Lord's Messages for humanity (excerpts from the New Revelation)

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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excerpts from the books of the New Revelation of Jesus Christ through Jakob Lorber and Gottfried Mayerhofer

Transcript of Lord's Messages for humanity (excerpts from the New Revelation)

Lord's Messages

for His children

- excerpts fromTHE NEW


through Jakob Lorber and Gottfried


for the actual humanity

Lord’s messages

"Understand thus My earthly life, and beams of light will envelop you, which you, following My example, can likewise use towards the highest bliss by doing only good, spreading only benefactions, by lifting up your own Self and drawing nearer to Me. For, treading in My footsteps, you are doing the same thing I did and am always doing. In other words, retaining your human and spiritual dignity, you shall rise to that which I want to make you, namely, children of an eternal God and forever loving Father."

(Secrets of life)

for the truth seekersLord’s messages

"Only in the heart shall you find a God, and this One is true, because the love in which you found the only true God is itself Truth. This Truth therefore can be sought and found only in Truth; but the head has done its share if it has delivered you the key to Truth. Yet everything that urges and draws you towards love can be a key to truth; hence follow such attraction and urge and enter upon the love of your heart, and you shall find the truth which shall free you from all deception!'” (The Great Gospel of John I, 69:10-11)

for the cruel evil-doers

Lord’s messages

"Just as a good man grows ever better, so an evil man will grow ever more evil and with this be in a condition farther and farther away from what is good, which can be seen quite clearly even in this world." (The Great Gospel of John VI 33, 10)

"... yet a limit is set to evil, where it says: 'So far and no further!' For then a great judgment must always follow, that the evil-doers shall have opportunity to reflect and perhaps the one or other take a better road after all." (The Great Gospel of John VI 33, 12)

for the rich and powerfulLord’s messages

Look at those people who are all the time growing more and more filled with arrogance and burning desire for power. Having made many millions of people the most miserable of slaves through their tyranny, they then gather even greater martial hordes, invade the territories of the other kings, conquer them and take their land, people and treasures. And when they have thus conquered half a world and made it miserable, they imagine themselves to be like unto God.” (The Great Gospel of John VI 33, 10-11)

for the ones lost in the fleshLord’s messages

"Whoever practices harlotry and fornication is very sick in his soul. Through this sin a person’s heart hardens from day to day, becomes ever more unfeeling and merciless towards its fellowmen and in the end loves nothing but itself and the object of its lust, not for the sake of the object though, but only for the sake of satisfying its lust. Such a heart then flees God’s Word which admonishes it against its evil desire and in the end even becomes hostile to those who carry the Word of God in their heart and live accordingly." (The Great Gospel of John, vol. I, 87:3)

for the egoists, proud and envious

Lord’s messages

"I will give you a measure by which you and everyone may know how he stands concerning his self-love, the love for his neighbor and his love for God.Take the number 666 which in good or bad proportions shows either A PERFECTED MAN or a PERFECTED DEVIL.

Divide a person’s love evenly into 666 parts; of that give God 600, your neighbor 60 and yourself 6. However, if you want to be a perfect devil, give God 6, your neighbor 60 and yourself 600." (The Great Gospel of John Book 4 chap. 19 )

for the lazy onesLord’s messages

"The descendants of those people, who have become lukewarm and lazy[...] become completely dark and evil in their spirit [...]And so will grow and become rampant the weeds of the night of the souls as a result of their ever awakened worldly lust for pleasure and increasing laziness of one generation of people after another. So much so that I have no choice than to let such people personally experience the futility and evilness of their worldly strivings by visiting them with all kinds of plagues and judgments."

(The Great Gospel of John Book 22, 50:4-5)

for the atheist scientists

Lord’s messages

"Every discovery in the field of science is wrongly interpreted by your scientists and exploited only for material ends. Here and there individuals may discover traces of a sublime spiritual power, beyond the elements that are already well known, but they will make every effort to explain away what is there right before their noses, in very roundabout ways and using long- learned scientific terms, or they will invent their own explanation, not wanting to acknowledge that there is a God. If there has to be one, they want to be that god themselves." (Lord’ Sermons 322)

for the skeptic humanists

Lord’s messages

"Have you never, when witnessing a great natural phenomenon or gazing in the stillness of the night up into the starry heaven, sensed a holy foreknowledge which, had you responded to it, would have lifted you up into higher spiritual spheres where the human bustle would have disappeared, making way for a more beautiful, gentler feeling, the feeling of forgiveness and love! Did not in such moments your god appear to you in a better light than as the dead science taught you, saying he ruled as an implacable tyrant? I know only too well that there were many such moments that seized your heart.” (Secrets of life, 12)

for the anxious and depressed

Lord’s messages

"Nothwistanding all his feelings of mortality, no human soul can be considered as completely dead, but still, it is a real death of the soul if he lives in the constantly increasing fright to soon lose his life that became so pleasant to him, or to grievously have to spend his life eternally in a dark dungeon, without hope to ever be freed out of it. But do you know what it is, that calls up such a feeling in the souls of the mostly material, selfish and proud heathens [...]? Look, the love for the world and matter brings this about." (The Great Gospel of John, Book 20, 31:1-3)

for the animal and nature lovers

Lord’s messages

"If you could see the spiritual world with spiritual eyes, you would shrink back in horror before many an action, for you people, who fancy yourselves as rational, commit so many cruelties, while another, lower being must suffer in silence because it was not endowed with a language to express joy and sorrow through sounds. [...] If I allow such things, not punishing them as they deserve, it is because these sufferings, harsh and bitter as they are for the dumb creature, must nevertheless help in the strengthening of its soul- and spirit-life." (Secrets of life, chap. 24)

for the poor peopleLord’s messages

"What good would it do you before Me if you were struck with amazement at My power, greatness and fathomable majesty, but outside your house there were poor brothers and sisters crying from hunger, thirst and cold? [...] What good are all the rich and most lavish sacrifices in the temple while a poor brother dies of hunger at its door? Therefore, investigate first of all into the misery of your poor brothers and sisters; give them help and comfort. Then you will find more in one brother whom you have helped than by having travelled to all the stars and praised Me with the tongues of the Seraphim." (The Great Gospel of John vol IV, 1:10-11)

for the Christians through tradition and religious representatives

Lord’s messages

"If your words found acclaim in the world they would not be of Me. To be despised by the world has at all times been the greatest witness for that which comes from Me." (Himmelsgaben II)

"Consider, there are millions of people who have to be guided to the right door, the door of light." (Lord’ Sermons 132)

"You all want to become my children and to be called such by me! Then show yourselves worthy of this name and with-it-connected blessing and happiness and then the Christ, laid in the tomb, will arise in his most beautiful light in your hearts."(Cross and Crown)

for the disciples of the Lord, missionaries and teachers

Lord’s messages

“In the one who takes delight in Me and loves Me, I too take delight and love him. However, times will be coming when people will also seek Me, but not find Me as promptly and easily as you did. But whoever will in all earnest seek Me in his heart and in his actions in accordance with My word will also find Me and be full of joy at having found Me. Once a person has found Me, he will not lose Me again. For a greater trial of his love and patience I shall now and then for certain moments hide My face from him, yet I shall not leave him.“

(The Great Gospel of John VIII, 103:9-10)

for all lovers of GodLord’s messages

“ In the one who takes delight in Me and loves Me, I too take delight and love him.However, times will be coming when people will also seek Me, but not find Me as promptly and easily as you did. But whoever will in all earnest seek Me in his heart and in his actions in accordance with My word will also find Me and be full of joy at having found Me. Once a person has found Me, he will not lose Me again. For a greater trial of his love and patience I shall now and then for certain moments hide My face from him, yet I shall not leave him." (The Great Gospel of John VIII, 103:9-10)

THANK YOU FOR WATCHING"Lord's Messages for His


for much more please see:



JESUS CHRIST through Jakob Lorber

and Gottfried Mayerhofer"

& "Presentations of THE NEW

REVELATION and various excerpts"

The disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ believing in

His New Revelation through Jakob Lorber and Gottfried Mayerhofer do not form an

institutional church or any other sort of religious

organizationbut consider themselves equal brothers and

sisters with all their fellowmen, no matter the nation, race, belief or any other particular distinction.

We support this extraordinary teaching of divine

love and wisdom which perfectly confirms the Christian scriptures and try to share it, as a

most precious treasure, with all people of good-will.

May the hearts of all people be touched by it and changed forever!