Living a Peace, Able Life-Episode1

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Transcript of Living a Peace, Able Life-Episode1

  • 8/7/2019 Living a Peace, Able Life-Episode1


    Living a Peace, Able LifeEpisode 1

    Time and Foreseen Occurrence Befall Them All

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    Gabrielle couldnt believe he dad was going to cut her off. How am I going to

    pay on my fifteen credit cards if he cuts me off? Not to mention there is a party this

    weekend. He must be crazy if he thinks I am going to go to a party in something I have

    already worn. Its not like he cant afford it. And he had the nerve to call me a spoiled

    brat! Ill show him a spoiled brat. Lets see how he likes it when I drain his account.

    The person in line at the bank behind Gabrielle had a look of disdain on their face,

    but not surprise. In todays society, seeing a skinny, blonde, spoiled rich girl throwing a

    money tantrum is not uncommon. However, the look of disdain was noticed by Gabrielle

    and it had to be commented on. What are you looking at?!? The woman quickly

    looked away, but a man that was in front of Gabrielle answered the question that was not

    directed at him.

    Shes looking at a little girl who thinks her daddys money means she is

    somebody important.

    Nobody asked you and for your information I am somebody. My chauffeur

    could buy you with the tips that I leave him.

    Ill remember that disrespect when you beg me to spare you. Gabrielle was a

    little taken aback. Being a social elite, she was used to the occasional threat and stalker.

    She practically knew all of the paparazzi by first name. However, this threat was

    different as it contained no malice, but was severely sincere. Add to the threat, the way

    the man stared at her and Gabrielle felt she had to leave. Gabrielle stepped out of line

    slightly flustered and headed toward the bank door. The entire time she walked away

    from the line, that man glared at her.

    As Gabrielle was walking out of the door, along with the rest of the patrons who

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    had finished their transactions, three men with big sunglasses and caps were walking

    inside. The men pushed everyone that was coming out back inside. Ladies and

    gentlemen, you still have some business to take care of. As one of the men said that the

    man who had threatened Gabrielle took a flash grenade out of his jacket and threw it to

    an unoccupied place in the bank. There was a loud boom and a flash of light as it

    exploded. After everyones vision had returned the bank guards found themselves

    disarmed by the three men with big sunglasses on. The threatening man in line spoke

    with a commanding voice.

    Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention please. My name is Luke

    and for the next few hours I will be holding you hostage. I am a very peaceful man and

    as long as everyone else stays that way, no one will get hurt. I know the flash grenade I

    dropped earlier belies my last statement, but I assure you that the flamboyant introduction

    was used only to demonstrate how serious I am. First, you there, trying to

    inconspicuously push the silent alarm. Yes, you, go ahead and push the button already. I

    planned for the cops to be here, why do you think I need hostages. Second, my

    sunglasses men are going to go around collecting valuables. Anyone who is found trying

    to hide something will be scolded or perhaps even scalded. As Luke talked, one of his

    men took a blowtorch out of a bag he had, presumably for the bank safe.

    Only five minutes into the police robbery everyone inside the bank could hear

    police sirens. The first commanding officer to arrive was Lieutenant Craft. He had been

    a cop nearly all of his life and he was fiercely loyal to the badge. However, because of a

    lack of being able to control his temper and because he didnt play politics well, he had

    not been promoted past lieutenant. Once he arrived at the bank, along with a few other

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    police officers, they set up a perimeter in front of the bank. Road barricades and police

    cars were used to set up the perimeter and to keep the ever growing crowd of spectators

    at bay. Lieutenant Craft used a police phone to call in S.W.A.T. As police officers were

    rallying around Craft, waiting for orders to be dispensed, the police phone rang. Of

    course, Craft answered the phone. Yes? An important man was on the other side of

    the phone.

    Who is this? Is this Craft? Craft recognized the voice of the police chief. They

    had been friends since the academy and although Chief Walden had been promoted past

    him and they didnt talk much anymore, there was still a mutual respect.

    Yes sir, this is Craft. It is evident we have a hostage situation at the bank. We

    have already set up a perimeter and notified S.W.A.T. so they should be on the way.

    Good, good. Listen this situation requires special care. The Governors

    daughter was going to that bank. We have not confirmed it, but we are pretty sure she is

    one of the hostages.

    Great! We really need a spoiled brat who isnt used to hearing no in that


    Granted, while my daughter does have some issues, I hope your opinion of her

    will not affect your job performance. Craft was obviously unaware that Governor Smith

    was listening to the conversation. He was aware, pitifully so, that he would never be able

    to play any political game and would probably die a lieutenant.

    No sir, I promise you that everyone will be safe, whether they have daddy issues

    or not. Craft was comfortable being a lieutenant. The governor did not say anything so

    Chief Walden, being thoroughly familiar with Craft tasting his shoes, filled in the silence.

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    As I was saying because of the unusual circumstances there are going to be some

    slight changes to normal protocol. I dont want you to wait for a negotiator or S.W.A.T.

    You have had classes on hostage situations and I trust you so go ahead and establish

    communications with the perps. Also, at the governors request a specialist is on his way

    to help us. His name is Able and he will be arriving with his assistant Felicia. Craft did

    not like the idea of someone telling him how to do his job.

    Sir, I have to object. We dont need someone we dont know meddling in.

    Craft, let me stop you there. No Able is not a cop, but he is highly trained.

    Trained in what?!!

    Craft, enough! Smith and I are on our way! Do as youre told! Chief Walden

    slammed off his phone and looked at Governor Smith exasperated. He is a good cop,

    but he will never be more than that.

    Craft stared at the phone, fuming at the dial tone. After a few seconds, he looked

    at the operator of the phone and told him to get him a line to the bank. Inside the bank

    Luke stood over the phone, waiting for it to ring. Everything was going as planned.

    Hostages were tied up and soon enough the safe would be opened. The phone rang and

    Luke stared at it. On the tenth ring he answered the phone.

    Im not ready to talk yet, but I will get back to you soon. Luke hung up, filled

    with glee at the idea of an angry cop getting madder for being hung up on. Craft was

    thoroughly mad and also worried. If the perps would not talk, how could they possibly

    get the hostages out safely?

    Get out of the way! Move! We are supposed to be here! Unless you want to be

    dropped by a one hundred twenty five pound woman I suggest you move! Craft

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    wondered what could possibly be making all of that noise. Pushing their way through the

    crowd that had formed, and proclaiming this loudly, was a gorgeous woman. She had

    long black hair, wore a form fitting skirt that cut off right above the knees, and a low cut

    tight blouse. With her heels on she was six feet of curves and muscle. When she got to

    the barricade she yelled out, Whos in charge?!? An officer went over to calm her

    down, and maybe get her phone number. After talking to her for a few seconds the

    officer moved the barricade and pointed at Craft. The young lady nodded and started

    walking toward Craft and she knew how to walk. Are you Craft?

    Yes, who are you?

    Felicia Burke, and this is Able Peace of the Peaceable agency. He can bring

    peace to any situation and hes been called to handle this. Craft did not even notice

    Able until Felicia brought him to his attention. When Craft was made aware of him he

    wondered how he did not notice him before. Able was six feet tall and completely bald.

    He was thin, fit, and his sharp facial features made him look austere. He wore black

    square tipped dress shoes, crisp blue jeans, and a fitted stripped dress shirt. He was

    looking all around, jerking his head like a finch might. Able was a strange looking man

    because he looked athletic, but with the non-chalet way he kept his hands in his pockets

    he also looked like a computer tech. The rectangle frameless glasses did not help. Craft

    reluctantly put out his hand as a friendly gesture.

    It is nice to meet you Captain Craft, but I do not shake hands. Please do not be


    .No, not at all. I understand, germs and all.

    Thank you, so what is the situation?

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    It is nice to have your help, Able, but I do not discuss police matters with


    Your chief, I am sure, asked you to cooperate with me.

    Yes he did. That is the only reason you got past the barricade. If you want to

    know the situation, you will have to wait for the Walden to take over. Until then, stay out

    of the way. Felicia was infuriated, and she was the type that let you know how she felt.

    Officer asking for a beat down, stop trying to show us how mighty you are and

    tell Able what he needs to know. I swear, if you keep disrespecting him Able

    cut off Felicias speech with a look and nod that said shut-up. He then stared at Craft for

    a couple of seconds.

    Ah-choo! Ah-choo! Forgive me Craft.

    That is Lieutenant Craft.

    Forgive my sneezing, but it seems someone is wearing a fragrance that is

    agitating my senses.

    Felicia chided in, Im allergic to idiots too, Abe. Able shut Felicias mouth

    again with only a movement of his eyes.

    Please consider the hostages inside and forget about who is in charge or whether

    or not you are appreciated. I realize that due to your service and age and years on the

    force you should have a higher ranking. Nevertheless, due not displace your anger for

    being overlooked and not being able to control your tongue. Im highly skilled in many

    areas. Craft was no longer hearing what Able was saying. He was too mad at the

    truth of what Able said.

    Shut-up! Youre not a cop and you are not taking control of this operation! Stay

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    out of my way! Craft stormed off and Able stood staring at him walking away. Another

    officer came up to Able.

    Sorry about him. He has a little bit of a temper. The officer didnt ask a

    question, but he still expected a response which Able did not give. You dont talk much

    do you Able?

    Speaking had always seemed like an oddity to Able. Over eighty percent of the

    time people were listening to other peoples responses. Rather they heard what they

    thought was said. There was also the weird occurrence of people not asking for what

    they really wanted and not talking about what they were really thinking. Conversation

    was a game that Able rarely felt like playing, even as a child. That is if you ever could

    have called Able a child.

    Able recalled being tested at the orphanage were he was raised. A specialist had

    been called to perform some test on Able since he was eight years old and he had never

    spoken a word. At school he was a pleasant child, but he did not complete any of the

    assignments that were given. The specialist asked, Can you tell me your name?

    Able thought, But you already know my name. What you really want to know is

    whether or not what you have heard about me not talking is true. Why dont you ask

    what you really want to know?

    Do you think you could arrange these pictures in order of what happened first?

    There is no point. Based on the inflection of your voice you have already

    decided that I am developmentally delayed. Also based on the way your eyes keep

    glancing at the clock, you are not concerned about me, but rather, how much longer I will

    take. You are wasting my time. That is what Able Peace thought at eight years old.

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    What Able Peace did at eight years old was squint at the specialist.

    There were many times in Ables life where comments and actions were made

    based off of him not rushing his thoughts or his ability to see through people. This time

    was no different.

    I said you dont talk much do you?

    I talk when it is.ah-choo, ah-choo, necessary. Excuse me. Can you tell me

    what is happening?

    Yeah, sure. We know there are hostages in the bank. One of the people in there

    is the governors daughter and that is about all we know. When we called them they

    hung up and said they would call back. We are basically waiting at this point.

    Ah-choo! Thank you for your help. If anyone needs us we will be over there.

    Able walked over to an area free of people inside the barricade and Felicia followed.

    Able knew that they could talk freely because no one really wanted them there. Not yet

    at least. Felicia was the only person to ever address Able as Abe. No one else even saw

    it as an option and that was one of the reasons Felicia intrigued Able.

    Abe, why do you keep sneezing? You never get sick and you dont have any


    One of the most common courtesies in America is to say bless you after someone

    sneezes. Despite my multiple sneezes not one person has afforded me that courtesy.

    That tells me that I am not liked. Also the sneezing gives me a preemptive excuse for

    what I am probably going to have to do.

    Well, of course no one likes you. Im always this way, but Ive seen you be a lot


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    Im not being rude now, I just not catering to anybody. I am more catering when

    someone needs a friend. These officers do not need a friend. They need a commander.

    Remember to always keep your objective in mind and do not let it become askew by

    personal feelings or by what societies misguided notions of being nice are.

    Mental note taken. By the time that Able had finished giving Felicia a quick

    lesson S.W.A.T. had arrived along with Chief Walden and Governor Smith. Should we

    go and introduce ourselves to the police chief and governor in person?

    Yes we should, but we need to wait until Craft goes over there first and

    references us. If we go first it will give the impression that we are lobbying for control of

    the situation and that will make us look weak.

    But we are trying to get control.

    Yes we are, but it needs to be thrust upon us, not taken by us. So how are we

    going to know when they are talking about us? In the distance everyone heard yelling.

    Ive never heard of him!

    It is safe to say that they are talking about us now. As Able and Felicia walked

    towards the three individuals who wielded the most power in the city, Felicia naturally

    took the lead. Early in their relationship Able told Felicia to always walk in front of him.

    Felicia found this request a little strange, but she did as she was asked. Eventually she

    realized that Able wanted Felicia to draw attention away from him like a magicians

    assistant draws attention away from the revelation to the prestidigitation. It was an

    especially apt metaphor because what Able did seemed like magic. When they got there

    Felicia took control of the face to face introductions.

    Hello everyone. Im Felicia and this is Able. We have already talked on the

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    phone, but it is good to meet in person. The governor was used to meeting pretty

    women so he talked first.

    Yes, it is good to meet you too. Im glad to have your expertise Mr. Peace.

    While I have never seen you work, you come highly recommended.

    Thank you. I was telling Mr. Craft how much I wanted to know the

    circumstances and.. Craft purposely cut Able off.

    I was just about to suggest, before Able interrupted, that since the S.W.A.T. team

    is here and the perps are not showing any sign of cooperating that we storm in and take

    them out. They are not talking with us so the longer they are in there, the greater chance

    for a hostage to get hurt. Able spoke immediately in a way that commanded attention,

    and yet he never raised his voice.

    That would be an, ah-choo, unwise choice.

    No one asked you and for that.. Chief Walden put up his hand to signal

    Crafts silence. Able took advantage of the silence and spoke.

    That would be unwise because the criminal is going to call in the next five

    minutes or so.

    How do you know that!?! Can you read minds? All you are doing is putting the

    lives of innocent people in danger! Chief Walden, if you have ever respected me as a

    cop, get him out of here and let me do my job. Chief Walden was put in a precarious

    situation and it was plainly evident to Able. He definitely wanted to garner favor with

    the governor and use the resource that was Able. At the same time he felt he owed Craft

    his ear and did not want silent dissension in the police force. Able saw he was going to

    have to take action. He hated taking action. Ever since he was a child he preferred to

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    wait and let things take care of themselves. However, when time would not foster a

    favorable outcome Able was able to act.

    He found this out for the first time when he was ten years old. Able was in the

    fifth grade in a general education classroom. There were many people who wanted to

    place Able in special education since he was still mute and selectively responsive.

    However, the little work he did gave him a C average and when he participated in

    standardized tests the scores were off of the grading scales. His teacher in fifth grade was

    the wonderfully caring Ms. Cox who had recently gotten married and was now Mrs.

    Neloms. It was mid morning and all of the assignments had been accomplished so Mrs.

    Neloms was giving a long soap box speech about education. Most of the students hated

    when Mrs. Neloms did this and they tuned her out. Able was one of the few that tuned

    her in. He could see that she was one of the few people that was completely transparent

    when she spoke. Able could see her passion, truth, motivation and her love. The last

    sentence was always the best.

    My little knuckleheads, I can only do so much. I will teach you how to fish but

    you have to hear your stomach growling. That sentence had a special meaning for Able.

    That was when he learned motivation and drive. He had to act. Alright I am off my

    box. Everyone get out your math book. Able did not get out his book. Instead he got

    out of his chair and started walking toward the door. Able Peace where do you think

    you are going? Able truly cared for this woman. A fleeting wish of her adopting him

    appeared in his mind and made him stop moving. Able turned around and looked at his

    teacher and then he looked inside of her. She didnt talk at him like everyone else. Mrs.

    Neloms talked to him even though she didnt expect a response. She gave and wanted

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    nothing back. A warm smile came across Ables face and then he spoke his first words.

    Thank you for your care but I can no longer learn anything here. Thanks to you I

    am hungry. A few months and a battery of tests later and Able was enrolled in his first

    college course.

    Action was needed here too. Able looked over at Felicia and without using his

    voice he mouthed at her.

    Step back ten feet and kneel. Felicia smiled as she knew that her Abe was

    about to hurt somebody. Able moved two feet to the left and then opened his stance.

    Able then made sure that the frame of his body was parallel to Lieutenant Crafts. Next

    Able had to elicit a very strong emotional response. Able knew exactly how things

    would play out.

    1)Be arrogantly aggressive and sneeze. Craft, I am tired of your mouth! Ah-

    choo! I have more doctorates than you have, Ah-choo, points in your I.Q. Furthermore,

    dont blame me because you are past your prime and will never be promoted past

    lieutenant! Ah-choo!

    2)While yelling, make sure the distance between Craft and me is closed. Able

    inched closer and closer to Craft while sneering at him.

    3)Obscure Smith and Waldens view. Able straightened his back and was now

    about six feet one inch tall.

    4)As soon as Craft is about to yell, sneeze. Craft pointed his finger in Ables face

    and opened his mouth when, Ah-choo! Able sneezed, which caused his head to jerk

    forward. This made Ables forehead impact the bridge of Crafts nose.

    5)As Craft jerks back, trip him. Able slid his foot behind Crafts heel and Craft

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    started falling.

    6)Make sure Crafts fall results in temporary unconsciousness and not death. As

    Craft was about to hit the ground his head fell on Felicias thigh because she was

    kneeling behind him. She pretended her shoes needed tending to when they didnt.

    7)Act concerned and implant thought. Able immediately kneeled next to Craft.

    Lieutenant, are you okay? Walden kneeled low too and looked a little frantic.

    Did Able hit Craft?

    What happened? Now was the time for Able to implant the thought.

    Right after I yelled at him he grabbed his chest and fell to the ground. Has he

    been under stress lately? Walden thought about it for a while and his friend did have a

    temper. But he could swear that Able.. Chief Walden, call an EMT immediately!

    Able was right. Craft needed medical attention. Walden called out for an officer to get

    the EMT. Craft was placed on a gurney and driven to the nearest hospital. Walden,

    while looking like a trip to the hospital would be beneficial, was only mentally distressed.

    When Craft was taking point, Walden did not have to worry, but that was no longer the

    case. Now people would be looking at him and while he knew all of the text book

    protocols he was hesitant to give orders. Chief Walden was great at taking promotions,

    accolades, and credit. He was not so good at taking the lead, command and

    responsibility. Able had already deduced these things about Walden. After the crowd of

    police officers saw the unconscious Craft leave, they all turned to Walden for orders.

    Waldens face resembled the condensation on a glass of cold lemonade in the summer.

    Umwell..we should.

    Able interrupted, Chief Walden, I have some information that I would like to

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    share with you in private. Able motioned for Felecia to caress Waldens arm in order to

    suggest that they move to a more secluded area. Felicia knew the cue and did

    immediately as she was asked, knowing that Able Peace never used his hands. He would

    never again and he rarely took his hands out of his pockets. He never used them for

    anything, since the incident. As Felicia, Walden, and Able moved over to a vacant little

    section within the barricade, Able analyzed the best way to take command. Using subtle

    persuasion and reverse psychology would be the approach that would get the most

    favorable results. However the phone call from the bank thieves would most likely come

    within the next three minutes. Able did not have the time to use the best approach.

    Instead, Able would have to tell Walden about himself. Able did not like this approach

    because he knew it was confrontational, but he knew Felicia would love it.

    Alright Able, you brought me over here. What information do you have to tell


    Chief Walden, allow me to tell you about yourself. Felicia started grinning.

    You passed on taking command earlier and gave it to a lower ranking officer. You used

    the guise of Craft being first on the scene in order to abdicate your responsibility. When

    you consider how much you hesitated to take command when Craft was incapacitated

    anyone can see you are afraid. Also, you are perspiring profusely which adds credence to

    my earlier statement. Lastly, you are young in the face and yet hold a high ranking and

    somewhat political position in the police force. This suggest you are smart and good with

    words, but does not mean you are good with actions. You dont want to take the lead, but

    I do and I will even give you the credit. Walden was furious. He told himself he was

    mad because of Ables arrogance, but that was not the source of his anger. What Able

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    said had no tone of arrogance or contempt. Able said these things as casually as two co-

    workers passing in the hall would ask how each other were doing. Walden was upset

    because Able revealed his weakness.

    How dare you! Able expected this response and so did Felicia.

    Felicia draped her arm around Walden and whispered in his ear, I believe Able

    was not quite done yet. You should let him finish.

    Thank you, Felicia. Chief Walden, I will now briefly tell you about myself. I

    have five doctorates that will help me in this situation. I have trained in more fields of

    self-defense than you have fingers. I have been hired to do a job and my yes means yes,

    while my no means no. Lastly, when lives are involved, nothing will stand in my way. I

    calmed Craft down and I can calm you down too. Waldens eyes got larger as he

    realized his first thought about what happened to Lieutenant Craft was correct. Then he

    wondered who Able Peace was and what he could do. Now Walden, at this time you are

    wondering what to do and whether or not I can be trusted and accomplish my job. I can

    offer some evidence to support the faith I want you to put in me. I estimate that within

    sixty seconds we will receive a call from the bank robbers. I know this because of my

    afore mentioned qualifications. We can wait by the phone.

    Able and Felicia started walking back to the phone while Walden stood in place,

    stunned. Eventually he snapped out of it and followed Able, as Able knew he would.

    The other officers crowded around Walden and waited for orders. Walden once again

    looked slightly confused. Able made sure he was in Waldens field of vision. Able

    locked eyes with Walden and then looked at the phone. That made Walden look at the

    phone. It rang. Walden slowly tilted his head up to look at Able.

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    Due to the information that this specialist has shared, it is best if in this situation,

    Mr. Peace takes the lead.

    Thank you, Chief Walden. Felicia hit the speaker button on the phone. Able

    spoke in a slightly higher voice and with a slower cadence. This change in tone would

    show a more submissive attitude and make the thief a little more cooperative. This is

    Able. I am the negotiator. Is everyone inside safe? The leader of the bank robbers,

    Luke, liked this guy.

    Hello, Able. Everyone inside is safe and you will be happy to know that we

    have the same goals. I want everyone to stay unharmed and so do you. However, if I

    dont get what I need then both of us will be disappointed.

    We are happy to oblige you as long as everyone stays safe. I assume you have a

    list of demands.

    Well arent you a bright one. Yes I do have a list, but it is short. All I want is an

    armored truck and I will even give you time to get it. I will give you two hours. Now I

    dont like killing so in leau of that, for every minute that the truck is late I will cut off the

    limb of a hostage. I will hear from you in two

    Excuse me, but I have a list as well.

    Thats nice, but I dont care. Good

    Please listen. I dont want to send S.W.A.T. inside but Im sure you know they

    are anxious. If you do not show some signs of cooperation then I will not be able to

    restrain them.

    You are using the good cop, bad cop strategy on me. Able, I am so


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    I realize that it may seem that way and I suppose that it is that way. However, it

    is what it is. Able did not like using trivial phrases like it is what it is. The redundancy

    of the statement aggravated him. However, the phrase and others like it did seem to

    strike a chord with the average person. If it worked then Able used it.

    Yes, I see your point. Fine, what is your list? We want the hostages out. I

    know you need them so I suggest a trade out. Im sure I could find many officers that

    would volunteer.

    Able, do you really think I would trade the hostage I have for trained operatives?

    Im not going to allow that.

    Fair enough. Why dont you do this? Split the hostages you have now into two

    groups. Send half out now, preferably the women and the children. In one hour I will

    trade myself out for the other half of the hostages. Then in two hours when the truck

    comes, you can keep me as a hostage. I am trained in speech and psychology only so I

    can promise I will be docile. You can achieve the same goal with a fewer number of

    people and that will keep S.W.A.T. out. There was a pause in speaking and everyone on

    Ables side of the phone held their breath.

    I see your point. Alright, I will allow that.

    Thank you very much. When can we expect the first set of hostages?

    Twenty minutes. Good bye. Every single cop and official was amazed at how

    simple and short the conversation was. Able received praise from their silence. He made

    the negotiations look simple and there was no sign of apprehension. Even when the

    police negotiators talked to criminals there was always a level of nervousness. While it

    was true that Able did not get anxious, what he did was far from simple. There was a lot

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    of planning and forethought given to every word, inflection, tone, posture, cadence, look,

    and facial expression. Able reasoned, based on the bank and how short in conversation

    Luke was, that Luke did not want a lot of people in the bank. Able also figured that the

    governors daughter would not be one of the people released. Ables mind worked like a

    chess match. He thought six moves ahead of his last step. Able looked over at Chief

    Walden and spoke with abrupt authority. He did not have much time.

    I have to leave to get a few items. In twenty minutes some of the hostages will

    come out. I will be back in fifty-five minutes. Felicia, please go retrieve the car.

    Yes sir, Abe. Chief Walden looked bewildered.

    What do you mean, you will be back? You cant leave. What happens if Luke

    calls back?

    He wont. Felicia slowly broke through the barricade, pushing the wooden

    sawhorses and policemen away. Theres nothing quite like a beautiful woman driving a

    dark blue 2010 Challenger. The Challenger pulled up next to Able and Felicia stepped

    out. She walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for Able. Able looked at

    Felicia. Thank you. Chief Walden, I will return.

    Able stepped into the car and waited for Felicia. Once she closed her door, she

    looked in the rear view mirror and smirked. Able answered the question Felicia did not

    ask. As you wish. The smirk Felicia had turned into a full teeth bearing smile. The

    engine to the Challenger revved. The tires started spinning and then screeching. Smoke

    started billowing forth from the rear tires and everyone around the car started giving it

    space. Suddenly t he car went from stationary to mobile. The Challenger spun around

    and exited in a furry of smoke, sound, and smell. Behind the steering wheel Felicia was

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    laughing at the spectacle she was creating. After about five seconds she looked in the

    rearview mirror, at her Abe.

    So where are we going?

    Do you remember where the illegal street racers made their base of operations?

    But of course. I remember everything you say.

    No you dont.

    Abe, be nice. Able decided not to join Felicia in the bantering she seemed to

    love to drag him in.

    We have to hurry, so ignore the traffic laws.

    My pleasure. Felicia focused on her destination and completely ignored the

    traffic laws she was already bending. When Felicia was half way to her destination a

    thought entered her mind. Abe, how are your hands?

    I am not the priority at this time.

    That means they are bad. Felicia pulled the car over, hopped out, and opened

    the trunk. She then hopped into the back seat with a bottle of alcohol, two gallons of

    water, and two big buckets. Let me see your hands Abe.

    We dont have time

    Shut-up. Felicia grabbed Ables wrist and pulled his hands out of his pockets.

    What she saw was ordinary, but it would have shocked anyone else. Ables hands were

    covered in bloody bandages. Able Peace, this is not fine! Felicia opened a jug of

    water and filled a bucket. She then gently placed Ables hands in the bucket. After

    letting them soak for a while, she then placed her hands in the bucket and squeezed

    Ables hands. The entire time Felicia was doing this, Able looked at her with a quizzical

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    face. Able resembled a confused puppy, with the way his eyes were wide and his head

    was cocked to one side. After Felicia had applied pressure to Ables hands for a while

    she took them out of the water and unwrapped the bandages. Ables hands did not look

    mangled, but they had deep cracks and cuts throughout them. It looked like Able had

    briefly shook hands with a lawnmower. Felicia filled the other bucket with water,

    cleaned off Ables hands and then poured alcohol over them. Abe, this has to hurt.

    Why dont you flinch? I told you about pain already.

    Yes, yes, pain is not bad. We are raised to think it is. The only thing pain does

    is give us a warning. Once you decipher what that warning is about, pain serves no

    purpose. Things that have no purpose do not exist.

    Exactly, so I do not flinch because the pain does not exist.

    Abe, the pain might not serve a purpose, but flinching would. It would let me

    know you feel.

    My other actions show you that.

    I guess. Felicia re-wrapped Able's hands in fresh bandages and moved back to

    the drivers seat. She went back to ignoring the driving laws. Horns blared as Felicia

    swerved between cars, cut people off, and nearly caused accidents. When she arrived at

    the destination she noticed gates blocking her path. Abe, what should I do about the


    We have less time than I planned for, so go through them. When a crowd forms

    ask for Chris. Felicia rammed the gates, which due to the modifications on the

    Challenger, gave as much resistance as tissue paper. Behind the gate was a large barren

    parking lot. At the rear of the parking lot was a large warehouse with multiple garage

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    saw you in person! How have you been?

    I have been doing well, but I am short on time and I need something.

    Anything you want up to half my net worth. However, first introduce me to this

    beautiful young lady you have with you.

    This is my assistant Felicia Burke. I need two NOS tanks from your garage and

    your best mechanic. The mechanic also needs to bring his tools.

    You must be in dire need. Alright Matt, go get your tools and two tanks. For the

    time being you work for Mr. Peace. Show him more respect than you would show me.

    Yes sir.

    Felicia, please take the car to where the items are and help Matthew load them.

    Then swing back here and pick me up.

    You got it, Abe. As Felicia walked around to the drivers side of the car the

    original person that made a snide remark reached his hand out. As soon as the mans

    hand barely grazed Felicias backside, Ables foot connected with the mans head. The

    man dropped to the floor like a marionette that had his strings cut. Chris looked down at

    his employee and then up at Able. Felicia looked at Able and smiled. Able spoke to


    Please continue with Matthew to get his tools.

    Thank you Abe. Felicia raced off and Chris moved closer to Able in order to

    have a more private conversation. The other three rough looking guys crowded around

    their fallen comrade.

    So, Able.. did you have to knock him out?

    I do not allow anyone to knowingly disrespect Felicia Burke. Besides, if I did

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    not put him in his place, eventually you would have had to. He is insecure and thinks that

    by showing aggression, he is proving himself a man.

    Yeah, youre probably right, but do you think that your reaction might also be

    the result of an attachment you have to Felicia?

    Yes it does, but not the romantic one you are implying.

    Yeah, youre probably right. So how old is she?

    Twenty one.

    And how old are you?

    Twenty eight.

    Be careful of young girls. They only want one thing and it is in your wallet.

    No matter what evidence I give, you are going to believe what you want about


    Yeah youre probably right. You are a genius arent you?

    How is your son?

    He is doing well. He is almost finished studying under that artist you introduced

    him to.

    That is good. I am sure that the designs for cars he does will be aesthetically

    pleasing, if he decides to do that.

    I agree. The Challenger pulled up and Felicia got out to open the door for Able.

    Able did not say bye or anything to Chris. Until you spent time with Able, actions like

    that would have seemed rude. Once you knew what Able was like, you forgave him as

    that just being his way. Like a son forgives an aging and senile father.

    As soon as Able sat in the car Felicia pushed him over and sat next to him. Able

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    was taken aback. He looked at the drivers seat and saw Matthew sitting there. Able

    assumed that Matthew was going to drive and he looked over at Felicia with an annoyed

    expression. Able could anticipate and predict virtually everything. He could tell how

    people would move, look, and what they would think and say. He knew the transcript of

    entire conversations before he had them, except when it came to Felicia Burke. Able

    recalled when they first met. At the time he was solving street crimes and cold cases that

    people had forgotten about. Someone killed Felicias brother who was also her guardian.

    Nobody knew who did it or even why. When Able found Felicia for the purpose of

    questioning her, one thing stuck out in his mind. .

    Hello Ms. Burke, I hop everything finds you well today.

    It does. Who are you?

    My name is Able Peace. I am reviewing a lot of cold cases that the police

    department has and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions concerning a


    Why, are you a reporter or something?


    Then who are you? Why do you care?

    About your brother, I dont. I didnt know him so I couldnt care about him. I

    am working on the cold cases as another step towards redemption.

    Redemption for what?

    I do not wish to share that.

    So you dont care about justice, or my brother, or me.

    As I said I dont know your brother or you and I could not care about that which

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    I dont know. As far as justice, I have come to the conclusion that it will never exist in

    the world we live in now.

    You are the first person to be honest to me about your motives. Thank you.

    Listen, now is not a good tome, but could I call with some information later?

    Yes, Ms. Burke that would be fine. I dont use my hands, so could I trouble you

    to get pen and paper and write it down?

    Ill put the number in my phone now.

    Very well. My number is (316) 148-1914. Feel free to call me anytime, as I do

    not sleep much.

    You know a lot of other people have looked into the case. A lot of people.

    A pretty girl at the top of her class loses her only family and people take note.

    I guess, but what are you going to be able to do?

    I am different. I am Able. I will find who killed your brother. Felicias next

    two words completely altered Ables concept of people.

    Felicia looked at Able in the eyes and said, Thanks Abe. Able did not

    anticipate being addressed that way. With the way Able dressed, talked, and looked at

    people they all addressed him as he wished. Either Able, Mr. Peace, or Able Peace. Able

    was shocked that Felicia Burke did not follow the transcript that was in his mind because

    everyone else did. He wanted to ask her what she called him, but there was no point

    because he knew he heard her correctly. Instead, Able Peace was about to speak a word

    that had never left his lips. Able almost did not know how to pronounce the word, like it

    was part of a dead language that was being resurrected. Felicia Burke had become a

    Rosetta stone for the mind that was Able Peace.

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    After a brief pause Able looked quizzically at Felicia burke and asked, Why did

    you call me Abe?

    I dont know, you look like an Abe.

    But my name, speech, and looks convey that my name is Able Peace.

    Im sorry; I didnt mean to offend you.

    No, you didnt offend me. Nobody before you and I think besides you has or

    ever will call me Abe.

    I didnt realize it was such a big deal.

    I apologize for leading you to believe that I am offended. I am ignorant towards

    you and that never happens. I have other things to attend to as I am sure you do as well.

    I anticipate your call and please make a nice day, Felicia.

    You too, Abe.

    Felicia puzzled Able then and she was puzzling him now. Why did you get in

    the back seat with me?

    Dont worry, I told Matthew where to go, and how to get there. He is an

    excellent driver.

    That does not answer my question. Felicia looked at Matthew.

    Could you turn on the radio so we could have a private conversation? Matthew

    looked back at them through the rearview mirror.

    Sure. Im having too much fun to listen to you anyway. Matthew turned on the

    radio and went back to driving as crazy as Felicia was and with almost as much skill.

    Felicia turned her attention back to Able.

    So, Abe, why did you knock that guy out? You dont like violence.

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    It was the quickest and only way to teach him a lesson. He had already been

    warned and now we wont have to coerce Matthew into doing what we tell him.

    Unfortunately, he is the type that respects physical violence.

    Okay Ill buy that, but you can predict everything using math, psychology, and


    What are you leading up to?

    You knew he was going to try to cop a feel. Why didnt you stop him before he

    touched me?

    I told you the more involved you are with something, the more unpredictable it

    becomes. For some reason I still cant calculate you. If it were not for your ability to

    follow the directions I give to extreme precision, we would not be able to work together.

    So thats it. Are you sure you werent a little jealous?

    Yes I am sure. While we share a fascination with one another, I explained

    before that the motivation behind the fascination was different.

    So says you.

    Yes, I just said that. Felicia smiled and gave Able a peck on his temple.

    My Abe Felicia moved away from Able and thought about why she was

    so loyal to him. Able thought about the plan he was going to use to save everyone.

    Matthew arrived outside the barricade at the bank and everyone got out of the car and

    found Chief Walden. Walden looked at ease and cheered up even more when he saw


    Mr. Peace, Im glad to see you back.

    Thank you. I assume that some hostages were released.

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    Yes, they came out in twenty minutes like you arranged.

    Good. I have to go in the bank in five minutes. Other hostages will come out

    once I go in. Please take me to the armored truck.

    How did you know it was here?

    No time to explain. Matthew, please follow me. Felicia please prepare some of

    my plastic. Make it look like gum and with the same consistency. Walden guided Able

    and Matthew through the crowd of cops to the armored vehicle. The cops that were in

    the way quickly gave the group space so they could get to where they were going. As

    Able passed cops, they did not stop what they were doing, but they all paused and took

    notice of him with slight reverential awe. When Able reached the armored truck he

    immediately told Matthew what to do. Matthew, I need you to attach the two NOS

    tanks to the armored truck. Also create a remote start system.

    Yes sir. Chief Walden scrunched up his face to make a look that was the

    personification of bureaucracy.

    Able, I cant allow someone to mess with a vehicle that came.. Able gave

    Walden a look and Walden replied with a sigh, Never mind. Able walked over to the

    back of the vehicle and examined the locks that kept the back doors shut. There were two

    sturdy looking latches on the middle of the doors. Able took a couple of steps back and

    faced the doors head on so that his frame was parallel to the doors frame. Ables right

    leg lifted into the air. His leg went up so quickly and straight that it seemed a string

    attached to his foot lifted it and kept it suspended in the air. Almost as quickly as the

    imaginary string lifted the leg up, another invisible cord yanked it down. There were two

    loud bangs and everyone close enough to hear them jumped. One of the latches was

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    severely damaged and the other on was on the floor. Walden looked like he was about to

    say something, but then decided against it. At this time Felicia had made her way back to

    Ables side.

    Here is the explosive you requested. Where should I place it?

    You can place it on the bottom of my shoe, directly in front of the heel. Also,

    could you please place the handcuffs on me?

    Abe! Not in public. Able gave Felicia a dirty look. Felicia gave Able a

    different kind of dirty look and then reached into her shirt and pulled out some handcuffs.

    Walden wondered where Felicia was hiding the cuffs and then wondered why Able was

    putting them on. Then Walden noticed Ables hands. They were wrapped in bandages

    and had sprinkles of blood on them. He now knew why Able kept his hands in his

    pockets. Walden wanted to question Able about his hands, but for some reason he was

    afraid to ask about them.

    Why are you putting on handcuffs?

    Luke will ask for them. We need to head over to the phone. Matthew, work

    hard and work swiftly. Able walked quickly over to the phone with Felicia right behind

    him and Walden behind her. As soon as Able got to the phone, it rang. Felicia pushed a

    button to put the phone on speaker. Able answered in his submissive voice. Hello,

    Luke. Thank you for releasing the hostages. I assume that you are ready for me to


    Yes I am. Per our agreement, you can enter now and once you are here, I will

    release the rest of the hostages. There is one amendment to the agreement. You need to

    be in handcuffs.

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    I understand and I am on my way. Luke hung up the phone and waited to

    receive his guest. On the outside of the bank, the governor finally pulled himself away

    from the news cameras and the crowd. He casually walked over to Able, reached out his

    hand and abruptly pulled it back when he saw the bandages. Instead he patted Able on

    the shoulder and spoke in a loud voice so that everyone could hear. The governor also

    hoped someone would be able to get a good sound bite out of it.

    Mr. Peace! I want to thank you for your bravery! Able responded in a normal


    No you dont. You want publicity and credit for hiring me.

    Well, uh, um.Because of you and the efforts of the fine men and women of the

    police department, all of the hostages are about to be released!

    No they arent. The thieves are going to keep your daughter, who it seems you

    are not concerned about. The average father would have been two steps behind me every

    second. You, however, are more concerned about being re-elected. I understand why

    your daughter behaves the way she does in public. I have to go inside now and I refuse to

    let your desire for sound bites hinder me any further. Able broke away from the

    governor. Felicia walked a little closer to Able. She was concerned about him anytime

    he was away from her. Granted, Able could take care of himself, and Felicia knew this,

    but she still worried. As strong as Able was, he was still fractured.

    Make sure you are careful in there. If you get hurt, Ill kill you.

    I am aware of the risk. In one hour and seven minutes I need you to press the

    switch that will turn on the NOS in the armored truck. At the same time I need you to be

    two blocks down the road. I want you to be traveling north parallel to this road. Ten

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    seconds after you hit the button to turn on the NOS I need you to be crossing the

    intersection at sixty miles per hour. Make sure the top is down.

    The time again.

    One hour seven minutes, turn on the NOS. One hour seven minutes and ten

    seconds, be at the intersection traveling sixty miles per hour with the top down.

    It is done. Be careful, Abe. Able Peace walked into the bank.

    Immediately after Able walked into the bank two men grabbed him and pinned him

    against the wall. Dont move!

    Yeah, not even an inch.

    As you wish. Are the hostages going to be released? A smooth and tall man

    walked over to Able showing a cocky grin on his face.

    Mr. Peace, it is nice to meet with you in person. I would shake your hand, but it

    appears to be damaged. May I ask what happened to it?

    Nothing serious, an accident.

    Yes, well I am sorry to hear that. The hostages will be released now. Luke

    waved his hand in the air and one of the men who were holding Able walked over to the

    hostages. They were in a group and once the thief gave them the gesture to leave, they

    exited quickly. Luke found his way back over to the safe where a man was drilling a hole

    into it. It was the sixth and last hole. Able was analyzing his opponents. A complete

    resume of the robbers was being formed in Ables head, based on their appearance and


    The man opening the safe is in his fifties. He is focused on his job and will be

    easily annoyed. Not a physical threat, his right knee is weak, and he can not lift anything.

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    He is here only to open the safe and will be under a lot of pressure. The two men that

    held me. They are in their early twenties, are in good physical condition, but are minor

    physical threats. They share certain physical characteristics, and are staying close to one

    another. They are brothers and will be concerned about each other above all else. Luke

    is in late twenties and is highly intelligent. He is also arrogant and concealing a firearm,

    therefore his physical threat is moderate. His main concern is the money so he will stay

    close to the safe as much as possible. First compromise the structural integrity of the

    hanging light above the safe. Able waited until the hostages left and then he saw his

    opportunity. Able yelled over to where Luke was standing.

    Excuse me, I can appreciate wanting to keep me confined, but this mans odor is

    repulsive. Luke took his attention away from the safe and looked at Able. This man

    sounded like the one on the phone in an auditory way, but everything else was different.

    Luke wondered if he had been duped and the cops sent in special ops. soldier. Luke

    lingered in his words, but saw no harm in putting Able on a small leash.

    Let Able go. Able, why dont you come over here and sit next to our other

    esteemed guest? Able, pushed the man that was holding him back and walked over to

    where Luke motioned. Able already knew who he would find over there, but now was

    the time to put on a faade.

    Luke, you said you would let everyone leave. Why did you keep someone


    Very true. I did say that, but there are some extenuating circumstances. I kept

    this hostage because she is a V.I.P. Im sure you heard of Gabrielle Smith. Gabrielle

    was sitting on the floor with her arms folded. When Luke said her name she scoffed,

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    sucked her teeth, and made her head twitch. Everything about Gabrielle exuded a

    negative attitude. Able was going to put on an Emmy winning performance.

    Able looked down at the floor and tensed his whole body so that it seemed he was

    shaking with rage. Next, a snarl came over his face and in a deep voice he said,

    Gabrielle Smith. After Able said her name he ran over to where she was. There were

    desks and chairs in the way, but he ran as if his path was clear. The furniture flew out of

    the way and the two men who seemed to be brother ran over to Able in order to grab hold

    of him. They were not told to grab him, but it was obvious that his intentions were not

    good. Able slowed down slightly and arched his back so that each brother could grab one

    of his arms. As they grabbed Able he yelled out, She needs to pay! The brothers lifted

    Able up by his arms and Able madly flailed his legs. As Ables legs lashed out one of his

    feet hit a chair which sent the chair flying into the air. The chair hit a hanging light at its

    base where it was connected to the ceiling. As the chair fell it became caught in the light

    and hung like a piece of ripened fruit ready to be picked. Able still struggled after he had

    accomplished his goal. He did not want his intentions to become evident and he also

    wanted to see how patient Luke was. Eventually, Luke let out a heavy sigh and yelled,

    Enough! As Luke yelled that he pulled a gun out of his jacket and pointed it at

    Able. Able stopped struggling, but kept on the visage of unadulterated rage. The

    brothers that were holding him were grateful that he had stopped and they wondered

    where he got the strength that he exhibited. Luke held the gun that he pointed at Able so

    steadily that it looked like he was resting it on a pedestal. Mr. Peace, I have kept this

    gun in my pocket since I arrived here. Why is it that when you get here I suddenly have

    to draw my weapon?

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    Gabrielle! My sister is dead because of you! You got drunk, murdered her in a

    car and only lost a few months in jail. Abigail lost the rest of her life. I lost my best

    friend and my parents lost their minds. I hope you die in here! Everyone paused as

    Ables chest heaved back and forth from his rant. Luke let out another sigh and while

    still holding the gun, he spoke.

    Able, I am sorry for your loss, and perhaps your hopes will come to fruition, but

    in the meantime, sit down next to Gabrielle and shut-up! Able sat down with a huff and

    glared at Gabrielle. The thief who had been drilling a hole in the safe considered the

    outburst extremely agitating. When he regained his composure he went back to his task.

    Luke went back to the entrance of the safe. He glared at the door as if he could gain x-

    ray vision through sheer will of spirit. The two brothers strolled to an area that was close

    to the entrance of the bank. Able continued to keep up the appearance of being angry,

    but sat in serene observance of all of his surroundings. Able next had to get Gabrielle

    alone with him. He also knew he had to act fast or the fictional story he told would make

    her feel guilty. If she was remorseful then she would not be antagonistic. Able decided

    the best way to start an argument would be to use what brothers and sisters did for


    Dont touch me you spoiled, stuck-up, excuse for a human. Gabrielle never let

    anyone talk to her that way. This was especially the case when she had done nothing

    wrong which in her eyes was always the case. Gabrielle was not even at fault this time

    because she wasnt touching Able.

    Dont talk to me that. Able cut her off, knowing that since no one ever

    listened to her, being interrupted would be infuriating.

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    I didnt tell you to talk because you have nothing to say! I told you to move!

    If I want to

    What part of shut-up do you not understand?!? Every exchange between the

    two got louder and louder. No one really cared how loud they got, except the man doing

    the precise work of breaking into the safe. After ten minutes of the distraction, he looked

    up at Luke with desperation on his face.

    Luke, Im trying my best to get this safe open in time, but the yelling is not

    helping. These explosives are dangerous so could you lock them in an office or


    Id like to kill them now, but I still might need them. Luke thought about the

    old mans suggestion and then called the brothers over. Take those idiots and put them

    in that office. The one with the door facing this way. The two brothers picked up Able

    by his arms and carried him to the office while shepherding Gabrielle in front of them.

    They shoved them both inside the office and slammed the door shut.

    Once inside the room, Able walked to the middle and started looking around.

    After five seconds of jerking his head around he closed his eyes and played out in his

    mind the scenario that would give the best results. While he was doing this Gabrielle

    stood two inches from his face, yelling at him as if he were across the room. Finally,

    Able opened his eyes and knew what he was going to do. He stared into Gabrielles eyes.

    After five minutes of yelling and having Able look into her eyes, she finally calmed down

    and Able spoke.

    I am not a cop. I am here to save you. I apologize for how I acted but it was

    necessary. I never had a sister. If you will excuse me, I have work to do. Able turned

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    around a walked over to a floor lamp. He dropped to his knees and put the power cord

    into his mouth. He unplugged the lamp with his mouth and then started chewing on the

    cord. Gabrielle stood where she was, a statue of confusion. After two minutes of starring

    at Able chewing on a power cord, she meekly spoke.

    If you are that hungry we can probably ask them for some food. Able stood up,

    faced Gabrielle, and opened his mouth. In Ables mouth Gabrielle saw a piece of

    electrical wire, stripped of its insulation. The wire answered Gabrielles question of

    what Able was doing, but did not tell her why he was doing it, which sat well with Able

    for now. Gabrielle continued to look at Able with a puzzled expression. It was the same

    look she gave to men on the street that yelled about the worlds destruction, but seemed

    harmless. Able walked over to the closed door and sat in front of it with his legs crossed.

    Gabrielle moved a little to the left so that she could see what Able was doing. Able bent

    over so that the sole of his shoe was in front of his mouth. Able then bit what looked like

    gum and pulled it off of his shoe. After playing with the gum in his mouth for a while,

    Able stuck the contents of his mouth on the door stop that was protruding from the

    bottom left corner of the door. It looked like a large wad of gum with two wires sticking

    out of it. Able then stood up, still pretending to be oblivious to Gabrielles questioning

    facial expressions. Able walked over to another floor lamp and unplugged it with his

    mouth. He then started to strip the insulation off of that cord so that it had exposed wires.

    Able plugged it back up and used his foot to drag the cord in front of the wall that the

    door was on. He positioned the exposed wire so that it was four feet to the right of the

    door frame. After all of that he walked to a desk and sat on the floor behind it. Gabrielle

    walked to the door and started studying Ables work. Right as Gabrielle was about to

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    touch the gum Able called out.

    Ms. Smith, could you please join me over here behind the desk? Gabrielle

    paused and for some reason felt compelled to sit with Able. Gabrielle rarely refused one

    of her impulses so she moved away from the door and sat next to Able. Able was sitting

    on the floor with his back against the desk, his legs straight, and his eyes closed.

    Gabrielle sat with her legs bent as if she were wearing a dress. She looked at Able, but

    he gave no reaction to her. Able knew conversation would come, but Gabrielle needed to

    initiate it.

    Eventually she asked, What was that all about?

    It is part of our escape plan. Stay by my side and you will be fine. Able

    opened his eyes, turned his head, and looked intensely into Gabrielles eyes.

    Remember, whatever happens, stay close to me. Able faced the wall again and closed

    his eyes. Gabrielle thought about what Able said and then asked him another question.

    So if you are not a cop, why are you in here? Are you a spy for hire that my dad

    called or something?

    Your dad didnt call me, I called him.

    How did you know I was in here?

    I watch certain people, their families, and certain criminals.

    Why do you do that?

    Redemption, I am paying for the blood on my hands, figuratively and literally.

    What happened?

    Only three people know that and I do not wish it to be four.

    Oh, sorry. Gabrielle wondered why she apologized. She never said sorry to

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    her, she knew he was sincere, even if he was mistaken.

    What makes you think I have power?

    Nothing, because you dont, but you will. You have been put into a life

    threatening situation. As do all people who go through this you will expect and think that

    you have been transformed by this. That you are a different person. You will support a

    random charity and try to change your image. What will shock you is all of the people

    around you that preferred things when you behaved like a self centered, self destructive,

    drain on society. Then, briefly, you will remember me and this conversation. Dismissing

    that fleeting thought you will invite your father to a private and complicated dinner in

    order to discuss your life and your relationship with him. He will accept your invitation,

    but will alert the media and garner publicity from it. At that point you will realize how

    weak your father is and you will become depressed. Then for a second time, you will

    remember me. In order to deal with the shock of reality you will return to the vices that

    you participate in now. After a week of having people use you, you will remember this

    conversation for a third time. You will wonder what to do. Heed these words: true

    strength is an internal quality measured by how much self-control one can exhibit. It is

    not measured by external realities placed upon us. Able turned his head to face the wall

    and closed his eyes again. Gabrielle sat dumb founded; not really comprehending all that

    was said to her. Eventually she shrugged it off and spoke.

    What are you, psychic?

    No, I would not sell my freedom to have that skill.

    Then how are you so sure of what will happen?

    I am highly intelligent and have an extensive knowledge of math, psychology,

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    and a number of other things in a number of other fields. I can use these skills to predict

    an outcome with an extremely high percentage of accuracy. Things are about to happen

    extremely quickly. Dont say anything and stay next to me at all times. Get ready in ten,

    nine, eight. Able stopped counting, knowing that Gabrielle would continue the count in

    her head. When she got to one there was a muffled, but still loud boom. Gabrielle

    looked at Able in disbelief. Able sat still with his eyes closed. After about two minutes

    the man who opened the safe swung open the office door where Able and Gabrielle were.

    Alright, get up and lets go! I see your heads behind the desk, so get up

    already. Gabrielle looked to Able for direction. She asked with her expression whether

    or not they should get up. Able only shook his head no. While the safe cracker was

    yelling at Able and Gabrielle, the door he swung open continued to move closer and

    closer to the wall. The exposed wires on the door stop inched closer and closer to the

    wall. Four inches, three inches, two, one. There was a spark and boom! There was a

    nice size hole in the wall and the robber was knocked out. Able calmly stood up and

    stepped over debris as he exited the office. Gabrielle looked at Able with amazement.

    She then ran to be next to him as she remembered his words to not speak and to stay

    close to him.

    When Able and Gabrielle stepped out of what was the office they saw an armored

    truck backed up to the front of the bank. The safe door was also open and the brothers

    were taking items out of it. Luke stood near the open safe, wondering what that second

    explosion was. Luke then saw Able and knew that it was somehow him. Gabrielle saw

    Luke and she saw the look in his eyes. Luke pulled out his hand gun and muttered to


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    I never should have brought you in. Time seemed to slow down. Gabrielle

    looked at the gun and then at Able. Able looked completely calm. Bang! The chair that

    was suspended in the air fell, along with the light. It landed squarely on top of Luke and

    rendered him unconscious. Able stayed motionless and Gabrielle became astounded.

    She knew he couldnt have planned that, but why else would he be so calm. The brothers

    saw Luke on the floor and figured their profit shares went up. They ran over to Luke to

    get his gun and then ushered Able and Gabrielle towards the armored truck. The older

    brother gave the orders.

    You two are coming with us. Forget Luke and come on! Gabrielle never saw

    the brothers or even heard them. She was transfixed by Able and wondered if what she

    suspected was true. Able peacefully went with the brothers and seemed to be as

    oblivious to them as Gabrielle was. The brother threw their hostages into the back of the

    vehicle and the younger brother joined them with the gun in his hand. The older brother

    walked to the drivers seat while yelling at the cops. We still have two hostages. If you

    follow us, they die! He started the truck and drove off as fast as it would go. The

    younger brother in the back of the truck was visibly nervous.

    Luke was planning on killing you two, but as long as you cooperate, we will let

    you go. For a large armored truck, it moved fast. If a car was in its way, it quickly

    moved. Inside the vehicle, Able was looking at the wall, but then turned his attention to

    the man who pointed a gun at him. That of course made him more nervous. What do

    you want? I already said we would let you go. Able simply stood up and looked at


    Stand. Gabrielle stood up after showing some apprehension. Able stood

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    behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Since he was still handcuffed Able dropped

    his arms over her head and brought them down to her waist. The gunman started yelling.

    I said sit down! Gabrielle looked up at Able and Able continued to stare at the

    man. Sit down!

    I mean no disrespect; I only wanted to reassure Gabrielle.

    Fine, but sit! There was a loud sound and the armored vehicle lunged forward

    with great acceleration. As the truck lunged forward Able jumped into the air and lifted

    Gabrielle with him. Thanks to conservation of momentum the truck went forward, but

    Able did not. At least not as much. Able flexed his muscles all along the back of his

    body so they were as hard as concrete. He hit the back doors of the truck and fell out.

    Gabrielle saw that they had fallen out of the back of the truck, but things were happening

    so fast that she did not accept it. As Able was falling, Felicia was approaching in the

    Challenger with the top down. In the back seat Able fell, with Gabrielle on top of him.

    Felicia slowed to a stop as the armored truck lost control and flipped over. Felicia put the

    top up and looked back at Gabrielle.

    You can get off of Abe now. Gabrielle did not realize she was on him, but

    immediately got from under his arms and off of him. Her mind was racing, playing back

    the events that just took place. She looked at Able in awe.

    Who are you? What are you?

    I am Able Peace and I am able to bring peace to any situation. The police will

    be here soon and I dont care to talk to them. Prepare yourself for monumental events

    that are about to take place. I will be in contact. Gabrielle didnt know what to say or

    do, but Felicia did.

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    Honey, you can step out of the car know.

    Oh, okay. Gabrielle stepped out and Felicia drove off. She checked her rear

    view mirror to look at Able.

    Im not fond of you picking up girls off of the street.

    That is where I first saw you. Able said that with a straight face and Felicia

    wasnt sure if he meant it to be funny. However, since it was, she laughed.

    Is she going to be ready for what you told me about?

    Yes she will.

    Did you get hurt? Able hesitated as he answered.

    Bruised ribs. Felicia started yelling and continued all the way to Ables home.