Look at the titles

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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1) Policies for higher education in Latin America: the context

2) Mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Brazil during the years 2000 and 2001: results of a multi-centric study

3) Effects of Compounds Found in Propolis on Streptococcus mutans Growth and on Glucosyltransferase Activity

What are the titles of the following texts?

a) _______________________________________________________________________________Propolis, a resinous bee product, has been shown to inhibit the growth of oral microorganisms and the activity of bacterium-derived glucosyltransferases (GTFs). Several compounds, mainly polyphenolics, have been identified in this natural product. The present study evaluated the effects of distinct chemical groups found in propolis on the activity of GTF enzymes in solution and on the surface of saliva-coated hydroxyapatite (sHA) beads. Thirty compounds, including flavonoids, cinnamic acid derivatives, and terpenoids, were tested for the ability to inhibit GTFs B, C, and D from Streptococcus mutans and GTF from S. sanguinis (GTF Ss). Flavones and flavonols were potent inhibitors of GTF activity in solution; lesser effects were noted on insolubilized enzymes. Apigenin, a 4′,5,7-trihydroxyflavone, was the most effective inhibitor of GTFs, both in solution (90.5 to 95% inhibition at a concentration of 135 μg/ml) and on the surface of sHA beads (30 to 60% at 135 μg/ml). Antibacterial activity was determined by using MICs, minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBCs), and time-kill studies. Flavanones and some dihydroflavonols, as well as the sesquiterpene tt-farnesol, inhibited the growth of S. mutans and S. sobrinus; tt-farnesol was the most effective antibacterial compound (MICs of 14 to 28 μg/ml and MBCs of 56 to 112 μg/ml). tt-Farnesol (56 to 112 μg/ml) produced a 3-log-fold reduction in the bacterial population after 4 h of incubation. Cinnamic acid derivatives had negligible biological activities. Several of the compounds identified in propolis inhibit GTF activities and bacterial growth. Apigenin is a novel and potent inhibitor of GTF activity, and tt-farnesol was found to be an effective antibacterial agent.

b) _______________________________________________________________________________Latin American higher education developed since the nineteenth century from the tensions between the Catholic tradition of Iberian colonization and the enlightenment, rationalistic and predominantly French views present in the independence movements, and embodied in the "Napoleonic" institutions established throughout the region. This article discusses how this system evolved, facing the problems of enlarged enrolment, diversification, and the current problems of reform, as alternatives among the poles of bureaucratic, oligarchic and market mechanisms of coordination.

c) _______________________________________________________________________________

The objective of this study was to assess mother-to-child transmission rates of HIV in Brazil during the years 2000 and 2001, and to identify the maternal and neonatal variables that were associated with this transmission. It was a cross-sectional, observational study with retrospective data obtained from patient medical records. The children were followed at 63 medical sites situated in five geographical macro-regions of the country (20 States and the Federal Capital). Children enrolled were those that were born of HIV-infected mothers and it was necessary for the mothers to present documented proof of HIV-infection before or during pregnancy, at time of delivery or in the first three months after delivery. There were 2,924 children enrolled and mother-to-child transmission rates of HIV were 8.6% (95%CI: 7.2-10.2) for the year 2000 and 7.1% (95%CI: 5.8-8.6) for the year 2001. The following variables were associated with lower mother-to-child transmission rates of HIV: elective cesarean section, diagnosis of mother's infection before or during pregnancy, access to HIV viral load and T CD4+ lymphocyte count during prenatal care, greater birth weight and avoidance of breastfeeding.