot search for member based on last name.

See the new section in qpconfig_sample.xml for this fix:<user_directory> <domino> <member_lookup_ui> <search_by_first_and_last_name enabled="false"/> <search_by_last_name_only enabled="false"/> </member_lookup_ui> </domino></user_directory>

PNOT7XYQUZ - Enhancement: Optional hyperlink at bottom of place invitation to allow adding the place to the new member's connectors.

Please see new configuration section <add_to_connectors_message> within the <notifications> section of the qpconfig_sample.xml for this enhancement.


SPR / Description InstructionsESEO7PUUTQ - In non-Internet Explorer browser, uploading a file that exceeds the maximum sizes listed in the Domino Server configuration may give a “Connection Interrupted” page.

To limit attachment sizes within Quickr please note the following:Quickr Admin : Other Options -> Maximum Attachment Size : Set this to the maximum sized attachment you want to allow

Domino config : Internet Protocols Tab- > HTTP Tab -> Maximum size of request content : This must be set to 0, this is a Domino setting. If you set this to an amount, 100 meg for example, and the user tries to upload a file 101 meg, you will get a Connection Interrupted error message. This is by design for Domino

Domino config : Internet Protocols Tab -> Domino Web engine tab -> Maximum POST data : This should be set to the same size of Quickr Admin setting Maximum Attachment Size. If it is smaller than the Maximum Attachment Size, this amount will be the maximum allowed Quickr Attachment Size.

Also, note that the now if your post exceeds the maximum attachment size as defined above, you will get an error page stating "Attachment size exceeds the amount allowed".

CWIR7WNN9Z - Place manager's id as shown in place invitation should be configurable to use cn instead of displayName.

To enable this fix, please set the following notes.ini variables:QuickPlaceGetInviteSenderNameFromDN=1QuickPlaceGetInviteRecipientNameFromDN=1

RELS7KNUHE - With versioning enabled, searching for content returns all versions of any document that matches the search criteria.

To enable this fix, please add the following notes.ini variable:h_DisplayNoVersions=1

ESEO7XMKW6 - Under certain circumstances when going through a proxy, the download file servlet tries to download via http instead of https.

To force ssl for when downloading from the Library please add the following notes.ini variable:



Troubleshooting If users have unexpected results after applying this update, they should clear their browser’s cache. The user can also

clear the Java cache, which is located in the Control Panel and may be named something like Java Plug-In or Java Control Panel. Go into this applet and find the Cache settings; you should be able to clear the cache from there.

If users have problems using Internet Explorer, they should remove the Lotus Quickr ActiveX control (instructions below). Then install it the next time they are prompted by Quickr when browsing to a Quickr Place.

To remove the ActiveX control:

1. Close all instances of Internet Explorer

2. From the Windows Control Panel, open Internet Options.

3. Complete the steps below for your version of Internet Explorer:

Internet Explorer 6:

On the General tab, press the Settings button.

On the Setting dialog, select View Objects…

Select the Lotus Quickr Class (qp2.dll) and press the Delete key on your keyboard.

Internet Explorer 7:

On the Programs tab, press the Manage Add-ons button.

On the Manage Add-ons dialog, select the Lotus Quickr Class (qp2.dll).

Press the Delete button.


Lotus Quickr 8.2 services for Domino: Fix ListFP

04/09/2010 PNOT84BW5A When selecting multiple users to add to a local group, only the last user selected is added .

04/07/2010 ESEO842QYC Privileged users not recognized for XSS uploading rights by filetype.

04/07/2010 No SPR Java Stack Traces are appearing in the Domino Console when accessing Quickr.

04/02/2010 DAMC83E23R Business Card does not display next to Log Out in top right-hand corner on "My Places" page.

04/02/2010 CSTS83ZL7D In certain circumstances, you may be prompted for authentication when accessing documents in a room via connectors when that room is using [all Members] to enable security.

04/02/2010 JRIE7JDGDJ From the Explorer Connector, when moving a room into another room, an error “You may not have access to the content you are trying to reach” is produced.

03/30/2010 DAMY82JE2J “qptool AddMember -owner” does not always add an owner member.

03/30/2010 BTLW83CNNW A DN that contains a \ followed by a comma is not interpreted correctly.

03/30/2010 CLOH83DG46 When using the notify function when you are using TAM Junction, you may get a HTTP 404 error.

03/30/2010 DAMY83CNNL When uploading a file via the Java Applet, the created by name uses the CN instead of the Display Name.

03/30/2010 TKOA837AB7 Moving a folder in Connectors which includes DBCS characters causes that folder to become inaccessible.

03/30/2010 RALF83MUYH When a room name contains an Ampersand (&), the bread crumb trail shows the room name twice.

03/30/2010 DJOE83CDXR When creating wikipages, the page title is displaying too small and there is no way to change this size

03/30/2010 GALI83DKW7 New Local Member notification e-mail does not contain the assigned password.

03/30/2010 DAMY82REWN Cannot Add or Edit fields In custom forms In Places with many users.

03/30/2010 DAMY82ZMXN When pressing the “Next” button In “My Places” to show the next page of places, the next page starts with the last place from the previous page.

03/30/2010 TSNG83LAJ3 Active Directory user who has a comma in their DN does not get listed in “Room Notify”.

03/30/2010 TJOR83VTJR Events have an incorrect Start Time When created by a user in a time zone different than the Quickr server.

03/23/2010 RALF82ZR6S Inserting an IFRAME tag in the Rich Text Editor’s HTML view to open a different website in that IFRAME, when the post is viewed it shows an empty IFRAME.

03/23/2010 DANE7ZPP7H Document Author’s name changes erroneously if Editor operation fails.

03/23/2010 MMOI83859A When creating a New Response with History in the Discussion folder and Check In with Options, the response is posted to the Index instead of the Discussion folder.

03/23/2010 ESEO7YMS2X Notifications in rooms not set to users whose name has an apostrophe in it.

03/23/2010 GBAT7QGD7P Notification issues when special characters such as & are used in the subject or body.

03/23/2010 DAMY83KKLN Error checking in a Word document which is saved as a DOCX.

03/10/2010 BSDL82U7NR Sorting content via the Quickr REST API sorts with case sensitivity. It should be case insensitive

03/09/2010 JRIE82BEBL In Connectors, when opening a document without checking out, any change made to that document is saved back to the Quickr server.

03/09/2010 XZSU7XG936 You will receive an Error 4000 when deleting a Blog entry with a comment.

03/09/2010 HMON7YKSMP Folders created via Connectors are created on the Quickr server with hidden columns, which makes some REST API calls impossible to read the view contents.


03/09/2010 ESEO82WNAS The Domino server console may hang when looking up users in Admin->Security UI

03/09/2010 TJOR832PPW Ampersands and apostrophes do not display properly in room or document titles when using the "Quickplace Classic 1.0" theme In Quickr 8.2

03/09/2010 TSNG7S6BT7 When using Quickr is configured to use Domino Domain Indexer, when you remove a place via qptool, the files do not get removed when qptool remove -cleanup is run as a nightly process.

03/09/2010 BTLW82G9XA Subroom still shows in a room’s table of contents after the manager revokes themselves from the subroom.


Under certain circumstances when going through a proxy, the download file servlet tries to download via http instead of https. If you get a 404 error when downloading a file from the Library folder, enable this fix.(see fix ESEO7XMKW6 in “Additional Information for special fixes” section)


03/03/2010 CMCH82HMNB When using Sametime integration, the option to Add Tools returns an error that the client does not support this functionality.

03/03/2010 RALFUZQC4 Issue where sometimes a page will not render, if your Domino server returns a redirected page.

03/03/2010 DWHN82RL7F On a place that supports anonymous users, an unpublished document can become viewable by anonymous users if the Form type is changed within connectors.

03/03/2010 RELS7KNUHEWith versioning enabled, searching for content returns all versions of any document that matches the search criteria.(see fix RELS7KNUHE in “Additional Information for special fixes” section)

02/26/2010 MPUL7YTJF9 External Groups Members Expand as "Undefined" In Room Security

02/26/2010 MPUL7VCKCNIn the Member Management page, if more members exist than what will fit on page based on the number members to display per page, pressing the Last button does not bring you to the last page of members.

02/09/2010 BOAI825KV3 When using Connections, you may get a SemTagSvc is null javascript error when displaying a business card.

02/09/2010 MMOI7YUPEL In certain circumstances, small attachments may not be fully uploaded using the the ActiveX control in IE6.

02/09/2010 None Notes Sidebar connector does not prompt you for authentication if your password has changed in your directory (requires Quickr Connectors 8.2 HF6).

02/09/2010 HMON7ZENJE Clicking a search result may return an error “Entry Not Found In Index” when the document being clicked is a response document and the parent document was moved from one room to another.

02/09/2010 ACHG7Z33LX With Quickr Traditional Chinese localized version, a custom form with a time field will not display the correct minutes that was originally entered.

02/09/2010 JYJG7SA573 In certain circumstances, trying to access a file via the connectors can give an error “The file has been deleted on the server, please select another file”.

02/09/2010 BBAR82ALS3 When the Title of the place contains a double quote, the Customize / Basics page will not load.

02/09/2010 None With the Quickr SOAP API, the namespace soapenv is required, but not documented. Remove the soapenv namespace requirement.


02/01/2010 BBAR826LEU Via the Rest API, using the pagesize parameter without using the page parameter may crash the Domino Server.

01/26/2010 JRIE7YXGDM The Notify context menu option does not work for documents in a workflow.

01/26/2010 XHKG7CG5GU After adding a local group to a room’s security, clicking the Member Profile of the group gives an invalid Member Profile.

01/26/2010 RALF7ZPQYQ Usage Statistics page does not show all places for a user logged in as a Super User.


01/26/2010 KABS7U6VGX Mail not sent to next approver when using a Workflow form from Connectors.


01/12/2010 RALF7ZFTHTAfter upgrading from older version of QuickPlace to Quickr 8.1 and then to Quickr 8.2, folders that contain a document that is an imported HTML pages may continue showing the Loading… icon when rendering the folder.

01/12/2010 KABS7XBGDJ When importing a Word Document containing Word graphic objects (square, line, circle), the graphic objects do not render correctly on the imported page.

01/12/2010 XZZU7YTCUV Drag and Drop applet fails to upload file if default page is of type Workflow and that Workflow is set to Multiple Editors or Simple Submit's workflow Option has changed.

01/12/2010 ASHH7V34BT When deleting an attachment from a virtual folder within connectors, that delete is not replicated to other cluster members.

01/12/2010 JRIE7TZJ8C Forward slash character no longer available as a title or folder name

01/12/2010 JRIE7VKMP9 Grant Access To Everyone screen does not reflect what happens if you select to Allow non-members to access.

01/07/2010 ZBGO7YTA4N Can not insert a new image in Rich Text Editor if the Index folder's sort order is set.

01/07/2010 CSTS7Z6LGT Cannot edit a Member’s Profile if the member’s DN contains a plus sign (+).

01/07/2010 OFAG7Z7UUW Under certain circumstances, the Domino server may crash using the XSS White List option.

01/07/2010 SSHD7TBNLH Missing Cancel and Submit button in “New Image” dialog when accessed via WebSeal.

01/05/2010 MMOI7UUKXX Fix a Quickr Server crash on AIX during “qptool report -policyexecute”.

01/05/2010 DAMY7Y7JZYIn Internet Explorer When a place contains a large number of members, going into Member Management and clicking to display 100 or All causing the browser to become unresponsive temporarily.

01/05/2010 No SPR Rest API updates to support 3rd party applications.

12/21/2009 JRIE7U7MJQ

When modifying a document through connectors that was an imported document in Quickr, the document says you need to edit and check-in to re-import the document, but an error appears that doesn’t allow you to complete the import.

This update allows you to refresh the imported document in Quickr web by pressing the Refresh button near the Upload control


12/17/2009 ESEO7YFN8Z Under certain circumstances, a specific security issue acts differently depending on the user’s access level.

12/17/2009 RTIN7YANTU Place name is missing within an email sent from Place Administration.

12/17/2009 XNXN7Y5DBS When sending notifications, if the user is a member of a local group which includes both internal and external users or groups, the user’s email address may be incorrect.

12/17/2009 BTLW7YHA8M In certain circumstances, the Domino server may crash with a buffer overrun when assigning a Task to a user.

12/16/2009 TMEN5WAE9E Under certain circumstances, a document based on a custom form with a notify field will give an error "Quickplace Exception, Buffer Overflow Exception".

12/16/2009 NXLE7X46JC User login issues when a Quickr server has been configured to share SSO with Websphere Portal.

12/16/2009 TJOR7Y3T8F When changing the order of documents in an Ordered List folder the entries may not appear in the order set.

12/16/2009 CLOH7Y4FKB Notification email not set to a user that has the same first/last name as a different person, but in a different organizational unit.

12/16/2009 HMON7XJSCS When sending a member invitation, the login password for the user is not sent if that user is a


Local user.

12/16/2009 No SPR Domino server on AIX may crash when running “qptool register -install” if that place allows anonymous users.

12/09/2009 HMON7YBNJG Moving a room in the web client where the room’s title contains an apostrophe (‘), the move fails.

12/09/2009 ESEO7YHPPW Headline Folder doesn't show folder navigator when that headline folder contains only folders.

12/09/2009 GALI7XJEWN The What's New Component is not available to Anonymous users.

12/08/2009 CWIR7WNN9ZPlace manager's id as shown in place invitation should be configurable to use cn instead of displayName.(see fix CWIR7WNN9Z in “Additional Information for special fixes” section)

12/08/2009 PNOT7XYQUZEnhancement: Optional hyperlink at bottom of place invitation to allow adding the place to the new member's connectors.(see fix PNOT7XYQUZ in “Additional Information for special fixes” section)

12/08/2009 KABS7XNP56 Under certain circumstances, a Folder may become unreachable in a room.

12/08/2009 XZSU7WY874 Sometimes clicking on “Usage Statistics” will bring you to “My Places”.

12/08/2009 SSHD74UNAF Integrated Sametime chat over port 80 or via reverse proxy fails.

12/08/2009 AHEL76KUHTUploading a file through connectors that is larger than the maximum allowed will appear as if the upload was successful, but then appear as a 0k file(It is important to follow the instructions defined for fix ESEO7PUUTQ in “Additional Information for special fixes” section)

12/08/2009 MMOI7XW54P Cannot use qptool’s changemember command to convert Active Directory names.

12/08/2009 RTIN7Y3U4K Notifications sent from Place Administration send text double spaced.

12/01/2009 CSTS7WYMP8 In certain circumstances, the Domino server may crash when running the command "qptool report -policyexecute”

12/01/2009 CSTS7WKKBW In certain circumstances, the Domino server may crash on AIX during a move folder operation in Connectors

12/01/2009 CWIR7XUV8C Using Domino Native Authentication, cannot search for member based on last name.(see fix CWIR7XUV8C in “Additional Information for special fixes” section)

12/01/2009 RALF7XUJRH When selecting the number of places to display in My Places, that preferences is not saved the next time My Places is visited.


11/17/2009 RTIN7WFLWB Backslash character not allowed in the comment field of a notification.

11/17/2009 KABS7WSQGV Problem with Custom MetaData drop-down in Connectors, when choices contain ampersand (&)

11/16/2009 RTIN7WULGT When trying to send notifcations from a room, specific members of local groups are not individually selectable.

11/16/2009 RALF7X9QLS QPTool RemoveMember command does not remove the user from the PlaceCatalog.

11/16/2009 TJOR7W8K7F You will receive a 404 error when logging out in Firefox when your Quickr server uses "/Quickplace" as it’s directory.

11/16/2009 GALI7X2GYC Uploading a file using the Drag and Drop target when in a folder that has a custom form with a mandatory field, the upload will fail.

11/16/2009 KABS7XGLGZForm fields are being scrubbed automatically with the new XSS code, need a way to allow live HTML in some fields.(See the “Additional Information for special fixes” section for more information on this fix.)

11/16/2009 CSTS7TZJNQ With logasio enabled in Domino and the Quickr DOLS offline support dll (nqpextmgr.dll) enabled in Domino’s notes.ini, logasio doesn’t terminate after Domino shutdown on Win32.

11/12/2009 TSNG7XA9CJ Using Directory Assistance, users that contain commas in their DN are not login to a place.


11/12/2009 JJIO7TX4MQ BLOG_DESIGN and WIKI_DESIGN are deleted by the command “load qptool remove -a -now”

11/12/2009 XZSU7X3A8P User located in an LDAP group integrated through Directory Assistance cannot access room contents.

11/12/2009 ASHH7X8DR8 With versioning enabled, Library documents may become non-versioned when replacing the file from the Connectors.

11/12/2009 JRIE7G4JL4 When importing a PowerPoint presentation, during preview if the user clicks zoom, it will zoom to a very large size, bigger than what can fit on the screen.

11/12/2009 RALF7X2MNG Notifying option in a room does not allow to send to individual members.

11/12/2009 TSNG7W76E2 “Check in” button missing when in a Wiki document’s 'Draft In Progress' tab

11/12/2009 CTRP6MMUE8 ‘To’ field, when sending a notification, can only have a maximum of 1024 characters.

11/12/2009 KSAA7WTDFX During Move/Copy folder option in Quickr web, if user is editor, when they select where to move/copy the folder, they can not expand the folder list.

11/07/2009 MPUL7XHKBD Notification mail fails if LDAP hierarchical groups begin with # character.

11/03/2009 DAMY7X3GNZ Mail sent to groups when 'EXPAND_EXTERNAL_GROUPS' is set to False is delivered to wrong email address

11/03/2009 XNXN7XACR3XNXN7XACWF Issues with Manage Membership dialog when Group name starts with a pound sign (#).

11/01/2009 MPUL7WYJ6X In Connectors, upload / move of files sometimes makes the place unusable via the web UI.

11/01/2009 RALF7WUQL6 When using custom form to create a document in a clustered environment, duplicate entries gets created after replication.

11/01/2009 XZSU7WN9CL When two users with the same CN are added with different authentication to a place, both users end up with the more restrictive authentication.

11/01/2009 JRIE7WSQCY Room Access not set correctly by adding groups.

11/01/2009 CMCH7WCCMR Issues with notifications sent to LDAP groups beginning with the pound sign (#)

10/27/2009 RTIN7W6JPZ When “Show Member List to Members and Authors” is unchecked in Customize / Basics, the list of members can still be gotten by sending a notification.

10/27/2009 KABS7WKFSG When user logs in and then presses the browser’s back button and logs in as another user, Folder options is not in the More Actions drop down.

10/27/2009 JRIE7UEJB5 When deleting a file within a post, the confirmation dialog has garbage characters in the file name.

10/27/2009 MMOI7SQP8R Default value for user’s phone number in LDAP is not the default value that Quickr uses.

10/27/2009 CSTS7R5QS4 Document added via Mail using a Notes Mail Rule will not display properly in Quickr.

10/27/2009 CMCH7WCCMR Notifications can't be sent to LDAP groups starting with the pound # character.

10/27/2009 CNKE7WT9CM In My Places, ‘Next” and ‘Last” hyperlink is incorrect if there are less than 10 places listed.


10/20/2009 JRIE7VZM44 When MS Word document is Checked In with Options and the location changed to the Table of Contents, when choose More Actions / Download, the attachment is a jpg, not the doc file.

10/20/2009 KSAA7W8BMN In certain circumstances, selecting Next in My Places to show the next page of places does not work correctly for Super Users.

10/20/2009 MPUL7WEG76 User selected time zone not honored consistently in a place via the web UI.

10/20/2009 MALZ7W5NRC In certain circumstances, logging in as a superuser can cause the Domino server to crash.

10/20/2009 BTLW7WL4UF Advanced Search across All Places returns a 404 error.


10/20/2009 DAMY7WSV4P When versions are enabled, workflow approval process does not allow an approver to modify the document.

10/20/2009 TJOR7W7NWZAdding approval process to a custom form causes previously-submitted documents to become unusable.(see fix TJOR7W7NWZ in “Additional Information for special fixes” section)


09/24/2009 MLZG7UPB9N With a server configured for Domino Native Authentication, if a user goes offline, the server could crash.

09/24/2009 DAMC7TWHQT Issue adding Active Directory groups to Quickr using Directory Assistance

09/24/2009 HMON7V4P3H Drag and Drop fails to upload file if Workflow set to Simple Submit and using a custom form.

09/24/2009 CSTS7VYKG6 No member list when sending email notification from within subroom.

09/24/2009 RELS6Y5NHS Users with Membership enabled as “Allow Logged in non members” cannot launch attachments when using Domino Native Authentication.

09/24/2009 THES7RLGWG In certain circumstances, qptool removemember does not remove the member from the place catalog.

09/15/2009 KSAA7UVCUM When adding an Author to a document, if you select a Group and a member at the same time, the Group is not saved.

09/15/2009 ESEO7TXSBY When sending a notification from within a room, all members of place get notified when only the room members should.

09/15/2009 RTIN7V4FWM When using a custom form and displaying one of those fields as a column in folder view, if the field value contains a double quote, the browser displays an error.

09/15/2009 CSTS7UWT7V “Page Not Found” error when deleting a place and your Quickr directory is Quickplace instead of LotusQuickr.

09/15/2009 TSNG7VG7F3 Room not removed from the PlaceCatalog / Usage Statistics after deleting a room from a place

09/15/2009 JRIE7VHHDA “You can not take this action from this URL” when accessing Room Security after upgrade to 8.2 using the Classic Navigation theme.

09/15/2009 DYLU7AQEMS Cannot set your Place Description (Customize/Basics/Describe your place) to blank after entering in a Place Description.

09/15/2009 CSTS7TZJNQ Fix for a Quickr server crash that may happen during Domino shutdown.

09/15/2009 MMOI7UUKXX Fix for a Quickr server crash on AIX during “qptool report -policyexecute”.

09/03/2009 CSTS7UPN4Y After rebuilding the place catalog, places that allowed anonymous access no longer do.

09/03/2009 MMCN7T48TS QPTool causing Domino to crash.

08/21/2009 DAMC7UCDB9 Users accessed via Directory Assistance are not displayed correctly when performing lookups in Member Management.

08/21/2009 RTIN7UVR55 Unable to create new local groups in a place when using Expanded Membership Model (EMM)

08/21/2009 BTLW7TGA9G Blog comment lists the comment author as their login name, it should be Firstname Lastname

08/21/2009 ESEO7UPUGZ Expanded Membership Model (EMM) users do not see their places in My Places.


08/19/2009 DAMC7UEGVR Notification email is not sent when creating an Online Meeting.

08/19/2009 MMOI7UGHUD When opening an .html file from connectors, you may get an error downloading the file.

08/19/2009 RALF7UPM8L Formatting is sometimes lost on Quickr pages.

08/14/2009 ESEO7TXSBY When sending a notification from within a room, all members of place get notified when only the room members should.


08/14/2009 RALF7UPM8L Place CSS files being downloaded to browser have a negative max-age setting.

08/07/2009 RELS73ZRCEWithin Site Administration, when changing user directory to LDAP and selecting to use Credentials, when entering a valid username / password, message given is “Ok with Anonymous access”.

08/07/2009 KABS7TYUUG qptool refresh re-creates mail-in database documents.

08/07/2009 PKAY7RHMRR When attachments are added using Connectors and the Quickr server is running on AIX, modification time of the file may be off.

08/03/2009 ESEO7TTSCK When Quickr is configured for Active Directory if you log in, then log out and then attempt to log in with a bad password then check the number of bad password attempts, it will show 2.

08/03/2009 KABS7S9G28 Issues with members of External Groups if the member is also a member of a Local Group

08/03/2009 DTRR7PDKB3 When deleting a place that has a subroom, the subroom does not get removed.

08/03/2009 DAMC7U2DRP Active Directory groups added using Directory Assistance gets displays as the DN when it should be the CN.

08/03/2009 DWDW7TQ96X Duplicate place names may appear in the listing of places for non-admin users.

08/03/2009 MPUL7UD2X7 After running qptool upgrade, editors can edit Team Place News, Welcome and Team Goals

08/03/2009 THSE7UGJJU Domino server may terminate when using Connections and a user tries to unassociated a Quickr place from the Connections community when the place has already been deleted.

08/03/2009 MPUL7UCKN7 Using Domino Catalog Search where places are not clustered to the Catalog Search server and then doing a search on all places from a different server results in an invalid URL error.

08/03/2009 MPUL7UFK9A When performing an Advanced Search while using a Domino Catalog Search and then clicking on My Places results in a page with no formatting.

07/27/2009 DAMC7TYJJX "You can not take this action from this URL" error when clicking Latest News link in Newsletter mail.

07/27/2009 GAKI7TDKJ2 Quickr ActiveX does not support MS Word’s .docm format.

07/27/2009 RALF7TQMDN When dragging a folder in Connectors to the Explorer, if one of the files in the folder is based off an imported Microsoft Word or Excel document, that file will not get copied.

07/27/2009 GAKI7TGCL3 Show Folder Navigator does not sort correctly when folder names contain numbers.

07/27/2009 RTIN7RTH34 Different results occur when you delete a response that has a response by using the drop down action as opposed to selecting the document and then selecting More Actions and then Delete.


07/16/2009 TPEA7RADGB qpconfig setting <use_whole_dn_for_member_nsf_lookup enabled="true"> displays DN instead of CN displayed in member view.

07/16/2009 ESEO7S6PKV Regional preferences are not saved when changing them via the Select Time Zone link.

07/16/2009 DAMC7TAHDF Files uploaded by Connectors to 'Editor-In-Chief' Workflow folder not displayed correctly in web UI.

07/16/2009 KABS7TFJAN Newsletters are not sent out if Quickr uses the Domino LDAP task on the Domino same server as Quickr.

07/16/2009 KABS7TFK39 Room creation fails if the room is being created in a place that has been unregistered.

07/16/2009 KABS7TPV9R Removing a group from the Members page results in that group appearing as No Access

07/16/2009 DAMC7AEGQUIn connectors, if “Show Views” is selected on a place, checked out and draft documents in subrooms are not shown, only those documents in the main room are shown.(see fix DAMC7AEGQU in “Additional Information for special fixes” section)

07/16/2009 MPUL7TDKH7 External Groups starting with a special character (eg: #) cannot be added to Room Security.

07/16/2009 RTIN7C7MQ3 When creating a Link Page in older themes, the option for the link to open in a new window does


not work correctly, the link does not open in a new browser window.


Cannot check both checkboxes in “Grant Access To Everyone” dialog within Member Management.

07/08/2009 KABS7TCJCL qptool register -install does not work well with non-ascii characters

07/08/2009 MPUL7QGM8T Local user who has same username and password across places can not sign in after signing in and out of first place.

07/06/2009 MPUL7EUC7E When editing a post, the cursor may jump to the top of the page after different operations.

07/06/2009 KCLU7QFKNP The More Actions option of a Connections Business Card does not display any options when clicked.

06/30/2009 CSTS7T3RCE Unable to import an html page when that page contains a flash (swf) file.

06/30/2009 WBSI7DL3R9With Quickr’s embedded Sametime support, “In A Meeting” is not offered as one of the Sametime statuses. (See the “Additional Information for special fixes” section for more information on this fix.)

06/30/2009 THES7BSN7MAfter Quickr server is just started, if web client enters a URL to a place and that URL has a special character at the end such as a period, you can no longer get into the place even with the correct URL until the Quickr server is shut down.

06/30/2009 PKAY7SKRU4 When logasio is run as a Domino task, Quickr will not shutdown when the Domino server is shutdown.

06/30/2009 PKAY7S8JAF Setting the Domino config setting Domino Web Engine / POST data / Maximum post data to 0 prevents Quickr from being able to create a new place or post.

06/30/2009 CLOH7SV634 If using Quickr Blog within another site in an iframe, clicking some of the blog links removes the iframe.


06/19/2009 JSHN7QFU9T In IE7, embedded objects added to the Rich Text Editor when editing in HTML mode doesn’t display correctly if, after checked in, you check out the document.

06/19/2009 MROI7SXNEB In certain circumstance some cached pages are not refreshed after logging off and then logging back into Quickr

06/19/2009 ESEO7QG24R With Internet Explorer, launching an attachment will sometimes give an error that there is no application associated with it even though the association is known to the operating system.

06/19/2009 XNXN7T5DGU Cannot check both checkboxes in “Grant Access To Everyone” dialog within Member Management.

06/18/2009 RALF7RAKHZ From Connectors, dragging and dropping a folder from a Room to your desktop results in folders being created with no files.

06/18/2009 SSHD7PJUTG Log out from a place fails in Firefox if accessed through a Proxy.

06/18/2009 JRIE7QNLA4Running "qptool upgrade -f -a" as required in the upgrade documentation of a Fixpack removes some custom properties. (See “Upgrading your places and other Quickr Domino databases” section for the new parameter -saveformprefs to resolve this issue)

06/18/2009 MMOI7S9HS4 In IE6, when uploading multiple files via the Library Upload control, the time to reload the page is noticeable.

06/18/2009 JYYG72JC9F For older themes, the headline folder and slideshow folder give no way of creating a new post once a post has been added to the folder.

06/18/2009 DAMC7S9C92 Mail-in database document not updated in child places when Mail location is changed in PlaceType.

06/17/2009 MMOI7PSR8J In certain circumstances, the Domino Server can crash when checking out a document through the connectors.

06/17/2009 KABS7QBLLK Notification email from sent from a place being is addressed to the wrong external group member.


06/17/2009 CSTS7QWPHB Creating custom theme with the default checkbox settings results in a theme based on QuickPlace instead of Quickr.

06/17/2009 DAMC7S9JNM FIELDTITLE_UNTITLED (Group) displayed in Members page in non-default themes when the directory type is Domino

06/17/2009 MZHA7SEBJX In a rare circumstance, the server may terminate when accessing a calendar entry.

06/17/2009 CWIR7SQJNL In a rare circumstance, accessing an incorrectly referenced folder results in an infinite wait.

06/17/2009 WWGO7RK5Z3 Within Member Management in the "Grant Access to Everyone” dialog, you cannot select both Allow non-member checkboxes.

06/17/2009 CWIR7T2M5S Remove obsolete classic_handling setting from qpconfig.xml

06/16/2009 RALF7RCMW4 In Explorer Connector, dragging a virtual folder (a document that contains multiple attachments) from the root level (the table of contents) to the desktop causes an empty folder to be created

06/16/2009 PKAY7QEQQD Option added to qptool replicamaker to make a one way replica. See qptool for more information.

06/16/2009 TPEA7QMGMK RSS Feed error message "No description provided" when retrieving content of a document.

06/16/2009 ESEO7S6PKV Regional preferences are not saved when changing them via the Select Time Zone link.

06/16/2009 RTIN7RYG2Z With versioning enabled, cannot view older versions of PDF files within Connectors.

06/16/2009 JSHN7QFU9T In IE7, embedded objects added to the Rich Text Editor when editing in HTML mode doesn’t display correctly if, after checked in, you check out the document.

06/16/2009 RTIN7RJFJ8 Rooms allowing Anonymous users are not shown in the Table of Contents of the parent place for an Anonymous user.

06/16/2009 RALF7RLJ36 qpconfig setting <use_whole_dn_for_member_nsf_lookup enabled=”true”> does not work for Domino Native authentication.

06/16/2009 CNKE7QW9RN In Places Admin, if a place has a number of rooms, clicking Next does not show the remaining rooms

06/16/2009 JRIE7QNGR9 Logout Link is not shown in Firefox when the LTPA Token configuration is not named LtpaToken within the Domino Server configuration.

06/16/2009 KABS7S7ESM Unable to add a place using Domino Web Access if the place description contains non-ascii characters.

06/16/2009 RTIN7S9J6B When deleting a page, if you select Cancel to the confirmation, another confirmation to delete will appear.

06/16/2009 RTIN7RMGJD Blog RSS Feed showing blank entries.

06/16/2009 CSTS7QVN4N Quickr RSS feeds do not display images when using the Notes RSS Feed Reader.

06/16/2009 RELS7LRPSW Adding a group to membership and have it send an invitation, the invitation displays the group name as the log in name, should be the user name.

06/16/2009 GHCN7SXHF4GHCN7SXHCL Incorrect date in the default Blog entry and in the Blog Archive section

06/16/2009 RTIN7RQP8X The names in the "Assigned to" drop down list when New Task are not correct if that name contains a comma.

06/16/2009 CSTS7RAKS5 Error “The parameter is incorrect” is displayed when trying to edit an HTML file from an Imported HTML Page.

06/16/2009 KABS7QGG3RIf anonymous access is allowed within qpconfig.xml and anonymous is removed from a place and then anonymous access is disallowed within qpconfig.xml, usage statistics will show those disallowed places to anonymous users.

06/03/2009 MPUL7S6ERW In Explorer Connector, when an author user double clicks a document they created, they are not given the Open Document dialog box.