Lock Haven University

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Lock Haven University Eagle Eye

Transcript of Lock Haven University

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February 12, 2015

What we’ve got this week:


Eagle EyeFree!The Lock Haven University

Lifestyles (11)

News (3)

A&E (6)

See Page 16

Op-Ed (13) Photo courtesy of Tim Barnhart



From high

school to

LHU history

February 12, 2015News2

Staff List

Editor-in-Chief:Kyra Smith-Cullen


Managing Editor:Kate Hibbard


News Editor:Kate White


Arts & Entertainment Editors:Spencer McCoy

smccoy@lhup.eduLisa Conner


Lifestyles Editor:Cierra Cook


Opinion Editors:Sarah Eckrich

seckrich@lhup.eduJade Nelson


Sports Editors:�ƌĞƚ�WĂůůŽƩŽ

bmp6070@lhup.eduJayson Moyer


Online Editors:Kathleen Ellison

kae742@lhup.eduHeather Treaster


Social Media Manager:Olawande Odeyemioao4159@lhup.edu

Ads Manager:Jane Spitnale


Senior Copy EditorEvelyn Ewing


Copy Editors:Ashley Metzger

arm9900@lhup.eduLauren Waters

lmw5233@lhup.eduAmanda Thomas


Adviser:Sharon Stringer


A diverse education: Hispanic student population at LHUKyra Smith-CullenEditor in Chiefksmithcu@lhup.edu

Though research shows that the number of black students at LHU has risen, it also shows that another minority is slowly declining.

The annual Institutional Research report lists that, since 2010, the Hispanic student population dropped from 2.07 percent to 1.97 percent. This number means that there are only 97 students on both the main and Clear-ÀHOG�FDPSXV�

Some Latino students feel that, despite the low per-centage, the university does try to make sure that there are activities for them to engage in.

“There are groups around the university that are geared towards the Hispanic student population, such as the Latino Student Association,” said Alexis Ramirez, a Latina sophomore student who is majoring in social work.

The LSA is a student run group whose advisor is Professor Jennifer Taylor, a psychology professor whose parents emigrated from Mexico. However, it is the only group geared towards that minority because the Spanish Club has a broader student base, such as students learn-

ing Spanish or wanting to know more about the culture.Several people stated that the campus could provide

more activities for the Hispanic population.“I do not feel like there are enough activities for His-

panic students. Actually, besides Spanish Club meetings and a speaker that came to campus in October, I haven’t heard of any Hispanic cultural activities last semester,” said Theresa Johnson, a Hispanic junior who is double majoring in political science and Spanish.

Though there is the annual Spanish Festival, host-ed by the LSA, in the spring semester which is largely attended by either the LSA members or those enrolled in the university’s Spanish classes.

In order for the Hispanic student population to increase, it might take outside help from the rest of the campus community.

“It is not just a lack of ethnically diverse students on campus but also the lack of cultural understanding and HGXFDWLRQ�SUHVHQW�RQ�FDPSXV��,W�LV�YHU\�GLIÀFXOW�WR�KROG�conversations with students about race, ethnicity and diversity when they have no experience being around diverse cultures and, frankly, have no interest in learning about or understanding the experiences, beliefs, interests, struggles, values and accomplishments of different races,” said Johnson.

Above: A graph depicting the increases and decreases of the Hispanic student population between Fall 2010

and Fall 2014. The data reads as follows: 2010 (113), 2011 (110), 2012 (110), 2013 (114) and 2014 (97)

February 12, 2015 News 3

Love Fest 2015Photos courtesy of Kyra Smith-Cullen

HAC held a ‘Love Fest’ in the PUB as part of their Hump Day activities on Feb 11. The event has been held every year with a varying selection of activities occurring each time.

This year, students could receive a heart full of chocolates that UDQJHG�IURP�FKRFRODWH�FRYHUHG�FKHUULHV�WR�FKRFRODWH�WUXIÁH�ÀOOHG�candies. They could also pose by themselves, with friends or with WKHLU�VLJQLÀFDQW�RWKHU�DIWHU�FKRRVLQJ�D�9DOHQWLQH·V�'D\�WKHPHG�backdrop.

However, the most popular feature was the stuffed animal, ZKLFK�VWXGHQWV�FRXOG�ZDWFK�EHLQJ�ÀOOHG�LQ�IURQW�RI�WKHLU�H\HV�DQG�take home an adoption form. There was a selection to choose from, including: a pig, a pink poodle or teddy bear, a lamb, a horse and either a white, grey or brown rabbit. Options went quickly, with WKH�JUH\�UDEELW�EHLQJ�WKH�ÀUVW�WR�YDQLVK�IURP�WKH�VWXIIHG�DQLPDOV�

Many students were pleased with the event and were seen carrying around the stuffed animals on campus.

February 12, 2015News4

!ursday, February 12thLast day to apply to graduate

Friday, February 13th

Intramural Sports Registration Dead-line !e deadline for Winter Intra-mural Sports is Friday, February 13th! Registration Packets are available at the SRC! Winter sports include: Bas-ketball (Men’s & Women’s), Co-ed Volleyball, Co-ed Dodgeball, Bowling & Racquetball

Applications for LHU scholarships are due by midnight. Apply online.

HAC Big Screen Movie “Interstellar” @ 7 pm in Price

Saturday, February 14th

Happy Valentine’s Day!

What to do around campus this week: Feb 12 - 18


LOCK HAVEN, PA – Lock Haven University is pleased to welcome Ms. Tayari Jones as the featured speaker for the MLK celebration at Lock Haven University.

WHAT: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration

WHEN: Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at 1:30 p.m.

WHERE: Lock Haven University’s Price Performance Center

WHO: Jamie Shipe (jks109@LHUP.edu) or Laurie Cannady (lcannady@LHUP.edu)

Lock Haven University is pleased to welcome Ms. Tayari Jones as the featured speaker for the MLK celebration at Lock Haven University.

“My father, James Witherspoon, is a bigamist” is the opening line of Tayari Jones’s compelling third novel, Silver Sparrow, which has been in-cluded in O Magazine’s Favorite Things for 2011, Library Journal’s and Atlanta Magazine’s Top Ten Best Books of 2011, and the best books of the year at Slate.com and Salon.com. Her story of a man’s

deception, a family’s complicity, and two teenage girls caught in the middle has drawn wide praise, including this from Jayne Anne Phillips: “Jones is a master, and Silver Sparrow is a revelation, alive with meaning, heartbreak, and hope.” Anita Shreve in the Washington Post praised what she considers “one of literature’s most intriguing extended families,” and Pearl Cleage wrote, “With this novel, Jones has found her own dazzlingly original voice.” Jones spent the 2011–12 academic year as a Radcliffe Institute Fellow at Harvard, received a National Endowment for the Arts grant for 2012, and is presently Associate Professor in the MFA Program at Rutgers University.

Jones was born and raised in Atlanta, Geor-gia, and much of her writing centers on the urban South. “Although I now live in the Northeast,” she explains, “my imagination lives in Atlanta.” Her ÀUVW�QRYHO��/HDYLQJ�$WODQWD��D�FRPLQJ�RI�DJH�VWRU\�set against the city’s infamous African Ameri-can child murders of 1979–81, won the Hurston/:ULJKW�$ZDUG�IRU�GHEXW�ÀFWLRQ��+HU�VHFRQG�QRYHO��The Untelling, about a family struggling to over-come the aftermath of a fatal car accident, re-ceived the Lillian C. Smith Book Award from the Southern Regional Council and the University of

Georgia Libraries. Upon the publication of Silver Sparrow, the Village Voice wrote, “Tayari Jones is IDVW�GHÀQLQJ�EODFN�PLGGOH�FODVV�$WODQWD�WKH�ZD\�that Cheever did for Westchester.”

For more information on Lock Haven Univer-sity’s MLK Day Celebration, please contact Jamie Shipe (jks109@LHUP.edu) or Laurie Cannady (lcannady@LHUP.edu).

LHU announces MLK Day celebration plans

Photo courtesy of edant.com

5February 12, 2015 Police ReportsLHU Police Reports will be back next week...

Call Public Safety

at 570-484-2278 if

you need assistance

6 February 12, 2015Arts & Entertainment

Kathleen EllisonOnline Editorkae742@lhup.edu

ABC has truly outdone itself with its “comedy extravaganza” by the name of “Galavant.” The mu-VLFDO�FRPHG\�DGYHQWXUH�ZDV�D�PLGVHDVRQ�ÀOOHU�IRU�the hit show “Once Upon a Time,” and the show is currently waiting for cancellation or renewal, a decision made all the more interesting given the FOLIIKDQJHU�RI�WKH�ÀQDOH�

This eight episode series has won my heart and I truly believe it deserves a renewal. Though the show started slow it quickly grew on me with its Monty Python like humor and amazing music from Alan Menken and Glenn Slater. The song “Maybe <RX·UH�1RW�WKH�:RUVW�7KLQJ�(YHUµ�LV�GHÀQLWHO\�P\�go-to song for this Valentine’s Day.

Indeed the musical nature of this show was a refreshing change from the usual television fare.

All the music in this show was beautifully catchy and was like listening to a Mel Brooks musi-cal.

Though some of the jokes were predictable and corny they often contained wonderful self-aware

humor that you just could not help but laugh at. But the real show stealer was Timothy Omund-son’s King Richard.

King Richard was absolutely hands-down the best character in the show. His desperate attempts to win Madelena’s heart, and close relationship with the cold blooded Gareth and the scrawny chef add a whole new level of comedy and depth to the show. You couldn’t help but root for the evil and im-mature King who just wants to be loved.

If King Richard and catchy music aren’t enough to convince you of a second season, just think of the JXHVW�VWDUV��7KLV�ÀUVW�VHDVRQ�ZDV�MDPPHG�SDFNHG�with serious celebrity cameos including John Sta-mos, Hugh Bonneville (as a hilarious pirate), So-phie McShera, “Weird Al” Yankovic (as a singing monk), Ricky Gervais and Rutger Hauer.

Honestly this show has so much potential for a second season. The acting was phenomenally good and it’d be interesting to see how the characters will win their happily ever afters.

Galavant shows great promise for possible season

Photo courtesy of techtimes.com

Lisa ConnerA&E Editorlconner@lhup.edu


Walkers, death and hallucinations ruled AMC Sunday night during the season 5 mid-season premier.

In spite of these usual occurrences on this show, the season began with some creative artistic elements that made this episode different than most.

There is a shot of dirt being shoveled which was a YHU\�GLVWLQFW�DQG�GHÀQLQJ�VRXQG��7KHUH�DUH�DOVR�VHYHUDO�camera shots of some abandoned cars, blood dripping onto a picture of a house and a shot of two character that have died in the previous season.

These opening scenes are shot with the style of an old home camera which created an artistic effect. All of

these appear to be random shots but eventually make sense and come together by the end of the episode.

The most exciting part of the opening of the episode was the shot of Morgan coming across the church where the group stayed for a while. This raises the question of not if Morgan will rejoin the group, but when.

'HVSLWH�WKH�DUWLVWLF�RSHQLQJ�RI�WKH�ÀOP�DQG�WKH�UHDSSHDUDQFH�RI�0RUJDQ��LW�was disappointing that only half of the group appeared in the entire episode. After Beth’s accidental death during the mid-season ÀQDOH�� 0RVW� YLHZHUV� H[SHFWHG� WR� VHH� KRZ� WKH�group is coping with the death of Beth – spe-FLÀFDOO\�0DJJLH�DQG�'DU\O�

Tyreese has become a beloved char-acter of the show – always wanting to do the right thing. Unfortunately for Tyreese, doing the right thing cost him his life.

After Tyreese was bit, he is placed face to face with his guilt, seeing Beth, Lizzie and Mika. There was obviously some part of Tyreese that felt responsible for the deaths of these three girls.

With another member of the group dead, they will have to learn to cope with both of these loses.

It has been a while since the group has had a stable place to call their home. Hopefully the tides will turn when they venture to Washington D.C.

Zombies, death and guns ‘Oh my’


7February 12, 2015 Arts & Entertainment




Guess the Movie Quote!

“I want you, I need you, oh baby, oh


Last weeks quote: Dazed and Confused

Photo from upwarddownward.com


Album ArenaDid You Know?Seth Green bases Chris ^jge� >Yeadq� ?mq�k� nga[]�g^^�g^�l`]�[`YjY[l]j�:m^^Ydg�:add� ^jge� L`]� Kad]f[]� g^�

the Lams.”Af^g�[gmjl]kq�g^�`m^^hgkl&[ge

Photo from ulife.vpul.upenn.edu


The Interview

02/16 Kingsmen

The Last Five Years

Spencer McCoyA&E Editorsmccoy@lhup.edu

The Subways have released their fourth studio album ‘The Subways,’ February 6th. This self titled album says a lot about this band, making them more than what meets the eye.

For example their name itself. ‘The Subways’, is not a reference to the trains we most commonly think of. The Subways, an english rock band from the UK refers to an underpass, band members Billy Lunn, Charlotte Cooper DQG�-RVK�0RUJDQ�XVHG�WR�KDQJ�RXW�DW�ZKHQ�WKH\�ÀUVW�VWDUW-ed playing together.

7KLV�LV�WKH�ÀUVW�DOEXP�UHOHDVHG�E\�7KH�6XEZD\V�LQ�IRXU�years and what better way to come back into the spotlight with a self titled, and self produced album. That’s right. They not only wrote each song, but produced and mixed the whole thing themselves. The dedication it takes to accom-plish this is huge. The Subways have proven that it doesn’t

take big named producers and excessive advertising to cre-ate a killer album.

According to DIY Magazine this album is “a collection RI�WZHOYH�EROG�DQG�LQYLJRUDWLQJ�LGHDV��LW·V�D�URXJK��WZR�ÀQ-gered salute to expectation and sends a powerful message of self-belief.” I couldn’t agree more with this summary of the album. Each one of these songs, are short, sweet and get right to the point. Each track has an individual unique-ness to them but the entire album as a whole is one outcry of emotions and it’s up to the listener to pick it apart them-selves.

This is an album about strength and never giving up. Standing up for the truth and shouting it out for the world to hear. Visit their website at www.thesubways.net where you can learn all about how they produced their own al-bum and the option to listen to the album directly through the band. If you’re ever angry at the world around you and don’t know how to get out your emotions, I highly recom-mend you put your headphones on, turn up the volume and blast this incredible piece of work. Check out ‘The Subways’ today!

UK music still top tier

Kyra Smith-CullenEditor in Chiefksmithcu@lhup.edu

Marvel announced on Feb. 9 that Spider-Man will be joining its cinemat-ic universe after coming to an agree-ment with Sony, who previously owned the sole movie rights.

According to the press release, Spi-der-Man will appear in an upcoming Marvel title before his next solo movie, which is scheduled to be released on July 28, 2017.

Many fans have speculated where Spidey will make his Marvel debut and the current desire is in “Captain America: Civil War”, which is a comic book arc where the Captain and Iron Man are at odds and Spider-Man plays D�SLYRWDO�UROH��+RZHYHU��WKH�ÀOP�LV�VHW�to release in 2016 and there may not be enough time for him to be fully in-cluded in the movie.

Although there has been no of-ÀFLDO� FRQÀUPDWLRQ�� $QGUHZ� *DUÀHOG�

may not be returning to the role of the beloved web slinger and both compa-nies appear to be interested in starting fresh with the origin story.

Unfortunately, the addition means that several other Marvel movies have had their release date pushed back. Fan-favorite Thor will have his third movie come to theaters in November 2017. “Inhumans”, which is about a team of superheroes separate from the Avengers, was moved back to 2019. “Black Panther” and “Captain Mar-YHOµ��ZKLFK�DUH�WKH�ÀUVW�ÀOPV�WR�IHDWXUH�either a title person of color or a wom-an, are now scheduled to be released in 2018 and will likely lead to the charac-ters’ inclusion in future Avenger mov-ies.

Despite this, Marvel will still re-OHDVH�´$YHQJHUV��,QÀQLW\�:DUVµ�SDUW���and part 2 in their May 2018 and 2019.

Fans will have to wait to see how 6SLGHU�0DQ�ZLOO�ÀW� LQWR� WKH�XQLYHUVH��but many are overjoyed to have him join his comic book cohorts.

Sony shares Spidey

8 February 12, 2015Arts & Entertainment

Samantha Shirk

Staff Writer


If sickly-sweet romance is not your cup of tea this holiday, then perhaps you’d be interested in this list of anti-Valentine’s Day movies. Here are 5 great ones to check out!

0UV��'RXEWÀUHA classic! The story of an actor coming out of a bitter divorce and disguising himself as a female housekeeper just to spend time with his children who are in his ex-wife’s custody.The emphasis in this movie is on family rather than romantic love. It’s light-hearted and funny which is good if you’re just looking for something to cheer you up on Valentine’s Day. Plus it stars Robin Williams which gives you every reason to watch it!

The Break-Up

The story of a recently split couple who are in a constant war to keep their luxurious condo. With both being stubborn, the couple’s actions, as a result of the break-up, get nastier by the second.The title alone states why you should watch this movie for a great anti-Val-HQWLQH·V�GD\�ÁLFN��7KLV�PRYLH�LV�QRW�D�W\SLFDO�URPDQWLF�FRPHG\�E\�DQ\�PHDQV�in, it’s more of an anti one. Full of quick witted moments from Vaughn and KLODULRXV�GHYLRXV�DFWV��WKLV�ÀOP�LV�SHUIHFW�LI�\RX·UH�ORRNLQJ�IRU�D�JRRG�EUHDN�up tale.

Body Heat

During an intense heat wave in Florida, a woman partakes in an affair with a sleazy, small-town lawyer. Wanting to divorce her husband, the woman convinces her lover to kill her rich husband.There is absolutely nothing more sinful than an affair and the thought of watching this adultery on Valentine’s Day is thrilling. It holds the whole ´ORYH�VWLQNVµ�FRQFHSW�EHFDXVH�ZH�ÀQG�WKDW�0DWW\��WKH�PDLQ�IHPDOH�FKDUDFWHU��is very unhappy with her marriage. Nothing says “I hate you” like a plan devised with your current lover to kill your spouse!

The War of Roses

The story of a married couple trying everything to get each other to leave the house during a vicious divorce battle.As the tagline reads “Once in a lifetime comes a motion picture that makes \RX�IHHO�OLNH�IDOOLQJ�LQ�ORYH�DJDLQ��7KLV�LV�QRW�WKDW�PRYLH�µ�7KLV�WDOH�LV�WHUULÀF�one that is similar to The Break-Up, the difference is this middle-aged couple LV�IDU�PRUH�EUXWDO��7KLV�FRXSOH�ÀJKWV�KDUG�RYHU�WKHLU�PDQVLRQ�OLNH�KRPH��inching on a path that can only be described as self-destruction. When pre-cious family heirlooms are smashed, you know you’ve got a violent break-up RQ�\RXU�KDQGV��3HUIHFW�IRU�DQ�DQWL�9DOHQWLQH·V�GD\�ÁLFN�

Blue Valentine

A heartbreaking tale that follows a couple’s rocky marriage from the past to the present.7KLV�LV�RQH�RI�WKH�EHVW�DQWL�9DOHQWLQH·V�'D\�ÀOPV�EHFDXVH�LW·V�DERXW�PDULWDO�LVVXHV��0DULWDO�LVVXHV�DUH�FRPPRQ�LQ�HYHU\GD\�OLIH�DQG�ZKHQ�D�PDUULDJH�LV�LQ�GDQJHU�RI�HQGLQJ��LW�UHDOO\�PDNHV�\RX�IHHO�OLNH�ORYH�VWLQNV��7KLV�ÀOP�LV�SHUIHFW�if you’re in that mindset for Valentine’s Day. While the story is sad, it’s an LQWHUHVWLQJ�RQH�WKDW�LV�ÀOOHG�ZLWK�IDQWDVWLF�DFWLQJ��

Five things to make up a break up

Photo courtesy of imgkid.com

Bridget Kovacs

Guest Writer




America “dead” and the men home, Peggy has gone from a respected Agent to paper pusher and go-for.

She becomes a double agent for How-ard Stark, whose inventions have been stolen, because the SSR thinks the theft

is a cover up.With twist and turns around every cor-

QHU�$JHQW�&DUWHU�LV�DQ�H[KLODUDWLQJ�ULGH�IRU�the mind without being too cerebral.

The overall themes of girl power and feminism are strong and prevalent throughout the show. Though it can be a bit heavy handed, what do you ex-SHFW�IURP�D�IHPDOH�FHQWULF�VWRU\OLQH�VHW�LQ�WKH�¶��V"

However, in more recent episodes, they’ve swapped out heavy handed-ness and talk with naturalness and action. Peggy’s fellow agents get to see KHU�LQ�DFWLRQ�ZLWK�WKH�´+RZOLQJ�&RPPDQGRVµ�ZLWK�ZKRP�VKH�VHUYHG�ZLWK�GXULQJ�WKH�ZDU��7KLV�KDSSHQV�LQ�HSLVRGH�ÀYH�ZKHUH�YLHZHUV�ÀQDOO\�VHH�3HJJ\�being treated as an equal in intellect and ability.

As this curly, curvy story unfolds there are many questions left to answer this season and only two episodes left.

There is no word yet as to a second season, but fans are hopeful and WUHQGLQJ�WDJV�OLNH��$JHQW&DUWHU���6DYH$JHQW&DUWHU�DQG��5HQHZ$JHQW&DUWHU�does help.

Though there is discussion about whether if this were a male centric show if a second season would even be a question.


A new woman in town

Photo courtesy of agentcarter.com

9February 12, 2015 Lifestyles

Cierra Cook Lifestyles Editor cdc8693@lhup.edu

With Valentines Day right around the corner you may be looking for easy DQG�LQH[SHQVLYH�GDWHV�IRU�\RX�DQG�\RXU�VLJQLÀFDQW�RWKHU��+HUH�DUH�ÀYH�HDV\�GDWHV��


4. Bowling Though bowling may not be your favorite thing it could be fun just for a




2. Get a movie and stay in There is nothing more relaxing than laying on the couch together and



eat great food! Whatever you plan on doing be sure to have fun!













Inexpensive Valentine’s dates and gifts

Ina Garten Food Network Contributor


6 tablespoons (3/4 stick) unsalted butter������FXSV�����RXQFHV��VHPLVZHHW�FKRFR-late chips3 extra-large eggs1 cup sugar1 tablespoon instant coffee granules1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract����FXS�DOO�SXUSRVH�ÁRXU1/4 teaspoon baking powder1/4 teaspoon kosher salt1 cup (4 ounces) chopped walnuts2 to 3 tablespoons heavy cream





Melt the remaining 1/4 cup of chocolate chips with the heavy cream and GUL]]OH�RQ�WKH�WDUW�

Double chocolate Brownie Tart

Photo courtesy of foodnetwork.com

10February 12, 2015 Lifestyles

Lona Middleton Copy Editorlkemp@lhup.edu

We all know the government likes to spend money. President Obama’s budget request is al-ways a good way to see what he believes the rest of the government will allow for spending.

A small surprise this year though as he requested 18.5 billion dollars for NASA and that is up from 18 billion last time the request came around. He has said that 30 million of the said bil-lions would be used to set up a mission to Europa.

Europa is one of Jupiter’s moons and likely the EHVW�KRSH�ZH�KDYH�RI�ÀQGLQJ�DQ\�VRUW�RI�OLIH�ZLWKLQ�the Milky Way that isn’t on Earth.

Europa has a few things that make it quite similar to Earth: tectonic plates, a possible vast ocean underneath its icy surface, and the likeli-hood that there will be the chemical compounds capable of supporting life.

There have been plans on the books for an orbital spacecraft called the Europa Clipper that would gather information about this particular

moon of Jupiter. The Clipper would be able to analyze whether

the atmosphere would be suitable for any sort of habitability.

All this information would be used to deter-mine if a lander would be possible and if so, what such a moon landing would require.

The space program is quickly becoming com-mercial with different countries selling seats aboard rockets to the ISS or International Space Station and developing plans for Mars trips.

NASA and its continued funding could be of vi-tal importance to the U.S. as we continue to make new discoveries and is one of the few facilities that represent us as a nation.

The President allotting so much funding for the space program is not only a positive step in the right direction of space exploration but a much QHHGHG�YRWH�RI�FRQÀGHQFH�WR�XV�DV�D�ÀUVW�ZRUOG�country.

Update: When I wrote this article the 2016 budget was waiting on approval. It has been ap-proved and according to io9, a reputable science site, and NASA’s own budget proposal, NASA considers the Europa Clipper project one of its top priorities.

Photo Courtesy of www.themorningnews.org

Possibility of life forms on Europa

Kate White News Editorkmw4152@lhup.edu

Club Name: Investment Club

Club President: Bill Whale (wew4113@lhup.edu)

Club advisor: Dr. Everett (reverett@lhup.edu)

Club meetings: Every other Wednesday at 6:30, Raub 223

About the club: Each member manages a simulated $100,000 portfolio and compete with the other members to see who can get the largest return by the end of the semester. $�VLPXODWHG����������SRUWIROLR�LV�DOVR�PDQDJHG�DV�D�JURXS�WKURXJK�GLYHUVL¿HG�VWRFNV�


“We welcome everyone from complete beginners to savvy investors. You don’t need WR�NQRZ�DQ\WKLQJ�\HW�WR�FRPH�WR�RXU�PHHWLQJV��:H�DUH�KDSS\�WR�VKRZ�\RX�WKH�URSHV�DQG�we structure the meetings in a way that it is easy to follow and we frequently present VWRFNV�WKDW�ORRN�SURPLVLQJ�DQG�DQDO\]H�WKH�VWRFN�DV�D�JURXS��7KDW�ZD\�\RX�FDQ�JUDGXDOO\�OHDUQ�E\�OLVWHQLQJ�´�VD\V�:LOOLDP�:KDOH

The club was founded this year and has already grown to over 40 members. The club


“I really enjoy our Investment Club meetings, it is a fun learning environment and you




Club of the week: Investment Club

Photo Courtesy of www.crainsnewyork.com

11February 12, 2015 Lifestyles

Kate White News Editor kmw4152@lhup.edu

It’s the beginning of the second semester, you are all settled in and your roommate has been nothing but un-EHDUDEOH�VLQFH�\RX�KDYH�UHWXUQHG�IURP�EUHDN��<RXU�¿UVW�IHZ�reactions may result in you being removed from campus so KHUH�DUH�VRPH�ZD\V�WR�EUHDN�WKH�WHQVLRQ�DQG�OLYH�WKH�UHVW�of the semester in perfect harmony.

1. CleaningMany people set rules in the beginning of the year.


'2��5HPLQG�WKHP�WKDW�ERWK�RI�\RX�OLYH�WKHUH�DQG�ERWK�of you are expected to clean your shared living space.



2. NoiseAfter being home, your roommate may forget that they





3. GuestsI am sure your roommate missed their boyfriend or

girlfriend over break, but you didn’t.'2��5HPHPEHU�WKDW�\RX�VKDUH�VSDFH�DQG�WKDW�DV�





XS"�6KH�VHQW�IRXU�GR]HQ�DQG�\RX�KDYH�DERXW���OHIW�DQG�you certainly didn’t eat them all.


'2�127��0DNH�DQ�LWHPL]HG�UHFHLSW�IRU�DOO�WKH�IRRG�\RX�think she took



if the sink has a bottom and you are pretty sure you might have to ask the mold at the bottom of the sink to start pay-ing rent.

�'2��6HW�XS�D�GD\�V\VWHP��RQH�RI�\RX�KDV�WR�GR�GLVKHV�every other day.





GLGQ¶W�SD\�ELOOV��VLW�GRZQ�DQG�ZULWH�LW�RXW�DQG�SXW�LW�RQ�WKH�IULGJH��:KHQ�\RX�SD\�D�ELOO��ERWK�RI�\RX�LQLWLDO�WKH�DJUHH-ment on the fridge. It’s annoying, but it keeps the confusion out.

'2�127��3D\�\RXU�KDOI�RI�WKH�ELOOV�LQ�XQUROOHG�GLPHV��as tempting as it may be.



Photo Courtesy of en.wikipedia.org


If interested, contact Cierra Cook at FGF����#OKXS�HGX�

Six ways to deal with an unruly roommate

12 February 12, 2015Opinion

Nicole CreamerStaff Writernac8638@lhup.edu

Let’s talk about the word “but.” It is one of those words people use to make something seem not as bad or to signal that you are about the give an excuse for something. Everyone uses this word in a variety of different ways and they use it, myself included, to get away with things that could potentially be bad.

People are always saying things like, “not to sound offensive, but…” What you are really saying is that the person \RX·UH� WDONLQJ� WR� ZLOO� ÀQG� ZKDW� \RX·UH�about to say offensive, but they should disregard that because what you want to say is more important than being respect-ful. Just because you put that phrase in the beginning of a sentence doesn’t make it any less offensive.

Then there is, “I’m not racist, but…” If you are going to say that in the beginning of a sentence be ready for someone to slap you across the face because you are essentially calling yourself racist. All you are trying to do is cover up that fact that you actually believe what-ever racist nonsense you are about to say; you just don’t want the people listening to think of you negatively for it.

Then there are those people who use the word ‘but’ right before they

give an excuse. But I was really tired. But I didn’t have a ride. But I whatever. These days excuses are used so frequently that it blows my mind. And people in our generation and younger are being taught how to make excuses for not doing their best and for not trying! We are starting to use excuses to make up for our laziness.

What good is any of this? It all helps people to not take respon-sibility for their actions. It’s almost like people are afraid

of being responsible. Taking responsibility shows strength. Making excuses just shows weak-

ness.Most people use the word “but” and

they use it for many reasons, some of which are even good.

Don’t use “but” to try to make your-self sound better by putting it in as a buffer. People see through that kind

of stuff; if you are going to offend them, a buffer won’t stop it. If you are about to


The moral of the story is familiar: think before you talk. Think before you say something that could hurt another

human being. Actually try and work hard at something before you start making up excuses as to why you couldn’t do it, especially when you really just forgot or never attempted it. Be honest and think before you speak.

Life is better without all the “but” buffering and excuses.

But . . . nothing!

The perks of getting olderVicky KramerStaff Writervak1553@lhup.edu

I was prepared and have begun this new se-mester with gusto. Winter is now upon us and has brought bitter temperatures along with the dreaded, yet unavoidable snow and ice. Most of us, prepared or not, have been struggling to get back to a daily routine of going to class, do-ing homework and meeting deadlines (no more ELQJH�ZDWFKLQJ�1HWÁL[� LQ�SDMDPDV�DOO�GD\��XQ-fortunately).

With the semester in full bloom, I began to look at my calendar to observe personal and scholastic deadlines when I realized how close my birthday is—in less than a week! (Insert “dun dun dun” music.) I make it sound like I’m going to be 99 years old. I will be 23; nonethe-

less, I feel really, really old, at least for a college student.

The tale as old as time is that age is just a number, albeit a number with which comes wisdom. The last time I checked, with old(er) age comes an aching back, high blood pressure, and some loss of vital bodily functions (or at least ailments which tend to complicate things).

In spite of that, I still look at birthdays and getting older as a positive aspect of life. At al-most 23 years old, I am still pursuing an under-JUDGXDWH�GHJUHH��7KLV�LV�QRW�P\�ÀUVW�WLPH�DURXQG�the block with classes, so I feel like a mentor to

younger people in my classes. I often give advice to them regarding classes to take, professors, homework and even personal life issues. Could this make me and others in the same position feel aged? Yes. Easily. But the way we respond to environment can make all the difference. I choose to let my age empower me, not overpower me.

In the big picture of life, 23 years old is very young. I have a full life ahead of me where I am going to grow, mature, fall down, make mistakes and learn by experience. I’m embracing this new journey of life at 23 years old; something incred-ible and life changing could occur that may re-ally make 23 something to remember.

At the very least, during my 23rd year on Earth I hope to debunk the myth of a famous line by Blink-182: “no one likes you when you’re 23.”

“I choose to let my age empower me,

not overpower me.”

“‘I’m not racist, but…’ If you are going to say that in

the beginning of a sentence be ready for someone to slap you across the face because you are essentially

calling yourself racist.”

13February 12, 2015 Opinion

Sarah Eckrich

Opinion Editor


A civil war is approaching.About this time every year, two competing ide-


Your status as single or taken actually matters less than your opinion about V-Day, namely for it or against it. One school of thought lauds the holi-day as a time that fosters giving, consideration, and encourages spending time with loved ones, no mat-ter what kind of relationship you share. The other camps calls it a Hallmark holiday, the bastion of a greedy capitalistic system willing to cruelly com-PRGLI\�WKH�VDFUHG�ERQGV�RI�ORYH�WR�IXHO�WKH�ÀUHV�RI�consumerism.

One side claims Valentine’s Day supports love while the other swears it cheapens love. And both sides blame either ignorance or obstinacy for the opinion of the other camp, as if people couldn’t just feel however they feel about the holiday the same way they simply feel how they feel about people or music or movies.

Whatever someone’s reasons for adopting a stance on something, ultimately it is their feelings that translate into a position for or against it. Hav-ing feelings and personal preferences is an intrinsic part of all of us. If it wasn’t, we’d feel awfully tacky DQG�HPEDUUDVVHG�DERXW�KDYLQJ�RSLQLRQV�LQ�WKH�ÀUVW�place.

So rather than quibbling over Valentine’s Day, I’d like to suggest that we are all better off simply accept the fact that some people like it and some people don’t; no amount of time or energy spent ar-guing will change that.

6RPH�SHRSOH�YDOXH�VSRQWDQHLW\�DQG�ÀQG�FDOHQ-dar-scheduled acts of affection off-putting and in-authentic. Other people really value the reinforce-ment that comes with a loved one remembering an important day—which can be Valentine’s Day just as well as it can be an anniversary or a birthday—and putting the time and effort into showing their love that day. Even more people fall somewhere in between.

The only person whose opinion should matter (aside from your own) is whomever you’re in a re-lationship with, so that you can compromise about what is and what isn’t important and act on it.

If your relationship hinges on a war over Valen-tine’s Day, you’ve got bigger problems than wheth-er or not to buy each other chocolates.

In like mind, if you’re someone whose day is ru-ined by spying the collection of candy hearts and cards in the grocery store around V-Day, grow up. <RX·UH�QRW�WKH�ÀUVW�SHUVRQ�WR�EH�DVVDXOWHG�E\�SURG-ucts associated with a holiday you don’t celebrate. Get over it.

There’s no need to worry about the bastardiza-tion of love, since love is different for everyone and any two people with a real loving relationship can overcome a difference in opinion about something as trivial as Valentine’s Day.

And if you’re someone who is actually outraged

about consumerism and big business, you ought to be using your energy to promote local chocolatiers DQG� ÁRULVWV� LQVWHDG� RI� MXVW� EDVKLQJ� WKH� KROLGD\��which really threatens only wallets and waistlines.

We debate this holiday every year, but to what ends? I’ve written for it. I’ve written against it. Af-ter three years of writing about it, I’ve come to one conclusion: Valentine’s Day is no more and no less than what we, alongside our loved ones choose to make of it.

Photo courtesy of adultingblog.com

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Cutting Cupid some slack<<<< <

14 February 12, 2015Sports

Alex WahlStaff Writerajw7885@lhup.edu

The Lock Haven University wrestling team (5-11 Overall, 2-2 EWL) went on the road last Friday to take on No. 15 Edinboro (13-4 Overall, 6-0 EWL).

The action started at the 125-pound weight class with Jake Field dropping a 6-1 decision to No. 16 Kory Mines.

The Bald Eagles came back to take a surprising lead after Ronnie Perry secured a tech fall victory over Anthony Rivera, which made the score 5-3 in favor of Lock Haven after two bouts.

It was all Edinboro after that. At the 141 pound weight class, Mitchell Port, who is No. 2 in the national rankings for 141-pound weight class, pinned Bobby Rehm in 3:34.

Immediately after that, Dave Habat, who is ranked No. 1 in the 149-pound weight class nationally, earned a 6-0 deci-sion over No. 27 Dan Neff.

Edinboro wouldn’t stop there. The

Fighting Scot Kasey Burnett-Davis earned a close 4-3 decision over LHU’s Elias Bid-dle.

/RFN�+DYHQ�ÀQDOO\�VWRSSHG�WKH���ERXW�losing streak after Aaron McKinney earned a 2-0 decision victory over Casey Fuller.

In the 174-pound weight class, No. 33 Patrick Jennings earned a 11-4 victory over Tyler Wood.

The biggest match of the night was the 184-pound bout, which featured two na-tionally ranked wrestlers. It was a classic for both wrestlers, but Lock Haven’s Fred Garcia, who is ranked No. 28, dropped a 3-1 decision over No. 13 Vic Avery.

With the victory already secured for Edinboro, Lock Haven made sure the team score would be close as Phil Sprenkle and %UDG�(PHULFN�ZRQ� WKH� ÀQDO� WZR� ERXWV� RI�the evening.

The Lock Haven wrestling team will return to action this Friday, Feb. 13 at the Thomas Fieldhouse to take on Rider Uni-versity. The match is scheduled to start at 7 p.m.

Jayson MoyerSports Editorjpm362@lhup.edu

The Lock Haven University men’s basketball team fell in over-WLPH� WR�0DQVÀHOG� ������ RQ�6DWXU-GD\�DW�7KRPDV�)LHOGKRXVH�
















Wrestling falls to No. 15 Edinboro


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Sophomore Bootsie Walker (22) scored 22 points (8-10 FG), 10 rebounds and six assists on Saturday.






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Photos courtesy of www.golhu.com

February 12, 2015 15Sports

College Basketball Roundup

:%%�ORVHV�ODWH�WR�0DQVÀHOGJayson MoyerSports Editorjpm362@lhup.edu

The Lock Haven University women’s basketball team dropped a close one













Bret PallottoSports Editorbmp6070@lhup.edu













Lock Haven Box ScoreStarters23 Hilliard 6-12fg, 0-0 3pt, 1-1!, 5reb, 2ast, 3to, 13pts, 31min42 Bair 4-6fg, 0-0 3pt, 0-0!, 1reb, 1ast, 2to, 2blk, 8pts, 30 min24 Moyer 1-6fg, 0-0 3pt, 2-2!, 9reb, 0ast, 4to, 2blk, 1stl, 4pts, 31min15 Lane 2-8fg, 0-0 3pt, 0-0!, 3reb, 0ast, 4to, 1stl, 4pts, 26min30 McDaniel 1-6fg, 0-2 3pt, 0-0!, 5reb, 1ast, 1to, 2pts, 25min

AP Top 10 1. Kentucky Wildcats (24-0, 11-0 SEC) 6. Villanova Wildcats (21-2, 8-2 Big East)2. Virginia Cavaliers (21-1, 9-1 ACC) 7. Arizona Wildcats (20-3, 8-2 Pac 12)3. Gonzaga Bulldogs (24-1, 12-0 WCC) 8. Kansas Jayhwaks (20-4, 9-2 Big 12)4. Duke Blue Devils (21-3, 8-3 ACC) 9. Louisville Cardinals (19-4, 7-3 ACC)5. Wisconsin Badgers (22-2, 10-1 Big Ten) 10. Notre Dame Fighting Irish (22-4, 10-3 ACC)

ESPN’s Joe Lunardi’s NCAA TournamentNo. 1 Seeds

Midwest Region: Kentucky (No. 1 Overall Seed)South Region: DukeEast Region: VirginiaWest Region: Gonzaga

16 February 12, 2015Sports

Highlighting Hepburn’s journey to Lock HavenJohn PoliStaff Writerjpoli@lhup.edu

If you were to look at LHU senior Wali Hepburn’s career with the Bald Eagle basketball team, you would never guess that he wasn’t a high school star and that he wasn’t heavily recruited out of high school.

Hepburn attended Neumann-Goretti High School, which is one of the top high school basketball pro-grams in the country. In 2010 Neu-mann-Goretti was allowed in the PIAA state playoffs and they have won the class AAA state title every season except 2013 when they lost in WKH�VWDWH�VHPL�ÀQDO�

During Hepburn’s time at Neu-mann-Goretti, playing time didn’t come easy. Two of his teammates, Rick Jackson and Scoop Jardine, would go on to be starters at Syracuse under legendary coach Jim Boeheim. Jardine was a member of the 2011-2012 Syracuse team that nearly made the Final Four failing to Ohio State in the Elite Eight. Hepburn was dis-couraged for his lack of minutes but he knew he was playing with the best.

“It was discouraging because I felt like I should have played more, but I always was a team player and we won a lot so I [dealt] with it,” Hepburn said. “I also got to play against the

best competition everyday in practice and every program doesn’t give you that opportunity.

After high school, Hepburn

walked on to a Shippensburg team in which his current head coach, Mike Nestor served as an assistant coach.

Hepburn played few minutes while at Shippensburg and he got into

some academic trouble and was listed academically ineligible by the NCAA.

“My experience there was rough because I felt like I was overlooked

and could have helped the team win, but I wasn’t given the chance to,” Hepburn said. “I let me not playing affect my school work and it ended up haunting me.”

Hepburn left Shippensburg and took classes back home in Philadel-phia and brought his grades back up. That’s when Nestor helped give Hep-burn a second chance.

“We stayed in contact with each when he left Shippensburg,” Nestor said. “When I took this job here my goal was not get Wali to play, but just to get him back into school.”

When Hepburn started playing at Lock Haven he caught everyone by surprise with how well he was play-ing, including his former Shippens-burg teammate and now assistant coach Brian Oleksiak.

“No, I didn’t think Wali was go-ing to be this good,” Oleksiak said. “He came along towards the end of his time at Ship (Shippensburg) as a role player. When we recruited him here we just wanted him to be a solid play-er for us. We told him this was going to be a chance for him to really prove he could be a good player.”

Hepburn did more than show his coaches that he was a good player, he showed the nation that he was good player. Last season Hepburn scored his 1,000th career point and helped OHDG�/RFN�+DYHQ�WR�WKHLU�ÀUVW�SOD\RII�DSSHDUDQFH�VLQFH������DQG�ÀUVW�KRPH�playoff game since 1990. Hepburn was also was named PSAC Eastern Division Player of the Year and be-came a Division II All-American.

6RIWEDOO�SLFNHG�WR�ÀQLVK��WK�LQ�36$&�(DVWBret PallottoSports Editorbmp6070@lhup.edu

The Pennsylvania State Athletic Confer-ence (PSAC) recently release their Preseason Coaches Poll and the Lady Eagles were picked WR�ÀQLVK�IRXUWK�LQ�WKH�(DVW�GLYLVLRQ��7KH�WHDP�DOVR�SLFNHG�XS�RQH�ÀUVW�SODFH�YRWH�

Bloomsburg and Shippensburg each re-FHLYHG� WKUHH� ÀUVW� SODFH� YRWHV� DQG� ZHUH� SUH-GLFWHG�WR�ÀQLVK�ÀUVW�DQG�VHFRQG�LQ�WKH�GLYLVLRQ��respectively. Ahead of Lock Haven, in the third spot, was West Chester University who also HDUQHG�RQH�ÀUVW�SODFH�YRWH�

Sophomores McKenna Garlock and Paige Stuppy return to the team after earning All-PSAC honors during their freshman seasons. Garlock played in all 45 games, including 44

starts, and hit .279 with an on-base percentage (OBP) of .353. Stuppy will look to build on her success that she enjoyed to close out the 2014 season. Once she was inserted into the lineup in April, Stuppy hit .344 with 14 runs scored and seven stolen bases.

In addition to Garlock and Stuppy, the team will have redshirt senior Nicole Smith, a former PSAC Central Freshman of the Year award winner.

Rachel Mouillesseaux, a sophomore, is yet another Lady Eagle that enjoyed success late last season. She won 9 of her last 15 decisions and trimmed her earned run average (ERA) from 3.89 to 2.93 over that same time span.

/DVW�VHDVRQ�WKH�ODGLHV�ÀQLVKHG�ÀIWK�LQ�WKH�conference with a 19-26 overall record while go-ing 12-15 in PSAC play and they will certainly look to improve upon that record in 2015.


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Photo courtesy of housethatglanvillebuilt.blogpress.comWali Hepburn - middle row, second in on the left - as a student at

Neumann-Goretti High School.