Lisa Martens - UX Portfolio

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Lisa Martens - UX Portfolio

l i s a m a r i e m a r t e n s E X P E R I E N C E A R C H I T E C Tl i s a m a r i e m a r t e n s E X P E R I E N C E A R C H I T E C T

P h o t o c r e d i t : K E V I N L I

b a b i e s A R E N ’ T C U T E

P a r t n e r s : K E L L I V A N O V E R & J U S T I N A R A U J O

This group project focused on INCREASING online sales for a prenatal supplement. My research focusing on prenatal care habits

showed that moms-to-be did not appreciate FLUFF or cute language when it came to their growing fetuses. Moms appreciated

HARD FACTS, doctor recommendations, and IN-STORE purchases over online subscriptions, although they WOULD commit to online

subscriptions if they had sampled the product BEFOREHAND.

b a b i e s A R E N ’ T C U T E

From INTERVIEWS and SURVEYS, I created two personas: the ‘Working Mom’ who is more likely to make her purchases online and has LESS time, and the ‘Soccer Mom’ who can STAY AT HOME and has MULTIPLE children. I also interviewed DADS and GIFTERS, who usually said they preferred to ASK pregnant women what they wanted instead of GUESSING.

b i d d i n g W I T H O U T P R I C E S

This group project added a BIDDING FEATURE to ETSY’S existing site. I was responsible for the SELLER’S VIEW and USER FLOW. Through interviews and FORUM DISCUSSION on Etsy’s site, it became apparent that sellers did NOT want their prices to be public for fear that this would DRIVE DOWN the price and FRIENDLY SELLERS would begin to UNDERSELL their work. The solution I developed makes BIDDING BLIND. Only the buyer sees the prices a seller offers. I also modified the SELLER ACCOUNT PAGE to add these pending bids to their EXISTING FRAMEWORK.

P a r t n e r s : M A T T H E W V A L E N T I & B R I T T A N Y B A P T I S T E

b i d d i n g W I T H O U T P R I C E S

Wire frame and final mockup (SKETCH, AXURE) of the posted projects page.

Potential customers post their ideas to the custom marketplace, and sellers could access this page to see posted projects and could then view project requests. At a glance, sellers can see the CUSTOMER’S BUDGET, SHIPPING INFORMATION, and a SHORT DESCRIPTION of the request.

b i d d i n g W I T H O U T P R I C E S

Wire frame and final mockup (SKETCH,

AXURE) of the requested PRODUCT page.

Here, sellers can view more DETAILS about

the custom request, place a QUOTE, or ask

the potential customer QUESTIONS. They can

also see RELATED requests that need to be

shipped to the same country.

n o s t a l g i a I S A B L O O D R E D

This collage was made in FEBRUARY 2012 from a compilation of OVER 50 PHOTOGRAPHS taken from the NOW-DEMOLISHED Pier 17 of the South Street Seaport. Certain details are exaggerated, such as the RED REFLECTION in the water and the DISJOINTED Brooklyn Bridge, which looks like it could collapse into the FREEZING Buttermilk Channel. Despite the repitition and exaggerations, the image still LOOKS WHOLE, much like a vague yet pleasant MEMORY.

P h o t o c r e d i t : K E V I N L I

45 POOL 105° POOL







r e l a x , Y O U ’ R E B E I N G W A T C H E D

r e l a x , Y O U ’ R E B E I N G W A T C H E D

This concept for a BATHHOUSE takes the visitor from the top floor, where he can SEE THE BATHERS enjoying heated pools on the second floor, down to the

first floor where he must navigate a corridor of tall, TOMB-LIKE structures (which are actually the deep pools accessible from the second floor). On the first

floor, visitors walk AROUND THE BATHERS without seeing them. A glass facade ensures that EVERYONE in the bathhouse is being WATCHED.

l i s a m a r i e m a r t e n s E X P E R I E N C E A R C H I T E C T

p r o c e s s

Find the VERBS. Interview. Research. Sketch by HAND. Test. Add COLOR last. Test AGAIN.

t o o l s

omnigraffle rhino 3d autocad indesign illustrator sketch axure keynote

c o n t a c t

FOR junior UX designuser research