Life cycle of plants

Post on 28-May-2015

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Life cycle of plants

Transcript of Life cycle of plants


Unit 3 – Science Fusion

What is a life cycle?

• The stages an organism or living

thing goes through during its life. The stages form a cycle that repeats again

and again.

How does the life cycle of a plant begin?

• Most plants come from seeds. A seed germinates when it breaks open and a small

plant grows out of it.

FLOWERS• A flower is the part of some

plants when they become adults. The flower enables them to reproduce (make more plants similar to themselves)

• Flowers have male and femal parts that are involved in reproduction.

Seed: it has a hard outer covering to

protect it.

Seedling: it is the tiny new plant that comes out of the


Adult Plant: the seedling grows into

an adult plant.

Fruit: flowers fall off the plant and the plant

makes a fruit. The fruit holds the seeds.


• Some plants make seeds without flowers. Their seeds form in cones.

• Cones are the parts of some seed plants where reproduction occurs. Cones do not develop into fruit.


• It is a powder-like material involved in plant reproduction. Plants that make seeds also make pollen.


• It happens when pollen is moved from the male plant part to the female plant part.

• The environment around a plant helps in pollination.

• Wind, water, and animals help move the pollen from plant to plant.

The pistil is the female part. The

seeds form in here!

The stamen is the

male part.

Seeds are carried to new areas thanks to water, wind, and animals.

Look at some examples:

•Birds eat fruit, the seeds will pass through its body. The seeds may be left in a new place.

•Seeds may float in the wind and moved to new ground.

SPORES• Spores are reproductive structures that can

grow into new plants. • Ferns are one type of plant that reproduces

using spores. They have leaves called FRONDS. Each frond has smaller leaves.

SPORES• Moss is another type of plant that reproduces

using only spores. Mosses are small, soft plants. They usually grow in damp (wet) places.