linkedin instant profile...

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Transcript of linkedin instant profile...

Instant LinkedIn®

Profile Templates

By Kristina Jaramillo

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Table of Contents:


Why I Have Created These LinkedIn Templates……………………………4 How I Created My Instant LinkedIn Profile Templates……………………..7 How to Use These LinkedIn Templates……………………………………..8 Part 1: Your LinkedIn Profile Summary

Why Your LinkedIn Profile Summary Stinks……………………………….9 In-Transition Template……………………………………………..............11 How I Can Help You Template…………………………………………….13 Why You Are Reading My Profile & How It Will Help You Template…..15 Why the Media Features Me Template…………………………………….17 Want to Know Why Template……………………………………………..19 Who Should Connect with Me Template………………………………......21 How “You” Can Template…………………………………………………23 The Top Mistakes Template………………………………………………..25 From X to Y Template……………………………………………………..27 Steps To X Template……………………………………………………….28 Real Proof Template………………………………………………………..29 Top Secrets Template………………………………………………………30 What Others Won’t Tell You Template……………………………………32 Got Questions Template……………………………………………………34 Myth Busting Template…………………………………………………….36 Do You Suffer From Template………………………………………….....39 Reasons Why You Need to Connect Template…………………………….41 Are You Being Screwed Template…………………………………………42 X Versus Y Template………………………………………………………44 Part 2: Your LinkedIn Profile Experience Section

What’s Wrong With Most People’s Experience Sections?...........................45 Why You Shouldn’t Make Your LinkedIn Profile Sound Like An Online Resume……………………………………………………………………..48 Quoted Expert Template…………………………………………………...50 The Subject Matter Expert Template………………………………………51 The Coaches or Consultants Template……………………………………..52

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The Author Template………………………………………………………53 The Speaker Template #1…………………………………………………..54 The Speaker Template #2…………………………………………………..55 The Therapist/Medical Practitioner Template……………………………...56 Therapist Template #2……………………………………………………...57 The Lawyers Template……………………………………………………..58 The Accountants Template…………………………………………………59 Part 3: How to Create Copy For Other Elements of Your Profile

How to List Your Websites on the top part of your profile………………..61 How to effectively use the specialties section to build credibility…………63 How to generate interest for your books and articles in the publication section………………………………………………………………………65 How to take advantage of the contact part of your profile…………………69 Part 4: Proven Profile Examples………………………………………...72

Part 5: Next Steps………………………...…………………………….…89

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Why I Have Created These LinkedIn Profile Templates

Before I started my own LinkedIn marketing business where I create and revamp LinkedIn profiles, review LinkedIn profiles “live” on video and do ongoing LinkedIn marketing efforts for select clients – I spent hundreds of hours researching and analyzing what’s working and what’s not. I discovered that out of the 100+ million people on LinkedIn®, only a few successful companies and internet marketers (many of which are my clients) are using LinkedIn® to its’ fullest profit-making potential. And, they are using LinkedIn® without the prying eyes of their competition.

During this time, I discovered…

• Tips, tools and strategies for creating an effective LinkedIn® profile • Opportunities that internet marketers are missing because of our ignorance. • Mistakes that most small business owners AND internet marketers are making on

LinkedIn® • How to create and nourish unlimited relationships with what Nielson Online

calls… “The world’s largest audience of affluent, influential professionals.” And, you can do this easily by using LinkedIn® and the content you are already creating.

• How to combine an article marketing strategy with LinkedIn®. • How to get your content instantly in front of 50,000+ prospects • How to build a community of targeted prospects. You can network with

executives from Fortune 500 companies to work-at-home solopreneurs. • Templates and systems to help you connect with more prospects, automate your

LinkedIn® efforts and take the online conversation offline.

Much of this information is covered in my free special report at and within the free strategy session that you can receive after you grab my report. Many of the people who gained access to my report and strategy session got an eye-opening experience – and they were excited to get started. The only problem was…even though I explained to them exactly what they need to do – they couldn’t get started when it came to developing their strong foundation (an effective, profile that resonates with prospects and engages them so they’ll want to do business with you. They were begging me for ideas, formats and structures. That’s one of the reasons why I created these Instant LinkedIn Profile templates.

Here Are Some More Reasons Why I Created My Instant LinkedIn

Profile Templates…

1) I am tired of seeing LinkedIn profiles that look like plain, boring resumes. How is just looking at current and past positions and a listing of services that you provide going to sell yourself, your business and your offerings on LinkedIn? Simple – It’s not! You have to think of your profile as a marketing tool and not a resume. (Within this workbook, you will discover why!) Now, I know this might be difficult for people with

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little to no marketing experience but that is where I come in. I have spent a great deal of time developing templates that will walk you through the complete process. 2) I’m tired of people being ripped off by so-called LinkedIn experts. On a recent strategy call, I explained to a prospect how he needed some serious work on his profile before he can implement my LinkedIn marketing tips. He was shocked as he spent nearly $600 on his profile. Yet, his headline just stated his position. It was not like the ones found in our 100+ Fill-in-the-Blank LinkedIn Profile Headlines Workbook. The profile was not optimized. The summary and experience sections read like a resume. It did not engage me and it did not make me want to learn more about him. My templates give you control. All you have to do is take the information that’s inside your head and place it within the worksheets exactly where I tell you to. I provide the format, the structure and the organization. I’m even giving you the opportunity to have me review your LinkedIn profile once you complete it using my templates. Just go to: 3) I learned from my mentor (Article Marketing Expert, Eric Gruber) the importance of becoming a thought leader. At his blog (, within his article marketing products and within his articles that’s found all over Google, Eric talks about providing information that sets you apart from your competition. That’s how he built his list and made his mark in article marketing. People trust his advice and invest in his products and services because he proved himself to be an expert. He gained their respect – and that would not have happened if he did not set himself apart. You need to do the same thing on LinkedIn. Why should I connect with you – and not your competition? How do I know that you are the expert if your profile has the same look and feel as everyone else? With my Instant LinkedIn Profile Templates, you have access to more than 20 different summary templates and 10 different experience templates that will…

♦ Prove you are the expert

♦ Help you instantly connect with prospects

♦ Pre-sell prospects on your books, products and services

♦ Show prospects why they need to connect with you now

♦ Funnel connections back to your website

♦ Show the media why you are the expert and why they should feature you

♦ Describe to connections why they should create a referral relationship with you

♦ Plus, much more…

4) There is no other LinkedIn template product out there on the market. No one is giving you the structure, format and organization. No one is giving you unique ideas. No one is giving you successful examples to model. No one is showing you how to effectively use the specialties, contact sections and other elements within your profile. No one is making it easy for you to market on LinkedIn. And, that’s why that out of the 100+ million people on LinkedIn®, only a few successful companies and internet marketers (many of

Let us review your new profile at:


which are my clients) are using LinkedIn® to its’ fullest profit-making potential. Most people’s profiles are just taking up space. They are sitting there like a lump on a log – not doing anything for the profile owner. And, in many cases, the small business owner or internet marketer has gotten so frustrated that they gave up. It’s about time – that someone gives you a template to follow for your LinkedIn profile and for your LinkedIn marketing efforts. It’s about time that someone makes it easier for you. And, that someone is me! I have used my experience building profiles to create templates for others to use to help them through the process because I know how daunting it can be. I didn’t become a LinkedIn marketing expert overnight. I spent over 2 1/2 years working day and night learning all of the ins and outs. I talked to the top internet marketers. And, I completed my own experimenting. I didn’t have someone walking me through the process. I had to learn most of it on my own. Now, before I reveal to you the LinkedIn Profile templates, let me share with you how I created these templates.

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How I Created My Instant LinkedIn Profile Templates

Through my work with Article Marketing Expert Eric Gruber, I studied sales letters and squeeze pages. I have created a huge swipe file of website and email copy from the greatest copywriters and internet marketers including Dan Kennedy, Yanik Silver, Armand Morin, Dan Janal, Joan Stewart, Ali Brown and many more. I used this as a starting point, a springboard and a launch pad to create templates for my own while revamping my client’s profiles. From there, I started to branch out as I learned how to design my LinkedIn marketing questionnaire to get the exact kind of information I need to help my clients further. The answers I received in the questionnaire became my guide as I turned boring, resume looking profiles into a marketing tool that generated new traffic, prospects, media opportunities and profits for clients. Now, as I analyze the hundreds of LinkedIn profiles that I have revamped or coached clients on – I discovered that there were clear patterns and structures that you can use to write your profile content right now. I have taken all of my most successful profile concepts and created 100+ fill in the blank headline templates to help you get started promoting yourself strongly. I have also produced templates to guide you in the creation of other parts of your profile, like the summary and experience sections. By using these templates you can build an effective profile quickly and easily.

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How to Use My Instant LinkedIn Profile Templates Now, you are not going to find generic templates that give you the language for your profile word-by-word. How is that going to help you connect with prospects and how is that going to set you apart. You need to show…

♦ Your personality so prospects can connect with you on all levels.

♦ Your expertise so prospects will trust you

♦ Your human side so prospects can relate to you. That’s why you need to create the content. You can do this because my templates provide the ideas, the structure, the format and the organization you need to create an effective profile. Now, all you have to do is type in the content that’s inside your head already exactly where I tell you to. This workbook is in Microsoft Word format so you can type your information directly into the chart. From there, simply copy and paste it into your LinkedIn profile. Be sure to add transitions and sub-headlines in between the different segments so you can create a natural flow for your readers.

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Part 1- Your LinkedIn Profile Summary Why Your LinkedIn Profile Summary Stinks

There are many important features available on the LinkedIn profile page. One of the most influential parts of your profile is your summary. Many entrepreneurs are unsure of how to populate this section. Should they just describe themselves or should they describe their current business venture? My answer: This is your time to sell not only your business but also what you and your business can do for your prospective clients. In doing so, there are many mistakes that can be made when generating a profile summary. LinkedIn Profile Summary Mistake #1 – Your summary is too short. LinkedIn allows up to 1700+ characters for your summary. Why wouldn’t you want to use all the space that they provide so you can give more information about your products and services? Why not use that space to inform people why they should connect with you? Why not use that space to show the value you can provide them? Doesn’t it make sense to do this then simply using 3 or 4 sentences? You might think that shorter is better because most people don’t have time to read it but if you take the time to develop a thoughtful summary it will make all the difference. And don't forget to include results that you have produced for your clients. LinkedIn Profile Summary Mistake #2 – Your summary is all about you and not what you can do for your clients. Prospects viewing your profile do want to learn about you but more importantly they want you to answer that age old question, “What can you do for me?” We live in a society where we want to know how someone can help us and we want to know right away. The best way to do this for your profile visitors is to provide real life results. Show prospects what you have done for your clients. Give facts about outcomes your clients have seen as a direct result of your products or services. Remember, your LinkedIn profile is a venue to provide your prospects with a reason why they should care about you and your business. Show them what it is they can hope to achieve by using your products or services. LinkedIn Profile Mistake #3 – Failing to funnel your prospects to different areas of your website. Your LinkedIn profile is the perfect place to direct prospects to all the helpful tools available to them on your website. For example, in my summary I provide the link for

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people to receive a copy of my free report that can be found at: Now who is not going to at least check out what my “free” report is all about? This entices views to actually visit my site and this will lead to them learning more about what I can do for them. I also provide a link for viewers to sign up for a free strategy session. By directing prospects directly to your site they will be able to learn more about your products and services from the source. Using your profile summary as a funnel to guide your prospective to different aspects of your site will generate more traffic and more sales. To help you create a more effective profile summary, use the templates on the following pages.

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In-Transition Template

Add headline for

your summary

For example: Who Am I ... And More Importantly, Why You Should Listen To Me Now!

Give 1 paragraph

background on who

you are and your


For example: Since 2005, I have been an internet marketing web design strategist who has worked with a wide range of internet marketers, from plum fresh-outta-school "newbies" just looking to put their footprint in the sand, to seasoned veteran marketers and infomarketing legends who have been "to hell and back" a couple of times with their information products and solutions.

Show results

Hint: Get specific

For example: * Ross Jeffries (Founder of Speed Seduction) - For every dollar he spends on my internet marketing consulting, he earns several dollars back. In fact, with one of his promotions he made more than $60,000 in less than 24 hours! Now show 2-3 results that you have achieved.

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Explain how the

experiences you

described above

helped you

transition to what

you are doing now

Describe what it is

that you are doing

now and most

importantly, how it

helps your clients

Add call to action Hint: Describe the next step you want prospects to take, what

they will find and why they should take that specific action

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How I Can Help You Template

Add salutation and

address your


For example: Dear Entrepreneurs, Executives and Those In Transition,

How you have

helped your specific


Make a transition

to how you can help

the reader

The first way you

can help prospects

– offer a freebie

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Describe the second

way you can help

prospects – you

may want to

describe one of

your paid


Describe the third

way you can help

prospects – here we

suggest free articles

to send prospects

back to your blog

Note: After each way be sure to add a link to the page you that describes the

offering in more detail.

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Why You Are Reading My Profile & How It Will Help

You Template

Start off with a

strong summary

headline that will

grab the readers


List first reason a

prospect may be

reading your

profile and how it

can help them

For example: #1 – You are a talented, gifted and intelligent woman business owner, coach or entrepreneur who is getting involved in a lot of marketing activities such as networking, speaking and writing. grow your business. Yet, you are still unable to increase your client base. You can start by getting my FREE Special Report: "7 Steps to Attracting Your Ideal Client.” at: Note: Notice how a call to action is added at the end.

List second reason

a prospect may be

reading your

profile and how it

can help them

List third reason a

prospect may be

reading your

profile and how it

can help them

List fourth reason a

prospect may be

reading your

profile and how it

can help them

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List fifth reason a

prospect may be

reading your

profile and how it

can help them

End with strong

closing sentence

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Why the Media Features Me Template

This template is to be used with this headline template: Top (insert what you refer to yourself as) Featured in (insert press mentions here). Find Out Why. Example: Top Management Consultant Featured in Business Week, Fast Company & – Connect and Find Out Why.

Start with an

introduction that

peaks interest and

mentions media


For example: Perhaps you are reading this profile right now because my headline peaked your curiosity. And, you may be interested in knowing why Business Week, Fast Company, FOX, CEO Refresher, ERE (Recruiting Intelligence), (Entrepreneur Magazine's sister site) and hundreds are featuring our work.

Show reason #1

why you were

featured in the


Show reason #2

why you were

featured in the


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Show reason #3

why you were

featured in the


Add transition

from the reason

why you are

featured to how you

can help your


List specific link(s)

back to website or

blog and why

prospect should


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Want to Know Why Template

Start by asking a

thought provoking

question that

highlights your


For example: Want to know why companies around the globe bring me in along with my partner (Sara LaForest) to help them improve and grow their business success?

Give your answer

to the question

For example: It's because we have more than 60 years of combined experience in helping entrepreneurs and executives (and their senior managers) of global companies and organizations accelerate their business growth in record time.

List specific result


For example: 1. Working with a research consulting company we helped them identify impediments to growth and new growth opportunities, resulting in over a 35% increase in gross revenue in one year.

List specific result


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List specific result


List how you can

help prospects

achieve similar


Note: List 2-3 different ways. We suggest giving a freebie option, such a free video, e-book, etc. This way you are able to capture names and emails and build your list.

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Who Should Connect with Me Template

Start off with a

warning to grab the

readers attention

For example: A Fair Warning Before You Connect with Me: I bring meaning to mayhem with my nothing but the truth approach to business and life. I ALWAYS provide informational value – and at the same time, I will have you laughing until your face hurts!

Give background

on who you are

List a few key

results that you

have achieved in

your career

Let us review your new profile at:


List the first

audience type that

should connect with

you. Describe the

audience, their

needs and wants –

add a call to action

at the end that will

help that specific


For example: 1. Woman entrepreneurs and executives who want the tools and perspective to improve their relationships, reduce their stress and positively build their life and career one story at a time. Check out my free articles, books and programs at: and check out my free podcasting series at:

List the second

audience type that

should connect with

you. Describe the

audience, their

needs and wants –

add a call to action

at the end that will

help that specific


List the third

audience type that

should connect with

you. Describe the

audience, their

needs and wants –

add a call to action

at the end that will

help that specific


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How “You” Can Template

Start off with this

question --

Want to Uncover How I Helped (Insert Companies’ or Clients’ Names and Insert a Strong Benefit)

Create your



Describe who you

are, why clients

come to you and

the results you get

for clients.

Insert this


Here’s How You Too Can (insert specific benefit)

Give quick tip #1 –

You want to “wow”

prospects so they

will want to get

more information.

Do not explain how

to make this tip

work – instead

show what this tip

can do for them by


specific results.

Give Tip #2 – Do it

the same way as tip


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Give Tip 3 - use

format as given in

box to the right

Tip #3: Grab my free (special report, video, ebook, etc.) entitled: (insert title) Now, describe what people will find in your free offering and provide a testimonial that shows the value people will receive from this opportunity

Inform prospects

how they can

contact you for

even more

information if they

want additional


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The Top Mistakes Template

Start off



problems that


customers had

when they

came to you

For example: One of my clients came to me asking for customer service and sales leadership skills training for his team members. Now after careful analysis, I discovered that my clients’ problem was not a lack of a skillful staff. His problem was his management’s ability to reach out, engage and motivate employees. It was a workplace communication issue that cost the company about $10 million in a ten year period. Below I reveal the deadliest sins of leadership & workplace communication that this company and some of the most successful corporations are making.


mistake #1

and why it is a

mistake (do

not reveal how

to fix the

problem yet)


mistake #2

and why it is a

mistake (do

not reveal how

to fix the

problem yet)

Let us review your new profile at:



mistake #3

and why it is a

mistake (do

not reveal how

to fix the

problem yet)

Write your


For example: For even more workplace communication problems, along with solutions on how to fix these issues, grab my free special report at:

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From X to Y Template

First explain to prospects

that you were not always

the expert in your field

and how you did not

always experiencing your

present successes –

describe who you were

before your success and

how you life was at that

point in time

Explain what changed,

what did you experience

that helped you become

the success you are today

Now describe where you

are now and the results

you are achieving

Add several tips on how

the reader can experience

the same success

Add ways you can support

them and include links to

your website

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Steps To X Template

Describe the results that

your clients wish to

experience – what do they

want to move from and go


Reveal some specific

results that your clients

have achieved – this

proves that you can get

them towards success if

they follow the steps you

are about to show them

Now add the sub-headline

given to the right

You Can Achieve These Same Results If You Take Action On The Steps Provided Below

Give step #1 – tell them

the step they need to take

to reach success and then

provide one of your

resources that will help

them follow through with

the action you want them

to take

Give step #2 – tell them

the step they need to take

to reach success and then

provide one of your

resources that will help

them follow through with

the action you want them

to take

Give step #3 – tell them

the step they need to take

to reach success and then

provide one of your

resources that will help

them follow through with

the action you want them

to take

Let us review your new profile at:


Real Proof Template (Note: This template is to be used with a profile headline that states a

specific result that many people think is outrageous)

Start off by explaining

that the results you

described in your headline

is not typical for everyone,

explain why many people

fail to achieve the results

Explain the characteristics

and traits of those people

that have gained the

success you have described

Add the sub-headline Here Is Real Proof That You Can (insert benefit), If You Match The Characteristics Above

Describe result #1 and

place testimonial

Describe result #2 and

place testimonial

Describe result #3 and

place testimonial

Add a strong call to action

to get prospects to visit

your website to achieve the

results you have described

Note: Here is an alternative to describing 3 different results. You can tell a client’s

story and show how they were desperate and describe their current situation. You

can reveal how you helped them and the resources they used. Along with the results

they achieved from using your information and resources.

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Top Secrets Template

Create the summary


How I Uncovered These 3 Little Know (insert subject area) Secrets To (insert benefit)

Explain who you are and

how you have uncovered

these secrets

Explain secret #1 that you

uncovered and more

importantly how it helped

you or a client of yours

Explain secret #2 that you

uncovered and more

importantly how it helped

you or a client of yours

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Explain secret #3 that you

uncovered and more

importantly how it helped

you or a client of yours

Add summary sub-


If You Want To Learn How To Use These (insert subject area) Secrets To Your Advantage, Plus Gain Access To Other Tips, Tools & Strategies, Let’s Connect!

Offer different ways

prospects can connect with

you – one way should be to

get a free special report

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What Others Won’t Tell You Template Use this template with this headline template: What Secrets Does This Top (insert

industry) Expert Know About (insert benefit) That You Don’t Know? Learn More By Connecting.

Start off with the

summary headline given to

the right

So You Want To Know What Secrets This Top (insert industry) Expert Who (insert some top achievements) Can Share With You That Other Will Not Tell You

Insert secret #1 – you want

to make this controversial

Describe why other

experts will not share this


Insert call to action and

link to article that explains

the secret in more detail

Insert secret #2 – you want

to make this controversial

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Describe why other

experts will not share this


Insert call to action and

link to article that explains

the secret in more detail

Insert secret #3 – you want

to make this controversial

Describe why other

experts will not share this


Insert call to action and

link to article that explains

the secret in more detail

Insert call to action to get

even more secrets

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Got Questions Template Use either of these 2 headlines with this summary template: Do You Have (insert subject) Questions That You Want Answered Now? Connect With Me To Get A Free Special

Report And Strategy Session or

You Have (insert subject) Questions? I Will Provide Answers Fully And Completely, But Only If You Connect.

Start with the summary headline

and introduction given to the


So You Have (insert topic) Questions That You Need Answered Right Now! Before I show you how you can get your questions answered plus get access to ground breaking new secrets that will change the way you (insert action), let me share with you why you can trust the advice I to offer.

Insert paragraph that reveals

your background information

and the results you achieved –

everything you write here should

instill credibility

Insert step #1 to getting their

questions answered – this step

should include connecting with

you on LinkedIn and other social


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Insert step #2 to getting their

questions answered – this should

include joining your group.

Explain that once people connect

with you they will receive an

email to join your LI group, in

this group you provide, tips, tools

and articles. You engage in

conversations and answer

questions within the group.

Insert step #3 to getting their

question answered – this should

include grabbing your free

special report and of course a link

to your website

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Myth Busting Template

Begin with the summary

headline similar to the one

given to the right

For example: Are you falling victim to the article marketing mix that are circling around the internet and do you feel like you are being pushed and pulled in every direction as you navigate your way through the article submission process? Here are the top 3 myths that many article marketers fall for:

Insert myth #1

Explain why #1 is a myth

Insert a call to action and

a link to an article based

on that myth

Insert myth #2

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Explain why #2 is a myth

Insert a call to action and

a link to an article based

on that myth

Insert myth #3

Explain why #3 is a myth

Insert a call to action and

a link to an article based

on that myth

Show results of those that

do not fall for the myths

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Add closing call to action

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Do You Suffer From Template Use this template with this headline template: Do You Suffer From (insert what is causing your clients pain) Every Day As Though Your (describe how your prospects

might be feeling – use power words)? Example: Do You Suffer Arthritis Pain Every Day As Though Your Joints Are On Fire?

Create your intro that

explains how your

prospects are suffering

Explain how you

sympathize and how you

can relate to them

Identify the problem

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Identify how you found a


Show results

Enter call to action with

link to your website

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Reasons Why You Need to Connect Template

Create summary headline

similar to the one to the


For example: 5 Reasons Why You Need to Connect with Client Attraction Coach Linda Hampton Today…

Insert reason #1 why

someone should connect

with you

Insert reason #2 why

someone should connect

with you

Insert reason #3 why

someone should connect

with you

Insert How to Connect

with You

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Are You Being Screwed Template

Start off with an intro

paragraph similar to the

one to the right

For example: I recently did a free LinkedIn strategy session that you can take advantage of at with a prospect. I told him that he needed to revamp his LinkedIn profile before he could effectively market his business on LinkedIn. He was shocked to hear this because he had already invested money with someone to create his profile. Yet his headline did not engage me and pull me in to read his profile. The summary sounded like a resume. You need someone who is going to look at your LinkedIn profile from a marketing perspective. You need someone who is not going to target everyone but instead go after your ideal audience. You need someone who will communicate you messages in the most effective manner. Keep reading below to find out if you are being screwed in your social media efforts.

Pose a question that will

make your readers think

twice about the services

they are currently


For example: Is you article submission service provider just getting your articles published like, where anyone can get published as long as you follow the guidelines or are they getting them published on top websites like

Show importance of

question and show the

reader how they are being


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Pose question #2

Show importance of

question and show the

reader how they are being


Show results

Insert call to action –

(Note: A suggested call to

action is to have your

prospects grab a free

guide to hiring/getting

your subject matter). You

can also send them to an

article on the subject as

well. For example – check


Let us review your new profile at:


X Versus Y Template Use this template with this headline template:

Can A (insert power word) Be (insert number) Times (insert power word) Than (insert alternative)? Find The Answer Inside My Profile.

Restate the question posed

in your headline

Provide reasons to why

people might think the

alternative is better and

why they are wrong

Show studies proving your

point of view

Show how what you are

promoting helped you and

then your clients – send

readers to view case

studies on your website

Insert call to action to

grab a free special report

on the topic or how

prospects can get started

Let us review your new profile at:


Part 2- Your LinkedIn Profile Experience Section

What’s Wrong With Most People’s Experience Sections?

When creating your LinkedIn profile your first instinct is to review what other people on LinkedIn are doing. And that would make sense however, most people do not have an experience section that markets themselves or their businesses effectively. Below I reveal 7 reasons why most experience sections suck.

#1. You fail to have a headline for each position.

Just like every section of your sales letter and every page of your website, you need to add headlines to various sections of your profile including your experience area. Entrepreneurs and executives today are extremely busy and have very little patience. They want to locate the information they need to know about you fast. By not having a headline you are forcing prospects to read through your entire profile which will lead to frustration. By adding headlines for each position you can easily engage the reader and make them want to learn more about what it is you do and what you can offer them. This is the best way to grab their attention so they can find out what you can do for them.

#2. You only list yourself as a CEO/Founder or you put

author/speaker/coach/Founder of XYZ Company all into one position.

By simply listing yourself as CEO/Founder of your business you are not detailing what it is you have to offer prospects reading your profile. You should break down your positions by the different hats that you wear. This will enable readers to see all that you have to offer. You can have different copy directed at key audiences to show that you work with specific types of individuals and not just a general group. How can you expect to connect with someone if you do not have copy that is directed toward them?

#3. It is not optimized for your key phrase.

LinkedIn’s search algorithms focuses heavily on the experience section. In fact if you break down your positions to different hats you wear and add your key word phrase you should be found on top of LinkedIn’s search. For example, if you do a keyword search for executive coach, you will find my client, Carrie Jacobs as the second listing out of 106,224 results. If you look for workplace communication expert you find my client Skip Weisman ranking first out of 3,073 results and he ranks second for workplace communication out of 32,084 results. You want to be found on top when your prospects do a keyword search for what you have to offer.

#4. You fail to add credibility.

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Included in this section you will find quoted in the media expert template. Using this template you will prove to prospects that they should connect with you and listen to the advice you provide because you are showing them that the media thinks of you as an expert. You will show where you are featured and where you have been published. If you are a featured key speaker for a well known organization or if you are columnist for a well known magazine, newspaper or website like you want to feature that as a position. You want to show what the organization or publication is about and how competitive it is to be a speaker or columnist. You also want to provide any other facts that will help you build credibility.

#5. You fail to show results for your efforts – You talk about what you do but you

don’t show how you can help me.

Most people write their experience section as if they were writing a resume. They give you a description of what their job or position entailed and maybe some accomplishments. They fail to tell you what they can do for you here and now. They do not show you results that they have achieved for clients to prove why you should work with them.

#6. You are not using this section to funnel prospects to different areas of your


Before you create your different positions you want to think where you want to lead prospects to get more information about you. You can lead them back to a specific article or blog posting, you can lead them back to a special report, product or service information, your media kit or wherever you wish. You want to think of each position you create as a funnel.

#7. You fail to have a call-to-action.

Within your experience section if you follow my advice you will provide information that lets readers know what you do and it will establish credibility. Now what? At the end of every position you can have a call-to-action that takes viewers to different parts of your website depending on what position it is. For example, if you view the profile for one of my clients, Karel Murray, at the end of her Corporate Leadership Development Keynote Motivational Speaker position I invite readers to get more information on her corporate leadership development keynote, workshop and training programs. For another client of mine, Sara LaForest, at the end of her Talent Development & Talent Management Consultant I put For more information on talent management and our services: --------------------------------------- 1. Check out these articles --------------------------------------- 1. Hiring For Fast Growing Departments or Companies:

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2. Hiring to Sustain Growth in a New Economy: 3. Internal Talent Integration 4. How to Retain Top Talent Without Derailing the Organization:

You see you want to lead prospects back to your website and blog.

In the next section we will discuss the exact reasons why you should not make your LinkedIn profile including the experience section sound like a resume.

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Should Your LinkedIn Profile Be Your Online Resume?

Recently I read a LinkedIn article for small business owners that stated, “You should think of your profile as an online resume.” I could not disagree more. And, when you are done reading this article, let me know what you think! Now, while you think whether or not your LinkedIn profile should be regarded as a resume, let me ask you: When was the last time you read an interesting and intriguing resume? Most resumes tend to be boring and bland. Now, how is this going to help you attract viewers and prospects? Simple, it can’t. As a small business owner or a business development executive, you have to start thinking of your profile as a marketing tool and not a resume. Since you have to change your mindset about this, I have developed six distinct reasons why your profile should not look like a resume.

Why You Should Not Think of Your LinkedIn Profile as Your Resume

Reason #1: A resume is not personal enough.

The goal of LinkedIn is to connect with people and build relationships. The only way you will connect with prospects is to personalize your profile. To do this you need to tell stories and share information that gives a better scope of:

♦ Who you are.

♦ What makes you tick.

♦ How you can help the prospect.

♦ What new and exciting information you have to offer them. Make viewers want to learn more about what you and your business can do for them.

Reason #2: Remember LinkedIn is a social human network.

Most resumes lack that human touch that LinkedIn can provide if used correctly. You need to make your profile interesting and enjoyable to read. You have to keep in mind that if you want others to read it, you should want to read it too.

Reason #3: The goal of LinkedIn profile is to get people to connect with you so that

you can funnel them back to your website.

Your profile is a way to tell prospects what you and your business can do for them. Your LinkedIn profile allows you to show the different areas of your business and then lead prospects to the appropriate webpage to get even more information. The goal of a resume however, is to list accomplishments, achievements and jobs held. It simply lists your job

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descriptions, past and present. A resume does not mention the kind of person you are and why someone should connect with you. And, a resume doesn’t allow you to focus on the here and now and what you can provide your potential clients today like your LinkedIn profile should.

Reason #4: Resumes are usually limited to 1-2 pages while a LinkedIn profile is not.

While it’s usually not a good idea to submit a resume that is more than 2 pages long, you don’t have that kind of restriction with an online profile. You can include more information, more details, more accomplishments, more strengths and more keywords. The more information you include the more credibility you will gain, the more connected to your prospects you will become. Once you gain their trust, it will become much easier to sell your products, services or even the idea of joint venture relationship.

Reason #5: A LinkedIn profile enables you to brand yourself much better and much

easier than a resume ever could.

Everything from yourself, your company to your products and services can be branded on your profile. For example, if you are the best at selling widgets, then make sure your profile clearly articulates that – and reinforce your brand throughout the profile, including your experience section. In the following pages you will find templates that will help you create a more intriguing, more engaging experience section that will have people wanting to connect with you. Then we will finish off by giving you examples of profiles that we have completed for clients.

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Quoted Expert Template

Explain why you are a

quoted expert, what makes

you different, what does

the media like about you

Give examples where you

are quoted

Give examples of articles

you have published

Give examples of TV,

radio and teleseminar


Include links to some of

the most popular content

you have to offer so those

in the media can see if you

are a match for them

Add a final call-to-action –

check out your media kit,

media page, etc.

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The Subject Matter Expert Template

Tell your story here –

what makes you the

expert, including how you

became the expert

Show how you are

different from others in

your industry

Provide examples of your

success to prove that you

are the expert

Add a testimonial or

endorsement explaining

that you are the expert

Explain how you can help

your LinkedIn connections

– what value can you

provide as the expert

Add a call-to-action to get

more information on your


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The Coaches or Consultants Template

Give background info why

your LinkedIn connection

should trust you as a


Explain why you are

providing this

information, let them

know that you are not

bragging but you are using

it to show that you have

the knowledge, education,

resources and experience

to help them achieve their


Show your prospects what

you will do for them

within your



Add testimonial showing

the results that a client

achieved using your


Add a call-to-action

Let us review your new profile at:


The Author Template

Explain the type of books

you write, why you are

writing these types of

books and why your

connections should be


List your first book that

you want to promote

Explain who your books

are targeted to and how

Explain what kind of

information and secrets

readers will find within

your book – bullet points

work perfect here

Add call-to-action to grab

a free sneak preview, to

get more information

about your book or to

purchase your book

Insert the link you would

like them to visit

Now repeat the process for

another 1-2 books if you

have more

Let us review your new profile at:


The Speaker Template #1

Identify the problem that

your speech solves

For example: Communication is the #1 Issue Killing Morale, Motivation and Trust in Organization’s Today -- That's why it's important to get your employees, managers, leaders and yourself communicating for results! The question is...How can you when the best colleges in the world are ignoring this issue?

Explain how the

information you reveal

within your speech is


For example: You see, no one at the Harvard Business School or any other college or top business institution is teaching business leaders how to communicate like I do in my signature speech, "The 7 Deadliest Sins of Leadership & Workplace Communication"

Provide a bulleted list on

the information and

secrets your audience

members would learn

Add a call-to-action which

could include “Grab Your

Speaking Kit or Download

The One Sheet For This


If you have more than one

speech you can provide the

title and a quick synopsis

along with a call-to-action

to get more information

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The Speaker Template #2

How your audience

members will benefit from

your speech

Why do you deserve to

speak on this topic

Add bulleted list of what

audience members will

learn within your speech

For example: * The 2 Essential Skills Required for Champion Leadership * The 5-Essential Characteristics of CHAMPion Leader * The Only 2 Reasons Why People Will Follow You

Add a testimonial from

someone who listened to

your speech

Add how people can get in

touch with you to schedule

a speaking engagement

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The Therapist/Medical Practitioner Template

Explain the situations and

problems that your clients

and patients are facing

and coming to you for help

with. Paint an emotional

picture in our minds.

Describe how therapy can

help your LinkedIn

connections who are

dealing with the described

problems and situations

Show what your therapy

sessions are like and what

is involved.

Prove that you can help

prospects by showing


Add testimonials

Explain how prospects can

get started with therapy

and add a call-to-action

Let us review your new profile at:


Therapist Template #2

Add the language to the


To show you exactly how I can help you with (insert problem) let me share a story with you. The names have been change to protect my client’s privacy.

Create a story based on

one of your clients – do not

add names or identifying

features but explain why a

client came to you, explain

the situation and how the

client was suffering

Explain how you helped

the client and the steps you


Share the results of your

efforts and what your

client got out of your


How you can help your

LinkedIn connections or if

you are looking for

referral sources then you

want to put how you can

help the clients of your


Add how you would like to

be contacted

Let us review your new profile at:


The Lawyers Template

Explain why clients come

to you to be their legal

counsel – this is your

credibility builder, if you

have articles published

you should mention where,

if you are quoted in the

media you should say

where, if you voted a top

lawyer in your state you

should add that as well

Describe the area of law

that you practice and the

type of clients you are

looking for – mention who

your clients are if you can

name them by company

and why they have come to


Explain the results you

have achieved for clients

How you can help

prospective clients and

how they can get started

Add how you would like to

be contacted

Let us review your new profile at:


The Accountants Template

Explain why clients come

to you to be their

accountant – this is your

credibility builder, if you

have articles published

you should mention where,

if you are quoted in the

media you should say

where, if you voted a top

account in your state you

should add that as well

Describe your area of

expertise and the type of

clients you are looking for

– mention who your clients

are if you can name them

by company and why they

have come to you

Explain the results you

have achieved for clients

How you can help

prospective clients and

how they can get started

Add how you would like to

be contacted

Let us review your new profile at:


How To Get Your Own Customized Experience

Template If your position does not fit into the experience templates I provided here then email me at I will give you a template to follow for free as long as you allow me to include it in the collection. Again this is only for positions that do not fit the templates provided, if I feel that your position can fit into one of the templates I will let you know which template to follow.

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Part 3: How to Create Copy For Other

Elements of Your Profile

How to List Your Websites on the Top Portion of Your Profile

On top, in the blue boxed area of your LinkedIn profile – do you list your website and blog as:

♦ Company website

♦ Personal website

♦ My Company

♦ My Blog

♦ “Your Company Name”

♦ “Your Company URL” This doesn’t tell me why I should click on your website and what I will gain, You don’t show me (the reader) how I will benefit. It doesn’t stop me in my tracks and force me to go check your website out to see how you can help me. Now, here’s the language that I use for my website listings:

• Stop These LinkedIn Mistakes – I’m going to click here because I want to find out what mistakes I am making and what I need to stop doing now

• FREE LinkedIn Special Report – I may click on this as I know I am going to get something of value for free

• LinkedIn Quick-Start Program – I may click on this if I am looking for LinkedIn profile and marketing support.

Here are some more examples of what I have done for my clients:

♦ Increase Website Conversions

♦ Get A Live Website Review

♦ Free Website Mistakes Video

♦ Get a Motivational Speaker

♦ Women: Grab My New Book

♦ Free Podcasts

♦ Free Visionary Success Kit

♦ Become a Global Visionary

♦ Free Articles for Visionaries

♦ Free Self Sabotage Report

♦ Free Articles for Executives

♦ Cut Your Transition Time

♦ Stop These Leadership Mistakes

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♦ Workplace Communication Tips

♦ Improve Employee Motivation

♦ 7 Steps to Attracting Clients

♦ Easy Client Attraction Tips

♦ Client Attracting info product

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How to Effectively Use the Specialties Section to

Increase Credibility

Does your specialties section of your profile look like this:


Proven track record of success in building/managing enterprise software selling teams, business development, negotiating and closing of large strategic enterprise software agreements utilizing consultative and solution selling methodologies.

That may help with getting your profile found in LinkedIn keyword search or by the search engines – but your potential connections will see this and go blah, blah, blah – who cares? How boring!

This is the specialties section that we created for Linda Hampton:


* Helping women entrepreneurs, solo professionals and small business owners attract more ideal clients * Implementing client attraction formulas and strategies that generates a steady stream of ideal, highly qualified, clients who are ready to do business with you * Turning prospects into paying customers * Marketing and mindset strategies for women entrepreneurs * Helping women over 50 retire from the corporate world to build and grow a business that they can pass on to future generations.

Here’s another example of a specialties section – This is what we created for Skip



1. Improving organizational and workplace communication among leaders, executives and employees in insurance companies, CPA and legal firms, nonprofit organizations, global corporations and other businesses with revenue between $5 million and $50 million 2. Doubling productivity by improving employees' attitudes, morale and motivation.

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3. Applying positive influencing strategies in the workplace that gets results - without using positional authority.

Now does that get attention? Use the specialties section to show the audiences what

you specialize in and the results you achieve in your specialty.

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How to Generate Interest For Your Books and Articles

in the Publication Section

I recently completed a “Live” LinkedIn Profile Review for Donna Price who is the author of the book “Launching Your Dream.”

Now, here’s what she put for her book within the publications section Launching Your Dream”, by Business and Life Coach Donna Price, is an effective and proven process for taking a day dream off the shelf, visioning it and bringing it into your reality. What dream have you been sitting on? Waiting for the right moment… Take a step today and buy your “Launching Your Dream” book and kit The book takes you step by step through along the path of “Launching Your Dream”: a weaving of Donna’s story of dream making with her process. Her story inspires and motivates as you begin creating your own vision and dream.

Now, you’d think – “What’s wrong with that?” But, it can be improved

and here’s how…

• She could tell a bit of her story to make me say “wow” – I want to learn how she launched her dream. This way it will motivate me to buy her book

• She could reveal some of the secrets that she’d cover within the book.

Now, follow this template:

Give a quick synopsis

of your story on how

you became a success

and some of the

troubles you

encountered. Let it be

known that you share

more of your story

along with tips, tools

and resources to help

them achieve their


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In bullet point fashion

reveal some of the

information readers

will find within your


Show endorsements for

your book

Add a call-to-action

Here’s another template for you to follow:

Share some endorsements

for your book

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Explain why these people

are endorsing your book

Reveal what readers will

find inside your book

Add call-to-action

And, here’s another template:

Explain the problem

your book solves and

why it’s a problem

Reveal how your book or

article will solve your

readers’ problem(s)

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Show a bulleted list of

what your readers will

learn inside your book

Add a call-to-action

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How to Take Advantage of the Contact Part of Your Profile

Most people’s contact section at the end of the LinkedIn profile looks blank. All they simply do is list (by check marking) what they are interested in connecting about. So their contact section looks like this:

Contact Settings

Interested In

• consulting offers • new ventures • job inquiries • expertise requests • business deals • reference requests • getting back in touch

You see, there is no copy that reiterates who you are looking to connect with and how they should connect with you. There is no call-to-action. And, it doesn’t re-state how you can help me. Take a look at these successful examples:

Here’s the copy Donna Price created after getting our “Live” LinkedIn

Profile Review…

Contact Settings

We specialize in working with managers and leaders through our comprehensive leadership development institute or through customized in house training. We work with non profits as well as corporate clients. Please provide information as to the type of company, work team and time frame for completing the initial plan. Our leadership development programs include comprehensive training, masterminding and executive coaching as well as customized onsite training and coaching and a monthly leadership symposium program that provides monthly training and leadership development resources. Learn more about our offerings:

Here’s the copy we created for Skip Weisman…

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Contact Settings

If you are an executive, leader or organization interested in improving your workplace communication and performance, please check out my website at and my blog at: Before you contact me, please read the content I provide. Grab my special report at: Then if you think I'd be a perfect match for you or your organization, then, please feel free to contact me. If you are an organization looking for a speaker for your next event, please go to: And, don't forget to check out my speaking videos at: If you are a member of the media and if you would like to interview me or if you would like to publish one of my articles: 1. Listen to my media interviews and teleseminar recordings and check out my media mentions & published articles at: 2. Contact me right away by email at: To your workplace communication and organizational development success, Skip Weisman Workplace Communication Expert

And, here’s what Anne Pryor uses in her contact section:

Contact Settings

My clients are aware of their need to live their meaningful brand. I'm accepting coaching clients, lawyers, business owners, marketing & sales leaders and careerists who are interested in creating or enhancing their online brand presence, in need of LinkedIn profile development, Online Branding, LinkedIn training and coaching for business development or job search. I welcome and accept meaningful connections to my special LinkedIn network if we've

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had a chance to meet in person, at an event or if we've visited over the phone or via email. I look forward to helping you live your meaningful brand. Mahalo, Anne Pryor

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Part 4: Proven Profile Examples

Check out my summary:

What you should notice:

#1 – Look how I grab your attention right away

#2 – See how I build credibility by mentioning that the New York Times

called me a social media expert.

#3 - How I funnel prospects to different areas of my website as I show

them how I can help.

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Check Out Adam Hommey’s Summary


1. Adam’s summary headline

2. How he tells his story and explains how he started his new


3. How he shows specific results for clients

4. How he explains what you will find at his new website

( and how he can help


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Look at Karel Murray’s Summary:

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1. Karel’s summary headline gets your attention by having a warning. 2. Karel gives you background information – but more importantly she shows

specific results which explains why you should invest in her books, products and services

3. Karel explains who should connect with her and how

Now, look at her experience sections and notice the format and


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Let us review your new profile at:


Let us review your new profile at:


Notice the Call-to-Actions in Sara LaForest and Tony Kubica’s

Experience Section:

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Check Out Skip Weisman’s Profile

Now, look at the current positions. Notice how I turn each position into an attention getting headline. This is something we have recently tested and experimented and will now implement with every client. Now, look at his summary, publications and experience sections:

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Let us review your new profile at:


Let us review your new profile at:


Let us review your new profile at:


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Notice the “How I Can Help You” Template in Carrie Jacob’s Profile

Notice how Carrie uses a customer story and testimonial in her

experience section:

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Check out the direct response copywriting on the Article Marketing

Expert’s profile (Eric Gruber)

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1. How Eric gained credibility by mentioning where he is published 2. How Eric reinforced the connection’s need for Eric’s products and services by

telling prospects why they are reading his profile 3. How Eric explained to prospects how he can help them 4. How he uses testimonials to gain even more credibility 5. How Eric funnels his prospects

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Part 5 – Your Next Steps After you have completed your profile you have to market your business on LinkedIn. That what my next e-book in this series, Instant LinkedIn Marketing Templates will cover. However, before you jump in marketing why not make sure your profile is as strong as it could be. You spent the time creating the content using my templates. Now see how we can make it even more effective so people will want to connect with you.

Introducing Our Brand New ‘Live’ on Screen Capture Video LinkedIn Profile Review Where We Pinpoint Exactly What You Need To Add, Tweak, Change And Remove From Your LinkedIn

Profile So You Can Get More Prospects And Profits

Check out my live profile review service at: I will show you what aspects of your profile can use improving as much more, such as:

• “Live” expert feedback and commentary on each section of your profile, including detailed line edits. And, because we’re doing it “live” on video using screen shot software, you’ll be able to follow along as we inspect your LinkedIn® profile and uncover every mistake you are making.

• Overview of your presentation, including strengths and weaknesses.

• Substantive and technical suggestions for improvement.

• Simple ways to position yourself on LinkedIn as an expert in your field.

• Tips and strategies on how to utilize the most-up-to-date features of LinkedIn to your advantage. Get your live profile review here: