Lisa CurryÕs ! DAY DETOX - Amazon S3€¦ · Welcome to my 28 day detox and gentle movement guide...

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Transcript of Lisa CurryÕs ! DAY DETOX - Amazon S3€¦ · Welcome to my 28 day detox and gentle movement guide...

DAY DETOXLisa Curry’s



One Life… One Chance… One Body …

One Month to kickstart a

NEW YOU!Welcome to my 28 day detox and gentle movement guide and congratulations for

making the decision to look after yourself.

Holiday periods are FUN! Sometimes way too much fun…but hey, that’s what life is about!School holidays, Christmas parties, Christmas festivities, New Years Eve, more holidays,

Australia Day, then getting ready to get the kids back to school…. Whew!! We eat and drink, go to parties, have friends and family over for gatherings, sleep in, stay out, eat and drink

some more….and it goes on…it’s fun and relaxing, but exhausting….

And then we put on our favourite pair of jeans… and they don’t fit!!


Where did my body go???

It takes a lot of consistent hard work and effort to be healthy and in great shape…

and then so easy to lose it all….

Here's the kickstart you need to help cleanse your body from the inside out.


Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


Please read over the information, peruse the shopping lists, get organised and be prepared to commit to a healthier you in just 28 days! You can do this! But first a little information for you to understand WHY you NEED to do this.

Unfortunately, times have changed and often, we rely on quick fixes. In Australia, with close to 70% of the population overweight or obese, we are slowly killing ourselves. There are many preventative measures we can take on a daily basis that can add up to make a great difference to the way we live, think and act.

Our body is comprised of trillions of cells, about 600 muscles, 206 bones, and thousands of kms of blood vessels, all of which work together every single second of your life.

Every thing you do and every thing you eat and drink, affects every organ of your body. Every emotion we have, every ailment we feel, is the body crying for help. Our body is telling us that something is not quite right and if we keep doing what we are doing, we will never know true wellness.

Our body constantly operates to maintain balance or homeostasis, and is so amazing, it can actually heal itself if you give it the ideal environment.

2Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

Once people understand a little about how the body works, we have the inevitable “ah ha” moment. These are the moments we decide to make changes to our lives so that the trillions of cells in our body can function efficiently to keep us alive, well, energized and happy.

The health of our body is a direct result of the health of our cells. Healthy cells help keep your body free from disease. Unhealthy cells cannot function properly and sets the body up for illness and disease. Luckily for us, our cells are constantly regenerating – about every 120 days, so it is absolutely possible to rebuild our bodies – from the inside out.

YOU alone are responsible for the health of your cells and therefore the health of your one and only body you have.

The body doesn’t create symptoms of any sort by accident or for no reason.

Physical and emotional symptoms are created in response to the body trying to heal itself, and the greater the symptoms, often the greater the amount of healing required to restore balance.

In modern medicine, symptoms are labelled as a disease and every effort is made to remove these symptoms which doesn’t treat the cause of disease.

3Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

Our underlying biochemistry effects how our organs, glands, hormones and nervous system react. To read more about your body pH, Oxidation and Hormonal levels, how it affects your health and how in just a few days of eating well you can drastically alter levels to return to normal, go to

It is so important for our survival that our bodies will do everything in their power to maintain a pH as close to normal levels as possible.

The primary trigger for the body to move into an acidic state is through a diet which is high in acid forming foods. Typically, acid forming foods are animal proteins, processed foods, alcohol and sugar, whilst alkaline forming foods are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Other factors to trigger an acidic state in the body are excessive physical activity and prolonged stress, both common triggers of hormonal imbalance.

Oxidation is a process that is critical to our survival and is basically like rusting. Just like metal rusts in the environment, our internal organs are exposed to the same process.

The higher the levels of oxidation in our bodies, the faster our bodies will age and more damage occurs to cells, organs and glands.

Damage occurs to the glandular system which is highly sensitive to oxidative damage from internal toxins and environmental toxins.

Oxidation is a natural process in the body, however heightened through increased intake of processed foods, alcohol, smoking and saturated fats. Consuming a diet high in natural plant antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables reduces the levels of oxidation.

4Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

An acidic body slows metabolism and has a

large influence on


The 28 DAY DETOX and HAPPY HORMONES PROGRAM takes these two biochemical states into consideration and corrects the imbalance through specific dietary and lifestyle choices.

Combined with gentle activity and daily movement, your body will start to heal from the inside out…believe it or not…within a few days, if you follow it... It is important to treat this program with a view to cleanse your body and help prevent the onset of disease. Once you have completed the 28 DAY DETOX, you can follow any of the next 3 programs which combine simple, cleansing meal plans incorporating progressive, balanced and achievable exercise plans.

Once again, my aim is to make this information really simple so you can make great choices for yourself.

The 3 KiSS series of programs are not diets or quick fixes, the programs are real, everyday tools and solutions to change or improve the quality of your life.

To purchase Lisa Curry Weight loss, Strength, Sculpt and Swim Programs go to

To purchase Happy Hormones go to

Remember, we all have great bodies, inside and out, they just differ with the type of lifestyle we choose to live.

5Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

Before you start you will need the following:* Checklist for shopping* Juicer (or access to a fresh juice cafe - it’s more expensive buying takeaway juices and if you invest in a juicer, you will use it forever. If the cost of a takeaway juice is too high, and you don’t have a juicer, just eat the ingredients any way you can)

* Blender* Coconut Protein Powder (available from my website shop or similar natural protein powder

* Happy Hormones - optional, but helps speed up the cleansing and balancing process. Available from 2 or 3 and save.

Ok…so now you know why eating well

and having a clean body

is better for overallwellbeing and health…

let’s get going!

6Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

6 Lemons

2 Limes

2 Grapefruit

Frozen or fresh berries


3 Pears (optional night snack)

2 Oranges

1 Mango

1 Paw paw

3 Kiwi fruit (optional night snack))

Organic honey

Apple cider vinegar

Powdered turmeric

Happy Hormones


Chia seeds

Olive oil

Mint leaves




Sunflower seeds

Papita / pumpkin seeds

Sea salt

Cracked pepper

Black coffee

Green tea

Herbal tea

Organic Greek yoghurt

Parmesan cheese

4 small tins chickepeas

2 Chicken breasts



Crumbled feta

Bag almonds

Mineral water


(See page 44 and 46)* many of these items you will use for the whole 28 days

7Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Grapefruit Yoghurt Smoothie Grapefruit Superjuice Grapefruit Eggs Grapefruit

Salad Salad Salad Salad Salad Salad Chickpeas Yoghurt

Vege sticks Vege sticks Vege sticks Superjuice Vege sticks Kale chips Hummus Fruit Hummus

Veges Veges Veges Veges Protein Veges Veges Protein Veges



8Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


Wake up Each day, make up 2-3 lts of filtered health water and add the juice of 1 squeezed lemon or lime, 1 tsp organic honey, ½ tsp powdered turmeric, 1 tblsp of apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp of Happy Hormones (Optional, but helps assist with cleansing and rebalancing hormones)

Drink 500ml of this upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am ½ grapefruit (or one orange if you can't eat grapefruit due to medication) ½ cup organic Greek yoghurt – add 1/2 cup of berries, ½ tsp LSA, ½ tsp chia seeds, 1 tsp organic honey

11-12pm Unlimited salad – choose any items from salad list, making it as colourful as possible. Add 1 tblsp of olive oil

3-4pm Black coffee, green tea or herbal tea Unlimited vege sticks (celery, carrot, baby cucumber, capsicum, beans, baby corn) 1 piece of fruit

7-8pm Unlimited vegetables – choose any vegetables from list Lightly steam or stir fry then stir through 1 tblsp pesto, sprinkle with 1 tblsp parmesan Mineral water with pomegranate and mint leaves

Snack 1 pearoptional

DAY 1This year will be MY year and for once, I’m not just saying that. I will make the changes that matter.

I am going to get to my healthy happy weight.No more hating my body and filling it with unhealthy choices.

I’m going to treat myself well and with respect because I deserve it.Go ME!!

9Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

EXERCISEWalk for a minimum of 10 minutes outside and away from home or work distractions. Stop in a park to do the Tibeten 5 exercises or if you are a little self-conscious, wait until you get home and do them there.

Remember to add some form of relaxing, fun exercise into your day. Surf, swim, cycle, dance, walk, walk the dog ... whatever you love to do.

Tibeten 5 exercises – *see photos at the end of this document.

Easy, no stress exercise helps to relieve stress, calm the mind, helps with creativeness, lubricates your joints, activates your lymphatic system, and helps with general wellbeing.

10Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am Orange smoothie Blend 1 orange, ½ mango, ¼ paw paw, ice and filtered water.

11-12pm Unlimited salad – choose any items from salad list, making it as colourful as possible. Add 1 tblsp of olive oil 1 cup organic Greek yoghurt with 1 tsp organic honey

3-4pm Black coffee, green tea or herbal tea Unlimited vege sticks (celery, carrot, baby cucumber, capsicum, beans, baby corn) Dip into ½ cup home made or bought hummus

7-8pm Unlimited vegetables – choose any vegetables from list Lightly steam or stir fry, adding ¼ cup mixed sunflower and pumpkin seeds and 1 chopped clove of garlic and 1 chopped chili

Snack 1 kiwi fruitoptional

EXERCISEWalk briskly for a minimum of 10 minutes outside to warm up.Walk 1min, then jog 1 min. Do this 5 times.Walk leisurely for 10min

DAY 2She was unstoppable, not because she did not have failures or doubts, but because she continued on despite them.

11Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am ½ grapefruit Black coffee or green tea.

11-12pm Unlimited salad – choose any items from salad list, making it as colourful as possible. Add 1 tblsp of olive oil

3-4pm Black coffee, green tea or herbal tea Unlimited vege sticks (celery, carrot, baby cucumber, capsicum, beans, baby corn) 1 piece of fruit

7-8pm Unlimited vegetables – choose any vegetables from list Lightly steam or stir fry then stir through 1 tblsp pesto, sprinkle with 1 tblsp parmesan

Mineral water with pomegranate and mint leaves

Snack 1 pearoptional

EXERCISEWalk for a minimum of 15 minutes outside and away from home or work distractions.

Tibeten 5 exercises

DAY 3Don’t tell me the sky is the limit,

when there are footprints on the moon...

12Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am SuperJuice Add 4 vegetables and 1 fruit of choice and juice in a juicer. (if you don’t have a juicer, eat the veges and fruit, or buy from a cafe) Drink 250ml now and keep the other 250ml covered in an airtight container for your afternoon snack.

11-12pm Unlimited salad – choose any items from the salad list, making it as colourful as possible. Add 1 tblsp of olive oil and 1 small tin of chick peas.

3-4pm SuperJuice 250ml

7-8pm Chicken breast or any fish the size of your palm. Cook to your liking – ( BBQ, grill ) and add lightly steamed veges (¼ broccoli, ¼ cauliflower, ½ zucchini)

Snack 1 kiwi fruitoptional

EXERCISEWalk briskly for a minimum of 10 minutes for a warm up.Do 10 squats, 10 push ups and 10 sit ups – complete this sequence 3 times resting for 1 min between sets.Walk leisurely for 5 mins

DAY 4Imagine yourself 6 months from now.

Don’t stop ...

It will be worth it!

13Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am ½ grapefruit Black coffee or green tea

11-12pm Unlimited salad – choose any items from salad list, making it as colourful as possible. Add 1 tblsp of olive oil

3-4pm Black coffee, green tea or herbal tea Unlimited vege sticks (celery, carrot, baby cucumber, capsicum, beans, baby corn) Dip into ½ cup home made or bought hummus

7-8pm Unlimited vegetables – choose any vegetables from list Lightly steam or stir fry then stir through 1 tblsp pesto, sprinkle with 1 tblsp parmesan Mineral water with pomegranate and mint leaves

Snack 1 pearoptional

EXERCISEWalk for a minimum of 10 minutes outside and away from home or work distractions. Stop in a park to do the Tibeten 5 exercises.

Lie on a towel and stretch. Do 3 different stretches and hold each one for 1min. Then just lie there for as long as you want. Quieten the mind... Stop the chatter....Relax.

DAY 5Say it out loud :Today I will do my best!Today, I will make healthy choices that make me feel good.Today, I will work on my goals.

14Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am 2 scrambled eggs with 1 cup of chopped vegetables of choice. (my favourite is tomato, mushrooms, onion and spinach)

11-12pm Unlimited salad – choose any items from salad list, making it as colourful as possible. Add 1 tblsp of olive oil 1 cup organic Greek yoghurt with 1 tsp organic honey

3-4pm Kale chips. Wash kale leaves, cut off the stems, place in an oven and sprinkle with olive oil, sea salt and cracked pepper. Cook until crisp. Add 1 tblsp of pesto, 1 tblsp grated cheese and a good sprinkling of any seeds. (you can also use kale as a vegetable choice in your SuperJuice)

7-8pm Unlimited vegetables – choose any vegetables from list Lightly steam or stir fry then stir through 1 tblsp pesto, sprinkle with 1 tblsp parmesan

Snack 1 kiwi fruitoptional

EXERCISEWalk for a minimum of 20 minutes outside and away from home or work distractions. Tibeten 5 exercises

DAY 6It will take time, dedication and willpower.But I promise you,

You will feel amazing.

15Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am ½ grapefruit Black coffee or green tea

11-12pm Unlimited salad – choose any items from salad list, making it as colourful as possible. Add 1 tblsp of olive oil 1 tblsp crumbled feta

3-4pm 1 fruit 10 almonds

7-8pm Unlimited vegetables – choose any vegetables from list Lightly steam or stir fry then stir through 1 tblsp pesto, sprinkle with 1 tblsp parmesan Mineral water with pomegranate and mint leaves

Snack 1 pearoptional

EXERCISEWalk briskly for a minimum of 10 minutes to warm up.1 min jog then do 10 squats then 1min walk.1 min jog then do 10 push ups then 1 min walk.Do this 4 times.5 min leisurely walk.

DAY 7If you get the inside right,The outside will fall into place.

CONGRATULATIONS on completing your first week!You should be feeling light and energetic. Keep it going.

Get your shopping list ready for next week.

16Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


1 Punnet strawberries

4 Green apples


2 Bananas

Frozen berries

Coconut water


Pine nuts


Organic coconut protein


Curry powder



Chicken / turkey slices

Salmon or white fish (or chicken, tofu)

2 Chicken breast

Brown rice

5 Eggs


Greek yoghurt

Chick peas

Grain bread

Roast lamb

Baked beans

Crumbled feta

2 Avocado

Cherry tomatoes

Red onion


Sweet potato



Bok Choy



5 Zucchini





Soda water

Healthy wraps


+ salad and vegetable items *many of the items you will use for the whole 28 days and beyond.

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Green juice Smoothie Green juice

Baked beansEggs


8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Chicken salad


Seafood andveges

Rainbow salad Chicken veges Veges Roast lamband veges

Own choiceof dinner

Fruit + Nuts Fruit + Nuts Fruit + Nuts

Haloumizucchini fritters

Avocado Avocado Avocado

Own choice Salad + Protein Salad wrap Beetroot salad SaladSalad + Protein

18Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am Green smoothie. Into a blender add 1 cup of coconut water, 6 large chunks of pineapple, 1/2 squeezed lime, 1/2 -1 tsp spirulina, ice.

11-12pm Unlimited salad – choose any items from salad list, making it as colourful as possible. Add 1 tblsp of olive oil Add 80 gm chopped chicken or turkey

3-4pm Herbal tea ½ avocado – fill with chopped cherry tomatoes, red onion, small chili or spice of choice.

7-8pm 80gm Salmon or white fish. Grill and add to a bed of ½ sweet potato mash, handful of rocket and sprinkle of pine nuts.

Snack 6 strawberriesoptional

EXERCISEWalk for a minimum of 25 minutes outside and away from home or work distractions.

Tibeten 5 exercises

Lie on a towel and stretch. Do 3 different stretches and hold each one for 1min. Lie there for as long as you want. Quieten the mind... Stop the chatter....Relax.


Focus on what you should eat...Not what you shouldn’t eat.

19Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am Green Juice In your juicer add celery, bok choy, parsley, cucumber and 2 green apples. Water for consistency. Ice.

11-12pm Own choice of any lunch. Be sensible... don’t go and eat a pie and chips!

3-4pm Herbal tea 10 almonds 1 fruit

7-8pm Rainbow salad – choose any items from salad list, making it as colourful as possible. Add 2 tblsp of pesto and ¼ avocado Soda water with fresh lime

Snack Herbal teaoptional

EXERCISEWalk briskly for a minimum of 10 minutes to warm up.15 x squats, 5 x push ups, 15 x sit ups, 5 x burpees, 2 min jog.Do all this 3 times.3 stretches holding for 1 min each.Walk leisurely for 5 mins

DAY 9Don’t give up what you want most for what you want right now.Just because you don’t see results after a day or even a week,

DON’T GIVE UP.You may not see changes, but every smart choice you make is affecting you in ways you’d never imagined.

20Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 10

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am Banana and berry smoothie. Into a blender add 1 banana, ½ cup any berries (frozen is ok) 1 scoop organic coconut protein powder, ice, filtered water for desired consistency.

11-12pm Unlimited salad – choose any items from salad list, making it as colourful as possible. Add 1 tblsp of olive oil Add 80 gm chopped chicken or turkey

3-4pm Herbal tea ½ avocado – mash the avocado, add sea salt and cracked pepper and eat as a dip with vege sticks.

7-8pm 100 gm chopped chicken ½ cup cooked brown rice Lightly steam 1 sliced zucchini, 1cup broccoli, add spice of choice. Stir all together.

Snack 6 strawberriesoptional

EXERCISEWalk for a minimum of 25 minutes outside and away from home or work distractions. Tibeten 5 exercises

DAY 10If you think about quitting, think about WHY you started!You can do this!

21Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 11

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am Green smoothie. Into a blender add 1 cup of coconut water, 6 large chunks of pineapple, 1/2 squeezed lime, 1/2 -1 tsp spirulina, ice.

11-12pm Unlimited salad. Add 2 chopped boiled eggs or 40gm chopped chicken or turkey

3-4pm Herbal tea 10 almonds 1 fruit

7-8pm Curried stir fry vegetables with 1 cup of cooked brown rice. Soda water with fresh lime

Snack Herbal teaoptional

EXERCISEWalk for a minimum of 25 minutes outside and away from home or work distractions. Tibeten 5 exercises

DAY 11Change your mind...

Change your attitude...

To change your body.

22Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 12

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am Green smoothie. In your juicer add celery, bok choy, parsley, cucumber and 2 green apples. Water for consistency. Ice.

11-12pm Salad wrap with chicken or turkey

3-4pm ½ avocado – add chopped cherry tomatoes, chopped basil and 1 tblsp olive oil

7-8pm Roasted sweet potato, onion and zucchini, sprinkle with rosemary and sea salt. Serve with thin palm size slices of roast lamb.

Snack ½ cup berriesoptional

EXERCISEWalk briskly for a minimum of 10 minutes to warm up.15 x squats, 5 x push ups, 15 x sit ups, 5 x burpees, 2 min jog.Do all this 3 times.3 stretches holding for 1 min each.Walk leisurely for 5 mins

DAY 12Making a big life change is pretty scary. But you not what’s even scarier?Regret.

Keep going.

23Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 13

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am Small tin of baked beans and 2 eggs on 1 piece of grain toast.

11-12pm Beetroot salad. Grate 1 cup beetroot, ½ cup carrot. Add to 2 cups of rocket, ¼ cup pine nuts, ¼ cup crumbled feta and 1 tblsp olive oil.

3-4pm Herbal tea 10 almonds 1 fruit

7-8pm Haloumi and Zucchini fritters.

Grate 3 zucchinis, grate 100gms haloumi, whisk 1 egg, add 1 tblsp olive oil, sea salt and cracked pepper to taste, mix together in a bowl. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat and add mixture in desired sizes until cooked through and crunchy brown. Add a dressing of a mixture of ½ cup Greek yoghurt, 1 crushed garlic clove, chopped dill and small amount of finely chopped red onion. Serve on a bed of rocket. Soda water with fresh lime

Snack Herbal teaoptional

EXERCISEWalk for a minimum of 30 minutes outside and away from home or work distractions. Tibeten 5 exercises

DAY 13Go ahead!Underestimate me!Show everyone around you that you can do this!

24Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 14

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am Banana and berry smoothie. Into a blender add 1 banana, ½ cup any berries (frozen is ok) 1 scoop organic coconut protein powder, ice, filtered water for desired consistency. Add 1 tsp LSA, flax seeds, chia seeds.

11-12pm Unlimited salad. Add 1 cup of chick peas.

3-4pm Herbal tea ½ avocado – mash and add sea salt, cracked pepper, squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Spread on top of 1 piece of grain bread or use as a dip with 6 crackers.

7-8pm Own choice for dinner.

Snack 6 strawberriesoptional

EXERCISEWalk briskly for a minimum of 10 min to warm up.

Walk 2 min, jog 3 min. 5 x burpees, 10 x lunge, 5 x push ups.Do this 3 times.3 stretches holding for 1 min each.

Walk leisurely for 5 min.

DAY 14I’d rather be covered with sweat from working out than covered in clothes at the beach.

Eat clean to look lean!Half way and feeling great!

25Copyright© Lisa Curry 2015

2 Grapefruit

1 Banana

Frozen or fresh berries




Coconut cream

Grain bread

Cottage cheese

6 Eggs


Crumbled feta

3 pieces white fish(or chicken)

100gm lean red meat

2 small tins flavoured tuna

2 small tins 4 bean mix

2 chicken breasts

Chickpeas for hummus or buy ready made hummus



Snow peas




Sweet Potato


Organic red wine


*many items you will have from last week – use these first, or use in stir fry or juices.

26Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Grapefruit Omelette Smoothie Grapefruit Omelette Smoothie Own Choice

Salad Quinoa salad Salad Salad Quinoa salad Salad Own Choice

Bread Veges + Nuts Hummus Bread Veges + Nuts Hummus Own Choice

Fish + Salad Veges + Protein Soup Fish + Salad Soup Salad


Veges + Protein

Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 15

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am 1 grapefruit – chop and put in blender, add water and ice.

11-12pm Unlimited salad with 2 tblsp flax oil

3-4pm 1 piece of grain bread with sliced tomato, 1 tblsp cottage cheese and cracked pepper

7-8pm White fish and unlimited mixed green salad.

Snack Warm water with sliced gingeroptional

EXERCISEWalk for a minimum of 35 minutes outside and away from home or work distractions.

Tibeten 5 exercises

Lie on a towel and stretch. Do 3 different stretches and hold each one for 1min. Lie there for as long as you want. Quieten the mind... Stop the chatter....Relax.

DAY 15Results begin at the end of my comfort zone.

28Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 16

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day.

7-8am 2 egg omelette with 2 cups of mixed vegetables and 1 tblsp of pesto

11-12pm Pumpkin and quinoa salad. 1 cup cooked quinoa, 1 cup mixed rocket and spinach, ¼ cooked roasted pumpkin pieces, ½ cup crumbled feta, 1 chopped garlic clove, 6 chopped walnuts, 1 tblsp olive oil, sea salt

3-4pm 10 snow peas 10 almonds

7-8pm BBQ or grilled lean red meat the size of your palm plus unlimited veges

Snack Warm water with sliced gingeroptional

EXERCISECycle, swim, surf, dance for at least 30 minStretch for 5 min

DAY 16Any exercise is better than no exercise!

29Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 17

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day

7-8am Smoothie Blend 1 egg, ½ cup berries, ½ banana, 1 tsp flax oil, 1 tsp LSA, 1 tsp chia seeds with water and ice.

11-12pm Rainbow salad with small tin chili tuna and small tin of 4 bean mix.

3-4pm 4 long celery sticks with hummus

7-8pm Curried chicken and vegetable soup. Cook 100 gms chicken. Chop into small pieces. Put vegetables of choice into a saucepan and cover slightly with water, put the lid on and let simmer on a low heat until cooked. Add chicken pieces, ½ - 1 cup coconut cream and 1 tsp curry powder. 1 glass organic red wine

Snack Warm water with sliced gingeroptional

EXERCISEWalk for a minimum of 35 minutes outside and away from home or work distractions. Tibeten 5 exercises

DAY 17I will make sweat my best accessory.

I will run harder than my mascara.

I will make progress, not excuses.

30Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 18

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day

7-8am 1 grapefruit – chop and put in blender, add water and ice.

11-12pm Unlimited salad with 2 tblsp flax oil

3-4pm 1 piece of grain bread with sliced tomato, 1 tblsp cottage cheese and cracked pepper

7-8pm White fish and unlimited mixed green salad. 1 glass organic red wine.

Snack Warm water with sliced gingeroptional

EXERCISEWalk for 40 min

DAY 18I thought about giving up...

then I remember that my kids are watching me.

31Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 19

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day

7-8am 2 egg omelette with 2 cups of mixed vegetables and 1 tblsp of pesto

11-12pm Sweet potato and quinoa salad. 1 cup cooked quinoa, 1 cup mixed rocket and spinach, ¼ cooked roasted sweet potato pieces, ½ cup crumbled feta, 1 chopped garlic clove, 6 chopped walnuts, 1 tblsp olive oil, sea salt

3-4pm 10 snow peas 10 almonds

7-8pm BBQ or grilled lean red meat the size of your palm plus unlimited veges.

1 glass organic red wine

Snack Warm water with sliced gingeroptional

EXERCISE45 min walk

DAY 19Food is fuel...Not therapy.

32Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 20

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day

7-8am Smoothie Blend 1 egg, ½ cup berries, ½ banana, 1 tsp flax oil, 1 tsp LSA, 1 tsp chia seeds with water and ice.

11-12pm Rainbow salad with small tin chili tuna and small tin of 4 bean mix.

3-4pm 4 long celery sticks with hummus

7-8pm Curried Chicken and vegetable soup. Lightly cook 100 gms chicken. Chop into small pieces. Put vegetables of choice into a saucepan and cover slightly with water, put the lid on and let simmer on a low heat until cooked. Add chicken pieces, 1 cup coconut cream and 1 tsp curry powder.

Snack Warm water with sliced gingeroptional

EXERCISE10 min brisk walk.Plank for as long as possible.5 push ups.Do this 3 timesWalk 5 min

DAY 20One of the reasons many people don’t make it anywhere...

is because they keep stopping for temptation.

33Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 21

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day

7-8am Choose your own breakfast

11-12pm Choose your own lunch

3-4pm Choose your own snack

7-8pm White fish and unlimited mixed green salad. 1 glass organic red wine.

Snack Warm water with sliced gingeroptional

EXERCISEWalk for a minimum of 50 minutes outside and away from home or work distractions. Tibeten 5 exercises

DAY 21Stay dedicated.... things don’t change overnight.




.. the perfect balancer

34Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

Lemon or lime for health


Fruit of choice




20 Olives of choice

Mint leaves


Miso soup

Acidophilus yoghurt

Spelt bread (or gluten free

bread of choice)


200gms chicken/ turkey slices

Small tins of tuna

3 organic chicken breasts (or lean red meat or tofu or prawns)

Brown rice or rice noodles

4 Eggs

6 Lamb chops

Herb tomato and vegetable

pasta sauce

Vegetables of choice


Mineral water

Salad items6-10 prawns (optional)


*remember Superjuice is 4 veges + 1 fruit

35Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


22 23 24 25 26 27 28

SuperjuiceFruit Salad

Salad Sandwich

Nuts Olives

Stir fryProtein

Rice PastaProtein


Stir FryProtein

Rice PastaProtein





Nuts Olives




SaladSandwich Soup



Superjuice Superjuice Superjuice SmoothieSuperjuiceFruit Salad

SuperjuiceNuts Own Choice

Own Choice

36Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 22

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day

7-8am Superjuice 250ml - 4 veges plus 1 fruit 1 cup of fresh fruit salad with 1/4 cup acidophilus yoghurt

11-12pm Salad sandwich on spelt bread using avocado or tahini instead of butter. Add choice of chicken, turkey or tuna.

3-4pm Herbal tea or Superjuice 10 almonds 10 olives

7-8pm Stir fry veges with choice of chicken, lean beef, tofu. Add 1 cup cooked brown rice or rice noodles. Mineral water with pomegranate and mint leaves

Snack Warm water with sliced gingeroptional

EXERCISEWalk briskly for 10 mins to warm up

Walk 5 min, jog 5 min, 10 push ups.Walk 2 min, jog 2 min, 10 squat jumps.

Do this twice.

Walk easy for 5 min

DAY 22I already know what giving up feels like.

I want to see what happens if I don’t...

37Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 23

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day

7-8am Superjuice 250ml

11-12pm Miso, pumpkin or minestone soup with 1 grain bread

3-4pm Herbal tea or Superjuice 2 boiled eggs or 100gms chicken/turkey slices

7-8pm Rice pasta with herbed tomato and vegetable sauce. Add diced chicken pieces or prawns.

Snack Warm water with sliced gingeroptional

EXERCISEWalk for a minimum of 55 minutes outside and away from home or work distractions. Tibeten 5 exercises

DAY 23

Allow yourself to be a beginner.

No one starts off being excellent!

38Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 24

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day

7-8am SuperJuice 250ml

11-12pm Grilled chicken breast with unlimited salad.

3-4pm Herbal tea or SuperJuice 250ml 10 almonds

7-8pm 3 lamb chops with unlimited veges Mineral water with pomegranate and mint leaves

Snack Warm water with sliced gingeroptional

EXERCISEWalk briskly for 10 mins to warm up

Walk 1 min, jog fast for 10 secWalk 2 min, jog fast for 20 sec

Do this 5 times.

Walk easy for 5 min

DAY 24Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress...

Working hard for something we love is

called PASSION.

39Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 25

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day

7-8am Superjuice 250ml - 4 veges plus 1 fruit 1 cup of fresh fruit salad with 1/4 cup acidophilus yoghurt

11-12pm Salad sandwich on spelt bread using avocado or tahini instead of butter. Add choice of chicken, turkey or tuna.

3-4pm Herbal tea or Superjuice 10 almonds 10 olives

7-8pm Stir fry veges with choice of chicken, lean beef, tofu. Add 1 cup cooked brown rice or rice noodles. Mineral water with pomegranate and mint leaves

Snack Warm water with sliced gingeroptional

EXERCISEWalk for a minimum of 60 minutes outside and away from home or work distractions.

DAY 25Many things aren’t equal,

But everyone gets the same 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We make time for what we truly want.

40Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 26

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day

7-8am Superjuice 250ml

11-12pm Miso, pumpkin or minestone soup with 1 grain bread

3-4pm Herbal tea or Superjuice 2 boiled eggs or 100gms chicken/turkey slices

7-8pm Rice pasta with herbed tomato and vegetable sauce. Add diced chicken pieces or prawns.

Snack Warm water with sliced gingeroptional

EXERCISEWalk briskly for 10 mins to warm up

Walk 1 min, jog fast for 10 sec, do 10 push ups.Walk 2 min, jog fast for 20 sec, do 20 squat jumps.

Do this 3 times.

Walk easy for 5 min

DAY 26I will not starve to be skinny.

I will eat well and workout to be healthy. It may take a little longer doing it the healthy way and the right way, but it will last longer... it will be better... and I will be happy.

Happy and beautiful.

41Copyright© Lisa Curry 2015

DAY 27

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day

7-8am Superjuice 250ml

11-12pm Grilled chicken breast with unlimited salad.

3-4pm Herbal tea or SuperJuice 250ml 10 almonds

7-8pm 3 grilled lamb chops with unlimited veges Mineral water with pomegranate and mint leaves

Snack Warm water with sliced gingeroptional

EXERCISEWalk for a minimum of 60 minutes outside and away from home or work distractions.

Tibeten 5 exercises

DAY 27Exercise isn’t a punishment, it’s a blessing.Nutrition isn’t restrictive, it’s healing.Health isn’t a one-size fits all thing and may not look the same for everyone,

But it is something worth fighting for.

42Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

DAY 28

Wake up Drink 500ml of health water upon waking and then through out the day

7-8am Smoothie of choice and ½ Grapefruit

11-12pm Salad wrap and protein of choice

3-4pm Snack of choice from the past 28 days

7-8pm Favourite dinner from last 28 days 1 glass organic red wine. Cheers

Snack Warm water with sliced gingeroptional

EXERCISEWalk briskly for 10 mins to warm up

Choose your favourite workout from the 28 days.

Walk easy for 5 min

DAY 28Here’s to YOU!Here’s to you for ordering a salad when you used to have a burger.

Here’s to you for exercising on your own, when you have never done it before.

Here’s to you for ordering water instead of a softdrink.

Here’s to you for looking in the mirror, smiling and saying...


43Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015










Bok choy


Brussels sprouts


























Paw paw





















Sweet potato




List of Fruits, Salad and Vegetable Items

44Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

List Of Protein SourcesChicken *SeafoodLean meat*SoybeansEggsYoghurtCheese* organic grass fed where possible

Vegetarian Protein sources:Beans – any kind. Great for a chile con carne thick hearty soup or on toast Chia seeds – add to smoothies, cereals, yoghurts, saladsChickpeas – make a hummus dip, add to salads, a stirfry, roasted, use as a spread on wrapsEdamame – serve hot with sea salt, chili and garlicGreen peas – mash with olive oil, pine nuts and a little cheese Leafy greens – broccoli, spinachNuts – raw nuts, nut butter, peanut/almond butter (made fresh)Seeds – sunflower, sesame, linseed, papitas, poppyMilk – soy milk, almond milk, rice milkTofu – add to salads, vegesQuinoa – add to soups, salads, or add with breakfast oats

45Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

Antioxidant FoodsAntioxidant foods list: for detailed information visit

Cloves, oregano, rosemary, thyme, cinnamon, turmeric, vanilla beans, sage, szechuan pepper, Acai fruit pulp/skin, rosehip parsley, nutmeg, basil, cocoa dry powder, cumin seed, curry powder, white pepper, ginger, ground pepper, mustard seed.

Rice bran, chili powder, paprika, pepper red or cayenne, raspberries, pecans, elderberries, peppermint, walnuts, raisins, hazelnuts, blueberries, artichokes, cranberries, red kidney beans, black beans, prunes, pinto beans, pistachio nuts, plums, lentils, garlic, blackberries, soybeans, coriander (cilantro) leaves, pomegranates, coconut, coconut oil.

Almonds, dill, strawberries, apples, peaches, dates, cherries, red wine, figs, gooseberries, goji berry, apricots, cabbage, broccoli, guava, lettuce, asparagus, cauliflower, pears, radish seeds sprouted, sweet potato, whole grain bread, brown rice.

Oranges, cashew nuts, beet greens, avocados, arugula (rocket), navy beans, grapes, radishes, oats, macadamia nuts, spinach, potatoes, russet, grapefruit, tangerines, (mandarin oranges), onions, alfalfa sprouts, brazil nuts, lemons, mangos, green tea, chinese green vegetables, olives.

Kiwi fruit, salsa sauce and tomato paste, mushrooms, pineapple, eggplant, nectarines, chickpeas, noni fruit, green beans, bananas, olive oil- extra-virgin, shitake mushrooms, peas, corn, pine nuts, maitake mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, leeks, apple cider vinegar, celery, tomatoes, pumpkin, carrots, melons, cantaloupe, papayas, honeydew, cucumber, squash, zucchini, watermelon, limes, whole meal pasta.

46Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015

The Tibetan 5 Rights are a simple set of exercises developed by monks to keep their bodies fit and supple. Each movement should be performed 21 times gradually building up to 21 if you are a beginner. The movements just happen to have an effect on balancing hormones among many other health benefits.

You can practice the exercises which take about 12 to 15 minutes everyday and they support perfectly the yoga set of postures Salute to the Sun.

We recommend you perform the Tibetan 5 Rights at least 4 x a week as part of the 28 Day Detox and Happy Hormones program. Happy spinning!!



Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


Sun Salutations are the simplest and one of the most effective ways

to balance your hormones. Practiced daily you will balance

your entire glandular system, tone up and manage stress and lifes challenges with ease. Enjoy.....

For instructions on Sun Salutation, please visit

Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015


Congratulations for completing your 28 days!Sign up now for KiSS 1,2 or 3 for more healthy meals and

progressive exercise plans.


Copyright©Lisa Curry Jeff Butterworth 2015