Line Detection

Post on 26-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Line Detection

Individual Assignment

11. Line Detection of an Image




U. V Vandebona13440722

Tools and Techniques Used



HoughLinesP Function

Canny Operation

Gaussian Smoothing

Hough Line Transform

It is a transformation technique used to

detect straight lines.

To apply the Transform, first an edge

detection pre-processing is desirable.

Line in an Image expressed as…

Cartesian coordinate system

Polar coordinate system

y = mx +


For Hough Transforms, we will express lines in the Polar system

How it Works





Arranging the terms: 

How it Works…

In general, for each point (x0, y0) , we can define the family of lines that goes through that point as:

Meaning that each pair  (rθ,θ ) represents each line that passes by  (x0, y0)

How it Works…

If for a given  (x0, y0)  we plot the family of lines that goes through it, we get a sine wave.

For instance, for x0 = 8 and y0 = 6  and  we get the following plot (in a plane coordinates with θ and r)

We consider only points such that

r > 0 and 0 < θ < 2π

How it Works…

We can do the same operation above for all the

points in an image.

If the curves of two different points intersect in the

plane  coordinates with θ and r, that means that

both points belong to a same line.

For instance, following with the example above and

drawing the plot for two more points:  x1 = 9, y1 =

4  and  x2 = 12, y2 = 3, we get:

The three plots intersect in one single point (0.925, 9.6), these coordinates are the parameters ( θ, r) or the line in which  (x0, y0) ,  (x1, y1)  and (x2, y2)  lay.

So it means…

A line can be detected by finding the number of

intersections between curves.

The more curves intersecting means that the line

represented by that intersection have more


In general, we can define a threshold of the

minimum number of intersections needed

to detect a line.

Hough Line Transform

It keeps track of the intersection between

curves of every point in the image.

If the number of intersections is above

some threshold, then it declares it as a line

with the parameters ( θ, rθ)  of the

intersection point.


1. Loads an image

2. (Optional) Convert to grayscale

3. (Optional) Blur Image

Gaussian Smoothening

4. Edge Detection

Canny Operation

5. Line Detection

Hough Line Transformation
