Life Coaching - Proofreading Diploma · PDF fileworth – consider life coaching. The Life...

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Postal address: P O Box 58 696, Botany, Auckland 2163 Telephone: 09 272 3974 0800 80 1994 email: Institute House: 24 Carousel Crescent, Auckland 2016


Life Coaching Business Training Correspondence Course

New career?

Have you heard people say

“I’m working hard but I’m not getting anywhere”?

Maybe you’ve seen good people running around in circles,

getting more frustrated by the day…

Our vision is to provide superior distance learning programmes which enable adults to earn an income and/or express their creativity.

Our vision is to provide superior distance learning programmes which enable adults to earn an income and/or express their creativity


Tutorial 1 Understanding the popularity of life

coaching and knowing what is involved

in being a life coach. Knowing how to

set success boundaries and how to apply

success tactics and strategies and then to

recognise and avoid bad practices.

Learn the seven secrets to being a

successful life coach.

Tutorial 2 Understanding the importance of your

personal character qualities and

knowing the value of and when to use

your own life experiences. The

importance of ‘personality’ for a life

coach and how to improve your

essential communication skills.

How to read your client's body language

signals. The importance of making a

good impression. Tips on becoming a

good role model. Understanding the

impact of our own beliefs. The power of

self-talk: negative and positive. How to

keep your personal life separate from

your professional life. How to set

boundaries, and stay within them. How

to devise a crisis management plan.

How to be and stay resourceful. How to

prepare your own life coaching mission

statement. How to prepare your life

coaching promise statement.

Tutorial 3 How to use life coaching tools.

How to use client reflection exercises.

14 Common coaching obstacles and

how to deal with them. How to help

your client remove their own obstacles.

What to do when your client has low

self esteem, or self-destructs. How to

change a belief system. How asking the

right question secures the most honest

response. How to avoid problem words,

eg: But, Try, Don’t etc. How to

introduce a positive tone into a negative

conversation. How to use the

‘summarising’ tool.How to manage the

first contact with your new client. How

to get commitment from a diffident

potential client. How to prepare your

life coaching contract. How to establish

session times and duration. How to

handle fees, confidentiality,

cancellations, terminations.

The importance of a ‘Client Promise’


Tutorial 4 How to prepare for a client coaching

session. How to conduct your first

client interview. Useful ‘Interview

Notes’ template. Key question:

“What do you consider is missing in

your life?” How to recognise your

client’s real needs. Why self-enquiry

is better than you questioning the

client. How to recognise what is

holding your client back.

How to use the S-W-O-T analysis

chart. How to get your client to

identify their life’s purpose. How to

create a ‘Life Assessment Form’

template. How to help your client

establish their own goals. How to

get clients to do things between

coaching sessions. How to combat

client procrastination.

Understanding the ‘problem-

solving-cycle’. Is your client a

visual, auditory or kinaesthetic

person? How to use the ‘Seven

Secrets of Life Coaching’.

Tutorial 5 How to get your client to establish

firm goals and commitments. How

to explain to clients that they

always have choices. How to coax

a negative-thinking client into

being positive. How to move your

client’s responses from general to

specific. Helping clients find their

own solutions to life’s problems.

Powerful questions: “How will

your life change when you …?”

The impact of using “when”

instead of “if”. How to use the

energy behind the YES word.

How to get the client’s real

meaning behind fudged phrases.

How to help the client with a fear

of making changes.

Sample coaching scripts.

How to move on from ‘fantasy

goals’ which aren’t relevant now.

How to get indecisive clients to find

real commitment. Why the coach

stays neutral about the client’s life

and job. How ‘power questions’

help your client focus on what’s

important. Recognise the

difference between ‘attracting’

and ‘withdrawing’. How to close a

coaching session on a high note.

How to name and register your

business. Where to get free

business cards to promote your

services. Letterheads, flyers,

networking, blogs, space ads. How

to develop your Marketing Plan.

How to practise on ‘volunteer

clients’ before you start charging.

Tutorial 6 How to move from volunteer (no

fee) clients to charging a fee.

Understanding your fiduciary and

legal obligations. Setting some

target numbers for your first year

in business. Know where to

establish your base location.

Whether you should work at home

or use a leased office. Give special

consideration to where you

interview clients. Your basic

business tools. Desk computer or

Laptop? Knowing how much to

charge. Knowing how to set up a

‘package of coaching sessions’.

Whether to charge per session, or

per month retainer? How extra

services give ‘added value’ to

what you offer. Knowing how

long it takes to get established.

How to set your fees at the right

level for your market. How to use

marketing techniques to build

recognition. Creating your own

website, blog and Internet and

social media presence. How to

create and sell your newsletters,

eBooks. etc. How to use Google to

promote your business online.

Networking is the way to meet

prospective clients. How to get

free press coverage of what you

do. Life coaches who are public

speakers earn more. How to

become famous. How to create

your own books, CDs, DVDs,

podcasts. How to host regular

workshops for groups. How to

turn contacts into paying clients.

What to talk about when potential

clients call you. When and why

you should specialise in niche

coaching. Creating long-term

success and steady income as a

life coach. Adding DipLC to the

letters after your name.

© Copyright NZIBS

Our vision is to provide superior distance learning programmes which enable adults to earn an income and/or express their creativity


Have you heard people say “I’m working

hard but I’m not getting anywhere”? Maybe

you’ve seen good people running around in

circles, getting more frustrated by the day.

Do you see people climbing the ladder of life,

but they haven’t noticed it’s parked against the

wrong wall.

These people, and thousands like them, need

help. They need a life coach.

You don’t have to know the intricacies of their

business or their private circumstances to

coach them. If you suggest some strategies

which will help the person get a handle on

their life – you’ll be their saviour, their hero.

Being a life coach is about helping people.

You could be that person.

You could become a life coach. This training

programme will show you the way. There

are six steps on this journey.

One of the techniques you’ll learn is called

“Start with the final objective and work

backwards to where you are today.” Let’s try

it. If your objective is to have a business you

can do from home, being only as busy as

you wish, earning what you know you are

worth – consider life coaching.

The Life Coach course has these entry


1 You must like helping people.

2 You must have a broad spectrum of

life experience.

3 You must be (or learn how to be) a good


Have you got what it takes to be a life

coach? Being a professional life coach

(Dip.LifeCoach) is a fairly new career.

It can be voluntary or a highly paid

business. Coaching itself dates back to

Plato, Demosthenes and biblical

leaders. Gandhi, Churchill and

Mandela were coaches. Today’s top

sports players and business leaders all

have personal coaches.

Being successful at living LIFE is far

more important than winning a sports

game or closing a business deal.

You’ll be guiding people where the

stakes are high – that person’s sense of

life balance, general wellbeing and


Yes, your clients will pay you, but the

real satisfaction comes from knowing

you’re making a beneficial difference

to people’s lives.

Being a Life Coach is about helping people. Not by ‘being nice to them’ but by showing people how to get more from life, without anxiety, frustration and

tension. “He can’t see the wood for the trees.” This is when a life coach helps someone recognise and refresh their focus.

Our vision is to provide superior distance learning programmes which enable adults to earn an income and/or express their creativity

- You will draw upon your own qualities of character, your own life experiences.

- You will learn how to suggest strategies which will help your clients achieve their aspirations

and objectives.

- You will learn how not to take charge of your client’s lives.

- You will learn how to operate a business based on nurturing clients who each pay you a fee for

the support you give them.

- You will learn how to establish that business, from a standing start.

- You will learn how to set your fees according to the calibre of service you provide.

- You will grow and develop yourself as a person. “We learn best that which we teach” said Tim

Hendricks, and he’s right.

“I faced the prospect of returning to

work after spending years raising my

kids. I lacked confidence and, although

I wanted a career, I just didn’t know

where to start. A friend recommended

a Life Coach. Even from that first

session, I felt more confident and my

coach helped me develop a plan of

action. In the sessions that followed, I

realised my strengths and decided to

take a course in floral design. Each

session gave me an incredible boost

and I started to have greater self-

belief. Eventually, I passed my course

and went on to set up my own thriving

floral design business – something I

never imagined was possible. I could

never have done this without the

support of my Life Coach and even

now I still book a regular session to

enhance other aspects of my life.”


“After taking a gap year to travel, I

came back with no clear idea about

what I wanted to do next. A friend

suggested a consultation with a Life

Coach to help me assess my strengths

and gain clarity about my future goals.

After just a couple of sessions,

I realised I wanted to teach. My Life

Coach provided the prompts, targets

and motivation I needed. I’ve since

completed my teaching course and

discovered that I have a natural

aptitude for teaching. I now work in a

lovely rural school and absolutely love

my job. I highly recommend life

coaching to everyone as it has

certainly changed my life for the

better.” –Barry

“I felt my life was going nowhere but I

was reluctant about hiring a life coach as

I thought (mistakenly) that they would be

intimidating and controlling. I was really

fed-up with my life though so I finally

decided to give it a go. And I’m so glad I

did! My Life Coach is absolutely fantastic,

and, contrary to what I thought, she isn’t

intimidating or controlling. It’s me who

makes all the decisions and she is there to

give me much needed motivation and

support. She has helped me realise what

I’m good at, and I’m now pursuing a new

career. On the whole, I feel much happier

about my life.” -Alex

Consider the positive influences life coaches bring . . .


Our vision is to provide superior distance learning programmes which enable adults to earn an income and/or express their creativity

Almost any mature person can become a life coach

Anyone* who enjoys helping people should consider taking this course.

Duration is four months. Students tell us they enjoy the whole learning process.

Age, ethnicity, physical disabilities and other challenges don’t matter. All students are

treated equally. Where you live doesn’t matter either.

* Mature people without textbook qualifications, but with ‘life skills’ are welcome.

Students who live outside New Zealand are welcome. There is a fee to cover international

postage and courier deliveries. International student fees must be paid in full at

enrolment. All normal student benefits apply equally.

You’ll have a personal tutor who is responsible for your progress throughout the course.

You’ll receive:

Six lessons in Life Coaching where you learn by doing

That’s the best way to learn

Six assignments leading to your Diploma

The Definitive Book of Body Language by Allan and

Barbara Pease

Coach Yourself to Success by Tom Preston

A recommended reading list

Public Speaking Information

Troubleshooting and knowing where to go to get the

answers you require when your course is done

Access to the Student Discussion Forum

Personal one on one telephone call with your tutor on

Chat To Your Tutor Day


Reply-paid envelopes for posting assignments to

your tutor.

Your own STUDENT ID and – following graduation –

an invitation to join the Institute’s Graduate Club.

Student Handbook. Please read this first.



Our vision is to provide superior distance learning programmes which enable adults to earn an income and/or express their creativity

The entry level qualifications are simple and straightforward. You must have:

1. Ambition 2. Enthusiasm 3. The willingness to learn If you have these important attitudes, the course will teach you the knowledge

and skills you need to ensure your success. You do not need a university degree or academic qualifications. Once you know what the industry wants from you, and you’ve learned how to supply it, you’ll have an income-earning skill for life! As you’ll discover, Life Coaching is a business that can go far beyond simply talking to people. By the time you graduate you will have a thorough knowledge for a rewarding career.

This is your official student identity card. It may open a few doors when you do research or photographic field trips. It enables you to ask for student discounts when you buy camera supplies, books, computer equipment, stationery materials etc. It is also useful when you are offered ‘student rates’ at the cinema, theatre or other venues. Keep your ID card safe and use your privileges with discretion.

The Institute Life Coaching Diploma is awarded to those people who complete this course to the standard required. You must do all the assignments to your tutor’s satisfaction and you may occasionally be asked to repeat an assignment if your tutor feels you have not grasped the concept being taught. Your tutor will give you extra assistance at no extra charge. We encourage every student to graduate. Your Diploma is the official recognition that you’ve successfully completed your life coaching studies. However, the practical experience you will have acquired throughout the course will be of equal importance and as a trained life coach you’ll find people will request your presence to help them move forward in their own lives.



Our vision is to provide superior distance learning programmes which enable adults to earn an income and/or express their creativity


Students who have taken NZIBS courses

have learned precisely what they need to

know to become competent in their

chosen field.

Our collection of “thank you” letters is


“My tutor was encouraging and I have gained

confidence from her feedback. Correspondence

(delivery) suits me well. There is no chance of me

getting unnerved by the competition. I have only

praise for my tutor and I respect her opinion. She

marks assignments thoroughly and thoughtfully

and never shoots you down, but has a lovely way

of advising where a new approach is needed.”

-Annie Easton of Auckland

“I liked the fact that I was able to set my own

pace of study while managing a full time job. I

also enjoyed the opportunity to chat to my tutor. I

enjoyed the range of topics covered and the

newsletters attached to the returned tutorials.”

Note: Jane studied Creative Writing.

- Jane Davies-Colley of Auckland

“I liked being able to study in my own home. I

appreciated the cost to benefit ratio, the variety of

subject matter and the depth of information

provided. The course has given me a very

realistic idea of the work required to actually

succeed. Each assignment I completed gave me a

sense of accomplishment and progress.”

- Rhonda Rendle of Hamilton

“I loved the fact that I could do the course at my

own pace and that there was so much support

from my tutor and other staff members. The

course gave me the opportunity to try out all types

of writing and helped me decide on the genre I

liked best. I appreciated having the return

envelopes and folder to keep my assignments and

tutorials in. It will be a great reference resource.

This course has helped my confidence. I now

know I can do it.”

- Rose Tutty of Napier

Anne Hilton Dip. LCC

“Correspondence was a useful way of learning

for me as I could work at my own pace and still

get on with my job. I had time to study each

tutorial and go back to any areas I did not fully

understand. I feel I have built up a good rapport

with my tutor. She has been helpful and made

good suggestions. She addressed problems in

easy-to-understand ways. Aspects of the course I

particularly enjoyed were that everything was

done by correspondence and was explained

clearly by a helpful tutor. Any question I asked

was answered immediately and I felt the feedback

was positive and I learned from it. I have been

able to finish the course and feel enthused. With

most other courses I have participated in, I have

only felt relief when I finished.”

- Carolyn Carroll of Masterton

“Initially I wanted to improve a skill I already

had. Now I would love to make a career out of

writing. My tutor was awesome and extremely

helpful. She was always so positive and

constructive with her comments. Aspects of the

course I particularly liked were its flexibility, the

fact that the course was very comprehensive and

informative and easy to understand. The tutors

were helpful, friendly and skilled. Everything was

made easy to access and understand. The

administrative staff were approachable and

helpful and catered to the many and diverse needs

of students. The course has given me more

confidence and improved my writing. It has also

helped me realise I want to, and can, make a

career out of writing. My only regret is that (the

course) is over.”

- Sarra Chircop of Whangarei

Our vision is to provide superior distance learning programmes which enable adults to earn an income and/or express their creativity

Graduates Club Newsletter #350

Reproduced for educational purposes.

Adapted from an Internet story, author unknown.

The older I get, the more

I enjoy Saturday mornings.

Perhaps it’s the quiet solitude

that comes with being the first

to rise, or maybe it's the joy of

not having to be at work. Either

way, the first few hours of a

Saturday morning are most


A few weeks ago, I was sitting at

the kitchen table drinking my

coffee and scanning the morning

paper. What began as a typical

Saturday morning turned into one

of those lessons life seems to

hand you from time to time. Let

me tell you about it . . .

I turned up the volume on my

radio to listen to Saturday

morning talkback. I heard an

older man with a golden voice

responding to a previous

caller and he was talking

about a thousand marbles.

“To caller Tom,” he said,

“it sure sounds like you're

busy with your job. I'm sure

they pay you well but it's a

shame you have to be away

from your home and family

so much. It’s hard to believe

a young fellow should have to

work 60 or 70 hours a week to

make ends meet and I was sorry

to hear you had to miss your

daughter's dance recital.

May I tell you something that

has helped me keep a good

perspective on my own


With that comment he began to

explain his theory of 1000


“You see, I sat down one

day and did a little


The average bloke lives

about 75 years. So I

multiplied 75 years by 52

weeks and got 3900. That’s

the number of

Saturdays the average

bloke has in his lifetime.

“I began to think about this

in detail when I was 55

years old” he said, “and

realised by the time I was

55, I had lived through

almost 2,900 of my


“I got to thinking - if I

live to be 75, I only have

about a thousand

Saturdays left to enjoy.”

"So I went to a toy store

and bought every single

marble they had. I ended

up visiting three toy stores

to round-up 1000 marbles.

I took them home and put

them inside a large, glass

jar here in my workshop

next to the radio. Every

Saturday since then, I’ve

taken one marble out

and -- thrown it away.

“I found that by watching

the marbles in the jar

diminish, I focused more

on the really important

things in life.

“There is nothing like

watching your time here on

earth run out, to help you

get your priorities straight.

Now let me tell you one last

thing before I sign off and

take my lovely wife out for


This morning, I took the last

marble out of the jar. So, I

figure if I make it until next

Saturday, then I’ve been

given a little extra time.”

“I’ll use it to make a


“The one thing we can all

use and the one thing we all

want, is more time.”

With that comment,

the old man hung up the

phone and there was silence.

Even the talk show host

didn't say a word.

What a great gift that old

man had given all of us who

were listening.


Our vision is to provide superior distance learning programmes which enable adults to earn an income and/or express their creativity


The New Zealand Institute of Business Studies was founded in 1991. The Institute is a New

Zealand organisation teaching to international standards and recognised as a leader in the

field of distance learning.

The Institute welcomes students from all over New Zealand and worldwide.

The NZIBS tutors are industry experts, providing unmatched knowledge gained through

decades of experience. In addition, the support team is dedicated to helping YOU to ensure

you get genuine advice and do well after completing your course. Hence you have access to

hugely talented creative people - all based in New Zealand.

Meet our people:

Principal Dr Liza Pujji PhD (University of Auckland)

BE Hons (University of Auckland)

Registrar Dr Harry Singh PhD (University of Otago)

MA (University of California)

Academic Administrator Julie Benns BASc (Auckland University of Technology)

Student Advisory officer Wendy Kissel BA (University of Canterbury)

TESOL (Christchurch College of Education)


Jill Malcolm Freelance Journalism

Jill Malcolm Freelance Travel Writing

Ian Jones Sports Journalism

Tina Shaw Creative Writing

Tina Shaw Short Story Writing

Tina Shaw Mystery/Thriller Writing

Tina Shaw Write Your First Novel

Joan Rosier-Jones Write your Family History

Brian Miller Digital Photography for Beginners

Robert van de Voort Freelance Digital Photography

Janice Marriott Writing Stories for Children

Janice Marriott Writing Poetry

Dick Ward Proofreading & Editing

Val Gyde Proofreading & Editing

Katrien Brown Proofreading & Editing

Phil Linklater Modern Day Communication

Phil Linklater Life Coaching

Jean Drew Write Your First Romance Novel


Postal address P O Box 58 696, Botany, Auckland 2163

Telephone 09 272 3974

Toll free 0800 80 1994

Mobile / WhatsApp 021801508


Bank ANZ Highbrook, 8 Business Parade S, Auckland 2013

Our vision is to provide superior distance learning programmes which enable adults to earn an income and/or express their creativity

Our Tutors - Team of Experts

New Zealand Institute of Business Studies

Terms and Conditions

Postal address: P O Box 58 696, Botany, Auckland 2163 Tel 09 272 3974 Email:

Our vision is to provide superior distance learning programmes which enable adults to earn an income and/or express their creativity


Student’s full name:

Preferred first name


Home telephone: ( ) Work telephone: ( )

Mobile number: ( ) Occupation:

Date of birth: / /19 Sex: Male / Female Email:

Please enrol me in the Correspondence Course: Life Coaching

For next course start date please call 0800 80 1994 or email:

Course Fee = $1500 including gst

PAY NOW $1300 incl gst at commencement and SAVE $200.00

By Credit Card:

Please one of the following: [ ] Visa [ ] Mastercard [ ] Debit Card

Credit Card Number __________ ___________ __________ __________ Expiry date _______/_______

Signature _____________________________________ Name on card ___________________________________

Or Internet Banking: Please phone 0800 80 1994 for NZIBS bank account number and reference.

Or Cheque: Please make cheque payable to NZIBS.

PAY BY INSTALMENT $250 deposit and $250 per month for 5 months

By Credit Card:

Please one of the following: [ ] Visa [ ] Mastercard [ ] Debit Card

Credit Card Number __________ ___________ ________ __________ Expiry date ______/______

Signature ______________________________ Name on card ___________________________________

Or Internet Banking / Automatic Payment: Enclose deposit of $250 to hold a place.

Please phone 0800 80 1994 for NZIBS bank account number and reference. A payment schedule will be sent out with

your course acceptance letter.

Or Cheque: Please make cheque(s) payable to NZIBS.

Please read and sign the Terms & Conditions on the following page.

New Zealand Institute of Business Studies

Terms and Conditions

Postal address: P O Box 58 696, Botany, Auckland 2163 Tel 09 272 3974 Email:

Our vision is to provide superior distance learning programmes which enable adults to earn an income and/or express their creativity

Terms and Conditions

Student fees are for the duration of the course which is deemed to be one year following your start

date. If you have not completed your course by this time, a further one-year of studentship can be

granted at the discretion of the Principal. Fees do not include computer or photographic equipment.

A GST receipt will be issued for all fees paid.

Terms & Conditions It is mutually agreed:

1. You may examine the first tutorials of the course for 28 days.

If you decide for any reason whatsoever not to proceed you will receive a refund less

$250 initial pack costs, if you have paid your fees in full.

If a deposit only has been paid the student will keep the supplied pack and no more fees

are payable. The studentship contract will be deemed cancelled.

2. NZIBS reserves the right to decline this application in which case all money paid will be refunded.

3. If your application is accepted by the Institute, you undertake to make full payment of course fees in

the manner described.

4. At the successful conclusion of this course, provided you have met the required standards of tuition,

you will receive your graduation documentation from the Institute.

5. If the Examining Board decides that graduation standard has not been achieved, the course will be

extended at no cost for a further period of tuition determined by your tutor.

If even after further tuition the Examination Board determines that graduation standard

cannot be achieved, your course fees will be refunded in full.

It is agreed that to be eligible for a refund, students must complete the course and

demonstrate that they have made a reasonable effort to their tutor’s satisfaction.

The Institute cannot accept responsibility for any changes in personal circumstances,

including work commitments, once the course commences.

Course fees and deposits are not otherwise refundable.

6. It is mutually agreed that upon the refund of course fees the Institute has no further liability or

obligation to the student.

7. It is agreed that students must submit their own work. Any form of plagiarism found will incur a

written warning. Should the plagiarism continue, the student will be excluded from the course with

no entitlement to a refund.

8. These Terms & Conditions supersede all previously published by the Institute.

I agree to the above terms and conditions:

Signed _______________________________________________ Date______/________/______

New Zealand Institute of Business Studies

Tutor Information Form

Postal address: P O Box 58 696, Botany, Auckland 2163 Tel 09 272 3974 Email:

My name is: ______________________________________ I am male female

My date of birth: _____ / _____ /_____ My age is: ______ Present Occupation: _______________________

Daytime Phone: ( ) _______________________ Email: _______________________________________

This is my brief personal background:





This is what I enjoy most about the work I am involved in at present:




These are the goals I wish to achieve:




These are the special skills, strengths and experiences I have:




My highest level of formal English language training is:



Why I feel I would make a good life coach:




When I graduate I plan to use my skills in this way:


OFFICE USE: Tutor Assigned: _______ Student ID: LCC _____________________ Start Date: ______________

New Zealand Institute of Business Studies Telephone 0800 80 1994

The day that turned my

life around

Graduates Club Newsletter

#915 Reproduced for educational


Based on Jim Rohn’s own story.

I was 25 when I met a

man called Earl Shoaff. I

didn’t realise it at the

time but this chance

encounter would

change my life forever. Until then my life had been

embarrassingly typical of

those people who lead

mediocre lives with not much

achievement and even less

happiness. When I left my parents’ home I

had ambition. I wanted to achieve

great things. However, life did not

turn out as I'd expected.

I was impatient to find work

earning big money. Back then I

didn't have any trouble getting a job.

(I was yet to understand the differ-

ence between making a living and

making a life.)

Shortly afterwards, I got married.

I made lots of promises to my wife

about our wonderful future. After

all, I was ambitious. I was sincere. I

really wanted to succeed. And I

worked hard. I thought our success

was assured!

When I turned 25 I’d been

working for six years. I decided to

take stock of my life. Actually,

things weren't going well. Back then

my weekly pay amounted to $57.

I was behind in my promises and

even further behind with the pile of

bills on our rickety kitchen table.

I was a father with responsibilities

to my wife and expanding family.

Saddest of all was when I

realised I had gradually settled

into quietly accepting my life of

being poor and miserable.

In a moment of honesty I saw that

rather than making progress,

actually I was falling further

behind financially with each

passing day.

Something clearly had to

change . . . but what?

Maybe hard work alone doesn't do

it? For me, this was a shocking

realisation I had been raised to

believe that the good life comes to

those who earn their living by the

sweat of their brow. But it was plain

as day that, although I was sweatin'

plenty, I was on my way to being

broke, in debt, and in need of

government assistance. I would be

just like all the people around me.

But I was only 25, for goodness


This terrified me. I couldn't face

that kind of future. Not a lifetime

of it. Not while I’m living in the

richest country in the world!

What should I do?

How could I change the

direction of my life?

I had more questions than


I thought about going to night

school. Having only one year of

college doesn't look good on a job

application. But with a family to

look after, going back to school

seemed impractical.

Then I thought about starting a

business. Now that got me excited.

But I didn’t have any capital.

After all, money was one of my

big problems. I always had too

much month left at the end of the

money. (Have you ever been in

that position?)

One day, I lost ten dollars. It

upset me so much that I felt

physically sick. Sick over losing

ten dollars! One of my friends

tried to cheer me up. “Jim,”

he said, “maybe some poor soul

found it who needed it more than


Believe me, that did not cheer me

up. As far as I was concerned I was

the person who needed to find ten

dollars, not lose it.

So that's where I was at age 25 -

behind on my dreams and without

a clue about how to change my

life for the better.

Then one day good fortune came

my way. Why do good

things happen when they do?

I really don't know. Maybe good

luck or meeting the right person

at the right time is part of the

mystery of life.

Anyway, my good fortune came

when I met a very special man

called Earl Shoaff.

He was conducting a training

session I attended. I can’t tell you

what he said that evening but he

captivated me. I remember

thinking to myself “I would give

anything to be like him.”

At the end of his talk it took all

the courage I could muster just to

walk up to him and introduce

myself. In spite of my stutter, he

must have seen in my eyes my

burning desire to succeed.

He was kind and generous with

his time - and he took a liking to


A few months later he hired me

to work with him. Over the next

five years I learned many of life's

most important lessons from Mr


He treated me like a son,

spending hours teaching me his

personal philosophy. Then one

day, at age 49, without any

warning, Mr Shoaff died.

After mourning the loss of my

mentor, I took time to assess the

impact he'd had on my life.

I realised that the best thing I'd

got from him was not a job. It was

what I'd become as a man. I was

living an exciting life based on his

philosophy and his fundamentals

for successful living. I’d learned

how to be healthy, wealthy and -

some people say - wise.

During the next few years I put

all his ideas into practice in my

life and I prospered. But the most

gratifying experience was sharing

Mr Shoaff’s ideas with my family,

friends and employees.

His ideas made a huge

difference in how my life turned

out. I took up the challenge of

communicating Mr Shoaff’s

wisdom to others.

Mr Shoaff had told me

“Whatever you do in life, study

that subject thorough-ly. Read

books about it. Get some extra

training. Become an expert at it.

Enjoy your involvement.”