Lone Eagle Consulting Native American Broadband Applications

Post on 23-Dec-2014

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Presented for FCC Indian Training Initiative Conference, July, 2008

Transcript of Lone Eagle Consulting Native American Broadband Applications

Global Best Practices on ICT Capacity-building Activities for Rural Communities

Presented for APEC TEL March 23, 2008

by Frank Odasz, President of Lone Eagle Consulting.

Email: frank@lone-eagles.comWeb: http://lone-eagles.com

Lone Eagle Consulting

25 years of Rural ICT Innovations, 1983+ Rural, Remote and Indigenous Learners Fast-track training and measurable outcomes Designing Local, Regional, and National ICT

Adoption Strategies Teaching Teachers of Teachers of Teachers Distance Learning Innovations

Wireless Six Miles from Town

Home on the Range

One Billion Online, Six to Go

Food for one week in US $341.98US

Food for one week in Ecuador $31.55US

Food for one week in Chad $1.23US

$100 laptop –Manual Power

ITU Indigenous ICT Conference

ICT Indigenous Commission of the Americas

Indigenous Women ICT Trainers

Weavers in Guatemala-Ecommerce?

Youthful Entrepreneur - Guatemala

In times of change, learners inherit the earth

-Eric Fromm

Four Levels of Internet Self-empowerment

Aboriginal Women’s Telecommunications Roundtable, Ottawa, Canada

Social Engineering:

Implementing Meaningful Rural ICT Capacity Building Metrics

Authentic metrics for what citizens actually do with ICTs defines Success

If no one is really benefiting as promised We need to know why!

If genuine and positive outcomes are important to you PLEASE Make No Assumptions.

Koyukuk – Alaskan Native Village

Youth and Elders in Koyukuk

The First Digital Generation

Alaska 99% Broadband Access?

“Planting seeds of entrepreneurship must begin early enough in a child’s

primary education to establish entrepreneurship as a lifelong choice.”

(Strengthening America’s Communities Initiative)


Eight Wellness Components Essential to a Healthy Village;

1. Safety

2. Health

3. Education

4. Enterpreneurship/Ecommerce

5. Social Services

6. Culture

7. Government

8. Entertainment

Donnie Morrison - Grassroots Champion:

The Internet enables us to sell our services and the things we make to people around the world


live local – work global

Broadband Backbone Network

200 Mb SDH backbone2000 users SDSL802.11 wireless access network


live local – work global

Community Learning is Everyone’s Responsibility

K12 Schools, Universities Economic Developers Government Agencies Businesses Elected community leaders Parents, Youth, Citizens Telecommunications Companies

The Community Inclusion Process

Begin with presentations to raise awareness that new knowledge bears new opportunities

Engage citizens in online learning and interaction on what’s already working for others like them

Identify local mentors interested in helping others learn and in developing for-profit mentoring services

Engage community leaders, K-12 administrators and educators in understanding key action strategies to build local capacity

Rural Web-raising Event Model

17 Web Pages in 45 Minutes

Eleutian.com –Wyoming to Asia

The BIG Win-Win–Win Telcos Grow Their Markets,National Economies Prosper and Citizens Realize Authentic Benefits

Participatory Community Research Provide Incentives to Task Citizens to

Produce Results, and Give Them the Training and Support Necessary for Success

Defining BEST Broadband Applications

Telemedicine –highest benefit with minimal skill development

Voice Over Internet Protocol VOIP – Greatest Citizen participation and benefits with minimal training

Community Internet Radio and TV (and on-demand Instructional Videos/Podcasts)

2-way Video with Peers and Mentors? Distance Learning and Application Sharing Ecommerce Support Services

Ideal Broadband Training “Skill Set” To Include

Advanced Email and Listserv Moderation Advanced Searching Skills Basic Web Self-publishing Blogs, Vlogs, Wikis, Bookmarking (Del.ic.io.us) Really Simple

Syndication (RSS,) Content Management Systems? Building Community Collaborative Capacity Distance learning tools for peer mentoring Cultural Sustainability and Multimedia Expression Ecommerce Entrepreneurship Transnational Activism http://lone-eagles.com/essential-skills.htm

Rural Ecommerce and Telework Strategies

Entry level ecommerce:Ebay, ebay drop off centers

Affiliate programs, Google adwords Webraisings – free ecommerce sites Virtual Ecommerce Incubators

E-marketing coops, community web business directories, Emalls

Ecommerce and Telework Support Networks International trade facilitation networks Micro-multi-nationals Recognizing the Emergence of a global learning culture

Resources to Share: From My Family To Yours


Thank You