L.O: To describe the geographical features of Spain

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Transcript of L.O: To describe the geographical features of Spain

8th January 2021L.O: To describe the geographical features of Spain

Has anyone been to Spain before?

Where did you go?

What was it like?

The weather- The land –The culture

So, where is Spain?Name of Country:

Capital City:


Official Language(s):

Average Rainfall:


So, where is Spain?Name of Country:

Capital City:


Official Language(s):

Average Rainfall:



48 million

Castilian - Spanish

1,240 mm (49 in) per year

Spain is a large country in Europe and shares borders with France and

Portugal. It has the Mediterranean Sea on its east coast and the Atlantic

Ocean on its north, west and south coast.


Spain Facts Spain is officially called the Kingdom

of Spain.

The capital city of Spain is Madrid.

The official language is Spanish.

The population of Spain is

approximately 48,000,000.

Spain has very hot weather in the

spring and summer, making it a

popular holiday destination,

especially with people from the UK. In

winter, temperatures in some parts of

Spain can get cold, sometimes below

0°C, and it can snow.


What do you think of when you hear the word geography?


Geography is the study of the earth’s surface, its atmosphere and its features.These are some of the topics we learn about in geography.


towns and citiesriversrainforestsweather

farming volcanoes

Human and Physical Geography

Physical GeographyHuman Geography

Human geography relates to human activity or something that is humanly-constructed.

It studies the interaction between human activity and the planet.

• What is the largest city in Africa?

• Why is the UK population growing?

• Why do we experience global warming?

Physical geography relates to geography that is naturally occurring.

It studies the natural environment and landscapes of our planet.

Physical geography might answer questions like:

Human geography might answer questions like:

• What happens when a volcano erupts?

• Why does a river flood?• How are mountains


Weather refers to the state of the atmosphere in a particular place.

When we study weather, we are thinking about elements, such as the temperature, how wet or dry it is, the wind levels or whether there are any storms.

An area’s average weather, over approximately 30 years, is described as its climate.

Physical GeographyWeather

Biomes are parts of our planet with similar climates, landscapes, animals and plants.

When we study biomes, we explore elements, such as temperature, rainfall and soil, to help us understand which plants and animals might live there.

Some different types of biomes include rainforests, deserts, woodland and grasslands.

Physical GeographyBiomes

Mountains are areas of land that are usually over 600 metres high. They are often higher and steeper than hills.

When we learn about mountains, we explore how they are formed and where they are located on our planet.

Studying mountains can link to learning about tectonic plates, volcanoes and the layers of the earth.

Physical GeographyMountains

Rivers are large, natural streams of water. They flow downhill, along a channel, from their source to a sea, lake or another river.

Studying rivers involves learning about how they are formed and the different ways they might flow through changing landscapes.

You might also explore how rivers can erode land over time.

Physical GeographyRivers

A volcano is a mountain or hill with an opening where lava, gases and rock fragments can escape from.

Studying volcanoes involves exploring how they are formed, where they are located and the different types of volcanic eruptions.

Learning about volcanoes is often linked to other areas of geography, including the layers of the earth, tectonic plates, mountains and earthquakes.

Physical GeographyVolcanoes

The water cycle describes the constant recycling of all water on Earth.

Water moves in a continuous cycle between the land, oceans and atmosphere.

When we study the water cycle, we learn about the sequence of evaporation, condensation, transpiration, precipitation (rain or snow) and collection.

Physical GeographyThe Water Cycle

Earthquakes occur when the plates of the earth’s upper layer (the crust) move and release stored energy. The sudden and intense shaking often results in much damage.

We learn about what causes earthquakes, where they occur, how they are measured and the destruction they can cause.

Earthquakes are linked to our learning about the earth’s layers, tectonic plates and volcanoes.

Physical GeographyEarthquakes

So, what are the physical features of the land in Spain?

Name of Country:

Capital City:


Official Language(s):

Average Rainfall:



48 million

Castilian - Spanish

1,240 mm (49 in) per year


The Cantabrian Mountains

Cantabria is known for a rainy and cool climate. The region is also greener than southern Spain and is very

mountainous.Cantabrian Mountains, Spanish Cordillera Cantábrica, mountain chain generally extending along the northern coast of Spain for approximately 180 miles (300 km).Popular tourist location for hikers and there is also a ski resort there too. On the tops of the mountains, there is snow and a huge variety of wildlife like; chamois and red deer, wolves, brown bears and wildcats.In forests, on meadows and cliffs life plays out its dramas far away from civilisation in the Cantabrian Mountains.

You can now complete your own research of the Cantabrian

Mountains or you can use the information I have shared with you to complete the sentences on the next page.

Mountains: The Cantabrian MountainsThe Cantabrian Mountains are located in…

The mountain stretch …miles Tourists visit the mountain for…

The mountain is home to…I would describe the Cantabrian Mountains as…



Spain has five main rivers, including the Tajo, Duero, Guadiana, Guadalquivir

and Ebro

Longest river: Rio Ebro with 910km/566 miles. Please note that the Tagus which

is the longest river on the Iberian peninsula only passes through Spain over

716 km/ 446 miles.



The river, The Ebro, is a river of the north and northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, in Spain. It

rises in Cantabria and flows 930 kilometres (580 mi), almost entirely in east- southeast direction.

Can you describe the River’s journey?

Look at the mouth- how is it different to the mouth of the Tyne?

The mouth of the River Ebro has a delta.

How would you describe the land?

River waters are always flowing

toward a larger body of water,

like an ocean or a sea.

Sometimes an area is created

called a delta. A delta is a

wetland area that forms as river

waters empty into a larger body

of water. Often, deltas look

triangular in shape and

sometimes they're even described as looking like a fan.

The Delta del Ebro is the largest wetland in Catalonia, Spain, with an area of 320 km2, and one of the most

important aquatic habitats in the western


The Ebro Delta wetland is

internationally important for eight

species of plants and hundreds

of species of fauna, especially

birds. Here 95 species nest, and

many other species winter, rest

and feed during migrations. In

total, the Ebro delta shelters 316 species of common birds.

The economic activities taking place in the Ebro delta include agriculture (crops, fruit trees, rice), fishing, aquaculture and tourism

with a total annual economic value of around 100 million Euros.

Here you can see two men cultivating the rice crops.


You can now complete your own research or use the

information I have give you to complete the sentences about

the Ebro River.

Rivers: The Ebro River

The Ebro river is located in…The mouth of the river is located…

The river flows in a …. direction towards Tarragona.

The mouth of the river is special because…


Teide is an active volcano on the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain).

The volcano is 3,718 meters above sea level. It is the highest mountain in Spain and any island in the Atlantic Ocean. It is 7,500 meters above the ocean floor, it is the third largest volcano in the world from its base.

This last eruption happened unexpectedly and scientists consider that it may happen again.

Its last summit eruption happened in 850 A.D when it produced the black lava covering the volcano today.

Las Canadas Caldera was created during this eruption. This caldera is about 2000 metres above sea level.

Mount Teide receives snowfalls at the

same time every year. This is because its

altitude is above sea level. Very few

places in the world get to experience this.

The mountain has a height of 2371

metres making its temperatures go below

zero for ten months a year.

This gets the mountain covered in the

snow more often especially on its highest

parts. Its low precipitation makes its snow

cover much thinner than the Alps.

You can now complete your own research on Mount

Teide or use the information I have given

you to complete the sentences on the next


Volcanoes: Mount Teide

The Mount Teide is located in…

The Mount Teide is an …

Mount Teide is ….high

The temperature at the top of the mountain…