Lighning Talk: PHP build process

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Lighning Talk: PHP build process

  1. 1. Build Process The beginnings of Continuous Integration
  2. 2. Who Am I? CTO/Founder of Pamiris, Inc. Extensive NPO board service Overseen payroll conversions & HRIS implementations with over 600 employees BBA, MIS from EWU 2004 (manga cum laude, BGS)
  3. 3. Build Process: wait... why? But PHP doesn't have to compile! definition - Build /bild/: The process of preparing software for deployment and/or distribution.
  4. 4. PHP Deployment Prep Lint (syntax/compile error checking) SLOC (source lines of code) metrics Unit testing Code coverage analysis Functional Testing Code style checking Cyclomatic and N-path complexity Code duplication (DRY)
  5. 5. PHP Deployment Prep: Again... why should we? Ability to track code quality trends More people/other teams can contribute safely(er. Saflier. Saferly?) Accountability for all Nervous sleep deprivation, anyone? Sooner found = cheaper fixed
  6. 6. Quick Feedback Total coverage statistics Complexity measures CRAP index: Change Risk Anti- Patterns Pass/No Pass for tests
  7. 7. PHP Deployment Prep: Why doesn't it happen? Never enough time It worked fine on my machine It didn't seem like a big deal If it isn't easy and repeatable, it won't happen.
  8. 8. Build Automation: Make it easy, make it happen Developers and QA folks alike should be able to check a commit with absolute ease. The easier it is, the more it happens. The more it happens, the better the code is.
  9. 9. Build Automation Tools GNU Make Phing (PHing Is Not Gnu make) Apache Ant
  10. 10. Start Simple Get PHPUnit, behat, PHPspec or other unit test running Get PHPLOC to run (composer makes it easy) Install a build automation tool MAGIC... ??? profit.
  11. 11. Basic build.xml
  12. 12. My current build.xml ~175 Lines Tasks: Build (prepare, lint, phpunit-ci, phploc, pdepend, phpmd) Build-parallel Phpcs (coding standard analysis) Selenium-install Selenium-start -stop
  13. 13. Ant usage: running the build Just 'ant' will autorun the whole build command 'ant ' will run any part of it Different targets for different uses Developers WIP: fast unit tests w/o coverage or functional Developers pre-commit: all tests plus coverage Metric tracking: all static analysis tools Pre-deploy: all of the above
  14. 14. Next Steps Flesh out other valuable build steps Store build results Automate build on check-in with Jenkins/TravisCI Add charting (trend display) Continuous deployment
  15. 15. Resources Integrating PHP Projects with Jenkins by Sebastian Bergman (on Kindle, etc)