li.llylaUi. hwdt...UvhtU**» OC liHfcntiin-*, which mew BOI »i}«iiCf,i hj tw ihvim or hi* tkeitr,...

Post on 27-Sep-2020

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Transcript of li.llylaUi. hwdt...UvhtU**» OC liHfcntiin-*, which mew BOI »i}«iiCf,i hj tw ihvim or hi* tkeitr,...

C e n tra l T im e s B u i ld in g , (Ce n t r a l S i n s .♦ «f*Jaw P l M r W n W H S H *


FROTBBHIOMAL CARDS- boriness cjutue.

Frost Hi.. opjH-lir Xcibodiat CEpuch,ThirwilL’g ’ I'riffiiui

u i (.tie kuu i -till liiuro >1 tlx txaKIt uri UvhtU**» OC liHfcntiin-*, which mew BOI ■»i}«iiCf,i hj tw ih v im or hi* tkeitr,othl Spr iif IbrllsSluln^uf Sh t f I*, fullIn U 1-aUdloaC the forehead awl riablotjfllW ! *u hi he I t I OS lll*l-Inii * itl n*lc, u rtrjrfl lit* a-jl'l- ingrr.

■iLtjairi: (slit l uni Mr* llcukr.■ ll.-.A -V- Wmm ... .1 - ' IS,.-. I_

writ In a h t lv n i the tg « o f (jrtltA and nix ter a ; BheEpr’ it "Uncoil Mab" at sixteen : Byron?* "Kigtiali Baydsu d Hraraah Reviewer*'1 u twenty ;W * l» r (W ag* Lander* “ Poems,"pibliilud ia'bi* the-nti-th jr t r , MillIh*-Lyrtrtl tV*Et*” o f Allied Tracy- h d , ilioed i l t t # i * n e If* - lleOej Ttykw'a “ jainc t e w i n ' ' was »t- ta»n«*f hsfit* 6* hid attained iii* i

■ L lu l^u J*rn.|4'* (itat [>Ea v, though act |wrlormtHi liD Lit ■ 'i|il teootb, * ta "T iH a is Us fitt**uth j **r ; and J ama*f Sheridan Knowles wiOlw hit first , drama at twelTo jean of a**. fur g company o f itng" strath boy*. iuk4 - whom ha sraa the "tU r” — Hr•(uA tymartrr/j Xrtrnt

ALES. M. H lN iP l t .

furnishing Undertakerft'WV*- 1 ill, rl, m . M uei I t * iV— lu l .. P L A I S F I E L D . IT . J.

il su «n#»l %t<S b*cs w*t I* S*DDC ell*(BWT Ifl Wllsolt In *•.*-** With transport be rrV iiril'iu* look brisltrq i


b * v l n u c E s i w

Jf-nglifih nnti Italian ATnMc1 >iHbagiwul* . j

m s s n r * r . n ,r*»il Of aids,*, m i l * m t i i o i

■Mnna ballinir FriH and Mhtk tlm k

JV B . C O W A M ,U t o r u o T - d t f j v w , Act:..j u r i s t ’ f i f l /- f A',mmimmram r*n r » ji» » iL - »* i*r " l (u not qrlWitl*'!, ik*l AIW,C' a l l

MsJiic HcUrr, ••)(.*■* jus b»vr kCptiup *,iirh -fml *ii!rlr«thniaal(*i«:li real tin®b- l*s To k » r*ifi -r uni itudwr *o *■ rl/. U. belrfl so rniis-lj slooc. sod l i har» ■<Anti to d-p-nd d|»!H hill jeiindif t * (ijv isc riir l wuaM ha** lo*l«lloaiinar and ab tne Joy w We" ,y ; .i “ l luwatri r tlumiht Bincli abdat It, she i » e M ; "bin l W h *( mj pj*y[ul- *> *i l* a k rvault of aij- hard lei*. My Wo«>i r.iii. * wss tony -tea and npiir i- ovediiuily *-” 1. r«p«l»lly ■■'lit Lja»1n»nnllww anil roe , .anil »u f uaiur«lflg *s*r- l*il fiiy*r I xo c liver aim as raucii ay po*.t lil.. rtruijli. my chi Idle* trlcli pn,l hi. irr.-wleu in -mm !■«-»«** »lt:k, <Jfii.ii*Biv world VI.|U||| hstr ha'-iwonl if*-I lisil ■oi til-1 my brat iri *.bn«r me *llffr Jin Inti of'Ike el*-u<i t Nstanlly. jtiwrqm links 11* ihe dark slJe«r BTsryinlur.''

i: "tj.iw old wars jrms than F' ?

r.Efl-.'.NI (Mi TUBM I A M I a n d 0 1 1 ( 1 1

■ E W A N. EUNYLtK, ■

|kttDnirf5 & . PjcuttjsrUorsI T L A W ,

B®iaPtto. Hisun W InaJHs u SUikft,p3 s :'* ajanfjwsw*— *<> ''i»»"i)ii<io »ad '***'luBs w^nCMIslr union *c*y(ix:

The Setect Morning Cf«sLlcnii'nUrj EoKlibh BramJiih,j ■ roittfirLsboiihiJi oM t , I

Wl** J ftrtKK llM E BW K H H .[amt b c ro w * iuddl, SfsUater 20. 1175.Nivub l.fwli( La SUI N' E m (jltA-WIKCI

J . H . P l A T T A J . H E 7 S E R


P .P . COOD,'tTwm it msatDH at l

K O T h l lV P U B L IC ,n o n l i t u a i m i B r i j i t i

stained to shell : “ At this apa- Lana ain't well

P i a a c i F e r t e I n s t n i c t i e n

TLonouiR t roirtrTiKT,

M is t M A R Y E. P E R IN E <: at nr*|. I Wnpt. ciMill nuiH., tiocI^onM not Ip tomSKlol. But w ih jru |ny cmtMbrtu JilOt.'jrt ires e noa rlalt, bla wif* scot owool or Ih^riiam- 1h<, paying * -till away, ra thaL l|* ihar aat fvi-your ntiummi tiouiiwaaarv inmvdiIkWlyat 1*1* entrant*, lie ClUOn hpor In I.iTrrpb III El-elf. ool be p*t rot rely^at «r l,iiaV That brapflh 1 tik i » bit se|ji»». I jH0Q*M : ‘ If Ww earth W«<r» of Me I li ad (fit atlll tw "alh S|»n t' ; th»( V-*r- f-rnlil cJaanui' notblsjc; they would *ml> thow that I w i* rtnrislrlul to mylfrlfoiU ■ml. iii.-iutiii1*-. ahoiT. thalr qanfort. [law Hi all they lo*n yon.' I ht> rn- aetr.Jirydu make thmn al) uiieoi,if«i*Wi,» |r joo had not tswmilbinA&nlkte tf t t liod bnt scut you u«t of the i»a*-' r*iol« Jheu d kill' mail • 'Yen *IP*n u* w* inwhrtenv iihr'n! Ihlnm: anil l ht-lkei* Ihl* hoi gut

kojurninaeimd naimw now.” j.i, “Yob nr. ttks Uae bn La the Cafc.," la.leriDpixi [«oturd: "ml ways suck ipwbtiE-A'JI IP’n* e erj How*r How 1™- Il

A . O l 'D E R D O K E ,

C m EHILM8EB Sc 80RTBY(; | K J U N n S tD * »■ 3- .


twii la hi* oJw*>p

&JSTi-TSJid SOI lO*« [<r V*ikdMttllnwoav-t<» 'aw on thii w__.. ilirfolil !I.iiry aad Ml rim'* l a n . t # f l . s

try rertaluly ba> not act* *H parpoow, buy out ul

Ue was stteatioo JiarlJ —c,-Th* uiw^nalitj nkoovt erarywiioio

viaiblv ift hrinihb affaire i*. p*rh*[i»' .analirre indra oils pie uhoi tlun m (Tib nmtriil lh» |>*rtur1y >>imredtuST wLieh itiknd* iuatniuufiial (leiions iu sOtna pally of tick world; and Ibo whirK aecaai(*aoi»ftiiam in ottipr |*art»—ill# absent* not BiejpJ.K of ** (irieai.dnit erra o f* ju » ;t io uf the jwot-, at thfl nuptmla oftliu Hvath-riau. Islanj*. nmt the ufllu* ant prrsvnc* of lv*tl or ijorr Lrfe-olaa* cUrgYiutn it the fuLiohakle. c lobra- tioas in our urn dwriotj*. Tito f*ia.

. (naaa to (UarFf b f . tlul eninmonji of Lnndipg orer tbr ’bside's pat j thn coupler probwded buckowarJ at man and onto, ffiibojt farther adic Hut *> then* psopls now burn s kina who is iUrotWl. In atinin vr.(firips, tub rg ii i !'*, and triKa# ambtfem* 9f projf ruts, do(ibttBs**thei'laili*h of hk king­dom harp .jlilaimJ: glihsp-iir* Of "wo', msn’a riubl*,1 inipittftli *loeg wiii inker ubbvk* from.tie I ’ oitrti. Smloy, mid aocordiuulj. Mo d-Hib™ they d» toot now auilvt |!,*si(*lrei to1 be 'li** pusod of in ,.ip Ll a -raslUrr Dnuui.*.Marriage vsitit ulb Dio modern iut- jroTouieBls +onlA nut- uwuhturmilj Li! one or lb*t eariksb mlormy iutrir duerd by Ud inaoYalin^. liuiala t-m'- UieBe- Inirtnad i>ril*wriU|l Usw pr**- SEBS III twi> |-J|' retytnPn, (ho Cnnnmil Turlnrs ark B*id tb'willia thepri of baring OPd, «v iritW *• tp

.keep him rlnndiwjf rrntpid* at tlv* briil'1* window, (Ltt>U|jb. which hi thru wo hi* ferroul**. Other bartmf- •JUS aad uriiu-barbirom. iwoplr lu i« von-monies elkljnrUt* enough, 'though o f a i|0* » l ibmiWclUr.- imuug w r lo t tir* vrorslii|iery tb«« happy couple an united by 11 i*m o f liwif gsuaraii and lad mpitpeesaion sruuudia liru. On the bank*, wf the OaUgue, tlu Jl/abmin priatt, ih« bride u 4 bridu- groum all hold o n ,to the. tnil nit meow : another Iliiahw* Iw l™ i i for the Lrida and bridegroom to njioyir ru» «n each other’’ .bead. In. Ceylon ihoy wero tied uumhet by tlio 'thumbs, the Courtship bkeiug begun by the loTUr ruDdinpn*bur lusfuture witVa clothoa uuicli. is to be rut mavl along with a bus b.nJ, sh» readily pan, with ; at htr a*ri u liuh in. aha Cbiarso prat- tier o f three dayr moanring before ■ wrdding may risn cirunl, bat it i* hfeidlj so cumins, as marrying u living tana Or woman to Lha gTET* bf cue betroiwjd K* Atm or hot tiofudadr at la—* cua'cui ha longing fco iftoUi.

HEAL. ESTATE BROKER,i LAtiryirj.n, n.up quickly I tO j, Henry Wiruldli.llylaUi. hwdtMUSIC

’ -rail *l ** rwU-av. ua ia>L. l«S --------


f ' I - I A f E . J A Q T J KA R C H I T E C T , j

• P la ln t le k i . N e w J cn is f; . . . O F r t C E ;

IP'TW jr M.rpflj

thiiil csraestly broke It■ -iod yaa ara m-llof ri

the minnen and cnitdmuif tlu* |wn- plp'Uas kaowa. W » may truly *4/ tliat the population o f ttunnica, of the eitretuB Last, of Central Aria, o f India, of Eg|iyi, and oren of tbs IW- dunin tribe! Iksnonil tlie Ionian, aranow morn familial- fo n« Chaji that nt this little cornet of th* earth, so oft- *n troddsn I j Kuropoan travaUr* - Tonriata, pilgrim*, and aft 1 rants pout into the c out try, bat all, nearly, witb- uut aaceptiAn, lor did* rant reasenu nagieCt to notice *B4 toadvr any n ,

'count of the oqly.tbing wtiiuh is a**- lirely fresh .and ilntouchod—the ss-i

’ live, ol the jdare. Thu rmuu ut tiua may vbiedy bar found iu tin muds ■>| (rawliu^ ta which the £uropeal>i is cundoadad in I'uieatme. Clearly isTaritbly ks ha* |B hand Aimulf (*M to the mercy ...I thn im-sltahln dragoman, an (b iltrd ir * smcial,.,pe­culiar to tike fimnn .if th« I f t tw V And i <muhin|Dg the fonctiopa of inter-; prefer, ■<*'« Ma/ti, guide and toar- w*r. wltosrf eiriiU*itjtanc" hb hs* romlo' in Kgrpt. Ttmrw, howdaer, it mat'tsred liltla.-fiw not *Ten a dragnnmncan apiii (fin etfecl produced by UmsptanOor e**(CniU.*.(Kw. the letu-plc* and k fib eo f the ITw iioh * Bur while'on the bank* ot the N ils ha it, kept ia bia place as a serraut, in tjyria hv hvcomsa* a(aater aociadesisyt. An iiasiiogl |4>;t urn luight be ‘Irsvs ol tbs misfuTtttnoj o( tiui+e who have tw. some the u « j o f tb<**e gentry, but t ■ ill uicrsl] ndotiou lbs great draw, back to t l i ir cptmevev, via., that it lliadara gli diJw L aoutacL with- tin} jnsusb, Slid. Dti |b" efUct of si n O M tu V u } the nifpkiuui people srhvae confidoteu ia at sapreine t* U

Flaiafliid Public School. “jau art, even uour, p* chap*. I Link ii*i, •Vfbold I w.;** a ties it y swar.' t

bcouard trijpiblcil In terror u 111* ksot*. fr * words,' Md cast a HIUliu look, li- *Lj)ji<(Irrly et .tUc yoaiii: lUalilrn.’ ' A esj n (lsT rcpeaim lli'rtnlitai-tittle Ely. tnvl dt«w with uik Iuo I tb* lit i l fAuuato'W*iMf, will Ic t hr nth *r*t mch- n| In lu u r t lf [an rils me ointtic’t. "You Ji jvr rrri-1 n'<l IP*- 9* a rhLM m." the buuii; fiu wno'i iJ«hf'*r «wa,v now ! i ,

"l sciiJ y<jw4wor '■ AU, *“ •' * " i i i t taUI lo cotllijruf III till* wiklekue*., tb|a Blwhl'y hoaiWiJBf thesidv of on. *,cr. Or Kpuiultup. ig n brand win. I rouble^" •

*,ii< <|iS nee *nl*k ilio *e*)leuce. bin Ikhl b e I.Ai.1 '•it,t*y ahftUlilcr rtf the ictrj. who


m aih i.wtnvlst l Pat ..a myseirafcrt loT you i whouM not bear It;oh abroad Mhltrtrri. Oli, I do5r for in j- ir llmir . I saff.-r IrW

! Ik urrUilc whit wo b*v# ti* benr K- H,! la jour r.thw, |ft.n., i;

| in imini him. In irrmbUec i'"u-.|| "V ;’ . P " tkf I kt hT BC trpl

! sjjuetlierwl j»t ivronlilvr T<Hfr liulred. niv—" ■ .f i t - did .l-ilcWBh-Lvt!. win H-riul<;e-. *rli.. On-kr huMc Him llnr nuvi-nm' iori P>ek M.I. tnr», Uir li;irj».|'rliftrl and ptaj-I a n

Trie young ni:in fts.1 itcppcil q


PLAIMFIELD COLLEGETHE COSM OPOLITAN’ B illia rd ^ R o o r n ^I’ hdlin’e I in p rev iwl |to\el Thblrs-

V O T IN G L A D I E S .Pw4urstary Dv-purtitiynt fur Mtwe* rhooi ytu Bicrofc frnu Ifr 1>JrJ V.IH-I. r a w * tu-tkue TLerflM Ul jmt. .:_C!"r£:M*V« UuMT* Mu«r*|*w: lin-vif.arlKIil... >tOl. * , [ *

riasjL K. gEMviiy. T-tin. ji«i.

Building Superintendentso r r i o z ; ■ s .

dlor. Chnrry St. , A N orth A y *.


iK£«n*|. -Uaw ***^>~iLl-- *w»*i • *»il LB* aw-li- |K*"llT It BIT flaw,rjf>.roj, ,L‘ LW w A 'a Unilrititv.

*ml fwi in*..; it 4.1 a field. ■. i­, J A3." I I , FO RCE.

, p. (xtron6i«| e(Jli

‘Maisn'mid *JCad. D. t i . K O H U ’9French Steam Dye

! Scouring Works,W H lJfKriri t'A R lJS

> 7T . D O J H C J 1 C , BOOT i ’ h ^ O E S T O P

BOOTS & SH o 5 cAt Ri-ilut-rd Pricer, for Cwth.



NAPliKwdOD ^ i l»-i<( iLit'i ir**nO til i, ill

i i nrili I inililit Taiully •ilU *u iiur- liVv rvLir-j *a they lia'v. •huii-" ' * _ .Rui>t*iru tv M rea-mo Car yuur icaTlugtlwWrw,'Mjcioanf twok- iu. sir.«! or YM'.leraric. m i added plajrrul- lv ; -The tlma when ladle-. lo»e reilTr racul haa out oewrly com* to ju U.

six ikUjmad and repUt<Jartl«ly ■ Tli -T^LTSi^Zr.T^r■juke mrynpcoiy aadhluilly « f «iw ’.*►•«e.1 ivStVj** ‘We rilft fjnnratcd j«*l e> 1 [|J/he .-»liJ ; “bat It ucu i Oi­

ls Injtli le felarc to mjah a Year Jiivi* peiHai-oyi b=w

W t:? CHAJfT TA ILO R ,. r™ .,i8 L . '™ l t " 1" -,First-(!l*s Cloi^WSto Order■ i ' H i i c J i - S

Lorrospomlmg tn iU e t it ll“ ff

Icuniril *»« itOQ’ lv fPlBTmsit. rrl ■Insiraa.l hj 111* Iptothrl'a mile. Kvnj eLgn erifLaplcas iiivd from rii* colui-***** and itul ItaLdrc* brasKil wrtli rciru-

by, IlcrntWuv *h»Fpvli la tbem aqos awl callril out. M ra a

' OarToagin, .Mr WMllittgtbn M k<i« lias writtea

a new wor}( r.a had English. Soma of the ernYs *bieh he singles otit ar* decidedly AmAnisg. Pet a sample :

■•A farrfcr lamenting, in an nicer- ti lament, Hi* tricks plsjed on ills public by nnprincipled tueu In bis

" 'Rartastly i*^ucBti ladin to bring to him that skins, which, he promis­ee shall bn into muds andbona.’ j< |

“ “Two aiirsri want washing.’"Hara must hate haea a strange

M R S - P . xJ ju it fr* '‘ J BetlrUlwlKrUUM illin e ry ! Battsete," H ats, iBUaeiijsg Mid Fresaihg don*

»bo3t eftjirt. ffrottnn eurl*dn*d dynd. f ’iiihnqt don*

TUi-sbiUJ maM Use ETvilcet' ktfcrl to rs'M h-r ilroufriut *y-ild* bat , juhi AuL , t f «r v i, itu-y shat *g*ia amt b*-v. hr*<I nnti ■!**•** in 'b- V.v.rn— lap, by .wboae-kldv S3K Eiul kEcIthanwIl'dOKu., “Ijt uar,l'.Save djri.tiKi|,*i>,l £Cw mrith- vr «B!ii 1 " VuU mrfvt uot hik* L b y. Anmis (laud Ur ICO tu bwl alone " '

Tbrluurruptluu ws*.viJ-uUy a*,-..a* jal uj bulb | . .

"Ob, >o day. Cor • Use Erst ilurifTIaiLvd ^boiar aul ttachbi toast iu: r "Anna

J.-l Hcriwipue."Wclb ihvn, emu* *a*1u muje. ' .|cwll"»l

lit* lUidcr. 'I amiil bur |*» little ■mil iu Hit >ad—ar arc joe tJr*il, ■ wrrt ■child t~

■■ll*-rm ioaa lier •!*• S«» sm r weary wbrh >db* MI at bar «k.a*li . sed Waul wet Wltp (ha i^Uctw. whujjproegfa lfe< lavLUiu aad llw pLcaaara <>r rising put IA tvd by Clew i|altv j|rcij ."A“ .” MiaIba child. “ U iii|.i*i* van

bow II- nrinild eobil. r. .^|*,'i*|(j as hebelieve* wkai Llavlta w»l, that all gvr i , n x j wnt eld. r— rc-d. tydOtic pe*- !*f. fallow a* ,..r*pusrej and m¥jfT7 u »-;|. h V :

Hermann* laBgkad h.-Jclilj- j*er the pteiltrr- “li** J” *r lLm-i uH.’n , «■ have JOB 1 HL*xread alt thisf r

p i»W miOlffritnek,G ITY M U XS.

P . M L F R E N C H f t S O N S , j..j.i*in(-rl*T*nil prlvileuv* walcl. wunld Idot^hckaHgW y *r Hturo poailiou! Iu.

'-- vriiJl k irl. b Ib-r bury nt ahrvwflojr a full e»n«wr¥U>i®E.' ciclilmevl Lmiastd, Anablug iu “ Of a',I rgotlatlcal custom},Uune aw t*u‘UkcvLal a* tbuea that flatter, ili'a tor gdor owo jroovl ToatM, bowroaz Lu'a*Lr yuii umdelicate,' Ac. .' -you lomy KL*i»iiicr ifijiEtict, n«- iwerisl tteekiWUL- hwmtly. -Toleave juq ■it lOOir'siM' be. ‘ gacu Josephine *dJTiirodoriSu Lo balls won Id be hard (ufu and v,i Jake jo* will* tb-m a « J ErrniiLUiiA'Lbli m i l k l lW lb t r b d Itial w# fiftiidliaol npapl*euwkvrc| . iii - y a ^ S s s l i 'X a » _ -+iarnyr 51*4 « « vscha^lw *glxiec*. Will* kar *•*•. * buc*11 r tnrn-d In*

jhrtteiu j f*nd I *'m i x naM lawkvtwr B*0 '

Mrrt pFoallailr W


ABRi HAM*"5C-BEETS0 N,' i-iii ■rarirnn-

O irH ogr* aahl «■ >Ar ly p r i.BOSSES ANT E H M R S TO 1ST,

C K J O D T U A l t f - O U M

Birsa hjrir 1M Dnjfat olsiil.lev US to-' a f lt s g rp.q|gSY *


the ,Aee i “huk ihaj are idar. g“i*i gfri# -And jo* h*** k « a “ bait*, par­

t ly and plane* of pica* a ft? **k<d joapg

- I r’ aased theyonn* e>*ld«n <1* 11* **- unkFaWM af tha qamtiob. "If "J tlltr m l wtfr Went «at, wHBchvdy bad u* stay at hAdiit Y=»b Um tblldrva. »a r »h- con naked la a rriaodlT.P«**ot u*«-pre ; “L h»»c nut lx*-B aCCWLuokr.l [u oaf. IJ fliiiug SeTef fc*T. madam ; Il wifi W lee* IliftcLJV So rnn nt lit HU Kile a (hnn K»•> el rnf Old time U way aot «*r *

iprekirWwrt.nnO,- aaeaddni with m m ' vvc laaghtflg. bam. “asT godiuhet a wifc aw u n tfE kind iu « »• ;>■* a>t ' j

Purina lW . last word*, la grsCelvI nnlacNau way, *h« had mad. room lor th. be. tabJV h*8Wv the •*(», w* ** m smng* lha tc- v — which warn heard ip prdachtao by a Blatter IE the U k d U . L Jolt no uuirklf afan Ttmlfnd Oil thing* (raw Henry's huda. greeting hi®wiLb a rmwdir teak «f acqanTatawKr TV salLT (V». o*tba M M » f b « w ^ W


what, th.rt )■ do pw i*," and i f Mf. toia untlwrilie* are>J«o b » k—1**T^ th i old seyisg baa u iltustratiod it cwtfaib p u k o f tha Skuiii where it ia• Bfiiflkfd (bat all ibtog* are l-d iy becanu tin* ''RadivaV'am . no long-

P L A lX F l f l B, ?t J>

T rtl'K fllJAY . OCT- 7, I 1

«a by a who b it iaQor city fw loiati tint**, l i t not only tak«* the yogfig eel 4 and break* bimr but he r* atU to correct tbi bail bab- ita of the aider onnual. K t * , i f t * i i .d!J bare Lina *■**»• skill 'applLed to iba hiimna aawal, what a xetulatioa ought be effrettd in tha Hfu of the world I f *11 the eTrori; uf a bad training, i f all the acquired **il hab- ila, oduld auly by takoa oat of man by a law day*' discipline; under a atom cannier, be in the . man w ko would ba hailed aa the ally <t rw itgood cause. W M Ml' Mulatto! f«* - tut tuch n. man would iA*ke. Haw hit would take the quirks rail Ian. iruneatil o f ih* diatotbet* o f the chinch jib . I ndoed, whet a b.nwfae (or to wny oiDiiaunity wi>1ild aUtb a trainer o f men be. and any ni> might well afford tt reiaa a special U i fbr bi« MlppOH

the organ of the eulufed Republicansof freorgia, intimates phnt the prevail­ing quiet ie da* to ifcfl flood behavior » f lb* negro and not *o the jnetlct of tJ.f-se In power. It eaja .

I « t *ny panj iu bower* in 4WJ North am Stale prredW to treat the minority aa baa tha Jifrty ia power IB troorgia, and (here who 14 be a re- ballioa in leu than lay nly-fottT hour* D ll we negrowe are p t going to i r - W , we aro net going to rate* an ia*■ uw olioi I f we (dull] re dure thefire* o f hell ia slavery and not « t a v we can endure injustice ra liberty- and not take our mutt in aur own hand*. A lung lived Vire, we can ah ford to wait on time; ,n religious rale. We can wait on <fod.' God in tiote. will fight for Ui , '

Ilk. Oufstt* A. PtoaiMisi one- of. I lie mrwt ihuuglitfiit writan of the; day, baa allowed the R siiee which: bar* hi* dune V» die. qn e**y death- It » * * published iu tha :ntare*t* qif the Roman Cat hu Lie tailb nnd of ll(*j

o f liia awn mind. Mr.'

v n u u i m m u

G R O C E R .Fm ct, Cvrlrli sod Vwrbin, earn Wild their rmphailc penal laalaM the; pan **Rr uT lie ortllnancr at iacor.*J stent anil n jia t 'Ifr fU t Gllnpl lad Tier InM It/ew , aad all Iba » l qa'iul IM ar-

Ad>olranl to (Jet 18, Itfflk. ’REDUCER OF PRICES.

Is irtenninedO u r tu * roa m * CrrravL Tins* m i raa u r o tr or m D u u t i d i i A'-aitcniru, . ■



I'hr sorn cropoT Ibrerrarii'.peasoe cor- i-n in ImmrnAr im . and H* growth larare ha%*f. Coald It be itiornouhlj rt- l*nel lit spaniiu would new-1 any parrtoaf crap, and the yield ftr »cr« w-ralil V OBI- III the lpml, autw|lh*t*ad- 1ns the j i f i by overflow of '■utloaU abdwtniailo* of flat, bewry anil*, tuck man, a prar1o|Flem than (he om t d*ia*#e* by ilrnuahn and la-eel*. whHi-Lbe rains hiregKnU j BMtfltcd Uc Cfop on hlgner awdrier rail*.

The Madmen for (he *vrer*l h i m kavfojlewk:.Maine, l(W|j Nc.W KaaiSlhtW.<•*: Varment. Vfi; H attach are tta,' I flifl , CoMienbciit. 108 ; New Yev*. » • New Jrnwy. ||t -^IVoeaylfaaia, I Hi, UeLaware, I HI: Mari land, 1H ; TlrwPala. 113; -V Cb.rvllea.lW: B. Hanllaa. *7: Cbwrala. !W; fTofTfla, Kl. Alabama. l « : Mnwttalprpi, 114; -lADlatana. 84; Tea.. H , An i i i ' i i . ' lM ; Tnnowt, IH : W Ylrila- i», 107; Kroincky, lOB: ualu. U7 : )tlcb- isaa. 101: Indiam.S3; ]|||«ola.*>: Wia. onoelUi JO . N il Dm-'la. 73 : lowA-Wj llluoanllll : KantM, 1W; Nehraska.

t h e cT.fliw* o r r q e CAtrT a ltf 'i Hall allowed a* n|

degree of activity lu t Thur-ltj meg on tha oceuiiiD flf tbe pi meeting- It wu gratifying Wij many o f the riliteun |ifetttlt—I general»«itali'jn of KeM voter* than i* a-'eantotuad toj theanMlra* at ai«h litne*. 1i“ reform in ch«* right diraclibl may be pursued by all |RpIiti4 j

Ilia apflninlrirt for this week i r t i aLndien .Fninch Kid Buttoned Boot* ; IauliiM (jufclity Peb. O t»t Bflttoifed Bootg , Miiwea awl Chiliirea'* Peb. G^at, Calf, Foxed, ; Buttoned, for xehool wear; J-adie* aad Gent'a S^ip- per*, in great varietj. ' ‘ ’

t i s d o u i r A « t i* ao inore. Be|nam through private KlUnr. abd lb* aoetk-haer ia prepariig ki n*L. out the furniture of the o lfo . Siar- le i to lilt T. T. upon hi*' halj it iv natural (hat it abuUld fail, lilc* all effort* I hat am taad* In raaiore the fallen furmuen ufa’ suaa » t » K grenl H i obstacle to vor-kwo iy Ida own pereerae and undierflAined natnre.

L'esstarar OnaJnr'l npedch rt Ibe rrani'h of the Araiy ul the Tonnen- bck. jn Miipnurt ha< b.>au the ihemo flit ainttty nirsw theuvand nine hun­dred and ainetj-uina editorialn. more ur Ivna, nml ill*a liu|e fmnarkab]« lo wee how much better and more ap­propriate a vpeech them nlli.n* might bar* ink da had they been the l'reni- ■ioilt I ’ - ; '

(hiin cen hr* IWwight Rh* in

h e w Y o r k .L'I.'.hv i,i rui h - Browbaon fame been ini turn al'ra*-, byterian, L'nirtr**!i*C Unita(ian, In-, depeadent, and hiunn peace ul Iani.. many years ago, to the tnjnoui of lira Catholic Church- i . ' ■ ■ ■

Tn* HfrtlJ wivtu it undoreHudthat it. £r»l euggenKtl iu Iha gurerd-v

i i i : i i i < T i t i \ ,

With ,hccomi^g uiikb’ijty it n br ithe rtfcject oeery diy\ nutwiil.nta' mg it in well known that tha ]' <>Br* bejmrtment h«d been platiu it fvzi mouths t-nfere the flu drt'odSftd o f iL T ltt ItnaU |* An • terpriiing pa[«r, JjutvUU it Cptlst be permitted to atippoav tbet Unirnrsa iu under It* dlrectiuti !

S l - U A R S ! !

Pntr palate weigh 19Hliarr Economical, and

T hI wide field fet deception fur* ni»h*'«l by | liiTuinKtoal ■yiritnilivnl van Vli-ju i: |**t Sunday eroulpg la New Vufk when n. 'tsoicct” audience 4f twk> nr (Jinw thubaand were the

V * rijaanti.r'e tTniicrrity,' at N*a*h- vilie, wan dedii-ntud with great r<Ut, Sunday Ia»1 Ur. llotariM nf New York ivai at thr rmthueuutic upoaker* o f the occavion, and ht> made a greet juiiat in the palunation o f his aedieitto when he .turned hi* oyea upon a life-flic pel trait of the Commodore nnd »aiJ, “CdraeJiLi* thy prayer heard ami tbinfl .alcn* arc had in regserabrani-e in Lite eight uf l i « l , ” which only shows ag.iin liuw lilM scripturoi eipn h« used Jto eapjairt (be truth. •* . \ j ■ . .

ft wa« recently proposed in I hirn- go to make tiouil Tridey netbouHit.l- iday, hut the oiorl was ilefeaipd: Save in another interferPde* of the church with the elate,-by wfaicji a holiday observed only by, a ininll body of Chrletiaae woa thruut tjpnqi a whiik# riuntr-unily,

T ret never do anjllaJig by bnltri - iu the \\ cat. The Rank, of Oalifritf nin. wh^hu auepoonioo holy a fuw days aince crwatcii suclt a furor* of cscittment in £ > l RreBt iacn, was re- Hjttfted ln*l f*n[unlay witim new cap. ita| of eight DUlionfol dollar*.

Oyc -.t the vatiert Lhiagha mad ie called upon to Ju to *it with folded arms and criliuiee the . ccuduct, uf [hum who are hi* trrvni|a In |R>li- lacH tbi * is a luxury that ;is grsatly enjoyed. The "orals" liR«e. therefore, a ilacided adrantngo over (he parly in power, and slikuld to correspond- ikgly happy. Uadors oitygL-Ternment rhe people arc permitted to enjoy :hnir critical feelingabumiunily. [Lur live* hare not all* f*iiit*»l idp* that they could do an/ W lltr ItfeRu the us- lurtuaate Father* who are, for (he

■ ut.ijve,- trying tu servo ibcai. The last tiuiv the | reaerable l W i tbit- wright appearrd befure a large ahdi- enflc, which *• * roTuponod of a num­ber nf minivUr*, was in tine uf; the line churches ul Chicago, He pre­faced his M'rmoh by th »remark that be 'was a littla frightaaOd by the prospect bnfaso him, but if there war any one there who could pyeach iany bolter thuu he, he v c ll l l tio glad to hare him step u f !o tho pu if it »o4 take his place. Such a challenge., we iuiagiue, our much-«WiU<it>>'d mu­nicipal law-makwr* are ^rsjunw Iu

iittfacllim t>(

ly sold for S3.M, KdtHfld toMen** Tap Soled Boom worth f-'- fnr

fur *1.20. i • !A food laead sht** tor a lady worth

K.HJ fur II.&0. tame in Mia*ea worth ll.-'ui tor II.Wb inChildren's w ith II.Lib for W» M*. .

Roy*’ Hoot* for wiater, ill AW, H am, I1.7&, IM V I i f iO . j

Kina Call Hoots fur uton at W. Ml, worth i M « . t Y.u« CaU llooU for p-.r. u c - r .v - . - ^ •i7 :; •____

1 gELEflEAW, last kund-ay, shuckwli tbs Uninitiated- * ly sr.nnnnrnl ;!■* death u( ihn L,Acieruaa OirlL*1 T b M wbu thought it rufckrdd to the "Girl of tha Period " m r * audden collapa* in puil-bauk* and *ubh, and comttirti* align ftw l by tuomeii aei»id Iba doal- ere in modem la^sterie*. I i was, however, only a tt-olfrr that had died;

the [>rrr*illn* estimate ul UrpivtlatMl quaint p it p rvttivn tsliiltiiAnn lel.

Tl.i- *8t>dtUun of wheat. wh«u ta*rw*l- sd, fur all the state* sViYsgi-s 7V. Tbr Halt arijr»e“ wt •« follows HflW.M . •Sen ilsepullhr, 101 j Y ltaSt^H i Me;•acbuaeis. 100; lirw Vvrh, 41 i New 'Jtr- SCV. UU; m ineylranla, AA: lA lssarr, fc ;Msrvlvud. Vi: Vlraiels. 84: North Carw-ima,Irt itttnih Corolla*. P7 . (leurgtt.W sMtbuu. IUj ; UiBsItsippl, |RB; Loalsi-eua, B4 iTea**, laa, Arkaiuw*, 113; T*ar UuM-v-U*: West VirciM*. I I I KvOttCAT. B0 : llUo.01 ; Michigan. 8B: luiliau.dl ; llunuu. 73; Wlvcuugln, lie MIoiimaU, 101 : tors.77; Mlsounri. *T; K icn i. HB; N. »>ra*»a,80; Csliforul*.70. Oregoa, 100.

COTTOX. -1 jjrur wrmpoulieu report the camlt.

lloo urcutui* r.r Heller than In drpbw bor ut last year, rserpt in lho BtoresueUi- t-rn ui'ihf Allsiitie euast staled The j-r^sbot Ureaght* of Jeiy were ttkctvl- nl bj .nil** In A*o**t, t™ cpiguo f.r the twit mmltakn Uw MlasisHipn -YaJitT, soil qOli* lejerlov* la ki*vT will* bf lib*

Other Goods at Email p


Floor Cloth, kill d isk

th. x A t la g . la ta , *

Im, r i r i i l n and ( o f


Asaorted StockI t has cot^* out thal the YaiaSI girl* fall d»poralp3y in tore with ouch Other and carry an whit ia cull; ed in their rncfkiwrf. "imn-hing. 'which, as far. ru iviur inTCstigatiisfl goes, ba* reference lo the effflM Ibid "stunning''eyes and stylish nppear- adc* have upon their siucoptibte heart*. U t t s M l will deubtlk# Imarn from (ha** revilatinns that girtii

, must hare same unit id hire, wad will deduce lrum these l opt n atroflg arr gomeot for the eo-edjubafion of (ba u t r l as the only way to assart s nht- mal deTolupmeal of the young lad in ’atfuctiunal nature. _ 1

M A C FA S LU fE'S ,)A L NOTICES.Next four to

Irt, ngfcl and

ity Oireait CourL

pruuilauig u caLreunUnarr sldd. In the nortlifrji *i*l auethrra, HCLkms d j IUcut litre1 that prumlw lies Iwrn Drluled.K-|, c.iiy in Sew Euglsnil. its Jinrth- s n l *kd the region aruuwl lb* l-ul|. OTppa .sap«r|Cif Iu <|0»nil(j u*J q«*lity have IwS L'lsxluci: (ltd lur (be must Wit m­c J re-1, hi (ooA cuoJIlUin. The higher **.i URri-lu Ura state* arc, Nslw 1*4Ter-'ss, UM . VffiML, 107; l lK tlp i, Itn,IV'LkOuaala. Hrt: Hiuimlppt- 100 : Arkan­sas. 114. In the Motion lx-* u a toelhir. ir-rudith sad furtrlflml parallels, end the ALIs.Uit su.l Uw 1 tacky Mouutalas. Vasi qustiOa uf * issgnilkret crop Wert *h- suluivh- Iiet. eiuJ the icarsludcr crratlr dsmujfol, hr runliuBina wet wraLker. with Sneali-sl flisMlmy rats*. 1 lari a ] theperiodof rltxulDC sis' s*c in be Tbedr- ■irneikit* sad Oaiu*g« were fn iltn Ulwii-iiJAIk AUrgtmnre* soil the We*u-rn limnalsr NmHiri, • Between (hr 1st of July fM lUv 1*1 ul Srpiemher VIA *tcT*- gat u( N:boilI Uuu wer.1 rulacrd. I* Is. a ' ’.tackj.'rrixu 105 tu 87, Uklo, IDS iu OH f ladisfj*. t J O ur A3 ; lIlluuM, lUI niTlJ'; J.. •>, 1 8 tu B»; MisBuari. IU to K )Upuru *j mu *11 parts ul thi* Set III*! abOO ml In saek-rtstentenns*;*^1 m;s.xt 11)I*Lu bir- v» l « e s *w;n* to nurai*. k and reds ot *e r« IkJ to 'the twigs r ■ Hot aor MIe la tsQ liac,Vtslrd." The sVcrnge culw-lltlua fur LUecuuuiri U paly 07.

o f llsritord-

Mh. FKAhtil prcsruieil prl Swntjn ami udirrs ForjlueaiJ lid PinCif slid I'nsrrql *rr.

cdteuilslre ou Fire, WrierWith power.

Ala. IlKrriatu preyolcJ Ilia fruHi C. N Cone (ur-jmi -tirvl In jirnpsc cimdillonfgamlttn sn Slutlf.': .

W, Murray *0-1 us Cents* I **r., that ETruiie froi


HOB JOHN O flOKKjrJaCTs a«iwl to be the comiflg miutffor Ue-publicaa RMte (Seivatot in out neigh­boring di*tmt uf fvuicNvt. .He hasbeen aeirn tun.** iu I lag to^alkturrwhere hi* iwuhl for iategtity and windum is a brilliant on*. lie is the father of the Free liailWuul Jutl, fur which h« mode a vigi roui fighC agpituC Ihe l ’euusyivajua Railroad monopoly. Mr. t-oheude 1^4 man fifty year* of eg*, a farther ty orcu- Ittlioa, and. carries on *k> ah eattp- eitr Irivil-praserriDg enuhlDhnsehi.lie oovupire hunorabl*. p g ito n i in the directory o f (he Deni of i Somer­ville, and theKouth Htanfch liiiln.i-l, and is much reapsNtad. fur Qis itat- bpy qualities, vtenvm hboHh. The Kirpuhlicans o f North Flainfold will be uonoulting the mtureito pi ih# Skate to give ilun- Mr.'tkhaofk (hair

Os a k u ln d nnd 4111;, tW ii lu i young iceu in Fanes are ntur tnoDrn- jag w.rer the lota ol ibrif U**rda rut off in tbedhtc* to the stupid custom of the country, which require* tho army c l the Reperre, wko are .only soldiers for a month, to. appear with smooth face*; H* Arsene lluuttayc uy*. in hia IcTter to tin- JV-ifoJr-, 'YYliat iinbevilitjr tu unlfer the dmfig. tiseuirnt uf au uiady uieu fur sham warfare, and to j* ra it them to SMI |h*ir Imard when tha foal fighjixg

Tuc(work done on siren* daring moat*ol A eg ■*•( and Sepikwi ber. jtrioin it- wived and bin rsferrei to AuJltiu- vum

Mk I ki.m ii pr-* re park of. Olsr m ro f Ibt i ‘uor foi ripcmlitares magi dasing Ills pul flvt rgn.Uis. S5 Jk cri.vl * » l ordered Kiel , 1 [

SI* Rnucs jimvmm rrpurtir Csptsh of l*ollcr Air Ekrpu-eittr, nOewjitg |T(lI rv*u rurdMaraL-nv scUiMta sniidiri>DS*a Area-, aim writing lAat ART (rahi(si wrr. arc Die mods ud duriug (lw uai L*. K, wired sad Bled. 77 •

S W W *'Bt»*nature. ‘Mb Jlavirru, r-piinclt wicb retrmwi

to Itt prqaval uf Clip Ttrasarex, id have warrant !fo, 713 cagculecl In undrs |c base 1 tm *t f Brie* t* seuis clalia hireuwef H. A. H Msrelo. *H3d. TS« 1* qureL era* grauiAl. ‘ .

MB tLl-.,!.td*V . rept-rlrd orally |; i f :■alter or IkveMlfiaifoJ. (b= eiuvBlil hidamages earned by the dip mi Crntml are.. In the raw « f Ji> lira id *£» insrti. Clip lie port ntu'Hl. sad ‘ fc* coaoa- 1 » uuurtod to employ tosiwl If thij

n*. HETrisLP repurUd pmittwi |s

River then, is a uurtvJ ligpcuremebl laall llri-suire.riCTpt Slnmwuta.97, Which ha* dtglliKd 10 pm c«Vl. aloCv laky, sod h> tut till!* stake in IhUwclIo* Iwtuw fev- ■ ra-. luwa, 19V. ao* Mlssuorl. Mr, not vlib>t*aH«l wO l Hwts in xsaM aeos- tvrs and rices*!vc rsio sasiSi rut Ml tn)l rl>, I'nublvv rcft»srt**ly so* crept. Tke

nf the gralaaopprrs care ike Lie piau\lug* of Kansu nod Nebraska *n i>mmf.taui ty to oral are under ra j sk- 1 ursiih; nvillilsu- and to ateerr a v*rT

B R 0 K A W tfROS.,r «u tk *■■■■ i, ■■■ rassW Ito eo l r m i t t i i a m , w *. A go Ihun. a. 1

As rim vlw l interview by a Trfkm reporter of isanyi o f the larges! firm* of N * t fork n l j shoes Ijunimi to ba in a Tnrj healthy Condition, *ape- •tally in the lin* of dryegooda.

I irioafep's body1 is to be buried the latter part ol thi* week. Montreal ire there fore, on the tip-too o f mpevta- t».:r. THycetibg the cuaso^usuL*-— I IcwOVpi, Os Ihn bishop be* caned the spat of ground in the Catholic tome [ary where the bonca are to be


* *1,M0,0UFrati * ■ i . » » , o n *

* TOO, 000n m

’ 300,000L « 276,000I t ' 7*000,000r f e l - auo.iAni

Trisur't tronblas seem >o| be graw- ing wuree, and though ineignttii *ul ia tkeflireleea. tlimalten tt rehnlt in a reounatruclion of the map ul Enrupe Water is a feed thing again, and that which separate* u, nm tj,# Eurcijttaa CfUiplicalions !• a^lesaing which we bare never begun 14 real-


tentral In r Jersey Tunis.;

C O U R S E u e c t v r e s

COKG&KUATIO.YAL (.’l i r a 'l l . -WATCHES.H 'J it o r HblhfH r o ll SEFTEJtltKK-


ANNA E. DICKINSON.: . Subject1 | “ j 1


JO H N S. COUCH.----- - LOU DEBS." ( « » . )

*n*i, tbih o rn ^ '


*OJ*r l*t« H a • utritaloB CbonA T ip aalurjbihe Subject



Dec. 513 - PAUL DU. . i- ■ iTh. NUkilrriTH

, ; ’Subject i "TM* MIDNIGHT SUNLAND OF THr uoj « tail

CJafl T J . £hM 1 l- W.


C O U R S E T IC K E T , w ftf i r « * o r * e K f M A t r S IN G L E A D M IS S IO N , - - - -

hv p . l i — I Trelele itl^Lrtoa rfLata W LaU «■ ■"1 "h*. H I,'Ur. Illi| Mure nf kriar ala l^IrllB 1 -

Cosaantion of Union Cuuuty

Un'lerceatli ■ I ,a S ^niN u r It. ftackalfw, <af ,‘lallift!

bu way borne rum, ItQigUr* fu«ht f rlday, had Lakril ihe Lair ;■«■! yu *1 EllUtwUl, « M I,la tv lJot* ittapoTcml Aim. «pd wh»'bail ; n « M lv R i< ‘ B l"' 'Hirciir. tm wj him M lean lire teal a .ami. t a, man who la war reijflfc-d > -Adi•twin, tp (aa< lha- .-»aa|||, rai3k letWHPInirk by ■ train l hat a|ia a liman Fnriunal. ly bt da* Jhiv.itiara, tba Irttk* *ixl bl III'n- „ . i , r.ry prnWn «f wiad lir reihaiqalfpc quirt. the earn ntul loralnoflte p «Mr*r him. Whm, u- iklMpiqurkd thr min ihc Laiirer rra* ijuir-ir >i: Mippoamg M w ar* u.*i i.y ta.j. rrnalinl |n ili-eltl. met M* tlrrllil pr*aB V«1|LI« that potKhtfujiS IhlUfcwaa,Dliiv|Dg alltWIJ o cr lb<- baitytor comi.u ho picture, I A ad be!

t llat jaang naa wi> wMblenull Ire was accu to lump to Id, An patently unhurt. an Dn-irikAlr j .»!>. i-laMaVa. Hr Fanil itvaa nun drahhnl ihit no boc. , bait V.

H E A D Q U A R T E R Si I> 1st, l-et tbai

Ilia Sun.-It ul Lkwjlai" of thp Jw quality, md bjr P&lCRS nit|n taut ijarelipa -Ail] 6* *OPUkd jha

FOR$500I fir *nec*;— T lb Wju. in i>* adrtrtNlcr he |n.apL-.,r l*UI(l«(ld : *try format ptMba. prrkcoced ilcrlrr andNew York w ljlcl a*mini; at tUr very^B

A Martwenttrouble, bo: no actio in result is a|i|>rr-

■ bended; Tlir [iinn; Huia,| a gnHiiitr uf uur flint SdiiHjl laai no meter. ami on hi) ap'dlCaUhk In ehlM- flutqafa Cnlb- r, E*pt.| * ).--r» trod, table rsanii D) li-MlWhich N i w l the Kao ally TOUrnll hlqp, IbtUzb Ire had Dot rcathnl tilt pryscrltfod a e. ft ! art glad ilnl hk pnariiiic ca- rtrtr dM with |lie fpd'leu t«- ii li n il. in tm furfully thrratcitfil.

iblr liih tg hoy M r -.................; _|i.n price*—a Net'wbtcb flu clllarukBTTldmill Ires'-am mfir> . f..r Thrmarlfr*

Ho >lr Flake hajan Id* loW»r) «» ri«- lortn urn'llun-h in Uni l l * i C:«mi Janhuuilay. Mr Kibte Jre,ii| a trip or atld.;pi. j^ {.(aaeqirwi raferniK* ad •eliTRfman. willdqnbUeaa barer* lattn lill lb *Ava*eiuz lire laUrwti of Kin, par­

, f-cl. The (ibiireh pom* at llir imrit n C- Inn live piitn of wureiilp in ibis tlcluity siiiliwiLhiu riltinfft -rrve. lay rtran|er ■ iriiu drpiri to Lake pan la thr n'litmti. I,e r r IIM eabliath triH Awl :blm|«ir

Dress Trim m ings. O O D S .aim worthyil e.ini|iaR)nth traeei MB firm Uroid scil pasted IV>r

the Btu


CBMSTBl mre*i»Y«eiy night The lodafltj- • Deyiq It mot niti fly frt.' fruin

. *<ltoo *d. <n an ailiiu In nnr ".H.iTiW, IVati aftj Ire, epdfi-s Hrelaticli fruullj .the nxiht-r hoO ur nBpr aon1 itklriy days or bow, at Ilia- dre. thi wort Hirirme your tu­

i nllenreo or tbr p-jBer •e peweuled a ootqjqooiHtlqB La ||>V rooiK il Monday crtuluAcall- ion to the ciiii.l 11 km t>rChan bet. '■IMi* llitni of ibe Mtiiluna here-


f e l t N a t s PATTERNS. A Large AwodtmoQi of

riclt I’ liiliM'H itllil Tips.

Wingd, Faticy fenthf'nt. t

Birds, Fcnthpr 'tfriraining,

FLaweru, AVlveU. SilkJ 's n fKibljon«;m all uLadeN -

4n match. ■ ;;lira ! I'-urgBiur is . .

R E A L O S T R IC H T IP S ,Block and natural itt -■’u1

i—perli, «■I a.'irar- I J.hdie.-, rQStd k Childwn'K

FALI|‘ STYLESLbdlct.* k TJhllilnu'u CunnchlaJ U S T f lE C C IV E D .

» d » tiaatOmitnl of NefferFA'a

P N J k K B K F A R ,

I S h f r t r f x .

Uj|.t Al aiian III lb tht, ) lli s r t * 1> Ifcreer-.f, IM.4ii4.ariim aaa.»u™ijfl tl»


FREKCS LANGUAGEAO SI nr; w il s o n ,

IhulquaUty ■■ -i Ure IL |.>tbJ!> an cdomawnble jl Ullwbrl tflLt. BKej|MiaNtYF-T» PT

lii.m iiiiuii min' • VIA of TUiik-n Voi M-l . A. ( j n l l t 1‘arian nr—m oi

utrnv aonrxn, Per. », aff T <jVrL#i:aW hf ore child r.Hfce btUer t■ Urey an mjldml, to will they ihra nai

Wlnl le tin- greatest -albir, ur tin e*et’ - i>r tlrcolatioa of Thr tjljcxl. fba Ur^nJ a—Oil ni.-ol 9ad Ibe blrtlrt

n il. Frotlre-ra. Wins*, Fancy Feoili - . .d ||,rd*. ,i JYxk'r .The t-fuieanlal of ilie bailie of ilrand r

Judge Huuyc tpfeetalc |qrj llkrly .to be r

F l s u n d b r

Peck's !B e s t Ckjffcn?. 37c.Black Sc M fied Tea, 50c. 6lb.-Boxe*iBtarch, 66c. Yeast Cakfis, 7c.Condensed Milk, 24c. Carolina £3ce, lOc.. Am lu ll ttl.eJ-i grr--<;ri.;re<-.|iHJ(v

tom-thar. such "as aWould Loi|iri -s ure> w l|jlt aoiacllilDB hraw » ■>l llllrslrekl) <9Ji, “A ptrYadhl I Ire- amtmbli ■SI* 'IwnkiOa. hl>d wl before pur-

rtal llttalch farehonso,■ fmlttm.IlfcJd a rereeling. Uoaiday aV.i.lai

whieb Bi.»hi>ii Ararte.-rocgh wua pr lueostnlt further nxiH-ftlag (he ™pip.lad thcUua of iludr A-w Tiunav- vl ahlp T"-i>oe direr eliea wet* apol a* faroeabie Itreallilis wlien- lor, m i readily aacnred. Ill i* ibe HAqulkbadd pn the 9ualh aide or lie rtilrutbc vjqlul|| pf Madkava or CoDtralnek K’ljhle of eacboraai nv. nl #rnkeb by Ibe hivtiup, and rbere U" j.. aMeuhtba *( an-lulereat jlo Wremoin wh.c h w.:i nrep i Id the nHuuapmali Ibe prM«w«l pure. II fi« dlnabt daj



H f i A P E N TtnjCKOF

F m S M B B M S .Tunis, Umbrallis, Giorts, k ,L M i K ' DRIYIlfG GLQTJS.

ral lljllnia r.rtet rank !

Ibe rott*| 11*

u[ rein V amend, a mqjLrelXyelftk

tW.BCKYuIs.I- pi. yupsieii

F O R S A L E .s, CamiiEi Slevfcj Hanes H ' Jk Mi

IjC found at BUT FACTSpniring ■ Bit brauil A*mug eitiaeo" ulio M-tleiuelru ipprUve.] sad -Not lY'l by die I-Ullroad rhmLHM. ' I De* hop. lu ajjaet Ibe diNFolty with Hr Hraqd ,v,,| ■are tbe ally from .he .Ldgeerl- '

A mow iuiuj : ug a buiuT jad ui hi* lik tar. In ™ hndijpl .ur,ateufed by lurWanluotTrura kkrtuakahhi inadvrriiMmast Nw UkaLYcaTarel-Tluit-r.

regulsling Inrel o Soda Wav uut only lo ra tau i rioSt wbal M reiner dt» «m njlea by any o bid. Hew l« We If

M ills M relm ,or Public Sate.

H E B E A L C t T A T E« f ' AS *. POUND. DECfD, S T O C K !

o t r r o B E K t . issrs.


male * niLtUk* an i yuar fn*nd a raa down □ *d*r tbw Itefveamnn you are ■ llmagrr 14 4 p«M!sv. perhaps n tbinf ia . disguise. But ifyom swnJ in the card ys»fl wugbt tohave provided, thare t* no eptmrtaa-

’\\f fur misapprulieusMin- TAk b If ji.ur frirttd hk* ft daughter on whom ton have called before, yuu tarn. the ra re r til j r v r card. trliich iadicatti roor dMire «e am Itbnj jinoger n■ellA* lira t>MrT lady. add involve*no word i with tk« **want beyport the Hi‘|n:r7 i f Ihdy nr* el Iron**. ■Should tout tell bo tb» Snt rh»t you hat" madx upon th* Julio* Jody, yon wend » scpiratsi car| to her, M you would te n f^eet e f y#u* friend.: bat kftef «hx tiretvjsit, jh ii ia « » » « •.•••Hi} , utiles* r ic i be t<i list alone. It **eta» the ■a^Iaat'poassbU way t,f id (tinting v JHi r di-pslture froi* town to w-rita l'- iL-C. on tlm coru«r of yrcmr card, anfl\wliilc I beinitial* ot* French »oidMpourp(»U’■fro rung-*), every b-xly ihrylitimllr to take | t»ev*i. Andi L|» having of n card is dtoJsjubte'Hy (lie meat conrenirait method o f sfW#- ing jrngr nb«nt friend that you heuo ••ailed ■ •!>

SbvulA yuu iwjo.ii- gn' initahoy'tu a parly with It. tj. V / .l* in theI'JIlier. it is cortainljr the acnntir-W.courtesy t>> ob.-erw ill1• irei| tieat lor ft reply.*and inform your hbateie whelbl cr or iiol 4be m»y *->unf Upon yon*nr tendance. lleedlw*« neroon* rtn ij uibii* fae'iy H iil«B i»«d n g an invito!

; tiuii mxkta no difference i but if omrjl I unu of a hundred or tbi> guitsli should

happen tv think . iho ucib.. iuiotfi|jt lh* jtru licAHi. ru ■ ! the lw*lch».

L l t M B E R !V o v k a . w * r o * tx l

liS i f m E w c ii i ,

rmitif Jjr» rnn a*tira«j;B ilTK*«*»rJb-Snektha f l * for

a tew hour* ia j « k » -(hanging ike Water •eoafal Mm*I.then pul ft in e°td w«t*r •“■ W ’ tied >n eheha, and let th- fish abelt, turning oBith* wala*ap*4* arid ponrint aver tb. B.b hui.wnmtjlrtrpn tb* tea keltic ; let Ihie jdK orji*»to e >*oil flue lake tb-m oul aafl i dram them, lay than. <-a e plattel, fetter and pepper theo: and ptffre. theta Tuc a le - itwmiiu -a tba atnO Ber»e

1 3 0 , 0 0 0 OLDESTT E E P U H T F I E L 3 HARDWARE fTORE

IN T H E O l i T Y !


Anijouuoe the oprnin|

ni Heiitcf Lukfr(h ir tM on -tan Satu-t — W ahh.lbd ah»Ila and out tH«n 0* IlM ot*k of ■1(0,13 tha top of * bat »u ta -wj hake tWn in a but orpn . oj^n ike *kele ■ ith an ojnlar knife. taWac car* to Ium none of Ibt liquor, and aerr* quickly on -but plal*., .with tonal Oyama may be »l*w*d in iko AheUeeiwf are ascellept « r r «d In tl«r| kim* rj.abBitr.

OTeta* Parrik*.—Blew tbol oye- tere . beko the b>«lh end *Ho|4 theyolk of one egg «o «Terr i a m juju.-ter* . turn off the broth add a<lq the egge ; let il com* tn a boil, tbrijtura^ back the oyeiersland lill ttfo cm-'

Him flam. -Chop fid*either boiled o f luikeil ; lipfe «*edy cold boiled patalp#9 I W onu patt o f meet, pat one pint and a.Jxpla asur.- of t -u iM a rhrriqrod Uu- , lmv,.yi:ady a j-phler. witli a gui-d pieow o f >uti«ir in in the h »»4; oewun'wilhj»|.|>-r anti aali.kbd lh--n add ricli

* b-i ii*acrat-fra*h!r»t]*■ aToou.. — 1...1 ii J’SG£?t2nzr-r^sz rSTftHNO, w b o u • w .House foinisiiiif toods, And FtuhioHable Goode. Tjipy oflsc. Ne<f

Fall Overcoats,Winter Overcoats, '

Dress Suits, ■Business Suits, ,

; ; j . 1 ; [ Boys’ Suita, &A ll col and mad* in tbc correct Id, and at price* tu si

the times. *‘ " | f . •

Shi, SSI, 99B3B9I k SH13ST, h d O a n d * '.v i B r o a d S t.,

(.NrirNcwaik A New Vuik. Railroad PciwU> i ; W A 1 1 K , IV . J

nil rEimizpts.• Having conaol Stock at CIjfHf L, MA’HTTK, to!

ilidjated bii Im(aet THSNQ with Mr. ohnerlj Martin A Ji

a AD K c g fto f la i l s , AO B a r re ls B o a r B a i t10 doz. beat Grass Scythes,

on u, w kjW I « It- i^r

LOWEST CASH PRICE.AyVll Aseirtnunt of J

Cmidi and kickigiu-Seashjted Pine LuniberactroCt rLdooiee, ;

A lu aye ready, now^uid ever, to take cnah jlb r ^ooiti w ithout grum bling.'.;

■ " r----- r -------- rrr ■on* egg, one tenapoon Dour, iro tea. ■poon* ivgar. i - ■. .■ FaiLiB*U-llI> llrTTn* t"™ —

n pie-plata with cruel, e i 'far q :Cua- taid|>]« ; take a piece o f buttqR tb« .in. tji kn ogg, two third* of a tup. of*cg*r, on- rup sweet crekru. uq$ .tar bLeeponn of Boar ; »ti» IbuMt .J ilja r and sugar together; then' wir i|i lhe rrviim . Jgjnr in tho plate 'Itlin lin-

T<i I ’Biyt.— In hot weath­er if i» almost jmpoaaibh» til piuirnl lb« sink* beeijmiiij' foulj aultas aonia ■ heiiiiial prepirntiun ial usail. One poatul o f eopperaa Ji»#u|wthl in -foui gnllOna of wnif?r, pouiedpaor a tinkthro- or four liiues, wjll. fompletlj doatroy |li* (iflrtriw wlor. As A din. inforting 1 agent, to ••Alter around pieiuieet affected with nOyyinpUpenhl

'odor, nothing i* fetter than ■ nrijt* turn of four pautsdry ground piastre of Faria to one iiarl of fine charcoal, by weight. All aorta o ff la u m n ! i

.anil other 4tan«ila nar ba ntt'ijctnally purilh'd from of!*stive amelia by rina- iug thorn with charcoal powder, sltei the, groaaer impuritira hove hinsn wDurrd off with anud end sqaji.

COFFIN & Co.Front street,

Two doork N af Hank,;

Pfatnfielrf,... » ■ -v. ■/.;


out for: theAstonish the N atives.

oite and grated rind uf t* I two pupa *t mgar, two Iho crumb* (rf apubg* ( akdi togeibfri to til Btnoolh j * *I*» patty pans, lined witk i, and bak* until th, cn


Bl i n d s ,MOULDINGS and GLASS.

} . ; 1 ■ Q— -* — i- '

s t r i x a D E f e s - h a b x i w a e e. r ' O f t t t r y d r s c r ip t it iii . : ,

R E A I , B R I f f i Z E So f n f ’r r . t i s ty le a n t i r lf& ig n .



F U O V r ST-, P la in * e ld .

M E N AcA a i. Xk i > w o o d .in ilu, tfnuhwi'-um pait of the auu

o f New York, rtnd bbeerrnd eiimowhat ■the prn*p«flj of thi« u*inu ii ld and wikiamnaadoualrr. Theac tyotoun, tie) have bakunic £niuuu» aidqng the dairy countUk at the *tato The hilli uud valleyi are 't*"wn y t tU iH f i vl cuwa, by ten* and handled), While the rallies i»fo dotted lhic% wilji cbeese facilities that lukriulac iurw cbeeae by thb thousand* for th* KurojHjan mar- kill. It ia a plrafiini sight! to visit the drjriug-hou*** of theoe faciuri,''. It kna beau aa uausnal miiton fur this, product, a* the gru*» nnd cunree grain crop never vraH be:tor. Thai out and hayncrup ia wniidoxlu] ; buiiiU Ikito thruahed yieJ(l« o f friuu fifty to ninety l.ui-LnU ptw ai rp, and ninny meadows Knvn vi+ld*c| I float two *0 four ton* .it liny pef&croj -Thi, tioiit. to and mgetable cr4p ia nue, ana the r tu-al wop Kuuck bdiut fkA aku au* tieipatoil before the liarVesr ; All Ini’ ttui pneej of 1 hdtltW and clafuae are lower than feir Mrrwsl jTsu. yet the

i f.i| t|i„ ,* A*qm happy and 111 good spirita. |

Th*. (wOpte o f tilts- •hiunlit.'s aid quite iadurlriiiu* in tbt m*in, mid cailaaqoefl[iy the »■>«]# are belief than ilia ar*ruK-. Th- pnmjfplrs i»J the uaniindre largely teniperatv, andbut iiw towns giant licenod L ee ll liquid* *4 a beverage, l'uhli^athwla ami 4*lnv*tion tak,. a pr.i{j|in,ra» plom(1 u*.'llg the people, AlleghuBy C-J, hav­ing afinw VoUege krewted ut AUn->i. lVdittually thee- vvuutioa .ore largely Unpuhlicaa. Alleghany fianag been ■ ■unaidered 'h - •truugew in the xale in proportion to ns pipuliitius. Theprun ipt^e uf liepublicauiam seem asstrung aa ever; hn: many luive he-, e .i*« dikgusted wiifi th* y-iliucians aud rorCupi men who sbeoi ‘ tu lend ■nd control «h» parly. Many baio ■.-'.inte to lb - cuncltalon. that honeal m.m are preferable to party h-aders. The peopla have beuumo d)kgust,,il with political rings unii ioff-rulling. Allogbnn^ liepnhlifuaiain. never rc- O'ir-il ou demuraiinrg or diaastrons a blow as-w-hen a f)w leading peliti-•-iu.ili packed a Cuneontioti.hnid put in iwAuiiati'in ftir sh.-rirl o f thsuounly a man of no moral wurth and ciiar- aotvr, and a man o f drinking habit), at Li.ui Buck a course t-aili Ur thli de*irucucm ol any political party in a ■uoeal and respectable evuiqiuui'.T, Upon tka irhuie. tb» ilcpubLcau Far-

YOUTHSrhea roll; holt'-* u J-> plaao iq it a lajrr of crua

C'ius altptuaiuly, with tpi *11 run Beef *u»t ehupj„

in on* hall pi at of sweet bake till nicely, browned hard | sauce. . •

CLOTHING M I L L . ' ;ri-O il'w •. ia»icH i> «. rt un i«.

5 -**1ti>LL Bt*IS«. i

COALkKD WOOD YARDtws 'klsistasi m instil i u> w im >■■».HONtYSROOK COAL,

It lM lL F M i k OTOVE WOOD.f t ( j M k . a ,n r t g H d * « j

cob. eiqskdks sT. t r c m ay,* * » - M O E G A lf BIELH. ■

B, & J. V ETTER tEm ,R A P I D T R A N S I T

PLEASANT HOKES ITie Cmted y. L Luf linisneai Ol

*t(* 1 ,Li**Lit t*. eU IpuB laSsMl LTTBtau • Hi I


F IO N A nod p l'N tLLE K .:When pwick* dill I—i*1L Iw -H rilirr

nHr’' BiCT»".«,>r,."a‘ rt“ vn “v (owiset SXr-g—r" Al-(lr .<it»*jV-lt; 61., isw'FusA, ■* !|

A. H tuu-E Sr Vl.-r-S UAtirM

Hr.-HalI, in *k essay qu iTanlrh,says death in a eaiurs.1 w*j .oiata tu uiur* pvrsuttf in tbe neigttborhqdd of ire p1 clock in t id murninw.thmotnny mur uf the twentyjbiur; the fttveat ibuul erne in the aReru'ioA. Iiir the •arly iunruing thi) Curb] us ctii(, the s(inm|plu<ro heavy With the dump* of light;, and the budy dehilitat«L ull- iD, with natbing tu i-uubo Iks i|iiriu ir -ircnlaliun. At ahuut on* u'iduck- n tb* afternoon, the ait ia muAtigi ii- 'rally -fully dried by tfi* aunL- haa cofp^ite, morn oxygen iff it,* cuoye 1'iirifying. m*re invigurnticg.- rhite :hd bright daylight! itself, hat in elevating lundkncr. Xiu-M* ffacf.1 .bunl l km home ia niinA* by febus's (ho ur) ttureet to thu d e l; IjW hv■itra! attention* o f rari ia* kinds the ■iiAnil hum might pa*x, .ami Wf-au, b* pkdent is more likely t|o Hve)j>»i*r tneUor twwnty-four hows*. U isaiiii thy obm.Tvaut . yhyaicmna !ear Iv .,iv. Tjtb year ot life «* critical; Wbirli unana that avnry seventh ynsr ialia,,■ I— tii be fatal, but if ytHed «i{h improved health il giv-s . q;r.*a- n-'Uttbly curtain leas— ot aliothojjilev- ■n years; I* r aiample, the m »t uf li'jse! who become H'liiurjipl ivu ffu w •buuj the age of t^enty-oqv— «|jyrnr !.>on«it or inter; but Iwenty-jnd is •hn largest average wlidi <]ueu*| be* ;om*4 decided. Abcat Eurty-nic— the *u times seven—is try tejj the ■n-'i-l ' riln-al lime o f life in » .mien If that 'ia passml healthtully ihe.y>ai— <1 gw 4 rliauce ut sw*mg ikirc* -i.rei It will (usiluip* hm { old (.that i lard* number cf |H-r».fdsidie Withini y - hi ur two jncludiWg sixty-phrue linn at any flthoi spouiii.J tind be­* ii'U fclrtj-aino and n*tinly .TIilim- liingk suggest that iacrcaoed attefi-,iua should be given, tn tbff health at.;hese ii-ri fioU paviuda. - .

WARES? IKPRQTED HOB,’ . A|(b THE ■ f W in d o w Support.

r tn clear it nut to mefiu their Fall Trade.


PARSONS’ CITY BOOK STORE! 'Citiietm' Coal Yard." !S. S, VERMEULE,C L O T H I N GI M ni l, STANK.


g [ f i « P IA N O S

LEHIfirfP ’ W1UESBARBE XrlscMiTDi cexis.

FartiruTsr. tlAnturn paid In aup^lying

O sai ackUl H ic k o r y W o o d■ flj * ta. .1

■ntPU^rtHKlD v Ik Laml — ffarerUFf/kHH AND FEED, ,

* BATXft N A Y AND «CRAW . .

ONLY Al gUOf.lAKO jfflEXf FUR '



PUMPS, SINKS, T A B L E C U T L E R Y , A c . ,

Cherry Ktrtyet.3 InnEal IIIiBt., PUmReld.J j.


ItellTPrrd and fu lly lYarrantwf Five l>ar». ■

CENTS' FURNISHING GOOES, Roofing and JobbingPromptly attondad to. J»

J O H N N . S T E I N E R ,

bought in the State-

M m Machine Accessariss. wnffu iuu; mu n us.

'^sa-'isssrsr-P K fM d N k s t r l ) b r r a n U « n b f


Snlerrooui SouitTOtt Street, YOftTItrLALSFtiLlh.rt. J. ; Cheviot Suiti

Cheviot SuitsIho PuBiuiraty uC tub cuuutry

'white they complain uf the |iren.-ui adiutowtrntioD, they dati'l sot-ui tu ■have any better prugvauuue sAilid upen fut iciproving tbo coudiiiuu uf .our cMumry. All it seems necutuiry fuvi the llep ab lien a party to do, iu ur-

disliuaDst uien from office and electhuocst and capable men tu till theplanes, and tu i-usllns iu ndmiai.tra-tiutj of govern otant to the gloat mass o f Ike people tu all parts el.thacouu-MT. IL l.lllSH K . '

K ilt , Alleghany Ca.. K Y

A ll jkVual Cheviot Suit*, 12 00

A l l jV«il<Jatu(imere Suite. I S . 00

P a n i n , $ I 2 5 t o 0 00

V « t e , I fMl to 3 00

p. bfttM, lamn litHoif making mflney, id teach thec^bdw P L A N IN G o. RmrroN’s



s s a f e ’a w

112 and 116 F U L T O N S T .All Wool Bktst flfraat!.

N e w y o r k .

W A B I f f O C K A T H O M E A G A IN

■ Children’?: Suite, h t 2-00 ojnrA*.

; Boyn' " 5.00 >*

■, Youths’ “ “ 5.00 “tic.' IVh ile s h f r t * ^ ^ , u ,1.00 “

*•*), Canibric;“ - “ ■-* .75 *•

And all ot|er goods at CurrespDU'Lng-* * ' ly low price*.

Pasts to order $5 00Suits « " 20 00


------- -Setts, Palor Suites*MAMMOTH

FURNITURE W lR E R n ^?n Schepflin’-i Elofik on Front

vua has.* Utki n * i , *.*ut culil. gu *t unco totlw flnM *uf bh*w A f i i Ih i,*,1 yvwtrf and c-t a hutljr uf Uk Jlluiuus! ri,sii-vr T ik WiLiiC ulmbu jaulb*a*-Uiilun Tike it and V* well. K» eth-v iD-dlclar ,tl» •>> iin,ei iiiiy *ed rflrciesl ly In v'Da*h,. C'ul-U. *jm all Hiatasm af tae throat. Iiyngi »<i J Khr»t, IcffUng |u c:u*,*,i,[ii|on. Uisdr-j, * l » mu.ill wight Ct»«jr ha-1 chat it rvul dhukac bii*<JUrcU rr.tcrt-1 K' hcaltri. t-y th* a Or of this fltmoet B*gLe remedy. | ti I* also tbr turn ( » « " » sprKiflc tui t rupp, aedsever r*us In kVho»ptB*;CMiafi. -( rill sin lucent*

■11, hilp tbhni tu help tbAro-vl fit them td h* abl* to a&d li >w*n |nff*n*; csthct- than to be ir pinching taut »-ibumiii,| til mad* its narrowed aadjKSsir dck. • Qjve alt tD* cUlturw ywl •very!power which tbajr im»y p If vitey shuqld marry, efttr * be th* k*r-=— - - J

Luttiifr, MalcLiiijyi Re-pawing Turning L tk-'roll Sawing., .

|g- UnoOs WutumI u yrtn-j*..: M •ta U a iH l tiarrt ui S*Ci£**r*J -

SPICER k tfUBBABI).Diaiitg-Rseoi and ^ e. ^

T ” ‘*» rc-»mr™* liiil-rLE3R® 0 * P T H E F I8 S T FLO O R' d ,^ -*1' AND EXAM INE STUCK.v v -L tiT Z D Q 'W ' S H A D E S

la large au MfmewL V*ds to ffrdwv.a i r i n g a n d U o k t o l a k e r l x i s

IN API* ITS aEANCHEg.________ ) ^ | y

and bi*iter Rot it,_T-» ——— * 1*10 uuisr-m tbe

sitiiou of tba u in im t t they'will hte**j you la Ji>m an.l at,- of;iuu what can nai be oaid « f uuuiv a:luting parent by his itiftiiisjt Ahi.J, *lly f*ther canal that LahoaLl t » sappy after bis death as well as k henI wad hie pet and hi* toy.*1 [ .! lE l iE i l fE H i

n 0 B O O N D H A M D M

C A K f P H ^ BM »I Inglwfc Bromls, Three-Plj gad, at tie uld pkee , B2 Fulton i t , 1im is e K :

Iirttat TaMii DevaRntg