Little data, Big problems

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Little data, Big problems

Little data, Big problems The internet of things side of Big Data

Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino


Internet of things strategy since 2011

Tinker London (2007-2010)

Good Night Lamp designswarm

IOT London meetup The Good Home Know cards


‘The internet of things is really about data.’

No, it really isn’t.

The internet of things isn’t like software because You have to actually ship it. It’s hard to update. Users are sales numbers first, use second. Deployment of new features means making a whole new product.

The internet of things also isn’t like a product. You have to set it up. Unboxing is a thing. Connectivity issues can kill your product. Power issues can kill your product experience. Customer support needs to be handled in house.

The internet of things is hard to sell to investors. Unlike software. They may have experience but don’t think it’s relevant. They’re intrigued but careful. IP becomes an excuse and a barrier. You have to already be selling and growing before they’ll take the risk.

How to get involved? Read up on Join Check out accelerators / incubators in London (Startupbootcamp IoT, BreedReply, RGA IOT) Work to learn how to make physical things with a hackerspace / makerspace.

Dataconomy workshop in Berlin last weekend!

Topics we covered Prototyping with electronics User testing Product design Electronics design & manufacturing Software tools Logistics & shipping IP Marketing & crowdfunding

Other people who can help you General Assembly Data science and IOT at Oxford University Open University Internet of things CS course Digital Catapult / IOTUK

Ethics of internet of things data Thingscon (Europe) Thingsclash (NL) If projects (UK) IOT London Open IOT Definition on June 16th 2017 Check out events http:///

Thank you Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino @iotwatch @knowcards @GNLamp @goodhomeproject