List of References and Sources River Basin Organization ... · Amu Darya basin case study, Report...

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Transcript of List of References and Sources River Basin Organization ... · Amu Darya basin case study, Report...

List of References and Sources – River Basin Organization Database1

Authorité de Développement Integré de la Région du Liptako-Gourma (ALGX) on the Niger and

Volta River Basins

African Development Bank (2004): ALG Institutional Support Project, Project Appraisal Document, November 2004,

ALG (no date): Website of the Autorité de Développement Integré de la Région du Liptako-Gourma,

ALG (1999): Stratégie de Développement pour la Région du Liptako-Gourma, adopted by the Council of Ministers 13-14 December 1999, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Autorité de Liptako-Gourma (2009) : Rapport des Activités 2009 de la Direction Générale, November 2009,

Convention Révisée Portant Statuts de l'Autorité de Développement Integré de la Région du Liptako-Gourma, 20 March 2001,

Protocole d'Accord Révisé Portant Création de l'Autorité de Développement Integré de la Région du Liptako-Gourma,

Amur River Basin Coordination Committee (ARBC)

Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database (no date): RBO Database (old version),

Aral Sea Basin Programme (ASBP)

Kranz, N., Vorwerk, A. & Interwies, E. (2005): Transboundary river basin management regimes: the Amu Darya basin case study, Report of the NeWater project – New Approaches to Adaptive Water Management under Uncertainty

World Bank/Global Environment Facility (1998): Aral Sea Basin Program (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) Water and Environmental Management Project, Project Document, May 1998

Binational Autonomous Authority of the Lake Titicaca for the TDPS (BALT)

BALT (no date): Website of the Binational Autonomous Authority of the Lake Titicaca for the TDPS,

Delli Priscolli, J. & Wolf, A. (2009): Case Studies, Id. Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts, Cambridge/MA: Cambridge University Press

Gonzales, I. & Roncal, R. (2004): International Cooperation on the Lake Titicaca, UNESCO IHP, Technical Documents in Hydrology, no 32, Paris, France

1 Documents with no specific source indication and/or no website are on file with the author. In some cases, these

documents were classified as confidential or restricted and therefore cannot be shared.

Binational Commission of Economical Cooperation and Physical Integration on the Cullen, Lake Fagano, St. Martin and Zapaleri Rivers

Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database (no date): RBO Database (old version),

Administrative Commission for the Rio de la Plata (CARP)

CARP (no date): Website of the Comision Administradora del Rio Uruguay,

Elhance, A. (1999): Hydropolitics in the 3rd World: Conflict and Cooperation in International River Basins, Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press

Treaty between Uruguay and Argentina concerning the Rio de la Plata and the Corresponding Maritime Boundary, 19 November 1973,

Comision Administradora del Rio Uruguay (CARU)

Burchi, S. & Spreji, M. (2003): Institutions for International Freshwater Management, Paris: UNESCO Technical Documents in Hydrology, PCCP Series No. 3,

CARU (no date): Website of the Comision Administradora del Rio Uruguay,

CARU (no date): Description of the Commission, Website of the Comision Administradora del Rio Uruguay,

Comision Binational Puente Buenos Aires Colonia (COBAICO) on the Parana-LaPlata River Basin (CBPB)

CBPB (no date): Website of the Comision Binational Puente Buenos Aires Colonia (COBAICO),

CBPB (no date): Treaty, Website of the Comision Binational Puente Buenos Aires Colonia (COBAICO),

Comision Binational des Rio Paz (CBRP)

Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database (no date): RBO Database (old version),

Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR)

CCNR (1989): Additional Protocol No 4 to the Revised Convention on Navigation on the Rhine,;document_Additional%20Protokoll%20No%204%20to%20the%20Revised%20Convention%20on%20Navigation%20on%20the%20Rhine.html?DIDPFDSIjsessionid=3A06081DC1EA5C8F16A853F1B3776A69?id=TRE-001037&index=treaties

CCNR (no date): Website of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine,

CCNR (no date): Geschäftsordnung der Zentralkommission für die Rheinschifffahrt,

Frijters, I. & Leentvar, J. (2003): Rhine Case Study, UNESCO-ICP, PCCP Series Publication,

Revised Convention for Rhine Navigation, 17 October 1868 in Mannheim, Germany,

International Commission on Limits and Water between Mexico and Guatemala (CDLR)

Hamann, R. & Ankersen, T. (no date): The Usumacinta River: Building a Framework for Cooperation between Mexico and Guatemala,

Commission for the Development of the Mirim Lagoon Basin (CDML)

Treaty on Cooperation for the Utilization of the natural resources and the development of the Mirim Lagoon Basin, 7 July 1977 in Brasilia, Brazil, accessible at the TFDD Treaty Database:

Complementary Agreement to the basic scientific and technical Cooperation agreement between the Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay and the Federal Republic of Brazil on cooperation in the area of Water Resources, 11 March 1991, accessible through the TFDD Treaty Database:

Commission Internationale du Bassins Congo-Oubangui-Sangha (CICOS)

Accord Instituant un Régime Fluvial Uniforme et Créant la Commission Internationale du Bassin Congo-Oubangui-Sangha, 6 November 1999 in Brazzaville, Congo,

Add on to the Accord Instituant un Régime Fluvial Uniforme et Créant la CICOS,

CICOS (no date): Website of the Commission Internationale du Bassins Congo-Oubangui-Sangha,

GIZ (no date): Website of the GIZ-CICOS Cooperation Programme,

International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) (2007): Source Book on Africa’s River Basin Organizations, Volume 1, January 2007,

Permanent Intergovernmental Co-Ordination Committee (CIC) on the Parana-LaPlata River Basin (CIC)

Burchi, S. & Spreji, M. (2003): Institutions for International Freshwater Management, Paris: UNESCO Technical Documents in Hydrology, PCCP Series No. 3,

Lee, T. (1995): The Management of Shared Water Resources in Latin America, Natural Resources Journal, 35, 541-553

Treaty on the Rio de la Plata Basin, 23 April 1969 in Brasilia, Brazil,

Joint Commission for the Protection of Italian-Swiss Waters against Pollution on Lago Maggiore and Lago di Lugano (CIPA)

CIPA (no date): Website of the Joint Commission for the Protection of Italian-Swiss Waters against Pollution (CIPAIS),

International Commission for the Protection of the Mosel (CIPM)

CIPM (no date): Website of the International Commission for the Protection of the Mosel (CIPM),

Ergänzendes Protokoll zwischen den Regierungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, der Französischen Republik und des Großherzogtums Luxemburg über die Errichtung eines gemeinsamen Sekretariats, 22 March 1990,

Protokoll zwischen den Regierungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, der Französischen Republik und des Großherzogtums Luxemburg über die Errichtung einer Internationalen Kommission zum Schutze der Mosel gegen Verunreinigung, 20 December 1961, France,

International Commission for the Protection of the Sarre (CIPS)

CIPS (no date): Website of the International Commission for the Protection of the Sarre (CIPS),

Ergänzendes Protokoll zwischen den Regierungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, der Französischen Republik und des Großherzogtums Luxemburg über die Errichtung eines gemeinsamen Sekretariats, 22 March 1990,

Protokoll zwischen den Regierungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, der Französischen Republik über die Errichtung einer Internationalen Kommission zum Schutze der Saar gegen Verunreinigung, 20 December 1961, France,

COMO – Commission de la Moselle (COMO)

COMO (no date): Website of the Mosel Commission,

Vertrag über die Schiffbarmachung der Mosel, 27 October 1956 in Luxemburg,

Chu Talas Commission (CTC)

ADB (2008): Regional Technical Assistance Report: Improved Management of Water Resources in Central Asia (Financed by the Multi-Donor Trust Fund under the Water Financing Partnership Facility), September 2008, Manila, Philippines,

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) (2009): River Basin Commissions and other

Institutions for Transboundary Water Cooperation, New York/Geneva: UNECE Convention on

the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes

Waterwiki (no date): The Formation of a Chu-Talas Rivers Commmission,

Comisión Técnica Mixta de Salte Grande (CTMS)

Agreement relating to the utilization of the rapids of the Uruguay River in the Area of Salto Grande, 30 December 1946,

Burchi, S. & Spreji, M. (2003): Institutions for International Freshwater Management, Paris: UNESCO Technical Documents in Hydrology, PCCP Series No. 3,

CTMS (no date): Comisión Técnica Mixta de Salte Grande, Website of the ;

Joint Finnish-Russian Commission on the Utilization of Frontier Waters (CUFW)

Agreement between the Republic of Finland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning Frontier Waters, 24 April 1964,

Burchi, S. & Spreji, M. (2005): Institutions for International Freshwater Management, UNESCO IHP, Technical Documents in Hydrology, no 3, Paris, France

CUFW (no date): Website of the Joint Finnish-Russian Commission on the Utilization of Frontier Waters,

Danube Commission (DC)

DC (no date): Website of the Danube Commission,

Übereinkommen über die Regelung der Schifffahrt auf der Donau, 18 August 1948,

Zusatzprotokoll zum Übereinkommen über die Regelung der Schifffahrt auf der Donau, 26 March 1998,

Estonian Russian Joint Transboundary Waters Commission (ERWC)

Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Finland (no date): Estonia and Russia Work Together to Take Care of Transboundary Water Bodies,

World Lakes (no date): Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe. Experience and Lessons Learned,

Fly River Provincial Boundaries Commission (FRBC)

Agreement between the government of Australia (acting on its own behalf and on behalf of the government of Papua New Guinea) and the government of Indonesia concerning administrative arrangements as to the border between Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, 13 November 1973, accessible at the TFDD Treaty Database:

FSCC – Franco-Swiss Consultative Commission on Fishing in the Lake Geneva

Agreement regarding fishing in Lake Geneva, 20 November 1980,

German Czech Boundary Waters Commission (GCWC)

Vertrag zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Tschechischen Republik über die Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Wasserwirtschaft an den Grenzgewässern, 12 December 1995,

Statut der deutsch-tschechischen Grenzgewässerkommission und ihrer Ständigen Ausschüsse, 12 December 1995,

Great Lakes Commission (GLC)

GLC (no date): Website of the Great Lakes Commission,

GLC (2010): Annual Report of the Great Lakes Commission 2010, Ann Arbor, MI

The Great Lakes Basin Compact, adopted by the involved states in 1955, establishing the GLC on 12 December 1955,

Great Lakes Fisheries Commission (GLFC)

Canadian – U.S. Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries, 10 September 1954,

GLFC (no date): Website of the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission,

GLFC (2008): Strategic Vision 2008,

Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS)

ADB (2007): Mid-Term Review of the Greater Mekong Subregion Strategic Framework 2002-2012, Manila: ADB

Dosch, J. & Hensengerth, O. (2005): Sub-regional cooperation in Southeast Asia: The Mekong Basin, European Journal of East Asian Studies, 4, 2, 263-285

GMS (2003): Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program, 12th Ministerial Conference. Joint Ministerial Statement, 17-19 September 2003, Dali City, Yunnan Province, People’s Republic of China

GMS (2012): The Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework (2012-2022), Manila, Philippines: ADB,

GMS (no date): Website of the Greater Mekong Subregion,

Kongkraew, M. (2004): The development of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS): real promise or false hope?, Journal of Asian Economics, 15, 977–998

Guatemala Mexico International Boundary Water Commission (GMWC)

Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database (no date): RBO Database (old version),

Joint Commission on the Garonne (GRJC)

Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database (no date): RBO Database (old version), (

Greater Tumen Initiative on the Tumen River Basin (GTI)

Agreement on the Establishment of the Consultative Commission for the Development of the Tumen River Economic Development Area and Northeast Asia, signed

Changchun Agreement of the Member Countries of the Greater Tumen Initiative, 2 September 2005,

GTI (no date): Website of the Greater Tumen Initiative,

GTI (no date): Institutional Structure to the Tumen Programme,

Indo-Bangladesh Joint Rivers Commission on the Ganges River Basin (IBJC)

Delli Priscoli, J./Wolf, A. (2009): Managing and transforming water conflicts, Cambridge/MA: Cambridge University Press

Nishat, A./Faisal I. (2000): An assessment of the institutional mechanisms for water negotiations in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna System, International Negotiation, 5, 2, 289-322

Rahaman, M. (2009): Principles of international water law: creating effective transboundary water resources management, International Journal for Sustainable Society, 1, 3, 207-233

Statute of the Indo-Bangladesh Joint River Commission, 24 November 1972,

International Water and Boundary Commission on Shared Rivers between Canada and the US (IBWC)

IBWC (no date): Website of the International Water and Boundary Commission,

Burchi, S. & Spreji, M. (2005): Institutions for International Freshwater Management, UNESCO IHP, Technical Documents in Hydrology, no 3, Paris, France

Water Treaty for the Utilization of Waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio Grande, 3 February 1944,

Internationale Bodenseekonferenz (IBK)

IBK (no date): Website of the Internationale Bodenseekonferenz (International Conference for the Lake Constance),

International Scheldt Commission (ICBC)

ICBC (no date): Website of the International Scheldt Commission,

ICBC (2010): Rapport Annuel 2010, Anvers, Belgium,

Treaty of Ghent, 3 December 2002,

Treaty on the protection of the Scheldt and set up an International Commission for the Protection of the Scheldt, 26 April 1994 in Charleville-Mézières, Belgium

International Commission of International Rivers (ICIR)

TFDD (no date): Treaty Database, Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University,

International Commission on Limits and Water between Mexico and Guatemala (ICLW)

Agreement between the United Mexican States and the Republic of Guatemala on the protection and improvement of the environment in the border area, 10 April 1987, accessible at the TFDD Treaty Database:

International Commission for the Management of the Irtysch (ICMI)

Agreement between the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the government of the Russian Federation concerning the joint use and protection of transboundary waters, signed 27 August 1992, accessible at the TFDD Treaty Database:

Vinokurov, Y., Zherelina, I. & Zanosova, V. (2005): Transobundary water problems in the basin of the Irtysch River, Vogtmann, H. & Dobretsov, N. (eds.): Transboundary Water Resources: Strategies for Regional Security and Ecological Stability, Dordrecht: Springer, 83-91

International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR)

Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable use of the Danube River (Danube River

Protection Convention), 29 June 1994,

ICPDR (no date): Website of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube,

ICPDR (2002a): Financial Rules of the ICPDR, adopted 27 November 2002, Vienna

ICPDR (2005d): ICPDR Principles for Cooperation and Relations with Business and Industry, 1 June

2005, Vienna, Austria

ICPDR (2006c): Rules of Procedure of the ICPDR, adopted at the 9th Ordinary Meeting of the ICPDR

11-12 December 2006, Vienna, Austria

Jansky, L., Pachova, N. & Murakami, M. (2004): The Danube: A case study of sharing international

waters, Global Environmental Change, 14, 1, 39-49

Linnerooth-Bayer, J. (1990): The Danube River Basin: Negotiating Settlements to Transboundary

Issues, Natural Resources Journal, 30, 2, 629-660

Linnerooth-Bayer, J. & Murcott, S. (1996): The Danube River Basin: International cooperation or

sustainable development, Natural Resources Journal, 36, 3, 521-547

International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe River (ICPE)

Convention between the Federal Republic of German and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic and

the European Economic Community on the International Commission for the Protection of the

Elbe (Elbe Convention), 8 October 1990,

Dombrowsky, I. (2008): Institutional design and regime effectiveness in transboundary river

management – the Elbe water quality regime, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 12, 1,


ICPE (no date): Website of the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe River,

Köppel, M. (2009): Does regime design matter? Analyzing Success and Failure of International Cooperation in Reducing Pollution of the Rivers Elbe and Rhine, Munich: AVM

International Commission for the Protection of Lake Geneva (ICPG)

Convention Concerning the Protection of the Waters of Lake Geneva against Pollution, 16 November


ICPG (no date): Website of the International Commission for the Protection of Lake Geneva,

International Commission for the Protection of the Oder River (ICPO)

Convention on the International Commission for the Protection of the Oder River, 11 April 1996,

ICPO (no date): Website of the International Commission for the Protection of the Oder River,

ICPO (no date): Organisation chart/Working Groups of the ICPO,

ICPO (1999): Rules of Procedure of the International Commission for the Protection of the Oder River,

ICPO (2002): Rules of Granting Observer Status to international and domestic organizations in the

International Commission for the Protection of the Oder River,

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) (2009): River Basin Commissions and other

Institutions for Transboundary Water Cooperation, New York/Geneva: UNECE Convention on

the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes

International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR)

Convention on the Protection of the Rhine (Rhine Convention), 12 April 1999 in Bern, Switzerland,


Frijters, I. & Leentvar, J. (2003): Rhine Case Study, UNESCO-ICP, PCCP Series Publication,

ICPR (no year): Website of the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine,

ICPR (2004): Rhine & Salmon 2020, Koblenz, Germany

ICPR (2007): Rhein Messprogramm Chemie 2007-2012 [Rhine Measurement Program Chemical

Pollutants 2007-2012], Koblenz, Germany

ICPR (2010): Überarbeitung der Geschäfts- und Finanzordnung der IKSR, adopted 1 July 2010,


ICPR (2010): Geschäfts- und Finanzordnung für die Zusammenarbeit der IKSR mit dem Koordinierungskomitee Rhein, adopted 1 July 2010,

Köppel, M. (2009): Does regime design matter? Analyzing Success and Failure of International Cooperation in Reducing Pollution of the Rivers Elbe and Rhine, Munich: AVM

Nolkaemper, A. (2005): The evolution of the regime for the River Rhine, Subedi, S. (ed.): International watercourses law for the 21st century. The case of the River Ganges Basin, Hampshire: Ashgate, 151-166

Verweji, M. (2000): Why is the River Rhine cleaner than the Great Lakes (despite looser regulation)?, Law & Society Review, 34, 4, 1007-1054

International St. Croix River Board (ICRB)

ICRB (no date): Website of the International St. Croix River Watershed Board,

ICRB (2011): Annual Report of the International St. Croix River Watershed Board,

Interstate Commission for Water Coordination in Central Asia on the Aral Sea Basin (ICWC)

Bernauer, T. & Siegfried, T. (2008): Compliance and performance in international water agreements: The case of the Naryn/Syr Dary Basin, Global Governance, 14, 4, 479-501

Delli Priscoli, J./Wolf, A. (2009): Managing and transforming water conflicts, Cambridge/MA: Cambridge University Press

ICWC (no date): Website of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination in Central Asia on the Aral Sea Basin,

International Dnieper Basin Council (IDBC)

UNEP/GEF (1999): UNDP-GEF Project Document RER/99/G31/A/1G/31. Preparation of a Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Dnieper River Basin and Development of SAP Implementation Mechanisms, Washington, DC: GEF,

International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS)

Agreement about the Status of IFAS and its Organizations, 9 April 1999,

Bernauer, Thomas & Siegfried, Tobias (2008): Compliance and performance in international water agreements: The case of the Naryn/Syr Dary Basin, Global Governance, 14, 4, 479-501

Kranz, N., Vorwerk, A. & Interwies, E. (2005): Transboundary river basin management regimes: the Amu Darya basin case study, Report of the NeWater project – New Approaches to Adaptive Water Management under Uncertainty

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) (2009): River Basin Commissions and other

Institutions for Transboundary Water Cooperation, New York/Geneva: UNECE Convention on

the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes

International Commission for the Protection of Lake Constance (IGKB)

Blatter, J. (2001): Integrative Symbole und regenerative Normen bei der Institutionenbildung. Erkenntnisse vom Gewässerschutz am Bodensee, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 8, 1, 5-40

IGKB (no date): Website of the International Commission for the Protection of Lake Constance,

IGBK (1960), Geschäftsordnung der Internationalen Gewässerschutzkommission für den Bodensee, adopted 27 October 1960,

Übereinkommen über den Schutz des Bodensees gegen Verunreinigungen, 27 October 1960,

International Columbia River Board of Control (IJCB)

IJCB (no date): Website of the International Columbia River Board of Control,

Order of Approval of the International Joint Commission establishing the International Columbia River Board of Control, 15 December 1941,

International Joint Commission on River Basins between Canada and the US (IJC)

IJC (no date): Website of the International Joint Commission,

IJC (no date): Rules of Procedure of the International Joint Commission,

Treaty between the United States and Great Britain relating to Boundary Waters, and Questions arising between the United States and Canada, 11 January 1909,

International Meuse Commission on the Meuse River Basin (IMC)

Accord International sur la Meuse, 3 December 2002,

IMC (no date): Website of the International Meuse Commission,

International Sava River Basin Commission on the Sava River Basin (ISBC)

Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin, 3 December 2002,

ISBC (no date): Financial Rules of the International Sava River Basin Commission,

ISBC (no date): Rules of Procedure of the International Sava River Basin Commission, not publicly available

ISBC (no date): Website of the International Sava River Basin Commission,

ISBC (2008): Annual Report on Work and Activities of the Sava Commission for the Period April 1, 2008 – March 31, 2009,

Joint Commission on the Dniester River Basin (JCD)

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of Ukraine on the Joint Use and Protection of the Cross-Border Waters, 23 November 1994,

Agreement between the Government of the Polish People’s Republic and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning the use of water resources in frontier waters, 17 July 1964, accessible at the TFDD Treaty Database:

JCD (no date): Website of the Joint Commission on the Dniester,

Regulation on stakeholder participation in the activities of the institution of Plenipotentiaries, 19 December 2007,

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) (2009): River Basin Commissions and other

Institutions for Transboundary Water Cooperation, New York/Geneva: UNECE Convention on

the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes

Angola Namibian Joint Commission of Cooperation on the Kunene River Basin (JCOC)

TFDD (no date): Treaty Database,

TFDD (no date): RBO Database (old version),

Joint Commission on the Tisza River Basin (JCTB)

Draft Declaration of Cooperation concerning the Tisza/Tisa River Basin, signed 16 September 2003,

Joint Operating Authority on the Kunene River Basin (JOA)

International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) (2007): Source Book on Africa’s River Basin Organizations, Volume 1, January 2007,

Joint Commission of the Parana River (COMIP) (JCPR)

TFDD (no date): RBO Database (old version), (

Joint Permanent Technical Committee on the Limpopo River Basin (JPTC)

Wirkus, L. & Böge, V. (2005): Afrikas internationale Flüsse und Seen. Stand und Erfahrung im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in Afrika an ausgewählten Beispielen, Bonn: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2005,


Joint Syrian-Jordanian Commission (JSJC)

Agreement between the Republic of Syria and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan concerning the utilization of the Yarmuk waters, 4 June 1953, accessible at the TFDD Treaty Database:

Joint Commission on the Vistula (JCVX)

TFDD (no date): Treaty Database,

Joint Technical Committee on Regional Waters on the Euphrates-Tigris (JTCW)

Kibaroglu, A. (2002): Building a regime for the waters of the Euphrates-Tigris River Basin, London: Brill

Kibaroglu, A. & Unver, O. (2000): An institutional framework for facilitating cooperation in the Euphrates-Tigris river basin, International Negotiation, 5, 2, 311-330

Leb, C. (2010): The Tigris-Euphrates Joint Technical Committee – deadlocked, IUCN Water Programme: NEGOTIATE Toolkit Case Studies

Joint Water Commission between South Africa and Swaziland on the Incomati and Maputo River Basins (JWC1)

International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) (2007): Source Book on Africa’s River Basin Organizations, Volume 1, January 2007,

Grossmann, M. (2005): Kooperation an Afrikas internationalen Gewässern: Die Bedeutung des Informationsaustauschs, Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE Discussion Paper 9/2005

Van der Zaag, P. & Vaz, A. (2003): Sharing the Incomati Waters: Cooperation and competition in the balance, Water Policy, 5, 4, 349-368

Joint Water Commission between Swaziland and Mozambique on the Incomati River Basin (JWC2)

International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) (2007): Source Book on Africa’s River Basin Organizations, Volume 1, January 2007,

Grossmann, M. (2005): Kooperation an Afrikas internationalen Gewässern: Die Bedeutung des Informationsaustauschs, Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE Discussion Paper 9/2005

Van der Zaag, P. & Vaz, A. (2003): Sharing the Incomati Waters: Cooperation and competition in the balance, Water Policy, 5, 4, 349-368

Joint Water Committee between Jordan and Israel on the Jordan River Basin (JWC3)

Jägerskog, A. (2003): Why states cooperate on shared water: The water negotiations in the Jordan Basin, Linköping: PhD-Thesis

Jägerskog, A. (2005): Why states cooperate over shared waters: The example of the Jordan River Basin, Wirkus, L. (ed): Water, Development and Cooperation – Comparative Perspective: Euphrates-Tigris and Southern Africa, Proceedings of a Workshop be ZEF and BICC, 82-100

Treaty of Peace between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 26 October 1994, accessible at the TFDD Treaty Database:

Zawahri, N. (2008): Designing river commission to implement treaties and manage water disputes: the story of the Joint Water Committee and the Permanent Indus Commission, Water International, 33, 4, 464-474

Joint Water Committee between Israel and Palestine on the Jordan River Basin (JWC4)

Jägerskog, A. (2005): Why states cooperate over shared waters: The example of the Jordan River Basin, Wirkus, L. (ed): Water, Development and Cooperation – Comparative Perspective: Euphrates-Tigris and Southern Africa, Proceedings of a Workshop be ZEF and BICC, 82-100

The Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, 28 December 1995, accessible at the TFDD Treaty Database:

Joint Water Commission on the Limpopo River Basin (JWC5)

Joint Water Commission terms of reference, 1 January 1996, accessible at the TFDD Treaty Database:

Wirkus, L. & Böge, V. (2005): Afrikas internationale Flüsse und Seen. Stand und Erfahrung im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in Afrika an ausgewählten Beispielen, Bonn: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2005,\Discussion%20Paper;active:Publikationen\Discussion%20Paper\ADMR-7BSCBN

Joint Water Commission on the Ruvuma River Basin (JWC6)

Kivugo, M. & Chutumia, I. (2008): Ruvuma Basin Initiative Issues Paper, Final Report,

Ruvuma Joint Water Commission (Ruvuma JWC), SADC Water Sector ICP Collaboration Portal,

Wirkus, L. & Böge, V. (2005): Afrikas internationale Flüsse und Seen. Stand und Erfahrung im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in Afrika an ausgewählten Beispielen, Bonn: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2005,\Discussion%20Paper;active:Publikationen\Discussion%20Paper\ADMR-7BSCBN

Joint Water Commission between Mozambique and South Africa on the Buzi, Pungwe and Save/Sabi River Basins (JWC7)

Government of the Republic of Mozambique, Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe & Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (2007): Development of the Pungwe River Basin Joint. Integrated Water Resources Management Strategy. The Pungwe River Monograph, Main Report, April 2004,

Komati Basin Water Authority (KOBWA)

Earle, A. & Malzbender, D. (eds.) (2006): Stakeholder Participation in Transboundary Water Management. Selected Case Studies, Cape Town, February 2006,

International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) (2007): Source Book on Africa’s River Basin Organizations, Volume 1, January 2007,

Klaphake, A. & Scheumann, W. (2006): Understanding transboundary water cooperation: Evidence from Africa, Berlin: Institute for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning: Working Paper on Management in Environmental Planning 014/2006,

KOBWA (no date): Website of the Komati Basin Water Authority,

KOBWA/InWent (2009): Dams and Development: The KOBWA – Experience. Practices for balancing social, environmental and economic aspects in water resources management, April 2009,

Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC)

Accord portant Création d'un Fonds de Développement de la Commission du Bassin du Tchad, signed 10 October 1973,

Burchi, S. & Spreji, M. (2003): Institutions for International Freshwater Management, Paris: UNESCO Technical Documents in Hydrology, PCCP Series No. 3,

Convention and statutes relating to the Development of the Chad basin, 22 May 1964,

International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) (2007): Source Book on Africa’s River Basin Organizations, Volume 1, January 2007,

IW Learn (no date): Website of the Lake Chad Basin Project,

LCBC (no date): Website of the Lake Chad Basin Commission,

Wirkus, L. & Böge, V. (2005): Afrikas internationale Flüsse und Seen. Stand und Erfahrung im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in Afrika an ausgewählten Beispielen, Bonn: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2005,\Discussion%20Paper;active:Publikationen\Discussion%20Paper\ADMR-7BSCBN

Lesotho Highlands Water Commission on the Orange River Basin (LHWC)

Klaphake, A. & Scheumann, W. (2006): Understanding transboundary water cooperation: Evidence from Africa, Berlin: Institute for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning: Working Paper on Management in Environmental Planning 014/2006, http://www.bahnsysteme.tu-

LHWC (no date): Website of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project,

Wirkus, L. & Böge, V. (2005): Afrikas internationale Flüsse und Seen. Stand und Erfahrung im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in Afrika an ausgewählten Beispielen, Bonn: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2005,\Discussion%20Paper;active:Publikationen\Discussion%20Paper\ADMR-7BSCBN

Limpopo Basin Permanent Technical Committee (LPTC)

Wirkus, L. & Böge, V. (2005): Afrikas internationale Flüsse und Seen. Stand und Erfahrung im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in Afrika an ausgewählten Beispielen, Bonn: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2005,\Discussion%20Paper;active:Publikationen\Discussion%20Paper\ADMR-7BSCBN

Lake Tanganjika Authority (LTA)

Convention on the Sustainable Management of Lake Tanganyika, 12 June 2003,

LTA (no data): Website of the Lake Tanganjika Authority,

Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC)

International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) (2007): Source Book on Africa’s River Basin Organizations, Volume 1, January 2007,

LVBC (no date): Website of the Lake Victoria Basin Commission,

Protocol for Sustainable Development of the Lake Victoria, 29 November 2003,

Wirkus, L. & Böge, V. (2005): Afrikas internationale Flüsse und Seen. Stand und Erfahrung im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in Afrika an ausgewählten Beispielen, Bonn: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2005,\Discussion%20Paper;active:Publikationen\Discussion%20Paper\ADMR-7BSCBN

Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO)

Convention for the Establishment of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization, 30 June 1994,

EAC (2007): Strategic Action Plan (SAP) for the Lake Victoria Basin, March 2007,

FAO (2006): Report of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization and FAO Regional Stakeholders’ Workshop on Fishing Effort and Capacity on Lake Victoria, November 2006,

International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) (2007): Source Book on Africa’s River Basin Organizations, Volume 1, January 2007,

LVFO (1999): Strategic Vision for the Lake Victoria (1999-2015), Jinja, Uganda

LVFO (2005): The Institutional Structure and Programs of the Organization, January 2005

LVFO (no date): Website of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization,

Wirkus, L. & Böge, V. (2005): Afrikas internationale Flüsse und Seen. Stand und Erfahrung im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in Afrika an ausgewählten Beispielen, Bonn: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2005,\Discussion%20Paper;active:Publikationen\Discussion%20Paper\ADMR-7BSCBN

Limpopo Watercourse Commission (LIMCOM/LWC)

Agreement between the Republic of Botswana, the Republic of Mozambique, the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Zimbabwe on the Establishment of the Limpopo Watercourse Commission, 27 November 2003,

International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) (2007): Source Book on Africa’s River Basin Organizations, Volume 1, January 2007,

LIMCOM (no date): Website of the Limpopo Watercourse Commission,

Wirkus, L. & Böge, V. (2005): Afrikas internationale Flüsse und Seen. Stand und Erfahrung im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in Afrika an ausgewählten Beispielen, Bonn: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2005,\Discussion%20Paper;active:Publikationen\Discussion%20Paper\ADMR-7BSCBN

Mahakali River Commission (MARC)

Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database (no date): RBO Database (old version),

ASEAN Mekong Basin Development Cooperation (MDBC)

ASEAN (no date): Website of the ASEAN- Mekong Basin Development Cooperation,

Mixed Commission for the Protection of Italo-Swiss Waters against Pollution (MCPP)

Convention concerning the Protection of Italo-Swiss Waters against Pollution, 20 April 1972,

Mekong River Commission (MRC)

Agreement on the Cooperation for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong River Basin, 5 April 1995,

Backer, Ellen Bruzelius (2006): Paper Tiger meets While Elephant. An analysis of the effectiveness of the Mekong River Regime, Lysaker: Friedtjof Nansen Institute: FNI Report 15/2006

Bearden, L. (2009): The legal regime of the Mekong: A look back and some proposals for the way ahead, Water Policy, 12, 6, 798-821

MRC (1996): Rules of Procedure of the Mekong River Commission Council, Bangkok, Thailand (restricted document)

MRC (1996): Rules of Procedures of the Joint Committee of the Mekong River Commission, Bangkok, Thailand (restricted document)

MRC (1996): Rules of Procedures of the Mekong River Commission Secretariat, Bangkok, Thailand

MRC (2010): Background Paper on Implementation of the core river basin management (RBM) functions of the MRC at regional and national levels, Vientiane, Lao PDR

MRC (2010): Mekong River Commission Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2010, Vientiane, Lao PDR,

MRC (2010): Specifying Common Guidelines for the Roles and Responsibilities of MRC, NMCs, NMCSs and LAs. Proposed Guiding Document on the Roles and Responsibilities of MRC, NMCs, NMCSs and Line Agencies, February 2010, Vientiane, Lao PDR (unpublished document)

MRC (no date): Website of the Mekong River Commission,

Niger Basin Authority (NBA)

Burchi, S. & Spreji, M. (2003): Institutions for International Freshwater Management, Paris: UNESCO Technical Documents in Hydrology, PCCP Series No. 3,

Convention creating the Niger Basin Authority, 21 November 1980,

Grossmann, M. (2005): Kooperation an Afrikas internationalen Gewässern: Die Bedeutung des Informationsaustauschs, Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE Discussion Paper 9/2005

International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) (2007): Source Book on Africa’s River Basin Organizations, Volume 1, January 2007,

NBA (1987): Financial Regulations of the NBA, Niamey, Niger

NBA (no date): Website of the Niger Basin Authority,

Nile Basin Initiative (NBI)

Burchi, S. & Spreji, M. (2003): Institutions for International Freshwater Management, Paris: UNESCO Technical Documents in Hydrology, PCCP Series No. 3,

Carroll, C. (1999): Past and future legal framework of the Nile River Basin, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, 12, 1, 269-304

Grossmann, M. (2005): Kooperation an Afrikas internationalen Gewässern: Die Bedeutung des Informationsaustauschs, Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE Discussion Paper 9/2005

International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) (2007): Source Book on Africa’s River Basin Organizations, Volume 1, January 2007,

Iyob, B. (2010): Resilience and Adaptability of Transboundary Rivers: The Principle of Equitable Distribution of Benefits and the Institutional Capacity of the Nile Basin, Corvallis, USA: Oregon State University, PhD Thesis, submitted 21 July 2010

NBI (no date): Website of the Nile Basin Initiative,

Nile Basin Initiative Act, 14 February 2002,

Permanent Joint Technical Commission on the Nile (NJTC)

Agreement between the Republic of the Sudan and the United Arab Republic for the full utilization of the Nile waters, 8 November 1959,

Grossmann, M. (2005): Kooperation an Afrikas internationalen Gewässern: Die Bedeutung des Informationsaustauschs, Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE Discussion Paper 9/2005

Nigeria-Niger Joint Commission for Cooperation on the Niger River Basin (NNJC)

Agreement between the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Republic of Niger concerning the equitable sharing in the development, conservation and use of their common water resources, 18 July 1990,

Grossmann, M. (2005): Kooperation an Afrikas internationalen Gewässern: Die Bedeutung des Informationsaustauschs, Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE Discussion Paper 9/2005

Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (OCTA)

OCTA (no date): Website of the OCTA,

OCTA (1998): Amendment Protocol to the Treaty of Amazonian Cooperation,

Treaty for Amazonian Cooperation, 3 July 1978,

Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission (OKACOM)

Agreement between the Governments of the Republic of Angola, the Republic of Botswana, and the Republic of Namibia on the establishment of a Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission, 16 September 1994,

Ashton, Peter J. (2003): The search for an equitable basis for water sharing in the Okavango River Basin, Nakayama, Mikiyasu (ed.): International waters in Southern Africa, Tokyo: UN University Press, 164-188

Burchi, S. & Spreji, M. (2003): Institutions for International Freshwater Management, Paris: UNESCO Technical Documents in Hydrology, PCCP Series No. 3,

Grossmann, M. (2005): Kooperation an Afrikas internationalen Gewässern: Die Bedeutung des Informationsaustauschs, Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE Discussion Paper 9/2005

OKACOM (no date): Website of OKACOM,

OKACOM (2009): Annual Report of OKACOM 2009,

Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Gambie (OMVG)

Convention relating to the Creation of the Gambia River Basin Development Organization, 30 June 1978,

International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) (2007): Source Book on Africa’s River Basin Organizations, Volume 1, January 2007,

Organization pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Sénégal (OMVS)

Ba, Abdoul Samboly & Mbengue, Makane M. (2006): Le régime Juridique du Fleuve Sénégal: Aspects du droit des cours d’eau dans un contexte régional, Yusuf, Abdulqawi A. (ed.): African Yearbook of International Law, Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 309-347

Convention Relative au Statut du Fleuve Sénégal [Convention on the Status of the Senegal River] (Senegal River Convention), 11 March 1972,

Convention Portant Création à l’Organisation de la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Sénégal, OMVS [Convention Creating the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River] (OMVS Convention), 11 March 1972,

Convention relative au Statut Juridique des Ouvrages Communs [Convention concerning the Legal Status of Jointly-Owned Structures], 21 December 1978,

Convention relative aux Financements des Ouvrages Communs [Convention concerning the Financing of Jointly-Owned Structures], 12 March 1982

Convention Portant Création à la Société de Gestion et d’Exploitation du Barrage de Diama [Convention concerning the Creation of the Agency for the Management and Exploitation of the Diama Dam] (Diama Convention), 7 January 1997

Convention Portant Création à la Société de Gestion de l’Energie de Manantali [Convention concerning the Creation of the Agency for the Management of Power of the Manantali Dam] (Manantali Convention), 7 January 1997

Grossmann, M. (2005): Kooperation an Afrikas internationalen Gewässern: Die Bedeutung des Informationsaustauschs, Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE Discussion Paper 9/2005

OMVS (1978a): Règlement Intérieur du Comité Consultatif de l’Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Sénégal, adopted at the 8th Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers, 5 January 1978 (unpublished document)

OMVS (1978b): Règlement Intérieur de la Commission Permanent des Eaux de l’Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Sénégal, adopted at the 8th Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers, 5 January 1978 (unpublished document)

OMVS (1979): Règlement Intérieur du Conseil des Ministres de l’Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Sénégal, 11 December 1979 (unpublished document)

OMVS (1992): Protocole d’Accord Cadre de Coopération entre la République de Guinée et l’Organisation de la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Sénégal, 25 August 1992 (unpublished document)

OMVS (2002): Charter of the Senegal River Waters, May 2002,

OMVS (no date): Website of the OMVS,

Orange-Senqu River Commission (ORASECOM)

Agreement between the Governments of the Republic of Botswana, the Kingdom of Lesotho, the Republic of Namibia and the Republic of South Africa on the Establishment of the Orange-Senqu River Commission, 3 November 2000,

Grossmann, M. (2005): Kooperation an Afrikas internationalen Gewässern: Die Bedeutung des Informationsaustauschs, Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE Discussion Paper 9/2005

Kranz, N., Vorwerk, A. & Interwies, E. (2005): Transboundary river basin management regimes: the Amu Darya basin case study, Report of the NeWater project – New Approaches to Adaptive Water Management under Uncertainty

ORASECOM (no year): Website of ORASECOM,

Wirkus, L. & Böge, V. (2005): Afrikas internationale Flüsse und Seen. Stand und Erfahrung im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in Afrika an ausgewählten Beispielen, Bonn: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2005,\Discussion%20Paper;active:Publikationen\Discussion%20Paper\ADMR-7BSCBN

Organization for the Management of the Development of the Kagera River Basin (ORKB)

Burchi, S. & Spreji, M. (2003): Institutions for International Freshwater Management, Paris: UNESCO Technical Documents in Hydrology, PCCP Series No. 3,

Permanent Greek Albanian Commission on Transboundary Freshwater Issues (PGAC)

Agreement between the Government of the Hellenic Republic and the Government of the Republic of Albania on the Establishment of the Permanent Greek Albanian Commission on Transboundary Freshwater Issues, 3 April 2003,


PGAC (2008): Minutes of Meeting of the Greek Albanian Commission on Transboundary Freshwater Issues,

Permanent Yugoslav-Greek Hydroeconomic Commission (PHYC)

Agreement between the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of Greece concerning hydro-economic questions, 29 June 1960, accessible at the TFDD Treaty Database:

Permanent Indus Commission (PIC)

Alam, Undala Z. (2002): Questioning the water wars rational: A case study of the Indus Waters Treaty, Geographic Journal, 168, 4, 341-353

Burchi, S. & Spreji, M. (2003): Institutions for International Freshwater Management, Paris: UNESCO Technical Documents in Hydrology, PCCP Series No. 3,

Delli Priscolli, J. & Wolf, A. (2009): Case Studies, Id. Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts, Cambridge/MA: Cambridge University Press

Indus Water Treaty, 19 September 1960,


Zawahri, N. (2008): Designing river commission to implement treaties and manage water disputes: the story of the Joint Water Committee and the Permanent Indus Commission, Water International, 33, 4, 464-474

Permanent Joint Technical Commission on the Kunene River (PJTC)

GIZ (no date): Kunene River Awareness Kit,

Terms of Reference and Constitution of the Permanent Joint Technical Commission for the Cunene River, 21 January 1969,

Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database (no date): RBO Database (old version),

Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC)

PSC (no date) Website of the Pacific Salmon Commission,

Treaty between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Pacific Salmon, 18 March 1985,

Permanent Water Commission on the Orange River (PWCO)

Agreement between Namibia and South Africa on Establishment of Permanent Water Commission, 14 September 1992,

Grossmann, M. (2005): Kooperation an Afrikas internationalen Gewässern: Die Bedeutung des Informationsaustauschs, Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE Discussion Paper 9/2005

Kranz, N., Vorwerk, A. & Interwies, E. (2005): Transboundary river basin management regimes: the Amu Darya basin case study, Report of the NeWater project – New Approaches to Adaptive Water Management under Uncertainty

Wirkus, L. & Böge, V. (2005): Afrikas internationale Flüsse und Seen. Stand und Erfahrung im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in Afrika an ausgewählten Beispielen, Bonn: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2005,\Discussion%20Paper;active:Publikationen\Discussion%20Paper\ADMR-7BSCBN

Joint Russian Kazakhstan Commission for Utilization and Protection of Transboundary Waters (RKCW)

Kazakhstan-Russia Agreement on the Joint Utilization and Protection of Transboundary Water Resources, 27 August 1992,

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) (2003): An Inventory of Transboundary Estuaries and their Current Monitoring Practices, Finish Environment Institute, UNECE, Helsinki, Finland

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) (2009): River Basin Commissions and other

Institutions for Transboundary Water Cooperation, New York/Geneva: UNECE Convention on

the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes

Russian- Byelorussian- Latvian Commission (RBLC)

TFDD (no date): RBO Database (old version),

Draft agreement on water quality management of Zapadnaya Dvina/Daugava River Basin,

SADR – Slovenian Austrian Commission on the Drava River

Convention concerning water economy questions relating to the Drava between Austria and Yugoslavia, accessible at the TFDD Treaty Database:

Joint Subcommittee for the Development of the Lake Titicaca Integration Zone (SUBCOMILAGO/SDLT)

Delli Priscolli, J. & Wolf, A. (2009): Case Studies, Id. Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts, Cambridge/MA: Cambridge University Press

Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database (no date): RBO Database (old version),

Tumen River Area Consultative Commission (TACC)

Agreement on the Establishment of the Consultative Commission for the Development of the Tumen River Economic Development Area and Northeast Asia, 6 December 1995,

Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database (no date): RBO Database (old version),

Tsuji, Hisako (2004): The Tumen River Area Development Programme: Its History and Current Status as of 2004, Niigata, Japan: Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia

Trinational Commission of the Trifino Plan for the Lempa River Basin (TCPT)

Artiga, Raúl (2003): The Case of the Trifino Plan in the Upper Lempa: Opportunities and Challenges for the Shared Management of Central American Transnational Basins, Paris France: UNESCO Technical Documents in Hydrology, PCCP Series No. 18

López, Alexander (2004): Environmental Conflicts and Regional Cooperation in the Lempa River Basin. The Role of Central America´s Plan Trifinio, Berlin, Germany: Adelphi Research

TCPT (no date): Website of the TCPT,

TCPT (no date): Website of the TCPT. Estructura Organizativa Comisión Trinacional del Plan Trifinio,

Tratado Suscrito entre las Repúblicas de El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras para la Ejecución del Plan Trifinio, 31 October 1997,ón.aspx?IDItem=1302&IdCat=10&IdEnt=140&Idm=1&IdmStyle=1

Trilateral Commission for the Development of the Riverbed of the Pilcomayo (TCRP)

Accuerdo Constitutivo de la Comision Trinacional para el desarrollo en la Cuence del Rio Pilcomayo, 9 February 1995,

TCRP (no date): Website of the TCRP,

Tripartite Permanent Technical Committee for the Incomati, Maputo and Umbeluzi River Basins (TPTC)

Carmo Vaz, Alvaro & van der Zaag, Peter (2003): Sharing the Incomati Waters: Cooperation and competition in balance, Paris: UNESO Technical Documents in Hydrology, PCCP Series 14

Grossmann, M. (2005): Kooperation an Afrikas internationalen Gewässern: Die Bedeutung des Informationsaustauschs, Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE Discussion Paper 9/2005

KOBWA/InWent (2009): Dams and Development: The KOBWA – Experience. Practices for balancing social, environmental and economic aspects in water resources management, April 2009,

Tripartite Interim Agreement for Co-Operation on the Protection and Sustainable Utilisation of the Water Resources of the Incomati and Maputo Watercourses between the Republic of Mozambique, the Republic of South Africa and the Kingdom of Swaziland, accessible at the TFDD Treaty Database:

Tumen River Area Development Coordination Committee (TRCC)

Agreement on the Establishment of the Tumen River Area Development Coordination Committee, 1 December 1995, accessible at the TFDD Treaty Database:

Tsuji, Hisako (2004): The Tumen River Area Development Programme: Its History and Current Status as of 2004, Niigata, Japan: Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia

Finish-Norwegian Transboundary Waters Commission (TWC)

Agreement between Finland and Norway on a Finnish-Norwegian Transboundary Water Commission, 5 November 1980,

Burchi, S. & Spreji, M. (2003): Institutions for International Freshwater Management, Paris: UNESCO Technical Documents in Hydrology, PCCP Series No. 3,

Ministry of Environment of Finland (no date): The Finnish-Norwegian Transboundary Water Commission,

Volta Basin Authority (VBA)

Convention on the Status of the Volta River and the Establishment of the Volta Basin Authority (VBA) (Volta Basin Convention), 17 July 2006,

VBA (no date): Website of the Volta Basin Authority,

VBA (2008): The Volta Basin Authority, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: VBA Secretariat,

Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM)

Agreement on the Establishment of the Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM Agreement), 13 July 2004,

Bourgeois, S., Kocher, T. & Schelander, P. (2003): Case Study Zambezi River Basin, ETH Zürich: Seminar on Science and Politics of the International Freshwater Management, Working Paper

Wirkus, L. & Böge, V. (2005): Afrikas internationale Flüsse und Seen. Stand und Erfahrung im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in Afrika an ausgewählten Beispielen, Bonn: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2005,\Discussion%20Paper;active:Publikationen\Discussion%20Paper\ADMR-7BSCBN

ZAMCOM (no date): Website of the Zambezi Watercourse Commission,

Zambezi River Authority (ZRA)

Bourgeois, S., Kocher, T. & Schelander, P. (2003): Case Study Zambezi River Basin, ETH Zürich: Seminar on Science and Politics of the International Freshwater Management, Working Paper

Grossmann, M. (2005): Kooperation an Afrikas internationalen Gewässern: Die Bedeutung des Informationsaustauschs, Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE Discussion Paper 9/2005

Klaphake, A. & Scheumann, W. (2006): Understanding transboundary water cooperation: Evidence from Africa, Berlin: Institute for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning: Working Paper on Management in Environmental Planning 014/2006,

Wirkus, L. & Böge, V. (2005): Afrikas internationale Flüsse und Seen. Stand und Erfahrung im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in Afrika an ausgewählten Beispielen, Bonn: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2005,\Discussion%20Paper;active:Publikationen\Discussion%20Paper\ADMR-7BSCBN

Zambezi River Authority Act, 1 October 1987,;DIDPFDSI?id=LEX-FAOC002613&index=documents

ZRA (no date): Website of the Zambezi River Authority,