LIfe Hacks for Right Brain Thinkers - Cydcor

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of LIfe Hacks for Right Brain Thinkers - Cydcor



People who excel in creative arts, love

to experiment and tinker and learn

better when things are explained

visually are considered “right-brain”

dominant. However, along with these

positive attributes, right brain dominant

individual are often thought to be easily

distracted and unorganized.

Being a visual-spatial learner means

your brain learns best through visual

clues and observation. Long,

complicated mathematical problems or

block-text can often cause right-

brained individuals to tune out.

Right-brain dominant people often like

to work in groups, but it’s also good to

give your left brain some exercise as

well. To do so, encourage yourself to

work alone whenever possible. While

team tasks can be great creative

opportunities, it’s also important to learn

how to be able to tap into your left-

brain by giving yourself some quiet

space to focus on the task at hand.

Visual-spatial learners don’t do well

under pressure. Give yourself as much

time as possible to finish a project, and

avoid procrastination by scheduling this

time and ensuring ample opportunity to

get things done without time pressure

setting in.

Encourage yourself to draw webs and

links while taking down notes, rather

than writing things in a more linear

fashion. Draw pictures if it helps illustrate

a point—even something as a simple

doodle can reinforce the information.

Managers can assist right-brain thinker

by showing the whole picture for facts

that need to be memorized, versus just

handing out a document for them to

read and memorize. Visual supports

such as pictures and maps help with

ideas and facts. In addition to providing

information verbally, use colors, charts

and other visual aids to help them

commit information you need to know

by memory.

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