LONG-TERM CARE TASK FORCE GOVERNOR’S COVID-19 Supports... · 1 day ago  · COVID-19 Outbreaks in...

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Transcript of LONG-TERM CARE TASK FORCE GOVERNOR’S COVID-19 Supports... · 1 day ago  · COVID-19 Outbreaks in...

Rural Caucus

office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia

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office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia


Dr. Laurie Forlano, Deputy Commissioner of Population Health, VDHGena Berger, Chief Deputy Commissioner, DSS

October 1, 2020

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office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia

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Welcome and Housekeeping Items• Please mute your phone (do NOT put us on hold) if you are not

speaking• We prefer to take questions/comments at the end of each agenda

item • Feel free to utilize the chat box

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office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia

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Overview of Agenda• Data Update • Testing Update• Updated Reopening Guidance• COVID-19 Vaccine Planning Update• 2020 General Assembly August Special Session Update• Long-Term Care Wellness Advisory Committee Update • Visitation Working Group Update• Discussion• Next Steps

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office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia

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COVID-19 Cases in LTCFs and Non-LTCFs Over Time

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COVID-19 Outbreaks in Long-Term Care Facilities*^

March 17, 2020 – September 21, 2020


Month Number of outbreaks

Average number of cases per outbreak†

Average number of deaths per outbreak†

March 2020 16 47 9

April 2020 98 47 9

May 2020 49 29 4

June 2020 31 22 3

July 2020 58 22 2

August 2020 57 16 1

September 2020 21 11 1

*Long-term care facility includes assisted living facilities, multicare facilities, and nursing homes; ^Data from VOSS and VEDSS are subject to change; †Averages are rounded to the nearest whole number

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office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia

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LTCF COVID-19 Outbreaks by Month


Virginia Long-Term Care Task Force Convened (4/10)

CMS Reopening Recommendations (5/18)CMS Reporting Requirement (5/24)

CMS Testing Requirements (8/25)

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NHSN Updates● New POC reporting pathway will be released on October 15, 2020● Nursing homes with NHSN SAMS Level 1 access will need to upgrade to

Level 3 access○ More information: https://www.cdc.gov/nhsn/ltc/covid19/sams-access.html ○ Look out for an email invitation from the CDC○ Any facility that would like to upgrade now can email nhsn@cdc.gov with the subject

line “Enhancing Data Security”○ HQI available to provide technical assistance

● Weekly healthcare personnel flu vaccination reporting available● COVID-19 vaccination reporting in development● 84 nursing homes still need to confer rights to VDH

○ Email hai@vdh.virginia.gov for assistance

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Testing Advisory Group Update

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Antigen Testing Training Tools

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Updated Nursing Home Reopening Guidance

● Per updated CMS guidance for nursing homes on testing and visitation, all references to nursing home reopening phases are being retired

● Facilities should follow CMS guidance○ VDH guidance is being revised

● Nursing homes will no longer be asked to submit phase change attestation forms ○ REDCap project being retired

● VDH will be posting percent positivity data by locality (city, county)○ Facilities can use VDH or CMS data; must document data source and

use consistently● Working with DSS to align ALF guidance

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office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia

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COVID-19 Vaccination Planning: Recent Updates

• Updating Virginia COVID-19 Vaccination Plan – Draft 2• Vaccination (Flu, Routine) Communications Campaign• State Table Top Exercise Set for October 8 (Workshop) and

14 (Table Top)• ACIP Meeting• VIIS Guidance• Vaccine Advisory Workgroup Updates

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office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia

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The Virginia COVID-19 Vaccination Plan

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ACIP Meeting – September 22, 2020

ACIP COVID-19 Vaccines Work Group UpdatePhase III trials ❑ Moderna: enrolled 25,296 participants as of 9/16/2020

❑ 28% of participants are enrolled from “diverse communities” ❑ Pfizer: enrolled 31,928 participants as of 9/21/2020

❑ 26% of participants are from “diverse backgrounds”

ACIP Work Group will conduct an independent review of safety and efficacy data

If/when FDA decision is announced, ACIP will hold an “emergency” meeting with public comment session, and then will vote on recommendations for vaccine and populations for use.

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office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia

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ACIP Meeting – September 22, 2020 ContinuedNew Vaccine Safety Mechanisms❑ New Monitoring ACIP COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Technical (VaST) Subgroup

❑ Specifically dedicated to COVID-19 vaccine safety ❑ Will track “adverse events of special interest (AESI):

❑ general adverse events, ❑ adverse events that are vaccine-specific (mRNA, viral vector, adjuvanted, etc.), and ❑ population-specific adverse events (children, pregnant women, co-morbidities, elderly,

etc.)❑ A new system, V-SAFE, will provide enhanced safety monitoring for COVID-19 vaccine for essential

workers in early phase vaccination ❑ V-SAFE will do smartphone-based text, text-to-web survey, email-to-web survey for early vaccine

recipients and will send daily check-in messages for 1 week post-vaccination, and then weekly check-in messages for 6 weeks post-vaccination

❑ V-SAFE will use contact information from COVID-19 vaccination registration for essential workers (uncertain where registration data will come from).

❑ From V-SAFE, any adverse events will then be reported to VAERS

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office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia

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ACIP Meeting – September 22, 2020 ContinuedOverview of WHO, Johns Hopkins University, and National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Prioritization Frameworks

Phase 1 Allocation COVID-19 vaccine: Work Group Considerations – Possible Groups❑ Phase 1a: Healthcare personnel (~20 million)

❑ Phase 1b: ❑ Essential Workers (not HCP) (~60 mill) ❑ High Risk Medical Conditions (>100 mill) ❑ Adults >65 yo (~53 mill)

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office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia

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COVID-19 Vaccine Training

Dry Ice Safety and Vaccine Storage Video and Job Aid Completed

Other Planned Training❑ Vaccine Provider Enrollment❑ Non-VDH vaccinator ❑ VAERS Reporting❑ Vaccine Ordering❑ Doses Administered Reporting❑ Point of Dispensing Essentials

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office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia

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VIIS Onboarding Documentshttps://www.vdh.virginia.gov/content/uploads/sites/11/2020/09/VIISOnboardingToolKit.pdf

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Virginia Vaccine Advisory Workgroup

❑Charter and Structure

❑Member Listing – 66 members

❑Tentative Timeline and Responsibility

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COVID-19 Vaccine Priority Groups – Data Collection Effort

Data Collection Tool Provided to LHDs❑ Health Districts need to identify critical occupational groups in each jurisdiction, and

ensure relationships and plans are in place ❑ Spreadsheet for the LHDs to complete and return to the Regional Emergency Coordinators

by Sep 28❑ Regional Emergency Coordinators will consolidate and provide to Mike Magner/Jonathan

Kiser by Oct 7❑ State level we are collecting data from:

❑ Hospitals❑ Virginia Department of Corrections, ❑ Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Disabilities Services, ❑ Dominion Resources❑ Assisted Living Facilities❑ Skilled Nursing Facilities❑ Colleges/Universities

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office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia

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CDC Digital Media Toolkit: 2020-21 Flu Seasonhttps://www.cdc.gov/flu/resource-center/toolkit/index.htm

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office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia

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2020 August Special Session Update: Budget Language● Senate Finance & Appropriations Committee

○ 299 #1s: Provides for residents and employees of nursing facilities or assisted living facilities to have priority in testing for COVID-19 to help prevent or contain outbreaks. Testing shall be provided, as needed, by DCLS or other public health testing agencies and any testing costs through the public health system for employees or residents of nursing homes or assisted living facilities may be billed to responsible third-parties.

○ 313 #3s: Directs DMAS to modify CARES Act funding disbursement methodology to define eligible costs for reimbursement as COVID-related costs incurred since March 12, 2020 or as far back as the CARES Act allows.

○ 313 #13s: Adds $11.2 million from the general fund and $11.2 million in matching federal Medicaid funds to extend the $20 per day add-on to Medicaid nursing and specialized care facility rates to June 30, 2021.

● House Appropriations Committee○ 299 #2h: Directs the VDH to convene a work group to examine and develop a plan to ensure that vaccines and

other medications to treat or prevent the spread of COVID-19 are equitably distributed.○ 299 #3h: Directs VDH to review and update data collection and reporting protocols for COVID-19 or other

infectious disease data to only report actual deaths not an extrapolated projection of deaths.○ 300 #1h: Requires medical facilities licensed by the VDH to allow patients with disabilities to be accompanied by a

designated support person at the time health care services are provided and to allow for visits by such person(s).○ 313 #1h: Adds $11.2 million from the general fund and $11.2 million in matching federal Medicaid funds to extend

the $20 per day add-on to Medicaid nursing and specialized care facility rates until March 31, 2021.

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office of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia

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LTC Wellness Advisory Committee Update● Kickoff meeting held September 18, 2020

● Scope limited to nursing homes and assisted living facilities

● 6 Workgroups○ Focus on current landscape in Virginia, crisis support, employee

wellness, education/training, policy, and funding

● Standing monthly meeting 2nd Friday of each month; next meeting is October 9, 2020 at 1:00 PM

● Please contact angela.spleen@vdh.virginia.gov to become a member or provide feedback

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Visitation Working Group Update

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Next steps