Little Sunshines Portfolio (Updated Aug 2013)

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Portfolio of childminder Little Sunshines, based in Ilkeston, Derbyshire.

Transcript of Little Sunshines Portfolio (Updated Aug 2013)




Little Sunshines is run by Anna and Kelly both registered by Ofsted.

The setting is run from Anna’s home located in the Hallam Fields area of Ilkeston. Anna is a

mum of 6 and also has a level 3 NVQ in Children’s Care Learning and Development. She is

currently studying for her Early Years Professional Status at Derby University. Having started

the business in the summer of 2008 Little Sunshines was graded as Good by Ofsted in

October of the same year.

Kelly joined Anna in June of 2010 as the business grew. In addition to having gained a Level

3 NVQ childcare qualification, Kelly spent four years working at Children First Day Nursery in

Long Eaton and so came with a wealth of relevant experience. Although initially Kelly was

Anna’s assistant she has now registered as a childminder in her own right.

In January 2011 Rachel began working for Little Sunshines as an assistant to ensure that we

continued to deliver the highest levels of care as we grew. Rachel is a mum of 2 and has

previously worked as a deputy manager at Paper Moons Nursery. She is Level 3 qualified.

Following a successful application to Ofsted she is allowed to work for short periods alone with

the children.

Finally after 18 months of placements with us with college and then university, Jemma joined

our team as an assistant in July 2012. Although still at university Jemma is a regular face and

much loved by the children.

All About Little Sunshines

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All members of staff are trained in paediatric first aid.

As a setting we strive to provide high quality resources

and experiences that benefit all the children in our care.

We essentially believe that childhood is precious and as

such we aim to ensure that time spent with us is positive

and enjoyable and contributes to the overall development

of the children. We believe that all aspects of

development are equally important but our main priority

is to ensure that the children enjoy coming to us. To

achieve these aims we provide a vast range of activities,

a small taste of which are listed on the next page.

We are also big believers in offering children as many

interesting and exciting experiences as it

hunting for the Gruffalo in the woods or water fights in

the garden. Believing that children learn best when they are happy and playing means we

have a good excuse to play lots!!

Please forgive us if this portfolio seems a bit formal but we feel it’s important that everyone

knows where they stand from the beginning.

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Below are listed a sample of some of the activities we have enjoyed over

the last few months to give you an idea of how we spend our time. Of

course some of the activities are more suited to certain age groups than

others but we always ensure that something is on offer for all ages and

activities are altered accordingly. We do however, try and encourage all

the children to interact and play together at times as we feel this

promotes positive relationships within the group.

Personal, Social and Emotional

Portrait drawings of each other as part of our activities based

around anti-bullying week

Encouragement to play together and “look out” for each other

Children’s involvement in choosing activities, outings and topics


Olympic day where we took our Olympic equipment (javelin,

discuss, shot put) down to the park for a mini competition

Access to scooters, trikes, bikes, roller skates, skate boards, didi

cars, bucket stilts, hoops, skipping ropes etc

Sand and soil areas

Water play


Creation of obstacle course

Tree climbing

Tap and nail boards

Lace threading cards

Communication and Language

Stories and Rhymes

Song bag

Story sacks


Circle time

Visits to the library

Constant access to a book basket (the contents of which are

changed regularly


Access to white boards, chalk boards and pens, crayons and paper

Outside chalking on the fences and patio

Access to specific programmes on the computer (ie Textease for

older children and the Vtech motion for younger children)

Writing and posting a letter

Magnetic letters



Hamma beads


Science experiments (ie foaming dragon, paper aeroplane


Bingo, card games etc

Discovery trays full of things like rice, pasta etc to fill, empty, pour


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Understanding the World

Creation of a tadpole habitat

Vege patch planting and upkeep

Small world toys such as cars, little people or the farmyard

Access to various ICT resources such as walkie talkies,

megaphone, torches, camera as well as a couple of computer


Construction toys such as meccano, lego, scalectrix and train sets

Participation and encouragement in recycling and composting

Making clay divas for Divali

Healthy eating and living projects such as smoothie

Making & slip, slap, slop worksheets

Making a rain measurer

Expressive arts and design

Giant wall collages based on our weekly themes

Marble run paintings

Cotton wool sheep

Paper mache balloon heads

Paper plate animal masks

Wood and wool threading dream catchers

Pebble painting to create an outside sensory mural

Life size portraits

Musical instruments (both children’s toys and real instruments)

Gloop, play dough, slime etc

Dressing up clothes and toys

Outings we have been on

Nottingham Castle and Brewers Yard Museum

Beach at Nottingham Slab Square


Matlock Bath and Matlock Park

WestMidlands Safari Park

Erewash Museum

Birmingham Sealife Centre

Derby Museum and Art Gallery


Markeaton Park

Wollaton Hall and Park



Crazy Crocs

Leicester Space Centre

Twycross zoo

And many more!!!!

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In recognition of the special levels of care needed by babies we have

prepared a special care sheet identifying all the different areas of care

and the way in which we will deliver them.


We will attempt to follow any sleep routines established by parents

wherever possible. However,

we will remind parents that we have other commitments, for

example school runs, that may mean there has to be an element of


We will always provide a suitable sleeping area, be it a pram or crib,

for your baby to sleep in

Babies will have their own bedding

We will check your baby at regular intervals and use a baby monitor

Even if not wanting to sleep we will do our best to ensure that your

baby gets quiet or calm time if required

If your baby uses dummies please could you send us a couple of

spares because its inevitable some end up on the floor

If your baby has a comforter to get to sleep please remember it!


We will store bottles appropriately be it breast or formula milk

We will endeavour to always hold your baby whilst feeding them

We will endeavour to work alongside parents with regards to any

feeding routines they may have


We would request that parents ensure they supply us with adequate


We will note when and how much your baby drank


We will take direction from the parents as to how and when they

want to wean

We will supply appropriate cutlery and seating equipment

We will feed your baby the food chosen by you, be it food cooked at

home, jars or food we have supplied

We will note any particular likes and dislikes expressed by your


We will note when and how much your baby ate

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We will ensure we change nappies as and when required, and we will

note when they where changed

We are prepared to use any type of nappy, including eco friendly ones

We would ask parents to ensure an adequate supply is sent with the


If creams are needed parents need to provide them


We will ensure we supply plenty of appropriate toys both in and out of

the house

We will spend time with your baby interacting and playing with the


We will try to ensure your baby regularly hears music and that we

sing songs and nursery rhymes

We will read appropriate books with your baby

When doing activities with older children we will make sure your baby

can see us and feels involved and where possible adapt the activity so

that they can join in, for example finger painting

We will expose your baby to different sorts of play environments, for

example water play, play on the grass or noisy play

We will make sure your baby has lots of varied physical contact

throughout the day. For example cuddles and tickling

Most importantly we will spend time with your baby communicating

and interacting with them as much as possible

Out and about

We will take your baby out of the house every time he/she visits so

please ensure they have suitable

clothing – especially hats!

We will make sure they are comfortable in their pushchair, warm or

cool enough and that I have

appropriate weather protection ie sun parasols or rain cover

We will ensure your baby is safely secured into a suitable car seat and

that the way we travel complies with all legislation ie no rear facing

seats in front seats with airbags


Because babies develop so quickly we would like more frequent

reviews with parents. We would suggest a short chat every 6-8 weeks

just to make sure we are keeping up and so that we can establish how

you would like us to deal with the next stage of his development, for

example how you would like to tackle weaning. We would also like to

create a little informal book that records your baby’s experiences and

achievements primarily with photographs.

Also because babies have so many care needs we will provide some

form of written daily feedback because we are unlikely to remember

every detail without it!

Reviewed: July 2013

Challenging behaviour is a normal and healthy part of child development

and as such we fully expect that at some point all children in our care

will be troublesome! However, by having a comprehensive behaviour

management policy we aim to reassure and inform parents about the

ways in which we deal with behaviour issues. We believe that children

generally respond much better to positivity than negativity and we hope

that is reflected in our policy

Things we Will Do

Praise good behaviour and achievements

Use positive language wherever possible. For example as an

alternative to “don’t run” we will ask the child to “walk please”

Offer consistency in our approach to behaviour management

Do our best to work alongside parents and any values, beliefs or

preferences they have with regards to behaviour management

Ensure the child knows we disapprove of their behaviour not them!

This is important to ensure they retain a good self esteem

Distract or divert attention

Use humour wherever possible. A laughing child is far less likely to

continue with their bad behaviour!

Sticker charts or other forms of encouragement and reward

If appropriate we will endeavour to get the child to understand the

affects that their bad behaviour may be having on others around


If appropriate we will explain that actions and choices have

consequences for which that child is responsible

In extreme cases we may withdraw a toy or treat, or use time out

Keep up to date with any legislation by accessing information offered

by Ofsted and PACEY

Attend any relevant training courses offered if at all possible

Offer regular reviews with parents and give them a copy of my policy

If we feel we need advice to deal with persistent or particularly bad

behaviour we would seek confidential advice from an expert in the

field, for example PACEY or my local early years team. However, we

will always obtain parental permission prior to seeking advice

Unfortunately we reserve the right to terminate the contract of care

of a child who is persistently or extremely naughty if it is affecting

the quality of care we are able to offer to other children in my setting

We would request parents keep me informed of any changes or

incidents at home that may affect a child’s behaviour. For example a

new baby or a separation.

Things we Won’t Do

We will never use physical punishment, cause pain or discomfort nor

will we do anything that would be hurtful or humiliating to your child

We won’t physically intervene or restrain your child unless it is to

stop an accident or injury. If we ever do have to act in this way we

will inform parents, record the incident in my incident book and ask

the parents to sign the book

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The child protection guidelines under which we operate cover all forms

of abuse including physical, sexual or emotional abuse and neglect.

Child protection can be a very sensitive issue but in all

situations we will put the child first. In addition to our moral

responsibility this is also our legal responsibility. Therefore if we have

any serious concerns about a child we will follow strict, non-negotiable

procedures as set out by the booklet “What to do if you’re worried a

child is being abused”. An attached flow chart from the said booklet

illustrates the safeguarding reporting process.

Safeguarding Children Procedures

Contact Social Services detailing our concerns and follow it up with

a letter within 48 hours

The details recorded will include:

Childs name and address

Date and time of record

Factual details of concern ie bruising, comment made, when,


Any previous concerns

Parental explanations

Any action taken

This course of action will also be taken if a child tells me about

another child who they suspect is being abused

Although bumps and bruises are an inevitable part of childhood,

parents must inform me of, and explain any injuries sustained by

their child whilst out of our care as we have a legal responsibility to

record it.

Please understand this procedure is designed to protect parents,

ourselves and above all, children

If we have general concerns about a child protection issue we

reserve the right to contact a relevant body or authority for

confidential advice without seeking parental permission

We will wherever possible undertake any child protection training

offered in order to ensure we remain up to date with child

protection legislation and procedures

If any of us are accused of abuse we will inform Ofsted and PACEY


We have copy of the afore mentioned booklet containing the

guidelines if parents would like to see it

Reviewed: July 2013


A healthy, open relationship between childminder and parents is in the

best interest of children. However, if the relationship between

childminder and parents is less than ideal then there should be avenues

through which grievances can be aired. We therefore have the following

complaints procedure:

In the first instance feel free to bring any issues to our attention

either verbally or via a quick note in your child’s daily diary

If you would prefer a more formal route then I would suggest writing

or emailing. Our email address is The

address to write to is 25 Kingston Avenue, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, DE7


For serious complaints then you have the option of phoning Ofsted.

The number is 0300 123 1231. Alternatively for impartial advice

PACEY’s advice line is 0845 8800044

We have a mandatory duty to investigate all complaints

We will inform you of the outcome of your complaint via the same

media that you used as soon as possible

All complaints will be dealt will sensitively and confidentially and will

never adversely affect the quality of care given to your child

For formal complaints details that will be recorded will include:

Name of complainant

Date and time of complaint

Outcome of complaint ie an investigation

Action taken

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We will ensure all information held about families is kept secure

and treated in confidence

The only people who will access information about you or your

family without your prior written permission is:

An Ofsted inspector during an Ofsted inspection

A child protection inquiry team

Information we must legally keep includes:

Child’s name and address

GP’s name and address

Parent and other emergency contact details

Signed consent forms and details about who has parental

responsibility for your child

All accidents and incidents have to be recorded and we have to

inform our public liability insurers in order to get a claim number.

Such information will be kept for 21 years and 3 months.

Parents are invited to look at any or all of the information held

about their child at any time

We have registered as a data controller so that we can store

information on a computer. We will store such information in line

with the ICO guidelines

We would also request that parents treat information they may

learn or obtain about us or our families in confidence too

Reviewed: July 2013


We would ask the parents to comply with the following:

Please tell us who is going to collect the child each day

Please supply us with a description (or even better a photo) of

anyone who we have not met who is collecting your child

If someone other than the named person has to collect your child

unexpectedly please make sure you let us know as soon as possible.

In order to keep your child safe we won’t allow them to leave with

anyone unspecified until you have contacted us If you would like to

implement a password policy for your child let us know.

If you are going to be late either dropping off or picking up please let

us know

If you are going to be late collecting your child we will do our best to

continue caring for them and of course provide them with any extra

meals etc if necessary. If however we are unable to continue our

care we will contact the people listed on their emergency contact list

and request they collect your child. If we are unable to contact

anyone on the list, in extreme circumstances we would contact the

Social Services duty desk. We reserve the right to charge an

additional fee if parents are unreasonably or persistently late

Could parents please make sure they bolt the gate behind them

Parents or any other visitors are not permitted to smoke at any time

on my premises

The use of mobile phones that have an integrated camera are not

permitted whilst on my premises

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Our decision to care for a child will be based entirely upon our ability

to provide that child with the highest levels of care to which all

children are entitled.

We will ensure we are up to date with all relevant legislation by

accessing information made available to us through Ofsted and


We will wherever possible attend any equal opportunities training

sessions offered

We will challenge discrimination or prejudice demonstrated by

parents or children in the setting

We will promote and celebrate diversity through activities and


We will wherever possible avoid and challenge examples of


We will promote respect and understanding of differences

We will promote equality whilst recognising that everyone is an

individual and has different needs

We aim to make every child and family feel welcome in our setting

Reviewed: July 2013


Child safety is always an absolute priority but obviously during genuine

emergencies alternative or unusual arrangements of care may have to

be implemented.

If a child is injured or becomes seriously ill

We will reassure the injured child and ensure any other children are

safe. For example we may secure a baby in a buggy or ask older

children to sit at the table until the emergency has been dealt with

We will assess if we can deal with the emergency alone. If not we will

call 999

We will attempt to contact the injured child’s parents and ask that

they meet us either at the scene or the hospital

If we are required to accompany the child to hospital we will attempt

to contact the parents or emergency contacts of the other children to

request they are collected, take them with us to hospital or drop

them off with another registered childminder if at all possible and if

prior written parental permission has been granted

At all times we will do our best to ensure all the children are safe and

reassured If we are injured or become seriously ill

We will contact the nearest responsible adult to ensure the

immediate safety of the children

We will endeavour to have the children’s emergency contacts

contacted as soon as possible

If we are incapacitated we will contact another registered childminder

or responsible adult to continue care until the parents of the children


In our bag and in our cars we carry an ICE card, which are

recognised by the medical professions, outlining that some of the

children in our care may be minded and giving first names with a

contact number

We will wherever possible take a mobile phone with us

If a parent is injured or becomes seriously ill

If at all possible we would ask we are contacted as soon as possible

We will either continue providing care for the child or contact the

child’s emergency contact depending on the wishes of the parent

If the parent is unable to express a preference we will contact the

child’s emergency contact First Aid

We will ensure our first aid training is up to date

We will ensure our first aid box is complete, accessible and complies

with all relevant legislation

We will ensure that older children know where the first aid box is


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As a general rule we do not offer to help children in our setting with

their homework. The reasons for this are: .

Homework is an important link between home and school that is

broken if a third party ie a childminder, gets involved

After school is a very busy time and so we would struggle to offer a

child the one to one attention they would require if trying to complete

a homework assignment or read a school book

Its often a noisy time full of hustle and bustle which would make

concentrating difficult

However, if a child specifically requests to do their homework we will

do our best to give them as much as help as we feasibly can and

attempt to find them a suitable place to sit and work.

Additionally if on occasion a parent specifically asks for our help with

regards to homework (ie if by prior arrangement their child is staying

later than normal because the parent is working late) we will

endeavour to meet their needs where possible

Reviewed: July 2013


In order to keep everyone safe we have some simple house rules, which


Treat others how we would like to be treated ourselves – for example

remember our manners and be kind

Share the toys and help tidy them away when we have finished

Sit at the table to eat and drink

Take our shoes off at the door so we can keep the house clean

Treat the furniture with respect

Look after the toys and resources so they don’t become

unnecessarily broken or damaged

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Children will be expected to wash their hands after going to the

toilet, playing outside, doing crafts, touching animals and before


All children will have their own towels/flannels

All children will have their own bedding for naps

We are quite happy to brush teeth providing children have been

supplied with their own toothbrush

We will encourage children to blow runny noses and then throw

away the tissue

We will disinfect changing mats, potties and training toilet seats

after every use.

We will disinfect the dining table and highchair after each mealtime

We will ensure food is stored and prepared correctly

We would ask parents to supply adequate resources, for example

nappies and wipes in order for us to best ensure good hygiene

We will require a spare set of clothes for all children

Reviewed: July 2013


We will administer prescribed medicines provided a medicines

permission form and the medicines book has been signed.

We will administer some none prescribed medicines providing a

medicines permission form and the medicines book has been signed

prior to administering. Despite having a permission form, if a child

was to unexpectedly require non prescribed medication we will still

endeavour to contact a parent before administering it. Once

contacted we would ask that the parent either emails or texts us their

permission so that we have written proof of their consent. If we are

unable to contact a parent we will contact NHS direct to confirm the

child needs the medicines

All medicines must be in their original container and have all the

relevant labels intact

Parents must inform us of any medicines given to the child within the

24 before they were placed into our care in order to ensure they

never exceed the recommended doses

After administering any medicines, the exact details will be recorded

in the medicines book which the parents will be asked to sign

We will apply non allergenic plasters if necessary providing we have

prior written permission

We will apply an agreed sun cream lotion if necessary providing we

have prior written permission

We will administer any specialist medication, for example epipens or

insulin providing we have received appropriate training and the

appropriate written consents are in place

If children need to keep medications with them, for example inhalers,

we must be made aware of this

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Parents must inform us if their child is diagnosed with a notifiable

disease as we are duty bound to inform Ofsted (If you’d like a list

of notifiable diseases please let us know)

Children will not be allowed to attend until they have been clear of

any episodes of sickness and diarrhoea for at least 48 hours

If your child has any other infectious conditions please inform us

and we can discuss when it will appropriate for them to return.

With regards to exclusion periods we use the guidelines as set out

by NHS Direct and as such will insist that the exclusion periods

they advise are the ones implemented

Children will not be allowed to attend if they have a high

temperature or are otherwise unwell

Parents will be requested to collect their child as soon as possible if

they become ill and/or develop a high temperature or become

otherwise unwell whilst in our care. In all case we expect children

to have been collected within 1 hour of being notified their child is


Parents are asked to keep children at home if illness of any kind is

making them fractious and unable to participate in the normal days


Reviewed: July 2013


No one is allowed to smoke on our premises – inside or outside -

during our hours of work. We have signs up as an additional

reminder of this fact

No one is allow to smoke in our cars at any time

Any smoking occurring on Anna’s property outside the hours of

work will take place outside in designated areas and all rubbish

is to be disposed of carefully and in the bin

Parents will be told of any children found smoking whilst in our


Whilst out we can not stop children seeing other people smoking

but we will do our best to remove them from outside smokers

and will not expose them to any smokers smoking inside where

the children are.

Reviewed: July 2013


As part of our safeguarding procedures we will ensure that all non-

essential phones are kept in a lidded box or in personal handbags

in the pantry (which is kept bolted). Access to a phone for

emergencies is however, a legal requirement. Therefore we will

keep one phone available at all times. The phone will be in the

possession of the lead practitioner (Anna or Kelly) and should only

be used for work purposes during work hours.

The camera on the lead practitioner’s phone will not be used for

taking photographs of any of the childminded children or their

families except in the following circumstances - To upload a

photograpic observation to Toucan Learn or to upload an image to

the “Little Sunshine’s Childminding Services” Facebook page. In

both cases the upload needs to go immediately to the desired

location. In this circumstance the photograph does not get store

on the phone and so there is no permanent record of the photo

taken. Any such photographs will only be taken if prior written

permission has been obtained from parents. Any image that is to

be immediately downloaded should be shown to another staff

member to confirm its suitability prior to upload. It has been

deemed by ourselves that the positive consequences of such

immediate uploaded images makes this type of use acceptable.

When technology is available to enable us to create immediate and

convenient records and observations of significant events we feel it

is nonsensical not to utilise it. We simply need to ensure

appropriate safeguards are in place

For all other photographs we will use a designated work only

camera that will remain the responsibility of the lead practitioner.

Any images on the camera will be removed to their destination on

a weekly basis and the camera will be stored in the lidded box

(with the phones) in the pantry to ensure the contents are not

easily accessible to unauthorised people. The camera will be

security marked so that if it is lost and subsequently found it can

be returned to us.

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Working in partnership with parents is imperative if the

needs of children are to be met….. after all no one knows

children better than their parents. However, in addition to

benefiting children we believe that working in partnership

helps parents and carers too. We would hope that by

having honest and open relationships parents feel confident

and reassured about their choice of childminder, secure in

the knowledge their child is happy and doing well.

Additionally we, as their childminder, are better placed to

know how to meet the needs of the children in our care

maximising their potential and experiences whilst they are


In order to create a good partnership we propose the


We aim to make all children and their families feel

welcome in our setting

We will give parents a copy of our policies to keep to

refer to

Contracts that outline precisely the terms of care for

both parties

Care in line with the parents wishes

Inform parents of upcoming inspections so that they are

able to contribute if they wish and give a copy of any

inspection reports

Daily feedback in a way that suits the parent, for

example a diary or a chat

Ensure all information regarding their family is stored


Regular reviews to check everyone is happy and no

improvements or adjustments need to be made either in

the care provided or to the contracts

Secure drop offs and pick ups

Investigation of all complaints

Most off all we think it’s important that there is good

communication between all parties concerned so we

would encourage parents to feel free to have a chat at

any time.

Reviewed: July 2013


Sausage and Bean Casserole

Homemade Cod Fishcakes

Chicken and Leek Pie

Peppers Stuffed with Spicy Rice and Vegetables topped with Cheesy


Jacket Potato served with Homemade Ratatouille

Meatballs served with Pasta or Rice

Pork Stir Fry served with Noodles

Homemade soup.. Tomato or Leek and Potato always seem to go down


Cauliflower Cheese

Falafel and Tzatziki

Herby Roast Chicken

Smoked Haddock Kedgeree

Mini cakes with Blueberries or Lemon or Honey

Chicken, Sweetcorn and Mayo Wraps

Muffin Pizza Faces

Tuna and Feta Pasta Salad

Scrambled Egg and Pitta

Cheesy Corn Triangles

Cheesy Flapjacks

Eggy wedges

Cous-Cous Salad

Cheese and Poached Egg Melts

Sandwiches using a variety of Breads and Fillings

Things on toast!

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Fruit.. Within reason we have an open fruit bowl policy and we even

have our own apple tree

Nuts and raisins


Cheese Straws

Crunchy Cranberry Breakfast Bars

Chocolate Rice Crispy Cakes

Homemade Popcorn

Oaty Shortbread

Homemade Fruity Ice Lollies

Mandarin Cheesecake

Chocolate Brownies

Jelly and Ice Cream

Filo Pastry Apple Tartlets

Gingerbread Men

Banana Squares

Peanut butter Crispy Cookies

Upside Down Lemon Cake

Rhubarb Crumble

Tinned fruit and Condensed milk

I feel that mealtimes are one of our strongest assets and I hope you

agree. The vast majority of our food is homemade and made from

good quality ingredients. We also have our own veggie plot which

does also supply a source of fresh ingredients.




Although children are never forced to eat their meals I try and

encourage them to at least try new things. However I believe that

mealtimes should be fun and so never turn it into a battleground. If a

child really doesn’t want to eat a meal a simple alternative (such as

toast) will always be offered.

Children often help prepare meals too and I have found that very few

don’t want to try it once they’ve help to prepare it.

Unless children are helping I try to do a lot of the preparation when the

children are not here so that it’s simply a case of popping it on to cook

later, leaving me more time play. I also try to cook in batches so there’s

always something in the freezer for those days that seem to fly by!.

Once children are old enough they are encouraged to set the table and

put the dirty plates in the sink when they have finished and whenever

possible we all sit together so table manners are developed well.

We are always open to new recipes too so if your child have a favourite

let us know and we’ll give it a go!

As the menu demonstrates we offer healthy and nutritious meals and

snacks that go a long way to meeting the 5 a day target.

Although we focus on healthy meals I think occasional treats have their

place within a balanced diet and so foods such chips and crisps are

served occasionally!

I have 10 years experience within the catering industry so I am

confident in my ability to store, prepare and cook food properly and


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Once contracts are agreed we would ask that parents give us at

least 4 weeks notice of any changes or amendments they would

like to make

We would ask that parents (particularly those who receive reduced

fees during holiday weeks) give us at least 4 weeks notice of

holidays wherever possible.

If at all possible we aim to give parents at least 4 weeks notice of

any holidays or days off we intend to take

4 weeks notice is required to cancel a contract. Fees must be paid

in this 4 week notice period even if your child does not attend

We will give 4 weeks notice if we intend to cancel a contract except

in extreme circumstances when we reserve the right to cancel a

contract and cease providing care with immediate effect

Although we undertake outings with all the children in our care

occasionally we go on days out that cost considerably more than

usual. On such occasions parents are offered the opportunity to

contribute if they would like their child to go on the outing. If

parents do not wish to contribute we simply undertake the outing

on a day their child does not attend

Parents of children who attend every week receive a 50% discount

on their fees for the first 2 weeks of holidays taken and a 25% on

the third and fourth weeks of holidays taken.

Any additional holidays must be paid for at the full rate.

Parents of children who only attend during term time or who only

attend during school holidays receive no reduced fees for holidays

We do not expect any payment when we take days off or holidays

If children are off due to sickness 100% of their fees must still be


If we are off due to sickness a full refund will be credited to the

subsequent months invoice

Nursery fees must be paid by parents

Playgroup charges will be paid by Anna and Kelly

Reviewed July 2013


Before and after school care - £8 for 2 hours

Half hours are the minimum unit to be calculated

A school pick up from Field House or Hallam Fields is included in

the hourly rate. We may have to charge a small surplus for other


£4 per hour for part day (Minimum of 4 Hours- up to 5.5 hours)

£3.50 per hour during the day (Minimum of 6 hours)

£5 p/h for occasional minding or minding outside of normal

working hours which are 7.00am to 5.30pm

All meals cost £1.30. Children are more than welcome to bring a

packed lunch.

If at all possible 1 months notice of all holidays must be given

Customers are charged at 50% of their normal rate for the first

two weeks of holidays and 75% of their normal rate for the third

and fourth weeks of holidays. Any additional holidays must be paid

for at the full rate.

Customers whose children only require childcare during term times

do not receive any reduced fee weeks for holidays

Customers whose children only require childcare during school

holidays do not receive any reduced fee weeks for holidays

Customers are not charged when we are on holiday.

Bank holidays must be paid for in full if a customer’s contracted

days happen to fall on a bank holiday. We do not work bank


Inset days are classed as term time and so before and after school

sessions must be paid for in full as normal if they happen to fall on

a customer’s contracted day

Full payment must still be made if schools are shut due to events

such as snow or flooding, if they happen to fall on what would

ordinarily be a customer’s contracted day.

Page 24 Little Sunshines Portfolio


Little Sunshines Portfolio Page 25

Full payment must still be made if adverse weather or other

events outside of our control mean you can’t get your child to us

Customers are charged at 100% of their normal rate when their

child is off due to sickness

Parents will be credited with a full refund on the subsequent

months invoice if we are unable to work due to sickness

Children who were previously attending all day with us but then

begin nursery or pre- school continue to pay their previous full

fee as their place cannot be filled whilst they are at nursery.

However, no drop off or pick up fees are charged. Children who

will only need care either before or after nursery/pre-school will

only be charged for that session

Payment of 1 month in advance is required

Invoices are payable on the first of each month.

An additional charge of £1.30 per meal will be charged but

parents are more than welcome to provide a lunch box if they

prefer. There is no charge for snack or breakfast. We ask all

parents to provide a packed lunch, snacks and drinks during the

school holidays regardless of the age of their child

A discount of 5% is given if 2 siblings attend providing their care

is year round (ie not just term time or holiday time). This

discount only applies when both children are in attendance

A discount of 10% is given if 3 siblings attend providing their

care is year round (ie not just term time or holiday time). This

discount only applies when all children are in attendance

All sessions are subject to a minimum daily fee of £8

We accept numerous childcare vouchers. However, payment

terms (ie payment in advance on the first of the month) must

continue to be adhered to.


Call Anna on 07980 541645

