Little brown bats by Thea

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of Little brown bats by Thea

  • 1. L i t t leBr o w nb at s. By : Thea Foss Wallace

2. What is a little brown bat?

  • Its fur is uniformly dark brown and glossy on the back and upper parts with slightly paler, grayish fur underneath.

3. What do a little brown bats eat?

  • Little brown bats are insectivores, eating moths, wasps, beetles, gnats, mosquitoes, midges and mayflies, among others. Since many of their preferred meals are insects with an aquatic life stage, such as mosquitoes, they prefer to roost near water.

4. What do little brown bats eat? (Continued)

  • They echolocate to find their prey. Often they will catch larger prey with a wingtip, transfer it to a cup formed by their tail, then eat it - smaller prey are usually just caught in the mouth.

5. What do little brown bats eat? (yet again)

  • They often use the same routes over and over again every night, flying 3-6 meters high above water or among trees. An adult can sometimes fill their stomach in 15 minutes, young have more difficulty.

6. What is the size of a little brown bat?

  • The little brown bat has a length of inches and a wing span of 8-10 inches.

7. Photo of a little brown bat. 8. Where do little brown bats live?

  • Little brown bats live in Newfoundland, Labrador and many other places.

9. Myths about bats.

  • Myth=Bats are birds
  • Truth=Bats are not birds but flying mammals
  • Myth=Bats are blind
  • Truth=Bats can see quite well

10. Threats to little brown bats.

  • Loss of habitat.
  • Harmful chemicals used to get bats out of attics.
  • Natural predators such as hawks and owls.
  • Killed by people from fear.
  • Loss of food supply.

11. The little brown bat's behaviour.

  • Female little brown bats usually reach mating maturity by the end of their first summer and males mature at the end of their second summer. The bats mate in the fall while they are in peak physical condition. Fertilization and development do not begin until after hibernation .

12. The little brown bat's behaviour.

  • Female little brown bats usually reach sexual maturity by the end of their first summer and males mature at the end of their second summer. The bats mate in the fall while they are in peak physical condition. Fertilization and development do not begin until after hibernation.

13. Credits

  • Google
  • Impress

14. The End Page.

  • The End