Looking back at the prelim what would you change how have your progressed

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Looking back at the prelim what would you change how have your progressed

Looking back at the prelim what would you change how have your progressed

I feel along with the other members of our group that the media product we have created, the short two-minute video, has the potential to appeal to a very diverse amount of social groups.The product in question can fall into the main category of crime and many other sub categories such as thriller and mystery. Set in a modern day world in dystopian city filled with hundreds of criminals, crier ns rampant and has severally infested the city with people being killed daily being as stable a part of culture as the people who work and live in the town. In this town a recent wave of arson attacks have left the police baffled and the story follows one of the detectives on the case of these murders, James White.We have characterized our protagonist so that he can appeal to a wide variety of audiences, after struggling with divorce and debt, all of which are common problems for many people in the real world, he must stay dedicated to his job in order to crack the case showing his life torn between family and occupation. This level of characterization provides realism to appeal to our age range of eighteen to thirty; hence the problems he is facing being ones that many people of that age would encounter to aid the viewer in immersing with the show and engaging their interest more.We have made our movie a eighteen and over for reasons of violence and disturbing images such as the implication of dead bodies and murders of a serial arsonist so that it may disturb young audiences but will appeal to the minds of the older generations as it helps to create a level of realism and fear because of the added implications that all of what is happening to the victims of the murderer can very easily happen to them using only simple household items such as lighters and a flammable substance e.g. petrol or turpentine.

Our audience we have chose for our created media product is the eighteen to thirty range as mentioned in one of our earlier questions the particular context of our independent movie restricts itself to a higher age range, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing but does limit our audience slightly as there is the worry that this would impede our product, its reception or profit as this age range is shown to enjoy this genre of cinema by the massive box office rating of films such as the recent “taken 2” and “Sherlock Holmes” both of which share action and mystery and both of which share a great reception and profit margin from their sales on opening weekend. This is the reason we have assumed that our film will do well with the chosen genre, context, audience, age range and social status. These people are still young enough to be able to enjoy the movie and aren’t parents yet, which make a large amount of difference when it come to the movies the will go and pay to see choosing primarily to spend their money on movies that their children will watch rather than ones just they will want to see because of the complications that can arise from having to find suitable accommodation and car for their children. But at the same time the eighteen to thirty ranges are at the age where they are shown to go to the cinemas for social occasions e.g. dates, birthdays and various other celebrations. So our chosen range of audience has been well picked, I think at least and I am confident that this age range

and target audience can best receive our film making it the most optimized and profitable choice.

Looking back at the Preliminary task we were given to do at the beginning of the year or us to make and produce a movie for the class to watch to see how we where able to handle a camera, compose shots and analyze the scenery we had on hand to make the most of out surroundings to make the best movie we could I can see we have improved significantly. We have improved our overall composition and how we can handle a camera and compose shots and with the unlimited access to the whole town we have been able to take advantage of all of our surroundings and et the best shots we can by having access to woodland areas and beaches as well as various houses, abandoned building and factories wherever and whenever we like making it possible to go for a daytime or nighttime movie