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Mona Lions in Touch with Autism VOL. 28 No. 1 1st Quarter—July to September 2011 How much do you know about autism? Do you know of friends, rela- tives who may have autistic children but are not aware of the condition and just do not know how to care for their child ,and do not know that help is avail- able right here in Jamaica.? Hop on the train! Autism Speaks! It’s time to Listen! “Raising The Level Of Service” Helen Keller 1

Transcript of Lions+Pride_September2011

“Raising The Level Of Service”





The Lions Club of Mona



MONA We Serve

Congratulations my fellow Lion s

and Leos. We have successfully

completed the 1st quarter of this

fiscal year.

We have included a special focus

on autism awareness and improv-

ing educational facilities for these

Children this year

Our work with the Maia (Chung

Foundation and autism, and

Disabilities Foundation and the

Adonijah group of schools is ongoing.

Notwithstanding, our work in sight preservation continues with

the use of our Optech 5000 vision screener in sight screening

activities over the period. We are a hard working team and we

look forward more projects and activities on the fiscal calendar.

Thank you for your continued support

Lion Debrah

Mona Lions in Touch

with Autism

Members of the Lions Club of Mona

under the leadership of its newly elected

President– have begun to focus on the

problem of autism in Jamaica. to the

extent that the Youth and Culture commit-

tee chair person and Club President paid a

visit to Adonijah - the only school desig-

nated for autistic children in Jamaica.

How much do you

know about autism?

Do you know of

friends, rela- tives who

may have autistic

children but are not

aware of the condition

and just do not know how to care for their

child ,and do not know that help is avail-

able right here in Jamaica.?

Hop on the train! Autism Speaks!

It’s time to Listen!


When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often

we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one

which has been opened for us. Helen Keller

VOL. 28 No. 1 1st Quarter—July to September 2011


“Raising The Level Of Service”


Lion Barrington Bucknor, President -

2010-2011, pose with Maia Chung after

he presented her with a plaque in recog-

nition of the autism foundation.

VOL. 28 No 1 1st Quarter - July to September 2011

Lion President Debrah Rigg giving her

incoming address at the Mona Lions

Change of Administration function on Sat-

urday July 2, 2011 at the UWI Mona Li-

ons Resource Center for

Students with Special Needs.


1. President’s message.

2. Autism

3 Installation of Lion President

. Leo Convention

4 Community Flag Raising


5 Lions in Action

6. Annual Dedication Service

7. Lion of the Quarter.

Birthdays and Anniversaries


A changing society demands that

we open our minds to new ideas,

new techniques, new patterns of

thought, in order to generate posi-

tive growth! Editorial : Lion President, Lions Cynthia. and Evadney

“Raising The Level Of Service”

Celebrating Jamaica’s Independence !!

Lion President Deborah, seated at the table beside

the chairman Mr Garth Kiddoe, brought greetings

on behalf of the Lions Club of Mona at the Inde-

pendence day celebration on August 6, 2011. The

occasion was organized by the Mona Heights

Neighbourhood watch in partnership with the

Mona Lions. The celebration centered around the

theme, “Out of Many One People” the country’s

motto, and which underscored the United

Nations’ (UN) focus on the “International Year of

People of African Decent”

In keeping with the United Nation’s focus on the

“International Year of People of African Decent”, the

Nigerian Embassy was invited to participate in the Inde-

pendence celebrations. They did this by providing a dis-

play of various Art forms and culture. . The Blackman’s

Anthem was sung and we were reminded of interesting

facts on our history by a leader of the community.

Dr Clinton Hutton of the Department of Govern-

ment at the University of the West Indies, as

he expounded on Jamaica’s heritage. One

interesting fact shared by him was the fact

that it was a black man -James West , who

pioneered the technology that developed the


VOL. 28. No 1 1st Quarter - July to September , 2011

The laughter of man is the

contentment of God.



A pot of Senegalese stew formed part of the cultural


The Taste ? Hmmm!!!

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be

seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart!

Helen Keller

“Raising The Level Of Service”

Lions in Action—Health Screening and ensuring a

sustainable environment.

Do you know your BMI? Have you ever

had this done for you? See Lion Milton, he’d

enjoy doing this for you!

At the Bethany Fellowship; Lion Milton

conducting BMI checks and Lions

Evadney and Dave at one end of the table

conducting vision screening.

Lion President at the health fair at the

St Stephens Anglican church in Mary-

land in the hills of St Andrew. Lion

Debra, is explaining the reason for

good dental hygiene to the children

who seem to be quietly listening.

VOL. 28 No 1 1st Quarter - July to September ,

Can we get to the

millionth tree?

The Lions of Mona doth

try ,as they climb to the

mountain top, to Wallen-

ford ,in the hills of the

Blue Mountain . This

was the first reforesta-

tion project of the Club,

and during this quarter

an additional three thou-

sand pine seedlings have

been planted.

Here Lions meet with the farm-

ers in the Wallenford area.

They have been responsible for

the maintenance of the plants.

Below Lion Archer and others

fertilizing palm trees that were

planted on the lawns of the

Society for the Blind.

Guest Cynthia (top)

checking the Blood

Pressure of persons

attending the health

fair in Harbour

View, while Lion

Nadine (bottom)

listens and consults

her guide as to

whether the young

man using the

Optech 5000 vision

tester is recogniz-

ing the letters


The Optech 5000

vision tester checks

for both far and

near vision.


“Raising The Level Of Service”

The Leo Convention Past Leo Advisors now Lion President and Lion

Secretary attend the 34th Annual Leo Convention

which was held Saturday July 30, 2011, at the Sun-

down Sunflower Villas, Runnaway Bay, St Ann.

Thumbs up Lions Dave and Deborah!!

VO 28 . No 1 1st Quarter - July to September , 2011

Adonija is now being made safer with the

donation of eight fire extinguishers.

The 1st Vice President Lion Keith Archer

and Lion President seen here handing over

the fire extinguishers to Mrs James the

principal for the school.. The fire extin-

guishers would be installed later by the


Safety first for Adonijah


Club members and a Leo, led by the Lion Presi-

dent, attended the St Margaret’s Anglin church

in Liguanea to re-dedicate the movement and

themselves to the seventeenth (17th year of un-

selfish service to the community.

The first lesson Philippians 2, verses 1-13 on

which the Reverend Father based his message,

was read by Henrique Lawson (blind) of the

Jamaica Society of the Blind.

Father congratulated the Lions for their selfless

work and encouraged them to be light bearers

for the less fortunate in society.

He further commented on the excellent reading

of the scriptures by one who was blind and read-

ing from his Braille text

Lion President in her greetings listed some of

the club’s project areas such as environmental

protection, Health and Wellness and Geriatrics.,

Diabetes, Cancer Awareness and HIV & AIDS■


Inspirational Thoughts

Decision is the spark that ignites action

Until a decision is made, nothing hap-


Decision is the courageous facing of

issues, knowing that if they are not faced,

problems will remain forever unan-


“Raising The Level Of Service”

VOL. 28 No 1 1st Quarter - July to September , 2011

CONTACT US UWI-MONA Lions Resource Center

for with Special Needs.

15 Ring Road, UWI, Mona Campus

Postal Address: P.O. Box 166, Mona

Kingston 7, Jamaica, W.I.


We say Happy birthday to Lions who

celebrated their day this quarter.

Hail July Borns: Desmond 1st, & President

Debrah, 3rd & Marva 14th. August borns : Leslie -7th

September borns: Bert –10th., Monica

Palmer Douglas– 17th

Hail Anniversary celebrants:

August 1—Pat Ramikie

September 7; Cynthia &Keith Peart

May you have many , many more!


The Jacque Roberts Award The Jacque Roberts Award The Jacque Roberts Award The Jacque Roberts Award ---- The Most The Most The Most The Most outstanding New Lionoutstanding New Lionoutstanding New Lionoutstanding New Lion

Who was Jacque Roberts?

She was a charter member and the third president of he Lions

Club of Mona. She was an astute leader, a thinker, a stickler

for detail, and had a great love for Lionism.

Lion Jacque passed on to higher service after a short illness.

Her memory lives on through a plaque named after her for the

most outstanding new Lion– a Lion who shows dedication

and commitment to service—a Lion who exemplifies


The awardee is the current 2nd Vice President and was

selected during the last Lionistic year. The Membership

Director however, had to be overseas at the time and so the

presentation was deferred to this Lionistic year.

This third presentation goes to Lion Keith Archer.– Inducted

in November 2010 and his sponsor no other than the “Shaker

and Mover”, Lion Milton Pinnock, MJF, PDG.

Lion Archer is always willing and ready to assist others, no

matter the task.

Lion Keith Archer, Congratulations!!

Lion Archer receiving his award from Lion Josephine.

Lion Barrington Immediate Past President witnessing

the occasion.