Literature - Analysis of Poem

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Transcript of Literature - Analysis of Poem

  • 8/13/2019 Literature - Analysis of Poem






    GROUP: B



    2) NOORFAIZAH BINTI MD. NAYAN(D20111047715)

  • 8/13/2019 Literature - Analysis of Poem


    La iman Janoory


    Life is but a passing glimpse of existence

    a small frame of time out of many

    too short for pleasure

    too long for suffering

    its a sand of uncertainties

    of happiness, sadness- apprehension.

    its the eternal cycle of fate

    sometimes motherly, sometimes a tyranny

    its but a shadow play

    and we the insignificant puppets

    playing the short scripts of destiny

    directing our little histories

    applauded by Death.

    Proton City, Tanjong Malim

    Nov, 2010

  • 8/13/2019 Literature - Analysis of Poem




    Both of us have picked a meaningful poem simply entitled Life by La Iman Janoory in our

    effort to complete this assignment together. Truthfully, this was the first poem we saw the

    day we decided to peruse the book Ecstasies and Anxieties and it didnt take us long to

    know that we just had to pick this poem. As the title suggests, this poem speaks about life and

    how life is a fleeting journey that is filled with both joy and unhappiness.

    The first line Life is but a passing glimpse of existencetells us that everyones life does not

    last very long. Even though life actually does not last long, life seems very long and endless

    when we are facing so many unending difficulties when living. Life can also can seem short

    when we are having fun doing things we like. All these are clearly stated in the two lines,

    too short for pleasure and too long for suffering. It can be concluded that life can seem

    short or long, depending on the situation you are in.

    This poem also tells us that life is full of countless uncertainties. Both of us decided to

    conclude the line its a sand of uncertainties this way right after seeing the word sand .

    There is no way in which one can accurately count grains of sand, because these grains are, if

    not, seem incalculable. This line made us come up with the idea that everybodys life is

    filled with countless uncertainties.

    Besides that, ones life is an eternal cycle of fate, according to the poet. No matter what we

    do, or how we try to shape our lives, fate is an unstoppable thing. We are all controlled by

    fate. We are unable to change fate unless permitted by God. We concluded this after reading

    the line its the eternal cycle of fate. There are times when things go the way we want them

    to, and this is when we feel like life is being kind to us. However, life can also get really hard,

    especially when we have so many predicaments to deal with at the same time.

    This poem tells us that, life is not that different when compared to a play. Life is a lot like a

    play. But the only thing controlling us puppets in life is destiny. Meanwhile, death is

    portrayed as an audience viewing the play. Just as a play needs audience, life needs death.

    Everyone who lives will die as death is unavoidable.

    Point of view:

  • 8/13/2019 Literature - Analysis of Poem


    Obviously, the poem is written from the poets own point of view. This can be seen from the

    usage of the word we that refers to the poet and others.


    The setting of the poem is so vague, so maybe, there is no setting at all in the poem.


    The poem presents conflicts such as sadness and apprehension that must be faced by those

    who live, before they undergo death.


    The characters in the poem are all of us humans and the poet.

    Style and Language:

    The overall mood of the poem is one of sadness. The poet uses many simple modern words

    that are easy to understand. However, we must be able to understand what the words really



    The main theme of the poem is life, feelings people get to experience in life and how life can

    be ended by death.