Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap

  • 8/12/2019 Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap


  • 8/12/2019 Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap


    Common ProblemsCommon Problems

    Lack o" in"rastructureLack o" in"rastructure o proper buildingso proper buildings o proper roads to schoolso proper roads to schools

    Lack o" electricityLack o" electricity Lack o" teachers # studentsLack o" teachers # students$uarters$uarters

  • 8/12/2019 Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap


    Un"air distribution in the %ully aided and PartiallyUn"air distribution in the %ully aided and Partially

    aided schools &go't( policy)aided schools &go't( policy)

    !eachers sharing tables and chairs!eachers sharing tables and chairs

    Congested sta"" rooms and class roomsCongested sta"" rooms and class rooms

    Pupils paying RM *+(++ perchairPupils paying RM *+(++ perchair

  • 8/12/2019 Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap


    ,+ - attend Pre.school education,+ - attend Pre.school education

    Curriculum in Pre.schools must beCurriculum in Pre.schools must be


  • 8/12/2019 Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap


    P/PP has many ne0 'isions but 0e 0ant theP/PP has many ne0 'isions but 0e 0ant the

    go'ernment to implement it "airlygo'ernment to implement it "airly

    Rural schools gi'en priorityRural schools gi'en priority 1asten the deli'ery o" 2ducational1asten the deli'ery o" 2ducational

    materials in the rural areasmaterials in the rural areas Lack o" critical sub3ect !eachers in remoteLack o" critical sub3ect !eachers in remote

    areasareas Mismatch in optionMismatch in option !eachers shortage specially in 'ernacular!eachers shortage specially in 'ernacular

    schools and remote areasschools and remote areas

    Lack o" transportationLack o" transportation

  • 8/12/2019 Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap



    24amination oriented system24amination oriented system

    !eaching o" Science and Maths in 2nglish!eaching o" Science and Maths in 2nglish

    & !eachers Centre not Pupils centre )& !eachers Centre not Pupils centre )

    Sur'ey on PPSM/ . *5,6 RespondanceSur'ey on PPSM/ . *5,6 Respondance

    Science7 Maths and 2nglishScience7 Maths and 2nglish

    teachers must undergo the 2nglishteachers must undergo the 2nglish

    pro"iciency testpro"iciency test

    Lack o" 8specialist teachers9 are theLack o" 8specialist teachers9 are the

    main cause o" non.e"ecti'e teachingmain cause o" non.e"ecti'e teaching

    6:(: - agree6:(: - agree


  • 8/12/2019 Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap


    !here is a gap bet0een rural and!here is a gap bet0een rural and

    urban teachers teaching Scienceurban teachers teaching Science

    and Maths in 2nglishand Maths in 2nglish !he Ministry o" 2ducation must!he Ministry o" 2ducation must

    pro'ide enough and comprehensi'epro'ide enough and comprehensi'e

    sets o" teaching aids to teacherssets o" teaching aids to teachers

    Pupils understand the sub3ect betterPupils understand the sub3ect better

    &science and maths) using 2nglish&science and maths) using 2nglish


    5(=+ - agree

    =+ - agree=+ - agree

    Under enrolment schoolsUnder enrolment schools

    1igh maintenance cost specially /C!1igh maintenance cost specially /C!

    Social problemsSocial problems

    /n"ormation and "inancial di'ide/n"ormation and "inancial di'ide

  • 8/12/2019 Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap


  • 8/12/2019 Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap


    Suggestions . PupilsSuggestions . Pupils

    !arget needy children!arget needy children

    Pool o" !eachers handling drop out in ruralPool o" !eachers handling drop out in rural


    ?issimination o" in"ormation?issimination o" in"ormation

    2asy access to educational materials2asy access to educational materials

    Special schools "or special group o" childrenSpecial schools "or special group o" children

    .. Aocational schoolsAocational schools

    .. Character building schoolsCharacter building schools Students e4change programmeStudents e4change programme

    More remedial classes in schoolsMore remedial classes in schools

    Parents must be penalised indicipline childrenParents must be penalised indicipline children

  • 8/12/2019 Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap


    Suggestions . PupilsSuggestions . Pupils

    2ducation must be non.political2ducation must be non.political Condusi'e en'ironment in schoolsCondusi'e en'ironment in schools 1ealthy recreation centre "or children1ealthy recreation centre "or children Childrens healthChildrens health

    & "ood # time management and moti'ation )& "ood # time management and moti'ation ) %inancial aids to poor students%inancial aids to poor students Pro'ide transportation to schoolsPro'ide transportation to schools Reduce the number o" pupil in the schoolsReduce the number o" pupil in the schools School base e4aminationSchool base e4amination Build more hostel "or studentsBuild more hostel "or students

  • 8/12/2019 Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap


    Suggestions !eachers eradicate the culture o"Suggestions !eachers eradicate the culture o"


    /mpro'e teaching method in schools/mpro'e teaching method in schools

    !rained teachers locally and o'ersea!rained teachers locally and o'ersea

    Re0ard teachers 0ho can change lo0Re0ard teachers 0ho can change lo0

    per"ormance to high per"ormanceper"ormance to high per"ormance !eachers co'ered by insurance!eachers co'ered by insurance

    Re'amp the !eachers !raining CurriculumRe'amp the !eachers !raining Curriculum

    1igh $uality and 0orthiness course "or teachers1igh $uality and 0orthiness course "or teachers

  • 8/12/2019 Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap


    Go'ernment had channel "inancial aids toGo'ernment had channel "inancial aids to

    impro'e school in"rastructureimpro'e school in"rastructure

    !o much o" unneccessary bureaucarcy!o much o" unneccessary bureaucarcy

    Can lead to corruptionCan lead to corruption

    Lo0 $uality 0orkLo0 $uality 0ork o proper pro3ectiono proper pro3ection


  • 8/12/2019 Lok Yim Pheng-Bridging the Gap


    De 0ant to ha'e thinking children not robotsDe 0ant to ha'e thinking children not robots

    De 0ant high morale teachersDe 0ant high morale teachers

    !o achi'e all these the managers must go do0n to!o achi'e all these the managers must go do0n to

    the ground and understand the problemsthe ground and understand the problems