_lit_ - Where Do You People Find Your Ebooks_ There Don't

Post on 16-Oct-2015

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  • 4/5/2014 /lit/ - Where do you people find your ebooks? There don't

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    File: Digital-eBook-Reader.jpg (18 KB, 461x308)

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)04:28:44 No.4846632

    Where do you people find your ebooks? There don't seem to be many sites dedicated to ebooks. Even popular ones like the Dragon Ball, Walking DeadCompendium or The Road by McCarthy take a lot of effortto find. Any tips?

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)04:32:29 No.4846639>>4846641 >>4846644

    In general, "book name + mobi" or "epub"seems to work. Recently a couple of spamsites have popped up that are very annoying toignore...

    Some sites:


    and of course sticky's #bookz

    Replies: >>4846641>>4846644

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    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)04:34:29 No.4846641 >>4846651 >>4848661 >>4848671

    >>4846639Thanks a lot, I'll check those out. I'm already using warez-bb.com and filestube, but they don'tseem to do it. Plus I'm kind of hesitant to use torrents.Any recent cases of people getting busted over torrenting books or comics? Are mangos safe?

    Replies: >>l_4846639>>4846651>>4848661>>4848671

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)04:35:28 No.4846644

    >>4846639And this one:gen.lib.rus.ec

    Also, demonoid.ph and kickass.to have tons of books, too

    Replies: >>l_4846639

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)04:36:47 No.4846651 >>4846658

    >>4846641I have never read about anyone getting into legal troubles for downloading books

    Replies: >>l_4846641>>4846658

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)04:38:59 No.4846658

    >>4846651So I guess I'll read up on that. Hopefully I'll be able to add torrenting to my list of available meansto get my hands on the Walking Dead Compendium.

    Replies: >>l_4846651

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)05:17:28 No.4846798

    I'm giving up. I just can't find "The Walking Dead - Compendium One" or the Dragon Ball mangasin pdf format _anywhere_.Anybody have them?

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)11:12:18 No.4847439

    I made this other thread, asking the same question. Are those sites good for audiobooks, too?

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)11:37:38 No.4847491


    superduper !nkaLiwtzlo 05/03/14(Sat)11:56:06 No.4847552 >>4847688 >>4848350File: 1373256590041.png (86 KB, 592x1760)

    Replies: >>4847688>>4848350

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)12:13:46 No.4847587 >>4847715

  • 4/5/2014 /lit/ - Where do you people find your ebooks? There don't

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    libgen.org is bretty good

    Replies: >>4847715

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)12:31:03 No.4847637 >>4847663

    in the sticky

    Replies: >>4847663

    superduper !nkaLiwtzlo 05/03/14(Sat)12:36:12 No.4847663 >>4847688

    >>4847637ED is constantly offline because the admins don't pay their fucking bills. we should really justput an infographic in the sticky.

    Replies: >>l_4847637>>4847688

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)12:39:06 No.4847681

    Lately, #bookz hasn't been working for me. Now, I've been using #ebooks on irchighway.

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)12:40:14 No.4847688 >>4847723

    >>4847663There is an infographic in the sticky. You just can't read.

    >>4847552This one is on the first page of the recommended reading wiki, which is the other link in thesticky.

    Replies: >>l_4847552>>l_4847663>>4847723

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)12:45:26 No.4847715

    >>4847587I've never used it for fiction, but for textbooks libgen is really good.

    I never knew how much I'd miss my uni library until I graduated.

    Replies: >>l_4847587

    superduper !nkaLiwtzlo 05/03/14(Sat)12:47:47 No.4847723

    >>4847688oh. i stand corrected. still, the sticky should be organized better. really all the important infocould just be packed in one infographic

    Replies: >>l_4847688

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)15:36:32 No.4848350 >>4848668

    >>4847552Is there a #Bookz for audio books

    Replies: >>l_4847552>>4848668

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)17:11:01 No.4848661 >>4849524

    >>4846641>Any recent cases of people getting busted over torrenting books

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    Are you kidding me, most of the world doesn't even read books and publishers sure as shit don'thave the same kind of dough as Hollywood to throw at politicians. People could sell piratedbooks on the steps of the god damn White House and no one would try to stop them, but theyprobably also wouldn't have any customers except for the occasional woman buying ChickenSoup for the ___ Soul or 50 Shades of Gay.

    Replies: >>l_4846641>>4849524

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)17:12:50 No.4848668

    >>4848350Yeah, there's a secondary channel I think on irchighway or maybe undernet. It's related to thechannels that have already been mentioned in this thread - just get on IRC and download the listof channels then just search "books," "bookz," or some shit like that, and you'll see a channelwith "audio books" in the topic.

    Replies: >>l_4848350

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)17:14:08 No.4848671


    Took me back to 2006 there for a minute.

    Seriously, use gen.lib.rus.ec combined with torrents (piratebay) and intelligent google searches.

    Replies: >>l_4846641

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)19:53:19 No.4849337

    Where do you get e-books in spanish?

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)20:25:21 No.4849452

    Funnily enough, I get mine from .onion sites. I downloaded Tor just to poke around out ofinterest, as most people probably end up doing, and found that a couple of domains have decentlibraries, at least in the entry level books I wanted.

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)20:46:54 No.4849524


    The most I've seen is authors or people from publishers posting in forums requesting that thelinks to their stuff is taken down. But yeah it's a rarity.

    Replies: >>l_4848661

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)20:54:19 No.4849546 >>4849557

    The real question is: how do i get good ebooks not in english?

    Replies: >>4849557

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)20:57:55 No.4849557 >>4849566 >>4849569

    >>4849546What language is it? German has a couple of sites:

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    Replies: >>l_4849546>>4849566>>4849569

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)21:00:26 No.4849566

    >>4849557These are old links, most of these are broken :(

    Replies: >>l_4849557

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)21:01:11 No.4849569 >>4849790

    >>4849557>>4849557Portuguese... Also french, because i'm currently learning it.

    Replies: >>l_4849557>>4849790

    Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)22:06:28 No.4849790 >>4851167

    Does anyone know?


    Replies: >>l_4849569>>4851167

    Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)05:41:28 No.4851158


    Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)05:45:39 No.4851167

    >>4849790Have you tried any of these?


    I don't speak Portuguese

    Replies: >>l_4849790

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