Local SEO for National Brands

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Local SEO for National Brands

cementmarketing.com | 15 East Gay St, Columbus, Ohio 43215 | 2015 |


Got a big brand? Get local.

Follow: @cementmarketing or @alainashearer

Presented by:

Alaina Shearer, President and Founder

Alex Henderson, Sr. Digital Analyst

cementmarketing.com | 15 East Gay St, Columbus, Ohio 43215 | 2015 |

Your presenters:

Alaina Shearer

President and Founder


cementmarketing.com | 15 East Gay St, Columbus, Ohio 43215 | 2015 |

Your presenters:

Alex Henderson

Sr. Digital Analyst


cementmarketing.com | 15 East Gay St, Columbus, Ohio 43215 | 2015 |

Google Local Places

Claim and optimize every location. The most important local search effort of any national brand, is

often overlooked. And claiming is just the beginning.

Case Studies:

cementmarketing.com | 15 East Gay St, Columbus, Ohio 43215 | 2015 |


Respond to reviews, answer concerns. Ignoring negative reviews leaves a missed opportunity to

connect with disgruntled customers and to clear up the record.

How to respond:

- Direct negative comments to a phone number

- Try to take conversation offline

- Apologize with authenticity

- Don’t patronize or be defensive

cementmarketing.com | 15 East Gay St, Columbus, Ohio 43215 | 2015 |

Location pages

Non mobile responsive location pages. It is critical to make finding each location as easy as possible for

mobile visitors.


- Tie your location map to Google Places

- Check analytics for views/visitors on location pages

cementmarketing.com | 15 East Gay St, Columbus, Ohio 43215 | 2015 |

Local Offers

Create custom offers per market. Now easier than ever to create zip code targeted offers to boost

sales in slow markets.


- Tie your location map to Google Places

- Check analytics for views/visitors on location pages

cementmarketing.com | 15 East Gay St, Columbus, Ohio 43215 | 2015 |

Facebook Advertising

Local, geo and interest targeted. Facebook advertising keeps getting better and better. And is still

the lowest CPM out there.

cementmarketing.com | 15 East Gay St, Columbus, Ohio 43215 | 2015 |

Local content

Get serious about local content. Instead of waiting for lightning to strike, increase the odds that

it will and connect on the local level.

How to do it: - Designate social content producers at each

location or in each market

- Assign content direction and tasks

- Train them on photography

cementmarketing.com | 15 East Gay St, Columbus, Ohio 43215 | 2015 |


Thank you.

