?LORA & Ballimore,

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Transcript of ?LORA & Ballimore,

Fisherman & farmer. (Edenton, N.C.) 1900-10-18 [p ].Jor Trianf s and Children.
Jhs Kind You Have
$ US8
3 1 t 90
3i! I rs W
-- 1 o V'. m-- 9 illi'XD LlV-COiit- H
8 n 1 Opiuiiiforp!ic ac . .
' 1 r
ntssantlLossor Simile 1 1 ViThe Signature c
NEW YORK. IMUj ... .1
I Use the Best.
lora & Co., Agts.
The Iron rraej) of fccrofnla has no mercy npon its victims. This demon f the blood is often not satisfied with
causing dreadful gores, but racks the body with the pains of rheamatisia until Hood's Sarsaparilla cures.
41 Nearly four years ago I became af-
flicted with scrofula and rheumaliam.
Made Banning: Bores broke out on my thigh, pieces of bone came ont and an opwat ion was contemplated. I had rheumatism in my legs, drarn up out of shee. I lost ap-
petite, could not bleep. I was a perfect wreck. I continued to grow WOTM and finally gave up the doctor's treatment tc
Well iake Hood's Sarsaparilla. Soon appetit came back; the sores commenced to beat My limbs atraightcned out and I threr away my crutches. I am now stont auv hearty and am farming, whereas focr years "ago I was a eripple. I gladly rec-omme- nd
Hood's Sarsaparilla.'' 1'hja Hammond, Table Urove, Illinois.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
lathe One True Blood Purifier. All (Iru-j- 't 5. $L lireparedonly by CI. Ilil A Co., Lowell, Mass.
core liver Ills, ensy ts iOOi.l S PlIIS take, eaajr to ojwrato J
r 9
For Barb Wire Cuts. Scratchc iddte and Collar Galls, Cracked Heel iras, ( ld Sores, Cuts, Boils, Brui i
. ilea and all kinds of inflammation or a or beas t. Cures Itch and Mang "hi Zan, Cat or Ban t'AI never attcr after tie-- cQ
B prep ire J for accidents by keeping it In vo :r . staMe. AUDrugglststflliton aguaranlre.
Ciiro, i.'.i Pay. Price S5 ct. and U.00. ifyo : ;)ru 'i '.urs not keep it send us a$ cts. in pok-- :ic sia npa wc will send it to you by mail,
Paris, Tenn , Jan. '.nth. I8M. have aoi Pt tor's AatUapile Itoaltns
for liar iiJ aud hi!11o ( lelb. Scitcrieinil Brt W in- - t'ut. it'i tstUtection, auU l heartily rcecaned ii la
ail Liver aud istockmen. C. 15. IRVINE. Urery and Foe 1 Stab.c.
BABY BURNED. 0i ltipnicn . leal rlrai-- to moak a word for Porrr'
I ll.iVl llaiio Oil My baby i burned a fw monlhi aro,ead after trying all oth"r nwndlM I applied yoiir"Oil and the first appiieeOM gave rell "f , and in a few dy tli Mire vaii well. 1 alao MM tU- - oil .n mv to k and flnl tlmt it is tliu beat remc lr for tlii parpeea that 1 liave cvrr uaad.
Youri, C. T LlWtt. Taris, Tcun , January L'.h. Ih'.M
ai li Factum d iit PARIS MEDICINE CO.,
8T. LOUIti. Mt
AND THE BEST Cough-cur- e, the most prompt and effective remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. As an emergency medi
cine, for the cure of Croup, Sore Throat, Lung Fever and Whooping Cougli,
AYER'S Cherry Pectoral cannot be equaled. E. M. B RAW LEY, 1). ., Dis. Sec. ,: the American
tist Publishing Society, Petersburg, Va., endorses it, as a cure for violent colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Brawley aiso adds: To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend
AYER'S Cherry Pectoral
AYER'S PILLS Cure Liver and Stomach Troubles
3 lU3T.p3,3u, (njtujotj Xue tuojj a.ojj Xspn
-- Osq;; c; ,j spem qSt0d 3AIJ3..U-- ) 1SOIII
, 'panods w Ajnesq c;i pent aotijins qjoouis inXm sjB.y uoos ) joaiis inoX uo qsi(od ppe XjEutpjo oiji asn noX jt aerrttsodwi i
These cuia iciieseiit the Standard of Excellency. Ii;.r'- -
I- - House, Largest Stock ana Lowest Prices.
Wc ii.vit you to call and satisfy yourselves.
OF NORTH C mum The Haul of the S ale's i:d-- n
cationa! System. Tbrec academic courses Ir ig to
Professional courses iu Law. Medi-
cine ar.d Pharmacy Summer School for Teachers, -
or-vjLltlo- n. $50. Scholarships aud Losi s to Needy. Free Tuition to Candidates for Miu-istr- v.
Ministers' dons a d Teachers. 512 studects besides 161 iu Summei
School. ?8 teachers in the faculty. For catalogues ami intormatiou at.1-dje-
F. P. VBNABLE, Prefideut, Chapel BUI, N. C.
Terrapin and Game. 8. W. COR. CKAi.Ll t? uk CAM DI M ST.
BALT1M0RL", MD. Prompt Returns. Quick Sales.
Stencils Furnished tret.
New York. Clarence G, Miller, i Millei Longbotham. S
Special Attention Given to
SteiiCllsand Stationery FurnishedoL Application.
S.LSTCRERdCO vVh itsale Dealers in and Shippers of
k i n-i- of
rs' i:w ork. We work harder for the inter-
est ot the Southern fishermen r.hati any house in the business.
rf your Stencil is not in good ovdet et us kuow.i
Bstablished 1SG1 .
Soft Crabs Terrapin Etc. Ballimore, IVI d
Quick Sales ! F'rompt Returns !
Dukthart & Co. The J. Johson Corn r: .
Dealers in
lina Herring solicited, and pro ceeds remitted in cash.
On account of our intimate acquaintance and frequent trans-actio- n
with the grocery trade ol the West and South we are abl to handle N. C. Fish to the best possible advantage, and we are known everywhere as the larg est distributors in this iUarket
$500 REWARD. We wi 1 pay the ahovt reward for any case o!Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache Innig ation, L'oastipadjt or Costivencss cannolcure with Uvcitta the Up-to-d- Little Liverrill, when th directions are strictly compliedwith. They are purely Vegetable, md neverfailto give satisfaction. 2 boxes contain too Pillsioc boxes contain 40 Fills, c 1 xes conteintihs IJewate of substitutions ;iil ImitatiomBent by mail; stamps taken. KKRVTTA VK I
t,r Sl." c?r '"- - Jackson Sts., Chicago : orsale byfctandajri Pharmacy, BlizabuhCity, N. e.
Hr. it. riano-poiighe- d Solid 0k Office Ue k with rol!in? tor which locks alla awets. 50 inches loug and & inchesiwc;;, o;;cial Price,
(Orders promptly filled.) Ton will find over 1000 bareairs in
Z?Ta tew catalogue. It eontaitm allt Furniture, Carpet, Ilabv Car-i.- 1Kefrigeratois, Bidding, Store,r m y Lamps. Laoc Ctirtaloa, etc. Youae iayina-- local dealers double ourpricea. Drop a jx t now for ourIn i't- - --Wvmir faf:i!ti v, .
fr oof all charges. Do. with the rintr
R L Butts left state 2 07 Thomas Burham left county 47 Isaac Bokin " " 200 William Brothen M " 2 00 M W Bufkin error 1 63 Jerry Cooper too old 2 00 James Deal left state 2 00 C W Eason listed twice 5 13 Almon G Griffin deformed 2 00 Joseph Gallop left county 1 47 Anderson I Griffin can t be
found 2 00 Wilson Griffin can t be
found 2 00 Josiah Griffin eft county 2 09 F M Howard 2 2$ James A Harris left state 2 12 Moses Moore dead 1 50 Mark A Sawyer left state 2 25 Moses Spence dead 2 00 L W Stewart error 1 66 Janus William can't be
found 2 00 Miles W White listed twice 2 00
42 62
When you have no appetite, do not relish your food and feel dull after eating you may know that you need a dose of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents Samples free at Dr. T. E. Wood's di as store.
Proceedings of Commissioners Camden County.
Camden C. H., N. C. Oct 1 , r9co
Boar of County CoT.mission-t- o
ers me' dav . Pre sent E. M. DeFord C li in, J o S McCoy and C. i; v 1 lit
Proceedings ui last meeting read and adopted.
W S. Ban!, it, Mi r i ff was allow ed ? ; 1 ;:6 f r c 11 t c st -
W il A h u t, J v ss 'How- -
e I $1.3 ib: ! . l' i e S f
State vs i o Spt uc ,1 and Hey ward Brown,
E. B. Gallop was allowed 1.00 for services as Election Bailiff at Shiloh Precinct.
Josiah Webb was allowed $2.10 for constable fees in case of State vs. Haywood Brown.
Ordered, That the Reg. of Deeds deliver the 1900 tax books to the Sheriff for collection.
M. B. Hughes was allowed 526.10 for Jailers fees and court costs.
R. L- - Forbes was allowed $37, 43 for court costs.
Benj. Dunford was allowed $12.50 as keeper of Alms House
Nancy Beads was allowed $2.00 as benefit.
Beise Etberidge was allowed 52.00 as benefit.
The Treasurer submitted county orders and jury tickets to the amount of 347.38 of which $49.10 were jury tickets, said orders being cancelled and receipt given for same.
The ?uditing committee sub initted their report, which was read and ordered to be recorded. The report showed that the Sh'fl had settled in full for county aud school funds for 1899 taxes.
The following reports of the Grand Jury and Solicitor for the Fall term were read and ordered to be recorded.
"We the Grand Jurors for the State respectfully report to the Honorable Court: That we have examined the Court House, Jail and Poor House and find them in fair c, udition. Sept. 14 -- 1900
E. K. Sawyer, Foreman Grand Jury.
North Carolina, Supr. Court, Camden Countv. V Fall Term
) 1900. I have examined the office of
Cleik of Superior Court of said County at this teim and find same together with his books in good condition and well kept.
G. W. Ward. Sept. 14 1900. Solicitor.
Approved T. A. McNeil, Judge Presiding.
Ordered, That C. B. Ganett be allowed 100 72 lor extending lax lists for iqoo. recording Election Returns, 6i etc. C. S. Sawyer was allowed $3.21 for supplies to Alms House.
Board adjurned to meet the first Monday iu November.
E. M. DeFord Ch'm C. B. Garrett, Clerk.
'en? zho jA ins fcii.d Yon Have Always Bough;
Hay, Lime, Cement, Paints, Oils, Rope, Hard-war- e,
Buggies, Harness, Tobacco and Snuff at Factory Prices. Ammunition, Guns and
on xse Tax JList lor the Year 1899.
Returned by N.G.Grandy Sheriff.
the Tax List for the year 1899.
(Continued from last week.) SALEM TOWNSHIP.
Alfred Bowe left State 2 00 James Bright dead 2 00 Henry Banks left county 2 00 James Herring dead 2 00 W n aines can t be lound 2 00 Wm W Warkham can't be
found John SMullen can't be tound 2 00 aohu A Mullen " " ' 2 00 H Rudgen left county 2 00
Deliquent List. Robert Dozer listed in E.
City 2 00 Nelson Felion too old 2 00 Thomas James error 2 00 Joseph Pa lemur listed twice 3 50 Abner Shamonn " 2 00 Mary Overton listed Nixon-to- n
James E Brothers listed twice and dead 200
Richard Fletcher left state 2 00 Daniel W Horuie can't be
found 2 00 Geo A Johnsonson can't be
found 2 00 James Long can't be found 2 00 John W Liverman listed E.
City township 3 5
Inda Randel listed E. City 7 5
Wesley Spell man can't be found 2 00
Leon Bembery too old 2 00 William Bank, libtcd E
City 2 eo
5Mi 01.
Deliqu- - nt List. Isiah Blount can't be found 2 o B F Berry can't be found 2 00 C C Cohoon left state 2 23 Geo Dance listed twice 2 00 VI lies Davis can't be found 2 00 B S Davis can't be found 2 00 W F Davis can't be found 2 00 Josuah Gibson listed twice 2 00 Chas Gray too young 2 00 William Harris can't be
found 2 87 James Jaycocks can't be
found 2 00 James M Jennings listed in
Salem 2 87 Saint James listed in Salem 2 00 Richard Mullen left county 2 00 John A Morris listed Salem 2 00 Frank Mullen too old 2 00 Jerry McClease too old 2 00
35 97 Henry Mullen cau't be
found 2 00 Nathan Morris listed Salem 2 00 Ziou Page listed E. City 2 39 A 3 Price listed Salem 2 00 J Henry Price listed twic 2 00 Andrew Root left state 2 00 Elias Riddick M N Sawyer
iisted 1 14 John Shamon listed in
Salem 2 00 Sam Spencer can't be found 2 oo gin Skinner listed twice 84 Isaac Spellman can't be
found 2 00 W S Sylvester released by
commissioners Emmaiel Skinner can't be
found 2 00 John White too young 2 00 J E Wilson listed twice 2 00 Wilson Johnson dead
2S 37 35 )7 2 1 00
$85 34
John W Hurdle left county 2 oo Walter Maduer listed Nix.
onton 2 00 William Pugh listed twice . 2 00 W G Randolh listed Nixons
ton 2 45 Elisha Riddick dead 12
Simon Brooks listed Nixon ton 2 00
W H Clary left state 2 00 Isaac Huffier too old 2 00 Sam Perry tco old 2 00 Mathew Scott dead 31 T C Story left county 2 uO Daniel Sawer dead 2 OO
12 31 8 57
John R Roach left county 2 00 J B Whitsou too old 2 co John T Russell too old 2 00
Deliquent Herom Eason too young 2 00
? Departed this life at his home on Oct i st.
Mr. J. D. Dozier aged 69 amid the tender ministries of sorrow- ing loved ones he breathed his last. No more on earth shall we clasp his honest hand and gaze into his frank and open face and hold sweet converse with his noble spirit. He leaves be hind a wife, three brothers and one sister to mourn their loss Weep not dear ones for he has only gone to that beautiful home far above the sky.
The pains of death are past. Labor and sorrow has-- ceased And life's lone warfare closed at last, tlis soul is round in peace. Farewell, farewell, what a current 01 tnougnt sweeps through the mind, what a tideu ot emotion heaves the throbing heait as we utter the last long good bye. Still there comes welling up a secret pain as the thoneht aiises that we meet here on earth to stand by and see our loved ones placed under the sod. Oh how hard it is to lay them in the cold and silent grave but then their memory we
will cherish till we see their heavenly face.
Weep not dear ones for he is
not dead but only sleeping in
Jesus. Sweet be thy rest. Farewell.
LilHe G. Dozier.
It Happened in a Drug Store.
"One day last winter a lady came to my dnig store and asked for a brand of cough medicine that 1 did not have in stock," snys Mr. C. R. Grandin, the popular druggist of Ontario, N Y. "She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recommend. I said to her that I could freely recommend Chamberlain's Cough Lemedy and that siie could take a bottle of the remedy and atter giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring back the bottle and I would refund the price paid. In the course of a day or two the lady came back in com pany with a friend in need of a cough medicine and advised her to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recommendation for the remedy." It is for sale b Dr J. E. Wood.
Gen. Carr's Generosity A Not- -
able Instance.
Stnator Wood, ot Randolph county, in a recent newspaper article, gave some fifteen or twenty reas us why General C arr should be elected United States Senator, nearly all of them being detailed instances of his generosity. He omitted one that the Fusionists of the State regard as very important. It is
this. When the gallant Colonel of the Sixth North Carolina, the late Colonel Tate, was defeated at the polls for State Treasurer. General Catr was among the first to tender his credit (not his check book) to his successful opponent and went on the offi
cial bond of State Treasurer Worth, a gentleman who did not serve in the war, qualifying for about forty or fifty thousand dollars, 01 nearly ouefourth of the entire bond. Upon each subsequent renewal of his offi
cial bond General Carr was one of the sureties and he is tcday liable for the official good con duct of this fusionist official for an amount larger than the com-
bined wealth of Gov. Jarvis, Colonel Waddell and Mr. Sim-
mons. Surely such generosity ought
not to have been omitted by Gen. Carr's friends.
I wonder if Gen. Carr has tendered his services as surety on the bond of State Treasurer-elect- ,
B. R. Lacy? Straight Democrat.
When you want a pleasant physic try the new remedy Chamberlain's Stomach apd Li ver Tablets. They are eaty
to take and pleasant in effect Price 25 cents. Samples free at Dr. J. K. Wood's drug store.
Pistols. ?LORA & CO. (Established i887)
0!lcst FisI Go"?n)issiop Hoiise Ip NPfoik. Shipments Solicited.
.Stencils Furnished. Mercantile Agencies,
YOU HI Y at the most convenient country or village, it is possible that you may get seeds of fine stock aud germination, but has your experience shown that it is likely? Do you buy seeds from general merchandise stores because you believe thatthey have the best, or is it because you forget to order them from seedsmen in time, or find letter writing too much trouble? Nobody buys seeds at second or third hand except as a result of forgetfulness or indifference, and if you have been geiting yours that way, it is timeyou were making a change. It's folly to risk your crops in that fashiou. We will sell you Thoroughbred Turnip Seeds" at fifty cents per lb. aad deliver them free at your post or express office.
GEORGE TAIT.& SONS, ?S Commercial PlaceSeed Growers and Merchant5. Norfolk Va