Lotr Timeline

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Lotr Timeline

  • 8/7/2019 Lotr Timeline


    imeline of events in Middle-earth and Numenor in the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Ages.

    rst Age:

    te: There is no definitive chronology of the First Age. In particular, there are several conflicting chronologies of the

    0s. Most of these dates are from The History of Middle-earth, vol. XI, The War of the Jewels.

    e Moon and the Sun rise for the first time. Fingolfin and his followers complete their journey across the Grinding

    and arrive in the far north of Middle-earth. Fingolfin marches to Angband but Morgoth remains hidden. Men

    ake in Hildorien in far eastern Middle-earth. Some migrate westward while others remained in the East andome known as the Easterlings. Sometime afterwards, Morgoth leaves Angband and travels to the East in an

    empt to corrupt Men.

    golfin's people settle on the north shore ofLake Mithrim, while Feanor's sons and followers relocate to the

    thern shore. Morgoth sends mists from Angband to Hithlum.

    gon freesMaedhros

    from the precipice of Thangorodrim with the help ofThorondor

    . Soon afterwards, Maedhros

    ves his claim to succeed Feanor, and Fingolfin becomes High King of the Noldor.

    grod visits Doriath. The Noldor set a watch on Angband and begin to explore Beleriand.

    e Noldor hold a council in Mithrim. Angrod brings a message from Thingol warning the Noldor not to encroach on

    lands of the Sindar. Caranthirloses his temper with Angrod. Afterwards, the sons of Feanor relocate to East


    golfin hosts the Feast of Reuniting at the Pools of Ivrin. Representatives of the Noldor, Sindar, and Green-elves

    end including Cirdan of the Havens of the Falas and Mablung and Daeron from Doriath.

    mo sends dreams to Turgon and Finrod urging them to find places to establish realms hidden from Morgoth.

    adriel and her brother Finrod are guests in Doriath. Galadriel falls in love with Celeborn and decides to remain in

    riath. Finrod departs and begins to build the underground realm ofNargothrond with the help of the Dwarves of

    egost and Nogrod. The Dwarves make the Nauglamirfor Finrod.

    ded by Ulmo, Turgon finds the hidden valley ofTumladen where he plans to build Gondolin.

    rgoth sends an army to invade Beleriand. The Elves led by Fingolfin and Maedhros defeat them in the Glorious

    tle. The Siege of Angband begins.

    e construction ofGondolin begins.

    es ofNargothrond help the Elves of the Falas rebuild Brithombar and Eglarest.

    adriel tells Melian of the flight of the Noldor to Middle-earth but does not tell her about the Kinslaying.

    adriel's brothers visit Doriath. Thingol learns of the Kinslaying from Cirdan and asks the brothers to leave, despite

    ir innocence. Galadriel is allowed to remain. Thingol decrees that only Sindarin will be spoken in Doriath.

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    rgothrond is completed. Galadriel visits her brother Finrod in Nargothrond.


    ndolin is completed. Ulmo instructs Turgon to leave arms in Vinyamarfor a messenger who will come to Gondolin

    ime of need. Turgon and his people settle in Gondolin.

    0ranthir's people encounter the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains and establish a trade alliance with them.


    rgoth sends Orcs to attack Hithlum from the Firth of Drengist in the west but Fingon defeats them.


    aurung the Dragon emerges from Angband against Morgoth's wishes and is driven back by Fingon. Azaghal

    eives the Dragon-helm from Telcharshortly afterwards. The Long Peace begins.


    th of Balan (later called Beor).

    2th ofMarach.


    th of son Baran, son ofBeor.


    th of Belen, son ofBeor.


    th of Malach, son ofMarach.


    e Men of the House of Beor are the first Men to come over the Blue Mountains into Beleriand. They are discoveredFinrod Felagund. At the request of the Green-elves, they leave Ossiriand and settle in Estolad. Birth of Imlach, son



    oraccompanies Finrod Felagund to Nargothrond. Baran becomes leader of the House of Beor.


    e Haladin enter Beleriand and settle in Thargelion.


    e People of Marach enter Beleriand and settle in Estolad.

    4th of Boron of the House of Beor.


    th ofHaldad of the Haladin.


    gon's sister Aredhel leaves Gondolin and becomes lost and is taken in by Eol the Dark Elf. Birth of Beldir of the

    use of Beor.


    th of Baranor of the House of Beor.

    0th ofMaeglin, son ofAredhel and Eol.


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    ach goes to live in Hithlum in the service ofFingolfin and takes the name Aradan.


    n relocate throughout Beleriand.


    d of Aradan's service to Fingolfin.

    7dan marries Zimrahin who takes the name Meldis. Birth ofBoromirof the House of Beor. Birth of Amlach of the

    ople of Marach.


    th ofBelemirof the House of Beor. Birth of Adanel of the People of Marach.


    th of Belegor of the House of Beor. Birth ofBereg of the House of Beor.


    th ofHaleth and her twin brother Haldar of the Haladin. Birth ofMagorof the People of Marach.

    5ath ofBeor.


    th of Bregor of the House of Beor.


    th ofAndreth of the House of Beor.


    th ofHathol of the People of Marach. Birth of Beril of the House of Beor.


    th ofHaldan of the House of Haleth.


    reg and Amlach hold a council of the Edain in Estolad. Morgoth sends a false image of Amlach to speak against the

    es. Bereg and others decide to leave Beleriand but Amlach repents and joins Maedhros.


    th of Beren (the elder) of the House of Beor.


    e Haladin are besieged in Thargelion and are rescued by Caranthir. Haldad and his son Haldar are killed The

    vivors are led westward by Haleth.

    6e People of Haleth settle in Estolad. Death ofMarach in Estolad. Aradan becomes leader of the People of Marach.


    ath ofBaran of the House of Beor. Boron becomes leader of the House of Beor.


    th of Bregil of the House of Beor.


    th of Hirwen of the House of Beor.


    eth and her people relocate to the Forest of Brethil. Birth ofHadorof the People of Marach. Birth of Halmir of theuse of Haleth.


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    th ofBregolas of the House of Beor.


    th ofGilwen of the House of Beor.


    ath of Aradan of the People of Marach. Magorbecomes leader of the People of Marach.

    0edhel and Maeglin return to Gondolin and are followed by Eol who is given the choice to remain in the city or be

    ed. Eol mortally wounds Aredhel and is thrown from the city walls to his death. Birth ofBarahirof the House of

    or. Possible birthdate ofUlfang the Easterling.


    ath of Boron of the House of Beor. Boromirbecomes leader of the House of Beor.


    dorenters the household ofFingolfin.


    th ofEmeldirof the House of Beor.9

    e debate ofFinrod and Andreth. Birth of Brandir of the House of Beor.


    e Elf-lords give the region of Ladros in Dorthonion to the Men of the House of Beor and Boromiris made Lord of

    House of Beor and of Ladros.


    th of Beldis of the House of Beor.


    th ofHaldirof the House of Haleth.5

    dorcompletes his service to Fingolfin. Birth ofGloredhel of the House of Hador.


    golfin makes Hadorthe Lord ofDor-lomin.


    th ofGaldor, son ofHador. Birth ofBeleth of the House of Beor.


    th ofHundarof the House of Haleth.

    9h of Gundor, son ofHador.


    ath ofHaleth. Haldan becomes the chief of the People of Haleth. Birth ofHareth of the House of Haleth. Birth of

    ragund of the House of Beor.


    th of Belegund of the House of Beor.


    sible birthdate ofUldor, son ofUlfang.

    8sible birthdate ofUlfast, son ofUlfang.


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    sible birthdate ofUlwarth, son ofUlfang.


    th of Beren Erchamion. Death ofBoromirof the House of Beor. Bregor becomes leader of the House of Beor.


    ddings ofGaldorto Hareth and Haldirto Gloredhel.

    1th of Hurin of the House of Hador. Birth ofHandirof the House of Haleth.


    th ofMorwen of the House of Beor. Birth of Hunleth of the House of Haleth.


    th ofHuorof the House of Hador.


    th of Hundad of the House of Haleth.


    ath of Bregor of the House of Beor. Bregolas becomes leader of the House of Beor.


    th ofRian of the House of Beor.


    ath ofHaldan of the House of Haleth. Halmir becomes leader of the House of Haleth.


    e Battle of Sudden Flame begins in the winter at the end of 455. Morgoth breaks the Siege of Angband. Rivers of

    flow onto Ard-galen and it becomes Anfauglith, the Gasping Dust. Glaurung leads forth an army ofBalrogs and

    s. Morgoth's forces make inroads into Beleriand. Deaths ofAegnor, Angrod, Hador, Gundor, and Bregolas. Gelmir

    Nargothrond is captured. Barahirsaves Finrod Felagund and receives the Ring of Barahir.rthonion falls under Morgoth's control. Orcs capture Caranthir's fortress on the slopes of Mount Rerir and defile

    ke Helevorn and ravage Thargelion. Curufin, Celegorm, and Celebrimborflee Himlad to Nargothrond.

    dorbecomes Lord ofDor-lomin and of the House of Hador. Barahir becomes Lord of the House of Beor. Turgon

    ds messengers to Sea seeking the help of the Valar but they are unsuccessful. Andreth probably dies around this

    e or soon after.


    golfin is killed in single combat with Morgoth. His body is brought by Thorondorto a mountain overlooking

    ndolin and he is buried by Turgon. Fingon becomes High King of the Noldor of Middle-earth. Gil-galad - as a young

    d - is sent to live at the Havens of the Falas. Barahir's wife Emeldirleads the women and children of the House of

    or away from Dorthonion.


    uron captures the island of Tol Sirion and it is renamed the Isle of Werewolves. Orodreth flees to Nargothrond.


    e People of Haleth and the Elves ofDoriath defeat a legion of Orcs near the Forest of Brethil. Hurin and Huor

    ome lost and are brought to Gondolin by the Eagles. They remain in Gondolin for about a year and then are

    urned home to Dor-lomin.


    uron tricks Gorlim into revealing the location ofBarahir's hidden lair in Dorthonion and then kills Gorlim. Orcs slay

    rahir and his companions: Baragund, Belegund, Radhruin, Dairuin, Dagnir, Ragnor, Gildor, Arthad, Urthel, andthaldir. Beren pursues the Orcs and slays them and retrieves the Ring of Barahir.


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    rgoth sends an army to attack Hithlum from the east and north. Galdordies defending Barad Eithel. Hurin repels

    rgoth's forces from Barad Eithel while Fingon battles them on the plains of Hithlum. Cirdan arrives with a fleet and

    Orcs are driven out of Hithlum. Hurin succeeds his father as Lord of Dor-lomin.


    terlings come to Beleriand. The Easterling chieftain Bor forms an alliance with Maedhros. Ulfang swears allegiance

    Caranthirwhile secretly in league with Morgoth.


    en passes through the Girdle of Melian into Doriath early in the year. In summer, he sees Luthien dancing in the

    est and falls in love with her. Marriage of Hurin and Morwen in the spring; birth of their son Turin later in the year.


    en embarks on a quest to retrieve a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown to win Luthien's hand. Finrod ofNargothrond

    ees to accompany him. Sauron captures and imprisons them on the Isle of Werewolves. Finrod is killed along with

    rahil and nine other Elves of Nargothrond. Luthien and Huan come to Beren's rescue. Sauron struggles with Huan

    d is forced to surrender. He flees in vampire form to Taur-nu-Fuin. Orodreth becomes second King of Nargothrond

    d expels Celegorm and Curufin. Birth of Brandir of the House of Haleth.

    6th ofLalaith, daughter of Hurin and Morwen, in the spring.

    en and Luthien enter Angband and steal a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown but are waylaid by Carcharoth who bites

    Beren's hand along with the Silmaril. Thorondorand the Eagles rescue them and return them to Doriath.rcharoth is driven mad by the Silmaril and runs to Doriath. Beren is mortally wounded by Carcharoth. Carcharoth

    d Huan the Hound fight to the death and both die.

    7hien dies and goes to the Halls of Mandos to plead on behalf of herself and Beren. Birth of Hunthor of the House o



    edhros forms the Union of Maedhros to oppose Morgoth.

    9e Union of Maedhros drives the Orcs from Beleriand. A pestilent wind called the Evil Breath is sent by Morgoth to

    northern lands bordering Anfauglith. Death ofLalaith. Beren and Luthien return to life and settle on Tol Galen.

    th of Manthor of the House of Haleth.


    th ofDior, son of Beren and Luthien. Birth of Hardang of the House of Haleth. Possible date of death ofUlfang.


    ath of Halmir of the House of Haleth. Haldirbecomes leader of the House of Haleth.

    2ring: Marriage ofHuorand Rian.

    dsummer: The Battle of Unnumbered Tears. Ulfang the Easterling betrays the Elves and their allies, leading to their

    eat. Azaghal, Lord ofBelegost, wounds Glaurung but is killed. Fingon is killed by Gothmog, Lord of Balrogs.

    windoris captured. Deaths ofGelmir, Haldir, Hundar, Huor, Uldor, Ulfast, Ulwarth, Borlad, Borlach, and Borthand.

    gon succeeds Fingon as High King of the Noldor and returns to Gondolin. Hurin is captured and refuses to reveal

    ndolin's location to Morgoth. Many Elves take refuge with Cirdan at the Havens ofBrithombar and Eglarest. Morgoth

    ds the Easterlings to occupy Hithlum.

    tumn:Morwen sends her son Turin to live in Doriath. The journey lasts from September to December.

    or's wife Rian gives birth to Tuor late in the year. Rian leaves Tuor in the care of the Elves ofMithrim and goes toudh-en-Ndengin to die.


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    th ofNienor, daughter of Hurin and Morwen, early in the year. Turin arrives in Doriath. Morgoth's forces invade the

    as and destroy Brithombar and Eglarest. Cirdan leads the survivors including Gil-galad to the Isle of Balar. Some

    es from Brithombar and Eglarest may have migrated to Belfalas to establish the haven ofEdhellond at this time

    at the start of the Second Age). Turgon dispatches messengers including Voronwe in search of the Valar.


    ssengers from Doriath stop bringing news of Turin to Morwen after the road becomes too dangerous. Turin joins

    march-wardens of Doriath.


    in leaves Doriath after a fight resulting in the death of Saeros. Thingol pardons Turin, and Beleg sets out to find



    eg finds Turin with a band of outlaws. Beleg returns to Doriath to drive Orcs out ofDimbar. Turin and the outlaws

    ture Mim the Petty-Dwarfand force him to lead them to his halls under Amon Rudh. Mim's son Khim is killed by

    arrow shot by Androg. In the winter, Beleg sets out to rejoin Turin.


    or is captured by Lorgan, the chieftain of the Easterlings ofHithlum. Annael and the Elves ofMithrim escapehlum and go south to the Havens of Sirion. Voronwe sets sail on a mission to find the Undying Lands and request

    help of the Valar.


    windorescapes from Angband. Mim the Petty-Dwarfreveals the location of Turin's hideout on Amon Rudh to

    rgoth's servants. Turin is captured. Beleg sets out to rescue him and encounters Gwindor. Turin mistakes Beleg for

    enemy and kills him.


    in comes to Nargothrond with Gwindor.


    r escapes captivity and hides in the Caves of Androth.


    rwen and Nienorleave Dor-lomin and go to find Turin in Doriath but he is gone. They remain in Doriath as guests



    ring: Tuor leaves Hithlum guided by signs from Ulmo. He meets Arminas and Gelmir who show him the Gate of

    Noldor leading to the Firth of Drengist. He comes to Nevrast where he tarries through the spring and summer.

    minas and Gelmir continue to Nargothrond and bring a message from Ulmo to Orodreth warning him of danger and

    vising him to cast down the bridge and withdraw his people into their stronghold. Turin rejects this advice.

    s attack the Forest of Brethil and Handiris slain. Brandirbecomes leader of the House of Haleth.

    tumn:Glaurung leads an attack on Nargothrond. Orodreth and Gwindorare killed in the Battle of Tumhalad alongh most of the Elves of Nargothrond. Nargothrond is captured and sacked. Turin falls under Glaurung's spell and is

    vinced to seek Morwen and Nienorrather than save Orodreth's daughter Finduilas. Finduilas is killed at the

    ssings of Teiglin.

    r is guided by seabirds to Vinyamarand finds the armor left by Turgon. Ulmo appears and tells Tuor to go to

    ndolin. Voronwe is shipwrecked and he is brought ashore by Ulmo and is found by Tuor.

    tober 12: Tuor and Voronwe leave Nevrast and begin a 37-day journey to Gondolin.

    vember 8: They see Turin near the Pools of Ivrin. The Fell Winterbegins.

    vember 17: They avoid a company of Orcs on the South Road.vember 18: They arrive at the foot of the Encircling Mountains.vember 19: They enter Gondolin and are taken before Turgon. Tuor delivers Ulmo's warning that the Elves should

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    andon their city but Turgon decides to remain. The Hidden Way is blocked.


    in returns home to Dor-lomin and learns that Morwen and Nienorare gone. He slays Brodda the Easterling. Death

    Aerin. Turin goes to the Forest of Brethil and learns of the death ofFinduilas. The Fell Winterends in late March.

    rwen and Nienorleave Doriath to find Turin. Nienor falls under the spell ofGlaurung and loses her memory. She

    es to Brethil and meets her brother Turin but they do not know each other's identities.


    rriage ofDiorand Nimloth. Turin asks Nienorto marry him but she hesitates.


    norand Turin become betrothed in the spring and marry in midsummer. Glaurung sends Orcs to attack the Men of

    Forest of Brethil. Turin stays home because of a promise to Nienor but after the Men are defeated Turin leads

    m to drive out the Orcs.


    aurung leaves Nargothrond in spring to find Turin. He comes to the Forest of Brethil near the beginning of summer.nthor accompanies Turin to find Glaurung and is killed. Turin slays Glaurung. With his dying words, Glaurung

    eals to Nienorthat she has unwittingly married her brother Turin. Nienor kills herself by jumping into the RavinesTeiglin. Brandiroverhears Glaurung and tells Turin who accuses Brandir of lying and kills him. Turin realizes the

    th and commits suicide.

    m the Petty-Dwarfcomes to Nargothrond.


    rin is released by Morgoth after 28 years of captivity. Birth ofDior's sons Elured and Elurin in Ossiriand.


    rin unsuccessfully seeks the entrance to Gondolin and unwittingly reveals the city's general location to Morgoth.

    rin finds Morwen at Turin's grave just before she dies. He accuses the Men of the Forest of Brethil of failing to help

    . There is an uproar among the Men of Brethil and Hardang the Chieftain and Manthor are killed.


    rin comes to Nargothrond and kills Mim. He takes the Nauglamirand brings it Doriath, where he accuses Thingol o

    ng to protect his family. Hurin casts himself into the Sea sometime afterwards.

    ngol commissions Dwarf craftsmen from Nogrod to rework the Nauglamir with the Silmaril that Beren and Luthiene from Morgoth. The Dwarves slay Thingol and steal the necklace and Silmaril but are pursued by Elves who killst of them and take back the Nauglamir. Two Dwarves escape to Nogrod. Melian leaves Doriath and returns to the

    dying Lands, and the Girdle of Melian is withdrawn leaving Doriath unprotected.

    rriage of Tuor and Idril in Gondolin.


    ring: Birth ofEarendil, son of Tuor and Idril, in Gondolin.

    army of Dwarves from Nogrod defeat the Elves ofDoriath and retake the Nauglamirset with the Silmaril. Mablung

    killed. The Dwarves are defeated by Beren and the Green-elves ofOssiriand with the help of the Ents. Beren

    laims the Nauglamir and Silmaril. Birth ofElwing, daughter ofDior, in Ossiriand. Dior comes to Doriath as King.

    aths of Beren and Luthien. A messenger brings the Silmaril to Dior in Doriath.


    e sons of Feanor send a message to Diorstaking a claim to the Silmaril but receive no reply.


    Yule, the sons of Feanor invade Doriath to obtain the Silmaril. Doriath is ruined and abandoned. Deaths of

    egorm, Curufin, andCaranthir



    are killed. Their sonsElured and Elurin

    are abandoned in the

    ods. Their daughter Elwing and the Silmaril are saved and are taken to the Havens of Sirion.


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    eglin is captured and reveals Gondolin's exact location to Morgoth and is promised Idril and the lordship of

    ndolin in exchange.


    ndolin is attacked by Morgoth's forces and the city is destroyed. Tuor kills Maeglin. Ecthelion battles Gothmog,

    rd of Balrogs, and both are killed. Death of Turgon. Tuor, Idril, and Earendil escape with other survivors. Glorfindel

    s battling a Balrog in the Eagles' Cleft.

    -galad succeeds Turgon as High King of the Noldor of Middle-earth.


    r, Idril, Earendil and the other survivors settle at the Havens of Sirion.


    edhros learns that the Silmaril is at the Havens of Sirion but does not act at first out of guilt for the ruin of Doriath.


    or and Idril depart into the West. Marriage ofEarendil and Elwing.


    e remaining sons of Feanor feel tormented by their unfulfilled oath to regain the Silmaril.2

    th ofElrond and Elros, twin sons ofEarendil and Elwing.


    und this time, Earendil begins to voyage in his ship Vingilot in search of his parents and the Undying Lands.


    e Havens of Sirion are attacked by the sons of Feanor. Deaths of Amrod and Amras. Elrond and Elros are found and

    tected by Maglor. Elwing escapes into the Sea with the Silmaril and finds Earendil's ship. Cirdan sends help but is

    late. The survivors settle on the Isle of Balar.

    0e last free Elves and Men of Beleriand are driven out by Morgoth's forces and flee to the Isle of Balar.


    endil reaches the Undying Lands and asks the Valar to help defeat Morgoth and they agree. The Half-elven

    endil and Elwing choose the immortal life of the Elves. Earendil sails the heavens bearing a Silmaril, appearing as

    Star of Hope to the peoples of Middle-earth. Elwing remains in the Undying Lands.


    e War of Wrath. The Host of the Valar comes to Middle-earth in 545. Earendil slays Ancalagon the Blackat the end

    he war. Beleriand is ruined and most of the land west of the Blue Mountains sinks beneath the Sea. Morgoth is

    eated and two Silmarils are taken from him.

    7edhros and Maglorsteal the Silmarils but the jewels cause them great pain. Maedhros jumps into a chasm of fire

    h one Silmaril and Maglor throws the other into the Sea.

    0rgoth is is banished from the world and cast into the Void. The Noldor are pardoned. Many Elves sail to the

    dying Lands, but some remain in Middle-earth including Galadriel, Celeborn, Gil-galad, Cirdan, and Elrond. Sauron

    ents to Eonwe but flees rather than be taken to Manwe for judgment. End of the First Age.

    cond Age:

    ring the early part of the Second Age, Sindarin Elves settle in Lothlorien and Greenwood. Amdirbecomes King of

    hlorien and Oropherbecomes King of the Woodland Realm in Greenwood. The haven ofEdhellond may have been

    ablished around this time (or in 473 of the First Age).

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    e Grey Havens are founded on the Gulf of Lune. Cirdan dwells there with many mariners and shipwrights. Gil-galad

    d Elrond settle in Lindon.

    e island realm ofNumenoris given to the Men called the Edain who helped the Elves in their struggle against

    rgoth. Elrond's brother Elros becomes the first King of Numenor.


    arves from Nogrod and Belegost come to Khazad-dum.

    th ofElros Tar-Minyatur's eldest son Vardamir Nolimon in Numenor.


    th ofVardamir Nolimon's eldest son Tar-Amandil in Numenor.


    th ofVardamir Nolimon's daughter Vardilme in Numenor.

    3th ofVardamir Nolimon's younger son Aulendil in Numenor.


    th ofVardamir Nolimon's youngest son Nolondil in Numenor.


    th ofTar-Amandil's eldest son Tar-Elendil in Numenor. Celeborn and Galadriel may have been living near Lake

    endim around this time.


    th ofTar-Amandil's younger son Earendur in Numenor.

    1th ofYavien in Numenor.


    th ofTar-Amandil's daughter Mairen in Numenor.


    th ofOromendil in Numenor.


    th ofAxanturin Numenor.


    ath ofElros Tar-Minyatur, the first King ofNumenor, at the age of 500. His son Vardamir Nolimon immediatelyrenders the Sceptre to his own son Tar-Amandil, but according to custom Vardamir Nolimon is listed in the Scroll

    Kings as the second ruler of Numenor with a reign of one year.


    -Amandil officially becomes third ruler ofNumenoralthough his reign began in 442.


    ath ofVardamir Nolimon in Numenor.


    uron begins to stir in Middle-earth.

    2th ofCaliondo in Numenor.


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    th ofTar-Elendil's daughter and eldest child Silmarien in Numenor. (Note: Silmarien's birth date is incorrectly

    en as 548 in "The Tale of Years" in early editions ofThe Lord of the Rings but is corrected in later editions.)


    th ofTar-Elendil's daughter Isilme in Numenor.


    th ofTar-Elendil's third child and only son Tar-Meneldur in Numenor.1

    th ofLindisse in Numenor.


    th ofArdamirin Numenor.


    th of Cemendur in Numenor.


    -Amandilsurrenders the Sceptre to his son Tar-Elendil, the fourth ruler ofNumenor.

    0antur, a mariner from Numenor, sails to Middle-earth and meets Gil-galad and Cirdan at the Grey Havens. He also

    ets with Men ofEriador.


    anturreturns to Numenorfrom Middle-earth.


    ath ofTar-Amandil in Numenor.


    th ofValandil, first Lord ofAndunie, in Numenor.

    0th ofMalanturin Numenor.


    th ofTar-Meneldur's son Tar-Aldarion in Numenor. Celeborn and Galadriel leave the shores ofLake Evendim.


    th ofHallatan, Lord of Hyarastorni, in Numenor.


    th ofTar-Meneldur's daughter Ailinel in Numenor.


    antur ofNumenorbrings his grandson Aldarion to the Grey Havens to meet Gil-galad. Cirdan the Shipwrightriends Aldarion and instructs him.


    th ofTar-Meneldur's daughter Almiel in Numenor.


    darion voyages to Lindon from Numenor.


    darion ofNumenorbegins to explore the coasts of Middle-earth as far as the Bay of Belfalas.


    -Elendil surrenders the Sceptre to his son Tar-Meneldur, the fifth ruler ofNumenor.


    unding of the realm ofEregion and the city ofOst-in-Edhil by Elves of the Noldor. The Guild of Venturers is formed

  • 8/7/2019 Lotr Timeline


    Aldarion in Numenor. He establishes the haven ofVinyalonde (Lond Daer) on the coast of Middle-earth sometime

    ween 750 and 800.


    ath ofTar-Elendil in Numenor.


    th ofErendis in Numenor.9

    th ofSoronto in Numenor.


    darion is named King's Heir by Tar-MeneldurofNumenor.


    darion ofNumenorembarks on a 7-year sea voyage.


    darion sets sail from Numenorin his new ship the Palarran.

    4-829darion sets out on another voyage from Numenorin defiance of his father.


    -Meneldurcloses the shipyards in Romenna as part of a dispute with his son Aldarion.


    darion ofNumenorundertakes a 14-year sea voyage, exploring the coast ofHarad and beyond. The haven of

    nyalonde is damaged by the Sea and hostile Men. Aldarion is nearly shipwrecked in a storm on the way back to



    th ofNessanie in Numenor.3

    e shipyards in Romenna are reopened and Aldarion repairs and expands the harbor.


    ndis accompanies Aldarion on a voyage around the coast ofNumenorand they attend a feast in Andunie. They

    ue and are briefly separated.


    th ofHallacar, husband ofTar-Ancalime, in Numenor.


    darion becomes betrothed to Erendis.3-869

    darion voyages to Middle-earth and finds Vinyalonde ruined again and the Men living near the coasts fearful ortile to the Numenoreans. Aldarion first hears rumors of an Enemy at work in Middle-earth. A storm sweeps

    arion's ships northward, delaying his return to Numenor.


    dding ofAldarion and Erendis.


    th ofTar-Aldarion's daughter Tar-Ancalime in Numenor.


    darion goes to Sea again, promising to return in two years but instead is gone for five years. He helps Gil-galadestigate the growing discord in Middle-earth. Gil-galad fears that a servant of Morgoth is rising to power and he

    ds a letter to Tar-Meneldur. Tar-Meneldur decides to surrender the Sceptre to his son Aldarion. Aldarion and his

  • 8/7/2019 Lotr Timeline


    e Erendis separate.


    -Aldarion becomes the sixth ruler ofNumenor. In 883 or 884, he sails again to Middle-earth and may have met

    adriel at Tharbad around this time. Hallatan of Hyarastorni temporarily serves as Regent in Numenor.


    -Aldarionchanges the law of succession, allowing females to become rulers ofNumenor. His daughter Ancalimeomes his heir.


    ath ofTar-Meneldur in Numenor.


    ath ofErendis while Aldarion is on his last sea voyage.


    uron establishes his realm in Mordoraround this time in response to the growing power of Numenor. He begins to

    d Barad-durand exerts his influence on the people ofRhun and Harad. Marriage ofTar-Ancalime and Hallacarin



    th ofTar-Ancalime's son Tar-Anarion in Numenor.


    -Aldarion surrenders the Sceptre to his daughter Tar-Ancalime, the seventh ruler and first Queen ofNumenor.


    ath ofTar-Aldarion in Numenor.


    th ofTar-Anarion's son Tar-Surion in Numenor.

    00-galad and Elrond refuse Sauron admittance to Lindon. Sauron comes to Eregion in a fair disguise and deceives

    Elven-smiths. The Numenoreans begin to make permanent havens in Middle-earth.


    ath ofHallacarin Numenor.


    -Ancalime surrenders the Sceptre to her son Tar-Anarion, the eighth ruler ofNumenor.


    ath ofTar-Ancalime in Numenor.

    20th ofTar-Surion's daughter Tar-Telperien in Numenor.

    1350 - 1400

    ording one story, Galadriel leaves Eregion and goes to dwell in Lothlorien around this time. (See also 1697.)


    -Anarion surrenders the Sceptre to his son Tar-Surion, the ninth ruler ofNumenor.


    ath ofTar-Anarion in Numenor.


    th ofTar-Telperien's nephew Tar-Minastir in Numenor.1500

    e Elven-smiths ofEregion begin forging the Rings of Power under Sauron's instruction. Sauron returns to Mordor.
