Linda Nussbaumer on Indoor Environment

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Transcript of Linda Nussbaumer on Indoor Environment

Indoor Air Pollution:Health Effects & ChallengesLinda L. Nussbaumer, PhDProfessor of Interior DesignSouth Dakota State University

Plain Green Conference 2008

2008 25 September

Indoor Air Pollution:Health Effects & Challenges

Causes of Indoor Air PollutionHealth Affects from Indoor Air PollutionChallenges for designersChallenges for individuals with MCSConclusions

2008 25 September

Cause of Indoor Air Pollution

Categories of indoor air pollutants

Sources of Indoor Air Pollution

Affects from Indoor Air Pollution

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)◦ An array of symptoms that affect some of a

building’s occupants while they are in the building and that diminish or go away when they leave the building, yet “cannot be traced to specific pollutants or sources within the building”.

Chronic Illness◦ Asthma◦ Multiple Chemical Sensitivity◦ Other

SBS definition from EPA, 2003

Affects from Indoor Air Pollution

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or MCS◦ “A condition in which a person reports sensitivity

or intolerance . . . to a number of chemicals and other irritants at very low concentrations”

EPA, 2003

Criteria for diagnosis of MCS

1. The illness must be chronic condition2. Symptoms recur reproducibly3. Symptoms occur in response to low levels of

exposure4. Exposure is to multiple unrelated chemicals5. Symptoms improve or resolve when incitants

are removed6. Multiple organ systems are affected

Bartha, et al, 1999

Symptoms triggered by Exposure

Locations of Exposures

Poorly ventilated buildingsCommunities with high air or water pollutionExposure in unique situationsAir-tight buildings with poor IAQ

Synergistic Reactions

One chemical mixing with another chemical◦ Creates a volatile reaction within the body

Alcohol and barbiturates Tobacco smoke & radon gas

Bower, 2000

Problems diagnosing MCS

Problems with Indoor Air (IAQ)

EPA, 1995

Challenges for designers

Challenges for individuals with MCS

Where are the problems/challenges?◦ Live◦ Work◦ Play◦ Shop


Thank you

Linda L. Nussbaumer, PhDProfessor of Interior DesignSouth Dakota State University