Lip Printresaercher

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Transcript of Lip Printresaercher

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12/07/09 Lip Print



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INTRODUCTION  Lip print could be define as the normal lines

 and fissures in form of wrinkles and groove.present on human labial transitional zone

,DNA test blood typing and finger prints are

 among the commonest techniques usually.employed for personal identification

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’INTRODUCTION CONT SToday however, investigators can also rely

lip prints:Øto identify possible suspect.Øto support evidence gained in spec

investigation.ØLip inflammation can alter lip prints, but retu

to normal when the condition is relieved.Ølip prints do not change with age.

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v ,In 1970 Japanese researchers reported the

.findings on a lip print studyØ ,They examined the lip prints of 1 364

, -individuals ranging from 3 60 years of age using both photographs and a fingerprint

.systemØ  They classified the prints according to.their distinguishing features

v ,In 1991 the author conducted a study by:comparing

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HISTORICAL BACKGROUND CONT’Ø  lip prints of 150 individuals fr

.to 85years of ageØ  Although methods differed in the, studies both results were the sam

Ø :Findings indicated that

* Every individual has unique .prints

* Heredity plays some role in

.pattern development

* Unique features are distinguishab

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,Both genders as well as five pairs

.identical twins were includedØ .The same procedure was appliedØ ,However they transferred lip pri

.by using lip rougeØ  Findings from the first study we.not considered in the 1991 study


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 LASSIFICATION METHODØ  They were divided into simple and

 compound--which are also subdivided:respectively into

, ,a straight line a curved line an

, - .angled line or a sine shaped curve-- Compound were classified into Two (bifurcated and trifurcated anomalo

Ø  Six types of distinguishing feature:exist in lip prints

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’ONT S -- -Type I clear cut lines or grooves that

 vertically across the lip

/--Type I straight grooves that disapp-half way into the lip instead of cover the entire breadth of the lip

--Type II grooves that fork --Type III grooves that intersect

--Type IV grooves that are reticul( )netlike --Type V grooves that do not fall into any

 the above categories and cannot be.differentiated morphologically

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Ø  Single lip print type is based on

the prominence of groove typeØ , ,The lip must be normal clean free from any diseases at the

Ø  Then brown colourlip stick is applied and tracing paper is.placed over the lips

Ø  print will be traced in a normal rest

position opposite to the examiner

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’ONT SØ  In various types of lip examinati

, six compartments were made on ea:lip and are named as follows


Ø ,Middle central aLateral ,compartments 

 all situated in single lip quadra

 making four quadrants for bo lips and 12 compartments for bo

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  ECORDING METHOD   Once classified lip patterns are recorded

:by noting the combinations of grooves type.found in each print

Ø  A horizontal line divides the upper lip fr.the lower lip

Ø  A median line partitions the right and lef

.sides as each quadrant

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 SES AND BENEFITØ  It can be recorded from non

.biological substanceØ  It is helpful in criminalization

.legal matters

Ø .Sex and age determinationØ  Identification of unknown decease.person

Ø  Bite marks as evidence in child

.abuse and criminal litigation

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’ONT SØ .Missing individual either due to amnesia

Ø .Culprit hiding his identityØ  Provision of wide field of study

 especially in odontology and mass disast.detection

Ø  Specialization in forensic ,science forensic dentistry and

.forensic medicineØ ,Detection in homicide suicide and acciden

Ø person needing identityØ

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It is concluded that based on the observation ofthe study:

ØDepth study by using many samples in both sexIn disease persons, forensic odontology, foren

science and forensic medicine.Ø finding out sex differences.

ØNew techniques to trace print on skin and othernone biological materials. with this, lip print w

be very useful in personal identification andcrime detection to help law and justice

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REFERENCESv . . , ( )K Suzuki and Y Tsuchihashi 1970

"Personal Identification by Means of L

,"Prints Journal of Forensic, , -Medicine Tokyo Japan p52 57

v ,( ) "Tsuchihashi Y 1974 Studies on Pers

,Identification by Means of Lip Prints, , - .Forensic Science Tokyo Japan p233 248v .Dr Schnuth is an associate professo

, , Old Dominion University Norfolk Virgi

v , The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin No, .1992 Washington DC USA

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