Locke Smith Hume American Constitutional Republicanism Government should protect private property...

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Locke Smith Hume American Constitutional Republicanism Government should protect private property...

Nature is a cruel and ruthless place

Because of this humans enter into the social

contract in order to cooperate and


The creation of private

property ruined

everything and man had to create law

So government only protects

those with property and

it is unfair

Humans have to “throw off chains of society” to find the will of the people

The best form of government is a

small direct democracy with

no private property

Immanuel Kant

Philosophy of the Mind

The Moral Imperative

Friedrich Nietzsche

So we must replace him with……..

God is Dead

The State

Statism – the belief that the government should control both economic and social policy

Karl Marx

The Communist Manifesto

Class Struggle







Natural Communism

Natural Communism

Marx in a nutshell

The upper class has always oppressed the lower class and lives off of their labor

In capitalism the bourgeoisie oppresses because they make a profit off of the labor of the proletariat

Religion is the opiate of the masses, a way for the bourgeoisie to control the proletariat

One day the proletariat classes of the world will combine to overthrow the bourgeoisie and return the world to natural communism in which no state will be required because there will be no property

Heap of History

Fascism – a government that protects private property but controls the economy through laws and regulations

Socialism - a economic system in which the government owns the “means of production” (railroads, mines, factories) and manages the economy through central planning

Communism – economic system in which the government owns all private property and means of production and manages the economy through central planning

Charles Darwin

What really drives humans is the biological need to survive and reproduce

Social Darwinism

Social Darwinsim – humans should compete for survival through a system of lassez-faire capitalism in which the strong become wealthy and the weak become poor and only the strong survive

Laissez-Faire Capitalism – capitalistic society that is free from government interventions like tariffs, regulations, central planning and high taxes

Herbert Spencer

Sigmund Freud

Let’s Talk about Sex


The beast in the basement What would society say



One’s Self



Otto Von Bismarck

The “Iron Chancelor” unified Germany into one nation through warfare and then implemented the worlds first welfare system

Otto Von Bismarck

Bismarck was the first leader to introduce government funded old age pensions, accident insurance, unemployment insurance, health insurance and a mandatory 13 year school system that included a national curriculum and national testing

How did it get here?

Lester F. Ward

Considered “the father of the American welfare state” Ward was responsible for bringing the idea of the German welfare state to American Academia. Germany will eventually become the center of Academia with the majority of American professors

spending time studying in Germany

Bohemianism is the practice of an unconventional lifestyle, often in the company of like-minded people, with few permanent ties, involving musical, artistic or literary pursuits. Bohemians are connected to anti-establishment view points, voluntary poverty, free love. Bohemians began emigrating to the United States in the 1840’s

Bohemian Emigration

What are the two largest Bohemian neighborhoods in the United States?

Life in the Village

How did it get here?Academia and Education



A muckracker is a liberally reformed oriented journalist that uses investigative journalism to help change social policy

Upton Sinclair and the Jungle

Sinclair, who was a devout Socialist, spent 4 weeks undercover in a meat packing factory to expose the conditions of the meatpacking industry

So what do we call this “ism” in the United States?


The political belief in the United States that the Constitution was outdated for a modern society and that United States should “progress” beyond it. Progressivism consists of the following tenets

-Government funded welfare programs- government regulation of business- redistribution of wealth through tax system - laws that favor labor-Professionally trained social workers who could help with the issues of poverty - conservation of the environment - world government – there should be a world government body to settle disputes

- democratic peace theory – idea that if all of the governments in the world were democracies there would no longer be wars






DCDC – white segregationistsCD – small businessMR – CorporationsRR – Freed SlavesPro – social and government reformers (media and academia)LD – Immigrants/Labor UnionsPOP – poor farmers

Turn of the Century Politics



