Life… Vida… Vie… - Sisters of the Holy Cross

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Transcript of Life… Vida… Vie… - Sisters of the Holy Cross


Dear sisters, you touch many lives in your daily life. You come in contact with many people who are seeking God. I request you to share your experience of the divine with the sisters of the four continents. I am happy to present to you the `Life` of our Congregation. Together, let us sow new hope. Sr Gloria Poblete Muñoz.

Life… Vida… Vie… Vita… Leben

Sr. Aloysia María, lives in Mother House –Menzingen. She collaborates with the CLT to send the Catalogues to each Province. She feels happy providing this service to the Congregation. We appreciate your valuable contribution.

Sr Ursula María Niedermann has been the Secretary General for the last twelve years. We thank Sr Ursula Maria for her generous contribution to the functioning of the Congregational Leadership. May God accompany her in her new ministry!



Sisters of the Holy Cross Menzingen

May 2014


Hearing and constantly meditating on the Word of God awaken in us:

the search for God and apostolic creativity .

May 2014

Vision of the CLT

As CLT, we are committed to awaken new energies in the Con-gregation, so that every sister has a passion for meaningful life and innovative ministries.

Life… Vida… Vie… Vita… Leben

“A person scatters seeds upon the soil. Whether she is asleep or awake, be it day or night, the seed sprouts and grows, she knows not how. The soil produces of itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And when the harvest time comes… Mk.4:26-34

Sr. Telma Sr Francisca Sr Ursula Sr. Immaculate sr.Immaculata Sr. Gloria

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Life… Vida… Vie… Vita… Leben

We, who are elderly and live in a home for older people, can by the way we treat each other, and by accepting our own limitations, give witness to others and so become “little apostles”.

The third point of the action plan for Europe, spoke to us strongly. Violence has many faces: for example, making our fellow human beings powerless with meaningless laws and prohibitions.

Violence starts when I can’t accept others the way they are. (Sisters,Marienheim Einsiedeln)


Region Pakistan

Sister Paulina and Sr Judita by their very presence among the nursing students help them for an integral formation and give them hope. They address the violence within the students through the spiritual formation and help them to be connected to the reality of their lives.


Printed by Caritas Switzerland

Congregational Leadership Schweizerhausstrasse 6 CH– 6006 Lucerne


May 2014

Life… Vida… Vie… Vita… Leben

Some reflections on the Retreat in Daily Life. A number of people today choose to make a retreat in ‘Daily Life’. The idea is to make the retreat without interrupting their ordinary daily responsibilities. Many have jobs and families to care for and therefore are not in a position to go away to a Retreat Centre. Most Retreatants find the Retreat in Daily life a very blessed experience. It is an opportunity for them to journey a little deeper into the mystery of God’s love in their lives. Each Retreatant is required to give at least a half an hour a day to personal prayer in God’s presence. With the help of a prayer guide/companion, the retreatant soon realizes that there is no such thing as getting it “right” or “wrong”. Each person’s journey is a personal journey and God is very much in control. The Holy Spirit hovers over the experience, creatively bringing light out of darkness, gently and lovingly sustaining them through the experience. A daily Review of the retreatant’s prayer is encouraged and each week they meet up with their prayer companion/guide and share what they are comfortable with. Everything is confidential and anything shared is welcomed with the deepest respect and in a spirit of generosity. As a prayer guide for a number of Retreatants for 5 weeks during Lent, I find it to be a humbling experience to be chosen to accompany them and pray with them about their relationship with God. Sr Imelda Fleming

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Signs of Hope

Life… Vida… Vie… Vita… Leben

What makes this world so lovely? People. They bring out what is best in you. They are like fountains of pure joy. They make you want to sing, or may be, dance. They encourage you to laugh, even when things get rough. And maybe that’s why things never stay rough once you have found such people. In this issue of the little magazine of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, you will meet many such people: the members of House Bernarda without whom we cannot exist, the Sister-translators because of whom we can function well, Sisters of our Holy Cross family throughout the world, the numerous people with whom we collaborate and whom we minister, the members of the CLT who also function as Editor, Web-master, Secretary, Formator, Bursar, Pastoral Minister and anything else the everyday life offers. People cre-ate experiences. They generate wonder and hope. We have become what we have received. Can we become what we have described about others? Do not let opportunities pass by. Some have been waiting for that sign of hope that would give new meaning to their lives: a forgiving word, a friendly smile, a commitment offered. Recently I was meditating on the Chapter Message connecting it to the Scripture. Where is this aspiration for ‘Women of Hope’ hidden? I wish you a time of contemplation and a growth into full maturity as wom-en of hope! Blessings!

Sr Telma



There is always a need for each new generation to look with fresh eyes at the life and teachings of the founders. To ponder anew the implications of their life and teaching is a constant call . We are called to reincarnate their charism for a new era and a new society.

We invite you to join us for a further reflection on their life and spirit and that of the Congregation.

Theodosius Florentini and

Bernarda Heimgartner: Sowers of Hope

When Theodosius Floren ni and Bernarda Heimgartner recognized the will of God in the needs of the me, it was the Dawn of Hope for central Switzerland. They courageously ini ated a new form of religious life and a new life style among and with the people. Later this Hope was carried to the four con nents.


A search for clarity and rst -hand experience

Ms. Janet Croggon and Ms. An-drea Lucas, teachers in the Ho-ly Cross School, England came to Menzingen in search of the foot prints of our Founders. They say that all the girls in their school know Mother Ber-narda. They want to bring more to them!

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May 2014

Sr. Judith Burkhardt (77) has nurtured ‘a tree of hope’ for 54 long years. Firstly, for many years she cared for the new born babies and their mothers. Later, she showed God’s mer-ciful love to the elderly. Father Neuss, the parish priest, presented her with a tree full of fruit during a service of change of Leadership. Sr. Clarissa Thann-bichler took over the leadership of the home for elderly. She was presented with a small tree which, hopefully will grow into a big tree.

Life… Vida… Vie… Vita… Leben

Novices` column

‘I am called to live the Gospel values by reaching out to people and to be rooted in the Mission of Christ promoting the uniqueness of each culture and nationality in the Province.’ Novice Beatrix

‘I need too to appreciate the ability of each sister. In this apprecia-tion I can also share my faith and apostolic experiences in commu-nity.’ Novice Constancia

‘I am called to let the Word empower me so I can empower others with the Word of God.’ Novice Nomfundo

‘I am called to bring hope through my response to today's chal-lenges and to have a trustworthy dependence on God al-ways.’ Novice Sylvia

The area of internationality has influenced the way I live and relate to people in the community and in the society at large.’ Novice Vimbai



Bongera Parish-Jharkand

May 2014

Life… Vida… Vie… Vita… Leben

“You shall be my witnesses unto the ends of the earth.”

Life here is risk taking and challenging , but there is an inner force and strength in each of us to know the plan of God for us. We are courageous enough to do our

service quietly trusting in the Lord. We are happy and contented with all the struggles of life. We are becoming familiar to the people and people start recognizing us in the healing ministry that we do. We thank the almighty God for his loving care and protection .

Sr Jane, Sr Seraphine and Sr Hema

Sisters from the Central Indian Province responded to the call of evangelization by moving to Bongera parish, in the state of Jharkhand. Three sisters are living here. The people are ‘Adivasis’ who are peace loving and symbiotically related to the environment which they regard as their mother.

The immediate focus of the sisters are on improving the quality of education and family life.

People from Libya were present at the first Pentecost!

New mission

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May 2014

One of our commitments according to the mind of GC 2013 is inter-province collabo-raion in the La n American Con nent, between Province of L.A. and Province of Cunco. Coming back from the Chapter we decided to organize an Assembly with all the sisters of the two Provinces in order to com-municate the Message and to brainstorm sug-ges ons for further collabora on. Actually, sharing or par cipa-

ng in ministries and ac vi es began already before our GC, like coming together of some communi es in the same geogaphical region (Laja-Vilches, San Juan, Río Bueno-Osorno). This will be con nued. Another ini ve is the inter-province community in Peru. Sr. Maria Gore (CU) has joined the mission in Peru as member of a community of LA Province. She will work in the school “Fe y Alegría 59, Santa Cruz” and engage in other du es related to every day life. __________________________________________________ Voice of Hope

The South Indian Province has created an opportunity to work with a Community Radio—Radio Benziger. The Sisters create and present programs. The main e ort is to empower people regarding their Rights. Discussions on current social issues are taken up to create awareness.




„To evaluate and begin to work

on the governance and lea-

dership structure of the pro-

vinces in the light of today`s rea-

lity“ GC 2013

Province England and Province

Italy have begun to work on

this aspect.

Life… Vida… Vie… Vita… Leben

Sr. Raquel Magnago (vice-province superior) gives a light to Sr. Rosa Rico as a sign of her new mission as regional leader. On the same day, postulant, Laura, began her noviciate –

the first novice after 21 years of “no-novice”.

Vice Province Argentina became a Region on 09 March 2014

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May 2014

Life… Vida… Vie… Vita… Leben

A few Sisters from Maria vom Berg wrote: The invitation to share our thoughts about “Together on the Journey” has really spoken to us as a group. May be it is because the CLT’s vision is something that counter balances the everyday reality in the Swiss Province and gives us Hope.

Much future planning is still and will continue to be needed. Significant changes will be the outcome. Pulling down, letting go and dying - most of the time this causes more pain than hope.

The energy of this Direction, gave us joy and reminded us to be ‘women of hope’. This is for us all and also for our Province, with record number of older people. ——————————————————————



Life… Vida… Vie… Vita… Leben

Sr Anna Mokhesi and Sr Albertina Nkunyane of Lesotho Province are involved in the Animation ministry in the diocese of Aliwal North of South Africa.

In collaboration with others they train leaders of the Small Christian Communities and Catechists. They also ensure that the locals are trained on the need for food security.

During holidays, they organize camps for children from various parishes. Children establish relationships, learn Catechism, enjoy recreation, talk about life and celebrate Mass sometimes up in the mountain.

The two Sisters believe in building teams and bringing faith and life together.

Children during camps-up mountain

Hope urges us forward

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May 2014

Our aspiration was to collaborate, Ingenbohl and Menzingen, as one body with the healthcare system of the country. The healing mission of Jesus was our highest inspiration. To honour the Right to Health of our people and make it a reality for them was our dream. We believe that a concerted effort of both Ingenbohl and Menzingen health care systems spread all over the country can strongly face the challenges of the health care delivery of our country. We can offer viable solutions to meet the health care needs of our people. It is amazing to recognize the ‘wealth’ we have at our disposal. After the multiplication of the bread, Jesus gave the loaves to his disciples and asked them to distribute it to the people. The healing mission of Jesus is handed over to us to serve humanity.

The Governing council of HCHC-M is constituted by the six Provincial Leaders. There is an elected Steering committee. A Project Director and team is appointed. To support them, there is a Technical Advisory Committee and a Commission for Transformation. A fund for the initial expenses is created by equal contribution from six Provinces.

The difficult birthing process is over and a healthy baby is born! We recognize our call to be channels of life. May this hchc-mission work wonders through us!

Sr Telma

Two convictions pushed us forward: (1) According to the Gospel and the challenges of our time, we risk new ways to commit ourselves to promote life. (2)Through collaborative endeavors, we awaken hope and contribute to the transformation of the society.

CALL TO COLLABORATION : Holy Cross Health Care Mission: HCHC-M A collaborative endeavour of the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Ingenbohl and Menzingen in the Healing Mission of Jesus in India : since 15 February 2013.





Sr. Ingrid Hug

Sr.. Miguela Muslin

Sr Imelda Zecca

Dear Sisters, Your contribution is valuable to our mission.

I am happy to translate texts for the Sisters, be-cause the Congregation is my family and I love it very much.

I am happy to be with you in “The Spirit of Hope „

We can translate the docu-ments from English to Ital-ian. I assure you my prayer,

with that of all the sisters of Italian Province.

Sr Dorina Zanoni

I will help you with the translations. You know I am only too happy to be of ser-vice to our Congre-gation.

Translations are for me a good inter-ruption of my daily routine, It helps me to remain in touch with the differ-ent languages.

„Just let me know. I shall do it gladly, anyti-me.“

Sr Angela Peter.





May 2014

Life… Vida… Vie… Vita… Leben

Sr Ancilla Pia Wechsler (1936) is the Animator of the community. She gives a new face to this old house, inside and outside and keeps the members of the community happy and content; organizing everything so that the affairs of the whole congregation goes well!

Sr Armanda Hofstetter (1938) A good cook; you will enjoy her talent and generosity, concern and tenderness when you live here. She does not forget to ask: “Do you enjoy your meal?” She learned English to interact with the Sisters on the CLT.

Sr Erika Maria Aregger (1939) has been a Pastoral-Assistant in various parishes. Now she is our pastor! She continues to assist certain parishes where there are no priests, when she is needed and she also makes sure that the members of the community dress well!

Sr Luzia Bucher (1941) joined House Bernarda community recently after her ministry as Superior of the Mother House community and member of the Provincial Leadership Team for two terms. She is keen that ‘a table is set before you’ and the community is happy and contented.

Sr Wilma Fraefel (1936) has been in this house as Educator when this was a Social Work School; later on took care of immigrants who were given temporary accommodation here. She continues to involve in the social affairs as part of this community.


Life in real times -13-



They write:“I want to say thank you for being invited to the celebration of the installation of the Congregational Leadership Team in Menzingen. It was very special to all of us. It was like a “Family Feast” and you made us a part of that family.

It was also impressive to realise the existence of Holy Cross Sisters apart from the ones in Alt- Neuoetting! How many of us can boast to have ‘siblings’ on 4 continents? (Gisela) The whole Mass was amazing! You could really experience community. What impressed me most was that the whole Mass was celebrated in different languages. The presentation of the lit candle was a moving and holy moment. All the Sisters were so open and friendly – what a fantastic experience for us all! (Sabrina)


Aliwal North. Congratulations! Sr. Michelina Abtmeier entered the convent in Altötting/Germany in 1936. She went to the South African Mission in 1938 where she now celebrates her 100th Birthday. She worked in different Mission stations in the Province of Southern Africa. Her work was varied – sometimes in the house or garden, as sacristan or looking after little ones in a children’s home. The work in South Africa kept her young. A fellow Sister writes about her: “She is still quite lively.“

100 years! Me, a reason for hope for you!

Several young women from Germany took part at the installation of the new Congregational Leadership in Menzingen on the 12/01/2014.

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This year 12 people who excelled in the field of public health were awarded with the Medal. On 11 December 2013 Sr Franziska received the medal for her contribution to public health, in the private sector. On this occasion Sister expressed humbly, that she was receiving the prize on behalf of everyone in the Hospital of Panguipulli who have worked with commitment for many years. We thank God for the 28 years of dedicated service of Sister Franziska, nurse and director of the hospital.


North Indian Province

The magazine of the Conference of Religious India reports: “Sr . Consilia Pengadu belonging to the Sisters of the Holy Cross (Menzingen) has been honored by National Commission for Women on the occasion of International Women's Day as an "Outstanding Woman". The award was given during the celebrations organized on 20th March, 2014 at Vygyan Bhavan, New Delhi. Sr. Consilia Pengad is the Director of Jeevan Jyoti Community Centre in Sitapur District, Uttar Pradesh. “

From Cape Province, Sr Alma Kohler sends you greetings of peace and joy.

Latin American Province Sr Franziska Haring Schneider, received from the president of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, the medal ,"Order of the Southern Cross"



-10- The Great Event 2013

Thank you...Danke….Gracias...Grazie….Merci...


