Lord shiva ,nothing is impossible

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Transcript of Lord shiva ,nothing is impossible

Lord Shiva ,Nothing is Impossible ,Origin of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

Change your Destiny like Markandeya मा�र्क� ण्‍�डे�य�Markandeya is an ancient rishi (sage) from the Hindu tradition, born in the clan of Bhrigu Rishi. He is celebrated as a devotee of both Shiva and Vishnu and is mentioned in a number of stories from the Puranas. The Markandeya Purana especially, comprises a dialogue between Markandeya and a sage called Jaimini, and a number of chapters in the Bhagavata Purana are dedicated to his conversations and prayers.He is also mentioned in the Mahabharata Markandeya is venerated within all mainstream Hindu traditions.One legend relates the story of how Shiva protected Markandeya from the clutches of death, personified as Yama.

Once upon a time, there lived a sage called Mrikandu with his wife Marudvati. Both were devotees of Shiva. The couple was childless, and so decided to perform austerities so they would be blessed with a child. Then one day, Shiva appeared before them. Shiva asked the couple if they desired an ordinary son who would live a long life, or an exceptional son who would live a short life. The couple asked for the latter.In due course, Marudvati gave birth to a boy and the child was named Markandeya (literally: son of Mrikandu). Markandeya was an exceptionally gifted child, and became an accomplished sage early in his childhood. He was especially devoted to Shiva, and had mastered the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra. Which has been given by great devotee and Saga Durvashaa At the age of sixteen, his time on this earth had come to an end, and so Yama, death personified, came to take him away. At the time, Markandeya was in a temple worshipping the icon of Shiva (Shiva Lingam). When he saw Yama, out of fright, Markandeya grabbed a hold of the Shiva Lingam and asked Lord Shiva to protect him. Yama threw his noose around the boy-sage, which encircled the Shiva Lingam too

Suddenly, the Shiva Lingam burst open with a thundering roar and a majestic, fiery form of Shiva appeared out of the blazing light. Enraged that Yama should have the audacity to encircle the Shiva Lingam with his noose, Shiva struck down Kala (Yama is also called Kala, time, since time brings death to all things) with His trident, and Kala was no more. Markandeya was spared from death. Shiva blessed Markandeya with eternal life and proclaimed that he shall forever remain a sixteen-year-old sage. The assembly of Devas who had witnessed the spectacle begged Shiva to revive Yama, as a world without death would put unnecessary burden on the earth. Shiva then revived Yama, and declared that His devotees were forever to be spared from the noose of Yama.

Origin of Mahamrityunjaya MantraFor Markandeya to be saved by Shiva means that Shiva's Anugraha Shakti had descended upon the boy-sage. Markandeya had at a young age attained enlightenment and become a jivan-mukta. He was no more bound by time (kala) or death. He had broken through the cycle of birth and death. Verily, Markandeya had gained oneness with Lord Mrityunjaya and conquered death itself.For Shiva to destroy Yama and become angry that Yama should have the audacity to encircle the Lingam indicates that Shiva is beyond death and time. He is the Eternal Lord. He is the Ruler of time (Mahakaleshvara);

He is the Originator of time (Mahakala) and Destroyer of time (Kalari or Kalasamhara Murti). Time in the story is represented by Yama since time brings death and dissolution to all things, but Shiva brings death to time itself. So, He is called Mahakalakala or Mahakalabhairava. When all things decay, Shiva alone remains. As He alone is beyond death and time, Shiva is called Maha Mrityunjaya, the great Conquerer of Death.The moral of the story is that we, like the boy-sage Markandeya, should also pray and meditate on Shiva-Mrityunjaya, for He alone can take us unto the state beyond the cycles of samsara:

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra महा�म�त्युं��जयुं म�त्र ॐ त्र्युंम्बकं� युंज�महा� सु�गन्धिं��म� पु�ष्टि�वर्ध�नम� ।उव��रुकंमिमव ब�न�न� म�त्युं#म��क्षी%युं म�म�ता�ता� ।।

The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is said to have been found by Rishi Markandeya. It was a secret mantra, and Rishi Markandeya was the only one in the world who knew this mantra. The Moon was once in trouble, cursed by King Daksha. Rishi Markandeya gave the Mahamritryunjaya Mantra to Sati, Daksha's daughter, for the Moon.

Why Lord Shiva choose Markendaya Automatically question comes to our mind what special in young boy Markendaya he has to die on at the age of 16 years this is part of Lord Shiva Boon and his boon never ever be wasted .Lord Shiva himself gave boon again to be mortail. Since Shukracharya knew the Mrit Sanjevani Mantra so what is the need for Maha Mahamrityunjaya Mantra. To save Markendaya .

Answer : Markendaya once come to knew that he will be dying at the age of 16 so he created believe & decided that it can be change ,He start praying Lord Shiva with believes, Commitment , full of Desire & Conviction, Complete dedication with respect or can say ultimate example for all management set of Skills and Knowledge with positive attitude. He is Proactive learn Any time an employee shows that he wants to learn more about his job, it shows dedication in the workplace. Wanting to grow and learn about a position emphasizes that an employee cares about not only personal growth but the company's well-being. Stagnation is going to affect a company's bottom line. Ways to show growth in a job position are asking questions,

Volunteering Solutions Another way to show devotion is coming up with solutions to problems that are encountered in the workplace. An uninterested employee may sit back and watch processes take place that lead to the demise of the company without saying anything. However, dedicated employees jump in and think of solutions even if they aren't on a managerial level.

Putting In Overtime One of the surefire ways of showing dedication to a job is by devoting more personal time to it. Time is a valuable commodity and a limited resource for everyone. When an employee is willing to give up his personal time, it's one of the best ways to show devotion. More one understand life more one can achieve harmony and success will be proportionate for that .He value Devotion and dedication

Discipline is sterile, harsh. Discipline is the barbed wire fence that corrals our creative enthusiasm in order to force to actually flow in a meaningful and productive way.

Commitment, Devotions ,Discipline ,Loyalty, Perseverance Dedication is another thing entirely. Dedication suggests voluntary commitment rather than rigidity. Dedication is calm and measured. There is no element of harshness or punishment in dedication. If discipline is the stick, then dedication is a voluntary willingness and desire to reach for the carrot without the threat of that stick. Dedication implies a level of mastery. It is the point at which you no longer need to apply discipline because your creative work flows out of your own organic desire to do that work.

Devotion implies joy and zeal and ardent affection. I think of it as the big yellow Labrador puppy approach to writing. It is a process oriented stage. It encompasses dedication and can appear from the outside to look a lot like discipline, but its origins are very, very different. When we are devoted to something, there simply are few things on earth we’d rather do or spend our time with. It’s not just about what you want to say or create, but involves the very act of creating itself. It’s like acquiring any new skill, it takes a while for it to become a part of our new skill set patterns and habits. But at some point, our internal motivation should shift.

At some point we should consider the possibility of not having to continually force ourselves and simply wanting to do what is needed. We are drawn toward rather than goaded into the act of any level . we should draw us in, either the challenge of it, the puzzle of it, the marvel of it, or simply to have accomplished it.You practice discipline for so long that it carves a niche in your life. Throw ideas about the market out the window and write about things you are passionate about, questions you want answered, human behavior that repels or fascinates you.

God blessed us with powers, competence, and caliber, which are unrealized. We have some hidden dreams and fantasies, which we avoid to recognize. Deep within every human being, there dwells slumbering, astonishing powers, forces, which have the ability to revolutionise his life if awaken and put into action. Everyone must decide to chase their set goal, and must be committed and dedicated to achieve it until the end, even when the going gets tougher, and confront the situations with guts, confidence, and persistent action.

Commitment is a promise to us, to keep on putting honest efforts to perform a particular activity, never to give up and back-down in any circumstance. It is a pledge to complete an assignment with unaffected engagement and involvement.

Dedication is patronizing and denigrating oneself for the completion of any activity, for any particular purpose. It is wholehearted devotion and unmoved contribution for the accomplishment of any task or duty.Dedication and commitment are born out of a meaningful enthusiasm and passion for achievement, and no one can buy it from others, by simply offering extrinsic rewards. Commitment comes from within. It is a process beyond the purchase power of an individual. Successful people constantly demonstrate persistence and devotion as an essential element of their tough actions and endeavour. Money cannot pay for honesty and integrity in the context of building trust and maintaining credibility.

Learning Management Loyalty, dedication and perseverance are three characteristics that people in authority deeply desire in those who work under their direction. If earthy leaders can understand the importance of finding these characteristics in the people who follow them, is it any wonder that our Heavenly Father also expects those who follow Him to demonstrate these same traits?

Employee loyalty includes dedication to the company's goals, adherence to its principles and a feeling of pride in the company (probably the most important quality).

Loyal employees are the gold reserves of any company and the ones responsible for a business's success. They're the ones who can catapult a company into the ranks of industry leaders. They're disciplined and responsible, and they achieve the best results in their work. Loyal employees trust top management, and they never go against their employer's best interests.

Employees should work in comfortable conditions, know exactly what is required of them and receive fair compensation for their work. The company's system of professional growth and material incentives should be transparent and understood by everyone. These are employees' basic needs, the first level of a pyramid similar to Maslow's hierarchy of human needs.

Once the employees' basic needs have been met, the next level addresses the team's emotional well-being, which starts with colleagues' respect for one another and their ability to listen. It's very important for your employees to know that you are concerned about them. To this end, workers should receive recognition and speedy help from top management when they show initiative in something.

The most important objective that any business with high ambitions should strive for is shared goals: The staff should share the goals of the company, see and participate in its successes, understand its prospects and feel like a part of a common cause.Establishing devotion to the company means that your employees will feel pride that they are affiliated with your business. They will consider it the best among its peers and will, without even thinking about it,

Facts About Markendaya• Markandeya lived through more yugas. He is sometimes called Maha Muni (Great

Sage) and he is the author of important Hindu scriptures like Markandeya Purana, which says that sage Jaimini, the disciple of Ved Vyasa, asked Markandeya to explain to him some difficult parts of the Mahabharata. Rishi Markandeya composed the ‘Devi Saptashati’ or the seven hundred hymns extolling the virtues of the Divine Goddess at the shakti peetha in Nashik.

• It may be a surprise to many people that Markandeya was a devotee of both Lord Vishnu (vaishnavas) or Lord Shiva (shaivas).

• First Mahamuni are permanent lived beings in Hinduism who are to remain alive through this Kali Yuga until the next Satya Yuga.

• Other are Ashwatthama, the son of Drona, Bali Chakravarthi, granted a boon by Vishnu that he would be the next Indra, before merging with Vishnu. He expounds virtues of valour and charity. Hanuman , avatar of Shiva, who served Rama. Kripa, military guru of the princes in the Mahabharata. Parashurama, 6th avatar of Vishnu, master of all astras, sastras and divine weapons. Vibhishana, brother of Ravana. Vyasa, a sage who narrated the Mahabharata. He represents erudition and wisdom.He was the son of Rishi Prashar and grandson of Rishi vashist.

• The Devi Mahatmya section of the Markandeya Purana is one of the most important texts of Shakti tradition.

Devotee of Lord VishnuBhagavata Purana states that once sage Narayana visited Markandeya and asked him for a boon. Markandeya prayed to sage Narayana to show him his illusory power or maya since sages Nara-Narayana are incarnation of Supereme Lord Narayana. To fulfill his wish, Vishnu appeared in the form of a child floating on a leaf, and declared to the sage that he was Time and Death. Sage Markandeya entered into his mouth and save himself from the surging water. Inside the boy's stomach Markandeya discovered all the worlds, the seven regions and the seven oceans. The mountains and the kingdoms were all there. So were all living beings. Markandeya did not know what to make of all this. He started to pray to Vishnu. No sooner had he started, than he came out of the boy's mouth. Vishnu now appeared before him and blessed him. The sage spent a thousand years with Vishnu. He composed the Bala mukundashtakam at this moment

By: Ashu Dubeydubeyashu@gmail.com