Library of Congress · ?ÄmttflcmcntB onö íllretinqs «to-"Ni tOAi>SMT »irMi-sir.-Í:...

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Transcript of Library of Congress · ?ÄmttflcmcntB onö íllretinqs «to-"Ni tOAi>SMT »irMi-sir.-Í:...

?ÄmttflcmcntB onö íllretinqs «to-"Ni

tOAi>SMT »irMi-sir.-Í: <>T*n»hi*m1aii illrl." KelABU. Thkaii.k.-Ií.'.O: "la» Jolle rarfuuieiiH.¦ I_S FUIS «le Mine. Ancot." aimes.

Fina AUmíh Tiikai»...-._! ami *-»: "LtsnUBU*"pasan un m Hoesa. gaadU; "Man aadWifiLTOBl M Till ITBS.."SohOOltor Scnn.l.l."Ni w BucunWsl TuoATkK..'i and S: "l'uele

.**Nii«i_i*k QaUBUU. tUUdtl "Aroitti.l the Wort«!Ohmiu Thbatbb..M and 8 ¡ '* rte» Bi« Boaintil'A UK tUUATBB. -- and 0 : "our ll»»anllua-Uou*eBan Ir.AN. i«. .» Misai i:ma..2 and ¡9.Tont PA*m>a*a Kan taaaiuu. Tartetr."»¡»»a Sot'ahi Tiii-atfk 1:.'10 ami 8: "Ml«- Mwant.OB'S Thkatkk..1:30 ami 8 : " All t««r Her.

ACAKKMY OF Df.hion. Water t'oler Kxhlhilion.Baoanwar, m.ak Pninrr-rimi-aT..Oentenulah

):. ilOttOTBU r**i»>v-.'':.H»: l/t»ctui-. Da, A. J. Klx.ll.*_MUM>aa*a «.vi.m-v. Bmi-airtaa Oamoa.H» una** U..M», i, nu atkh.-^ and 9 ; Magical a

.» SI Vt rl',|>n:*»ice.Jlaw-Toi K a »i »Kiia..i>av and Brauten.IrVUrWAl 11 AI I Svnr.'lionv tViiecrt TbOBMS.Union Lt.A.;t m. «.un. _':ti.: I,.-, tut«». Dr.I_.te

51!m-. to AiifiTiiofnirnift

?UBBU.UWtta-lldl "age..M!« Mini (¡ill cniniiin-

BaNK!Ni. Ul»I «I I \M> BAUUBBS I 1 til PtUt -lie»BOARf AM» Kt»«»»i»'- llfA I'aor-'id r,, auiii

ButtNKS!» Mothtss Ufl vaoe.1»\ ranimain mm.«« in i».» sa- uih vaur -_>.i .a ïamaOñrABTBI BS1UV N.»l!t »« 9M Page 2«1 .».î'inin.('IIÜIVIRAIÜA V.iTI'l» -!»l"l /V»0(- '_'i eoln-TiaDaariNO A« umchiks -Oth Uses &ih .»'mini.Di-11 »sun »>n» :ae- uti, r.i x 24 eoiitiuu.Kl'< IION ,N in I- 110 Co f* ! Il polU! »a.

jV-1 ::<>i-i in At>VKRiIsi:*_KMS-«,1/A VVT"r MÉ at)

«¦¦¦ liimiis.ri «v. ui-111. Was» Island tdemuuum.Fi--: \_i--11«/i fapt Oth «iilnn.ii.Fpbbitobb x/a |*bs» 0th «rataamHmii>- \\th Pane -»il commitRoi'axs am» i «km.« V\, Pauc..Id pftiurnlev Cbbah- i l'A Page 4th eotomn.Imnmi < n"N -th Ciioe.blh ami «¡ill oilman«.l.trt.Ai Niricv»' "'/'» Pope «'.III coni;i,i

Lm ii !.?.« am. MKKTisiia- 111A Puoe.MAX column.M... him BT.MA J'utic- (¡t!i eoliimn.>i\i:in.i- iwnBBATa Murrain MAS TUuye %d eaimrAlAI._IAl.l_ AM» i»KAlll- 7t/J ¦*«!.<-Iti,I,.tlillllii.Ui-ibi.1 ANKoi .. -um txp* MA nomma i 18*1 FegtMh. ami tïtii co'.iiinns.

MrtucAi. ls.-TKrMio.T_-11M Page.Gtb eoliimnNi\» rt m îiAii'is- Bis l'a r bi, It«i, and bto eel111.Ai. fearAT* loir Hair- « il v Utn ¡ttt/e- 3d colBabuutTB MAS fegt Sdonlami Coiuitkt.OU.¡ir eoiumii : ai nos -.i!« '''h Pap ¡¡«i ealTo Kx« luv-! 'Oh Pupo.Hi ooluaiu.

Rui,nil«. NOTICKS ll'h litoi -3,, .,..', Hh culuml»« »« Bl An ruts Otk roue -_'il ».i,i ai;».

Baviwaa Baaaa.11M ftosa.S»i eoiuutn.Bra« i At. N.S- ','/' Cn-ie bib columnMm ATMs« »ami i» M-.ii«-- llfafUs» IthooltimiMtu« iii"i Page 5thoolnmn.

tlKtMBt'AT»» SUB UAii ituA:».«» 9th la.jr- 1th and *»tlimai«.

Or*amaas, c» Kii'-si/i -0M Page Uth eoiama .

_«» l,K*r Om PBO*.BBTT . Mft /V;o<-3il colBauoKLTS -Oth Puje Ad coliiiiin. OUVSTBlf.'l/r-n,! ci'!u":n.

Tu VViliiM IT Mai COtCXtXP.Oth Co I eolUBBB.Wixraa fas* Md ooibibb.

I'.-: I'.i'C- XoiUfô,'Tii'ï Hatb Ko K'.i! ti«,

are .ur ii,-lit up*. ii»»:e«ii a. ni.: -, ].;»¦ ..; -. las Um boAy fera-il pn»:>ti'i { i» Irotn vermifl, roptile*, oi ',»>..» tnab'j;.»r nue pievantsths npieniol nsattfiost Mi ismacra1'« or eR win-re.MatallM Hartal i 4*e» ami »-mti-et-s artiiuiule in all sine*.,

ire t."n, »¦«' n> ill» m M x;a-'i«!'.r-o... »it al. tlr«i ill«« uinitrlfilr.T* anil HiTlnnH.

Haviii'M» MaKUVA nii'N.i i.. Neir-1

To Osy. am» Ai.i...Are you laffcriug fBooMb, ciiii, aathma, UronciiltU, or any of iiiuv.uiouBi ;¦ ii" !"» ! i..' -,,,,'» :. in firomuitUoD ! If ki

Wll-BOB- I'r in** Cun la vi.n OIL AM- 1 '»'»:, 4 Mit and«eiou» n inc'iv Thltitaaquaeit preitSratt»*« bal tartasnrtoeribed bv tbe mertleal faeuHy. Mia».fa. «nr."* only IB wii.n.»!., « ¡n.i"«t. H ai »i», ."-..ill») .ii ,ni¿-4 lata

liAfi.Y rutnUMU, Mail !Suii_iri!»ei!". i£_«)|)et »nun

Ibmi-WbbklY. Tkiiu'.ni..Mail SultMnlmr.«.RH pet«\kkki.y minvna. Mull teihseribarsi B2peranna'Jertna. eru«ii in advaUOB.

A«'.dte«.a. Thf TUIBUWU. New-Y-nrerton* walle io ohtainluy. *l uiiíim*t*. SUfM

ham», boa1», oa hotels in isWefcU isaMtotth sof^ willfcrotatvr bg nklwrntee I hi* Pttet o' the m cum, tono

BRANCH Oman OF Till* TIUI'.'t'NF.Nrw-Y-»lu.- No. 1,338 Broadwar eoruar Titi

tir-.'-8f.; No. ;ii)»< Weal Twenty-third-at, co,

KiurUtli-ave. No. 7»»') 'I Innl-av,'., corner l'»iseventli-»-.; No. *_.'.:lN»> F'i»;ir:li-.ivr». iîlaritin.i

í'riii * -i.i-HiA.No. 11 I Sontli i-Uxth-ai**^'as¡iin -«¦.»s.No. i:i:ir» V-»i.l_»si»,..v_ No 13 l*all Mall. s. W.FaMa.No. 8 Baa «le la < IhaitM is d'Anitn.Ajverf «em»*i!te ami sabsoriptions are raeai-rat

publisher's taii'ii, rvmi H¡n_:'ie , oui« 3 of 'I'm- 1 vcu11,,-iv always be obtained »t all the above >>itioea.

3l>«u-îîôric Paus SrilmttFOUNDED DY HORACE GREELE



FoRKiCN..l'c'Aco with Serviii on tho ante-vheete ia detuned probable at. Constaatiaople,John Ciaseley <»f Halifax, an extensive c*i»»ii ,!¡

ia mnaarmased Bnaaoially. Tbe DirucI Ca1Coinpaiiy hasT-ated «Inwn a rraolntioa appointinictuiiinitt « t.» consider the amalgamation aoltei=^= Three »Chriatlana have baaa !ii»i»«»itiic«l r

vim i il Oorenmra l»y tlie I'orte.l>i»MK«irif'..Hi«- Flotilla case was ar_,rnf»d ln-fi

tlhoOaaprouuM Ouunuknion jtostarday by Mejc«

Held ami Tuekur fat the Danacrati and MemKnauaa ami MeCrary lot Urn Be»)iua_eattu,Osm. Andarasu has taaiiHed thai Damnerais oSmbim "fi'.'iX),cud to i-ell out tin* v,»«, i»t Lnnudnaex-linv. \\ ella will levttify to the MUM thing.CiiuutTfT-i Ihilh luwimu met at 10 a. m.. imtti

no wink until noon. In the BhnatathehiO iirnvilug that claims against the United BtatsaeaunotaalleccW nulum hron^t within hix feun a

¡maaed. Mi. Burgent httrodneed an amendmenttin* koiiM-,1 Mitiu*.««« m itiatioii i-, the puniabmei.f uauutarfeitaiu, la the House 1 proposed redotiun nf the salariai ot Benaton netpAotteti 1 EbntMOM «'l « )")-"»ii:«l nature, oiwhnii JJeinoi i.!i< « t in

Oiny BUM the l.iii-ilfii.,.Cnv am» BuuifUAN.-.Cautiuller Kelly npnrtr

the eitv debt to th«' Biats Beaaat ua »i«i ih.iot55? 19, nul the ainhing fun«! us 103.179,103 7!

1 UM Ii- Allen. Ufa letary of""-oi uni f l.ili

pave ii.ul «m Um charge «f »perjury, .Salamand wages were cut «inwn by th«- Park Deparimen

John P, Cliaiiiliciliii went into bankrupt«with henry Habtlitiea ¡md 1 aaatu. = Cyrn(¡. <'imk wasomnmitted t««r aegtitiatiag for^eii ConIrai I'-Ktti« aaada Qold, ni.'»1«, 105-% 106VC.ol.1 value of 1 he kgal kfmdot dollar at t he ehwa, BIcoiit... Blneks erratic and feverish, «-¡«»»«iii^ weak.Tiik Wi «un 1:.- Tua riiim.ii'a loca] observa

tiiniK iiitiii ui.* 1 lea) inn :»nu MUBBWUnt OOoleweather. Huinaawietai'jreatarday, i«>y, 1:1 , 1:1 ,

Mr, David Dudky Fid«! had Nnctfcing t«aiy in his .M-mraUoii alniut ".incicnt frâuds,'l>nt it. wan nut at nil in (he way <»l inin\ iofñphjr. _WotOxtñ bj lb« dihhivor with whi'-h t)i<

a*n tk'.-iinHtioi) m !i«me il lUfgvdud at tin- Miliof th«* Atl.iiii«!-, the sir r.»holden of the Direct(aide DOMpuaj ycHttwiay relus:«! «-ven to aj«-l'Oint I i«)iii!iiitt«-e to COU«ideC Hie imill<-i,Thia r«>hiik«> will be mflemit, it is to I«* Imped,to «li»x-«»iir¡iM«' the UCttVe »sHque who have, beenSC<*kl 11 i-r to «'KtuMisli mi odiotM BMHIOpolj.


A bow nH-tli«»<i t>f M reeoffnitkn" in tin»latj-'Jit Detuoerutk invrntiuu. The Dewoenitic(iovinioi nf Ki-iit tu'ky inrih« s ¡i furnial r<<jit¡i«i-tioll UpOO t lit- Di-lii»»« l.illc (l.lilliillit ill l.iilllsiali,:for a I unitivo finin jusiitj». 'I ht- tiaiisartmn h

ein» ll.v iiiipt»!Unit to t!io mail tin» poHoe in

altt-r, hut there is a pltiisant ptoprleiy in hi:-«

paasiuií « x'lusively thioii'_-h Democratic bn%d .

At tin- vriy outra t th«- Eloctortl Cowiiiimdpui-t hi.;'it:iit ta«»* !«' hoe with tin« QMOtku. oi

' th«* proj)ii»*t.v «>l Miiiiiitliiik l-Kfitiioiiy. i'nlilthis i» ioaMod then* «.in in-« rooJ prognmm ¦»«In in iUt work, muí upon ihe «licition, it ia

ii«*..alJi--_, lo »my, jii«:tty mat h the wliolt* «3«)ii-

trov.-iay Iuiiih. 'Jim o|Miiiiif- arKiiiiieilia y«--_-

tortJay nit-iely «.11111111,111/« «1 the Uirnl |m»«íiíh»iihUi 00 UiLcu by «ru.h _«ii, and wcru biu'dt-ncd

with pn»vi*«>s u* to tho ron rae to lui t.ikethe Commission. The deloriiiiiiation of

point cannot l»c delayed if t lie Florida Oftto b«» concluded within tin» prescribed tim

Prof. Grot»''*, new odíeme for on int»'lion ul hciciitiiao Ki-rvioe 00 solve questionanthropoloiry will ul tract attention princiibeCoVBM it h niiirinalor is PWPJ much in OBtl

He Una done e\c«'lloiit work in apBOlft].search»*«, ¡uni his personal oxerlidim 1

largely helped in -ausin-' tlie City t»f Rntt» l»c held in veiv pleasant reiiienibraniiscifiililic* folk.


Admiral Porter adds his 11,11110 to the listhose, who favor the plan of Arctic expjt-ion which ('apt. HoWgBte in Urging,chief diniculty ' that tlie Admiral foreseethat hOBIO ftiflkafSB Ift likely to oppresscolony during tln*ir aeclusion in the fn7.0110. Various details for the lindert fthinganggoatod, und there in a prospect that itsoon assiiinc tangible shape.The financial embarrassmenta of John Or

l¡ v of Halifax, it appears, arc owing to a

of from Hint* tn lour million dolían in fornnew companies. When a member of a g.firm, eanploying about n.oou people, is t

involvi-d, Micro is reason to apprehend 1

many British enterpiiaeeol thi; limited liabiclass an' on nn unsound basin. For aome yis]ii dilations ba K-«i oa t'neni have DOOn situlegalised gambling.Being Invented frith arbitrary powers,

l.nt'.sh iititlio'iiiis ¡ire takini* i"ii_r-»i .«ti-s nieasi

to prevent tin* epread ot tlio rinderpeat gnu

tin* herds of the United Kingdom. Thepolalarm ariaea from Infected cattle having 1»

landed at Deptfotd from Germany, wheroSil'ii.t und tiie Hartz Mountains tin» plajov*.*sis to ¡t dangerooa extent. Fearing aeari

fx0m tliis pestilence, the English joiuii.'ls »

on n*- for more American beef. People ofclassée, uo are told, buy it, and the avenv-« .*!-1v Importation already, readies 600,1pounds. Great surprises ¡no evidently ¡notfur those win. roppoaed our transatlantic tr;

bad attained ita limit.

II was Salmon P, Chuso who first *.;" The way to resume anecie paymenta is"resume." Do»** anybody doubt thai ifwere bow alive be would give the moat en

getio eneonragcmonl to Prealdent Gra«propoaal to do just thai tiling1 II»is gold hovering abont 105. On o

or two days this week a declinerum' ]». r i out m the premium would ha

practically equalized pd«l end greenbacl1 ho balance oi trade is in ooj favor. Bubom is ko d ill that the alight jarand ahrinage «>f tho plunge to bed rock won

hardly be felt. All the circumstances eoi

liinc to urge that the ebeapcat and eaaiiway to ¿ro to specie paymi nts is tn go at oni

The moment we get iho Presidential tpientiout of Mm way, Congress onghl to d«*al abortand dectaively with the currency.

Bo far bo Congreaakmal moraliat haa aviswith boldneaa enough to aay that Refoibegins at home. And if ho should-, after jtlenh'.'s voto in tho Hotiee, be would be di])' v i "¦ more th in his ordinary contempt ffacia. The Demócrata of the i louse had ,¡ fiioppartnníty yesterdaj to demonstrate the »

mIftebneas of their retrenchmenta by rednciitheir own salarios. One of tho party leade

appealed t<» them to take thia aetitpi in onlto prove to the people Dial they were aa mm

in favor of reform after election as beforBat at once there'waa a general Dene:, rat

protest against this " two-cent economy," ai

it was overwhelmingly defeated. Thia deciaiiwas doubtless proper enough, l»ut tin* mil hoof it was instructive, There is bo tellfawhat an election day may bring forth. Wh)was before "retrenchment und reform"now "two-cent economy."Tin* Win. R, Martin School of political rent

omy is no moro. It died yesterday by tlband of Mr. Martin himaelf.a dear case «

economic atUcide. Yesterday the wagef (

those few privileged persona to whom thworld owes a living which the Part Depanment has made it its business to supply, wei

reduced from .*ji2 to ifl YA, n day, withoutword of explanation or apology from the Prei¡dent. Doch Mr. Martin DO longer think thithe world owes anybody a living, or haa hcome to the ooacluaiou that to pay laboreimore than the market rato, simply as an in

vestment for iii* own political profit, came

little top mar to absolute Fraud to be safeBut now that he has abandoned hi* theory ¡deference to the prejudice« of people wh

know that money thrown ftwaj is «s good i

stolen, what, is to become of its pampereirotariml Unleaa they ehooae I«» secept ihnow oriior of things, they arc ttiroarn oui on

cold, cold world, which poye only market rajeami seoffsio a erne] way* at tlie Martin rale o

wages. S'lliuW'idy clearly owes líjese injuriabeinga a living. It aeema to be Mr. Marl in.

Prof, Packard, who is of high authority iisai li matten, has hopes, as will Im aeen l»jhi*, letter which we publish this morning, thatthe Western farmi n can i»* in great meaann

protected from tbe grasnhopper plague. Vieffect this reaalt, however, then* must btcoopération In tbe measnrea adopted, and thejini-st be carried out in tho remote regions ol

the Rocky Mountains, whence the locustflights originate. Al present enough i< not

known about tho habita and origin of tin in¬set to enable even tho.*" «ho have carefullystudied (ho Kiilijcot to plan s sueeesafal attackon the enemy. Thia was freely neknowledgedin the diseii-.sioiis laut year at the meeting ofthe Association for iho Advancement ofScience. Even Prof. Kih.v, who had eaten theInsects stewed, roasted, fried, and fricasseed,was uot prepared ti» lav out the plan of a

campaign. 'The letter of Prof. Packard snji-

gesti measures by which more knowledge ofthe grasshopper may Ik* attained, and also

gives reasons for his belief that from, fifty to

a hundred million dolíais can In* saved everyyear by organised methods of destroying theposts.

The people have their say in Tin; Titinrvi:thi.« morning. More than thirteen columna ofour space are willingly surrendered !«» th.»opinions of a thinking constituency. Almoatevery shade of sentiment is represented hereon every passing topic The Pieetdentialdispute, which has become perhaps none theless a crisJa because there is ao little cfomorabout it, is the theme of a food proportion ofthese eommnnlcationa, m it la Ibe Imt In theminds of moat of oar ritaaena, The municipalptohkojl which an- now MSBBBBg such pioim-lielico-the («»lnlitiiiii of (he «Jty fttMBCeS, thgBead of lapid (r.m-*jt, Ito-«nd all those localgrievaaoes wfaiek uro foaad whorover thenare Ugh MBtS, clow cais, ami fdthf BttOOU,got their s!,;tn- of attention. Titeas piihapsbad the two muiu «ÜV13ÍUI13 of JcbuU", but thi*if

in tli« fallout di iftission where theref-i t'iiN'st raup« of siihjccU oi common inThi lotion from UM i»« *>i»1*-» MO not !m>by ¡iii.v «liviilin« line «if them«-, hut run

Um Ugh pay of servants to the control

of (li<> «roll«*-¿«'i., and fioiii the treatment

insane to Um treiitinint ot the cuipct-biIt ia a good, Hg patliainent, and tin- In

it is that all tin* ¦$eO_0U c;in liav«« the Ü«once. _

AN AMcrica}: crisis.A stran<r<-r visiting the National Capite

week, and ignorant of the r«>c«'tit DO

history of the (Jotted stat«s, would oofoi

pOOt Unit the eoiintry Iiiih narrowly em

one great danger and is cv« n now in theof another. Three WOékl airo a politicalwhich comprises nearly half the voting l

lalioi) was threatening to march iij>«)!i V

lOgtoO in ovei powering mass ami tak«control of the (.ovcrnincnt out of the I

Of the President till«! OoOgrMB. Three v

ago the «o' of *" A fuir count" a free llghi " wn» bootd among

ignorant! endtable, and hreoponstbls 1>< rat« «>f the largo eitfeu, undpeople wen» beginning to tremble fur theIn* peace, while the President Judged it

d«-nt to r«niove the guns from some ofFederal annori«m t«) Mora secure htorohoIf we w«-i«* not upon th«> verge of an insu

tiiiii. we were at nil events threatenedttunnltu wboae 'consequences no one w

venture to predict. Cool ohsirvon* l«)i

upon the situation with uneasiness, and n

of oar citizen« wlio ought to hove ondoMIII«' AmrriUOU character wire tinuhle to *

way out of our difllculties without serionsorder. Clamors and menace«, howi \*<t, l

suh-i«le«l as suddenly as they had ¡ursin,

in the «aim of t«)-day we almost forgotuproar of last night's storm.The «lautrer to the publie p«>nce is suce«*«

by a «langer to our political InaHtutionn.bgpa we should fay to our political lihelin a voiding the Scilla of mol» violenee we

rushing upon Um Charytutia of a constitutn

ciisis. We have comiiii1t«d the count ry tj

experiment wlii<*h make« such a disturb!of Um obeeki and boiaiieei of our organicthat we eon hardly li«»|»«- to eml it save I

virtual revolution. AV«: find oiirsi-lve« I

to fae«' with Um eio-t important «pies!that can arise nmh-r a repuldicaii f<of govi rumen*,.the question whelhervot<»8 of the people for Um hk-l«nice known to Um »Constatation shallcounted uncording to law ami whethertransfer of pnwer from on«> iiiliniiiistratioiiit. legitimate raeeesso* ahaU take place in

regnlur and Hme-honored way. On the aus'

to thiti question depend not merely the l

tunes ot nitlii ¡dual .politicians hut the f

times.perhaps the existence.<>f ¦ gnatliti« ill party, the whole direction of thetioniil policy, perhaps the Stability of the

public iteelf. Y«>t we meet the qneaUoo by¡¡(novation in our potiUcal nx-tliods much in

daring than a dynastic ehange would he in

monarchical « innovation e.-pecia!.. I»,' tin ded Incaii-««' no one can OTOU guat the serions consequences likely to flfrom it.

In this sieoptl dungor Um »people-presenmarvelous picture of eompoanre. The pro««of making a Praaitlent nndcr inch nnpurulleleircniustano might justify a greet «lealexcitement», bul it goo on with the deconof a church meeting. Congreai mooti «lawith more than the ordinary quiet, and atteoto the opening nf certiflcatce und reading\otis as ii might attend to tim introductionan appropriation hill. The tripartite Cotmission, established in the room of i

Bupreme Court, trim the questionthe Preaidency as tin* Bench might try a p¡«'titease. Tli«> publie, represented by a f«hundred genUemen and ladies, sits silentthe gnllcriea ami wntcbca tin* routine of tlcounting ¡is it might watch an ordinary dhate. The two great party orgnnixatioi:il»)»":ii hy diatingiiiahcd members of the hiami -fight nut their mortal fighl with all tlforms ot law and eeremoniea of th«- eonrlami \iith a greutdVul m«»' tino thepaliteneof tn.ium-r un«l reserve oi speech that beimto ordinm. foremdc «¡'hate.

It is a consolation that in the nnfortunaieircninatancea of th«: time* the peoplo ol t!

United States are found bearing themselvtwith such dignity and self-restraint. A e »nnti

can reoiat tin.* internal aboi k of many a roí

Ktitiitional disturbance, wheu h criuia tinmight I»«- expected t«> rouae all the poiisioiis of the populaee ¡util lili the land wit

agitation only subdues the tcmpei of its tit/ens mid lulls them to anireraal pence. Witsuch h people tin- inatinct «,f orderly naif-gotcrament is «i x eond nature.

POLITICAL El RUY ¡S L01I8IANA.'I he iiiih-c the Louisiana busilM M is lonkei

into the more intereaUug it becomes. Tberhave heeii doubts InTCtoforCi we regret to say

with i..'.'« ronco to Uie honesty of i!i«> sveragmanaging politician ; and the politicol mansgen m Louisianu on both rides, perhaps, iiConsideration of the shifting and uncertoilphooM of Lomaioni política, i! would himore proper t«> say on all sidcu hare no

escaped suspicion. But this inquiry which Hil'a.iil Dudley field ii purauing with so muelvigor ami eornestneM ia bringing Into bohni,«i the fait thai the Retire politician« iiLouisiana ara modela of honesty, purityand pntrioti m. The testimony of nclmen M Ti» !.itt, win» whin appealed t<

t«i regard his own interest sends livingbach on lightning's wings the .noUo »senti*in:!.!, "Damn my intercuts. Think of th«'.i»...i interests .of forty .million people,"is h pel feet eye-opener. It reveals h

degree of idf-socriiicing patriotism luth-OrtO uusiispe« ted, and gires the lover«if his conntty new oceosioo for pride.Tlitii there is Itoddox, who testified yesterday:another revelation of invulnerable integrityand lofty patnotism for whom we cannot betoo grateful to Mr. Field and his committee.The testimony ««I Ifnddox reveals withal ¡i

degree of disiuterestednesi thai entitles himno*, only to the gratitnde ««f the nation hut to¡t comfortable position m either tin* Depart-in« nt of Justice or ihe Folding Boon of theEfoUM. Hire Was I mail who went to New-<ii le.uis tO s«-e alniut this Imsim-M forhimself. Ho "had some sympathy for the"people the.«'." He "found thai they had"been trampled on and oppressed, and their"RUbutnueC r:iK _»n awn.." lie " ¡«-ted i hronii"moral glOUpdo." There if« no doul»t about

that, for be dioUnetly avow- it. And so twt-

ing, lie attempted to make some ireung^enontwith the Republic >ti manogoii f«u deliveringUm vote "f the State k» Hayes im«! Wheelnfor Um trille of » million dollars,out of which he und l'iil.ilt v., m

to take ¿i c«iiniiiir,sion of ten per«-ii!. not for thtiiih-Iv»-«.|»«nsii di» tlnuiirh! I.hut. im th«.- widows and orphans «»? th» Booth.This w.iN on the liiN>a«l«st pootiUs iiioialt'tiniud-t. Nothing could be Luoudci or more

moral, mid tlint is what loads beauty to the

transaction. Hut having satislieii himself thattlie proposition would not lw rnet.h«* ami I'ioketttook -»till bcoader and more moral grounds, andmade tho approval of their OWI conscience.*..which WSB all they ¡ ill moro k» cure byOffering the vole of the State to the Democratsfor half tho money, with commission added.Here was a sacrilici* worth mentioning. Theynot only offered the .State to tbo Demo¬crat« ut half price, but actually dropped fiftypercent of their own coiniiii*-sion on the trans¬

action. And jot.will it. 1m* believed ?..tlio.-m »wo

gentlemen aro pompolled in self-defense to

assert, and reiterate before the committee that

they were actuated only by the barest and most

patriotic, motives, in order to relieve themselvesof tho siispieioii of being eogBOa. Truly tin-soare hard times for sincere, patriots. We havefallen upon evil times iudoed when mon likePickets and Maddox cannot infuso their highpiorality and strict notions of-duty into a

transaction partly commercial and partly politi¬cal without being suspected of aclflsh motives.

In addition to l'ickett and Maihlox we have,a Democratic Slat«* Senator who in the Inter¬ests of forty millions of say mith¬in« of Tilden and Reform.ottered $200,000to one of the .Returning Hoard for

the vote of the State. He too waa

ftctlng on broad moral grounds- no doubt.The behavior of Mr. Field toward(¡on. Anderson, ¡the member of the KetiimingBoard who allowed himself to bo approachedin this manner, was very manly and cour¬

ageous. Mr. Field, being himself a man whonovor permitted a disreputable person to

approach him with a retainer, and whowoald shrink from tho thought of ro-

ceiviag money dishonestly obtained, pur¬sued tho witness in u way peculiarly his own,

showing very clearly that the odium of thetrans'.olion belonged to the Republican per¬son who refUaed Ihe bribe, and not by any.nenas to the Deanoeratie pomes who (¡noted

it. ¡Mr. Field Ift doing excellent service in thecause of political morality. Ho is irradiiallvbut surely establishing (lie fact that the man

who is approached with a bribe and refuaes it

is a scoundrel. Tho next step wfll Im> to

establish that the man who oilers a bribe inthe interests of reform is a praiseworthy per¬son ami a sincere patriot.

(OS Tl SI ED SCSI'ES SE.Wo have had another week of rumors and

cordednies, moro or loss contradictory, in re¬

gard to the Kastern Question. The single pointamong them all which is very probable, if not

entirely certain, is that the Ottosaaa Govern¬ment is making eflbrta tt» conclude pe¡»<*o withSei via and Montenegro, as a defense in flanksgaiaol Russia Whether the terms reported are

those which ¡no actually ander discussion, orwhether the negotiations have proceeded no

further than tentatives ob both aldea, the move¬

ment is so obviously dictated by the b».tercetsof Turkey, as the next and necessary step inthis crisis of lier allairs, that we caiimft doubtit has been already made. Its success will de¬pend on the power of the Government tochange it- attitude, and adopt a tone towardBervia and Montenegro as forbearing and con¬

ciliatory as it has recently boon haughty anddéliant toward the Kurnpcan Powers.This is evidently the nest problem to be

solved. The hesitating policy of linssii mn.-thave materially weakened her influence over

the Servian Government and the BulgarianChristians] and the present uncertainty mastbe almost intolerable to a people who haveBuffered so much already. UnleM Servia sees

an immediate prospect of aid from Uus-ia shewill have no alternative but to accept the besttoi ms she can g»-t, and conclude peaee withTin key. Kven should war be declared in tinsprint;, she will then bo very well content to

observe a stiict neutrality, and see her battlesfought by proxy. There acema to he littledoubl that something will 1m» conceded toMontenegro, and ii treaty of peace with thatlittle Stale may soon be expected.Tin key still remains master of the situation.

Her unexpected pluck has cut through tnepainfully-woven net of European diplomacy.Her most determined antagonist atendí ¡is ifbewibli red, and seems to shrink from liftingthe gage Of battle she IBB so boldly Hangdown. A hesitation so prolonged is almost the

equivalent ot defeat. In n few weeks it willbo possible to begin military operations in theregion south of the Danube, ami if liu-sia stillmeans fo accept wir, it is qotte time sheshould prepare for it. Wo shall, therefore,Verj soon know her mood, even without anyexplicit declaration on her part. If her aï inyis not iu an efficient condition, if her credit isimpaired, and the ardent sympathies of herpeople have' cooled down, she may very w»*llprefer B mural humiliation to the difiiculticsaad aaerifiecs of war. lint how long will thespirit of Turkey, which has flickered up so

briffbtly «riten it eeecaed to bo dying in theMCketi .>«' abb* to burn ?

YM FOEAl TIME.Bines the adoption ot uniform time through¬

out (iront Britain, the doubts wore ex-

preased as to the utility of tho measure havewholly passed away. F very when« throughoutthe United Kingdom tbe time shown by clocks¡md v*.¡(tobes, if correct, is iin» of GreenwichObservatory. No complaints ate hoard againstthe system ; it seems to have completelywon popular approval. People have alreadyforgotten that cadi locality haa a differenttime of its own, and the " rising genera«"lion" will probably «row up without anythought on the suhjeet. One of the re¬sults has been a far greater accuracy 'thanwas ever before attained iii the time generallyshown by publie clocks. Hence, of ( MUSO, therela a noteworthy Improvement in the purictualitywith which busy mon can hoop their appoint¬ments. Several recent BUCCessful s»:its againstrailway -companies for extra expenses ¡md lossoccasioned by failure of trains to run accord¬ing to schedule, show that Englishmen are inoro

than over before attentive to tho dock dial.Sir William Thomson, who has mot withgreat success in contriving astronomical time-pieces, described not long ago before l aeteatiflem*.(tinganow clock that he iseonatroctuig. Heexpects to malte it run so accurately that it'will not show irregularities amounting to as

much as one-tooth of those of tlie best astro¬nomical clock-« that have yet boon made. Con-trivaneea for securing uniformity with Green¬wich time for ordinary clocks are now greatlyin favor in Knglatnl, and within a few weeksone of the new devices has obtained wideBotica in the London newspaper*.Alexander Bain, oalohrated as the inventor

of the electro-chemical telegraph, was amongtin* lln-t to devint a ini'thod of controlling a

number of clucks by ajoetrieity, so that theirtime, should In- uniform. Ho died in povertyat the ilium* for Incurables, near (¿lasgow, a

month ago; a small pension from the Brit¬ish (ioveinmeiit having barely saved himfrom utter wint. In the Hain sy-nu-mfor olcirio «locks tho whole move¬

ment of the cluck machinery waa effect-

ed by the buttery encrent. This* wan

noon improved upon, by what is known a« thedoues system, in which UM motion of thependulum alone is controlled hy el« .*,tricity. Itis admitted that both these methotls are bsOOtwith dilliciilties in practice, hut the Jonea «.>¦*-

tern hau h«>e.n much |gtd in Kngland. In thiscountry attention has heen more din-ctetl to

the simple communie .tmn of time signals hyelectfidty. The late Prof. JoOOph WiidiK-kdevised a mode for sending such signalsfrom tho obiMTvatory «)f Harvard Uni¬versity; and t lis» railroad.*« <-.'iit«'ring inBoston, many jewelers there, ami tho Aim-ricHnWateh »Company at Waltham, obtained stand¬ard time by such signala. The Dudley OI>-

i.«»rvaloiy at Alhany Ii.ih adopted a dillerentsystem to attain similar results. The dithr-ence can lie hrielly Stated. A teh-eruphir" UMSder1' is introduced, in the Harvard sys¬tem, into the electric current upon the onli-nary telegraph wires; th«> " KOiimletnbeingaetil-ated hy Um pec^nlnmoftbeohoervatscyehMk.At ev«rry two beats of the SOOOnOV pendulum,a click ««f the magnet is heard, except thaiovery r>Hth second is omitted. It follows thatthe next click is the «tart of a new minute.There is also n mnoh longer break OVOTy fiveminutes. The method of the Dudley Observ-a tory consists In tending signals during onlyten seconds twice every hour. One syst«m oc-

cupies the wires coiitinuously,*and fufQ.ihmliment ai:y minute ; the other require*! verylittle uso of the wires, und semis only occa¬

sional signals. The new «levic«* that is meetingfavor in Kiiglaml, OOUtfOls all the docks in BOO«neetion with the standard timepiece, sntomsti«.ally. A ourrow slit, eut in th<- «liai of a dock,admin two projecting pins. When the minutehand i« passing this slot, the pins, moved by a

magnet, full into the .shit, seize the minutehand and bring it to true time, and then re¬

lease it. The magnet at the moment ofthis peí formalice hau been char_*v«l by an

deetrie current from the étendard clock at(lieenwich. The l'ost-Ollice authorities, whocontrol Um telegraph in Cheat Britain, havegranted the use of wires for this s.vstiin. TheHankers' (.h-aring-hoiiso was among the Hr-tto adopt it, needing some means to be assuredof precis«' time, since numerous disputes hadpreviously arisen as to whether largo paymentsWON mods punctually within the minute. Ageneral adoption of the device by railwaysSüd other public eottcerns is conliil«ntly.*pre-dicted.The advantages of uniform time are so mani¬

fest that Croquent .oggestions have boon putforth with a VÍOW to sont«- syst«'in of the Kn-glish sort in this country. Sev«>r;il of our nil-way accidents have been traced to confusionas to the time used on different lilies, or bc--tween the local time and finit of the railroad.innumerable instances happen every year oftravelers missing fhirir trains through mistakeconcerning the time used upon a rood. Theadvertised time-tables are usually a sail puzslein this particular. It is absdutely bo-possiblfi. for instance, after a day's visit in

many of our Western towns, to learn withcertainty from th«> local newspapers the tune

to take a train. The railway schedules are

advertised« indeed, but iu three cas«*« out offour they do not indicate whether the timethey name is that of the locality or ofthe railroad. To add to the confusion, some

of the towns on the line of a railway adoptthe railway time, while others do imt. Atliuííalo one of the hotels keeps its docks set

by New-York city time. The New-Yorkerwho itepS into the waiting-room at the footof Corllamlt-st. is humiliated to And thatthnii ;h his foot may be still on his nativeheath, he is construí-tively in Philadelphia, 00-

cording to Um doeh before him; and this is

only ¡i beginning of bis trouble if lu- travelsabout much and sets his watch occasionally.

It is comparatively easy in ii small countrylike Great Britain to accept the time of one

place OS the standard for all. The chain:«* isal most a mottet of a lew minutes, lint to

attempt it here WOaid refluiré almost a revolu¬tion of ordinary ideas. On shipboard, in the

navy, it is never noon until the captain «In¬dares it lo>* If Washington time were au-

thoritativdy sdoptod throughout the DoitedStates, it would bo noon ¡it San Franciscoby order of the l'residen| and CoUgTOOB ¡ilM»ut.»'o'clock in the morning. We lu>ar a greatdeal about the capacity of Américain* for

adopting themselves to circumstances; butsiiili a change as that would strain most SOBFraiioi-<*un tennpen beyond the limit of elas¬ticity. We may be p<>i!nitt<»d to doubt if theprobh m will ever b<> solv«>d exactly in I hat way.

Bllt most of th«> ndvsuteges Of uniform tim«>

eonld bo ssenrod by a limpie device, wheneverplans for transmitting Washington time

throughout the country shall be matured,Publie dodu could «'¡isily be made to show

Washington time an local time, byadditional hands, which might be more slender«>t* of a «liil'erent color from the others. Onthis sitie of the Alh'ghanies, only a minute-hand would need to be added. Ones fixed at

the proper distance from the other hand*.,the new hands would never need changing.This device would sonn familiarize peoplewith the notion of Washington time, and

many persons would, no doubt, have a similaraddition made to their watch«'s. As soon ns

the new time beCOOM popular, the railioadcompanies would have to adopt it in their ad¬vertisement*-, ami p« rhaps would substitute it

entirelj for the present nystom «>f con fusion.

" (îlory te (¡«»«I ! Hohl on to «mo electoral voto in

Oregoo. I have 100,000 meo M hack it up. COUOS."Who is the lively «i»isi> that Mtagraobs in this waytotCoL 1'iltini so the t'»th «>f Due.uburf The pria*eipnL not to say the dc:ni»-8t, 009U in th»» 1'nited**tal«*i_ shout that liuie was commonly «t«ipp«ts.««l to

be bomool .1. Tilden, ami it is not at all ii»-'. is, !vthat after the lUgSllllStlnU of th-*» great siiigl«*-sotiou aiitoiinitic electoral «'ollere of one bythe " galvan io mirvtvot" Cronin, he may

have fill like a«hire«!, i in* hi« nephew in

sti.i.e such pious ejaculation .-__. that which leatls the«lispatch. A raques! toCsL I'elton to "hold ou" toa rote in Oregon BMSM a little frantic, not to nayfiHtlisli ; hut if we iimlerstiiiiil "100,000 men" to

he an euphemism for " 100,000 dollars." the phrasoia explained. Is it possible that the "duttish srant-linss" t if which " Gobble** coniplaiiieil in hit c«»l-el»t:it«-il «lisp.itch hail at Isst been ovcrcoine. amithat Mr. Tilden found him«. If iu a condition to

"coalesce** »With the lOfOirad lil»««rality t

There ia nothiiiK mean about Andenion. Whenthat i-niiiieut iiu-inber of the I.oumiana ..«.turningI» -»ai'l wim 11 »wit .i-« I hy a Democratic Seuator on

thesubjected setting out ii»«- fttsts. itnd «mh twice 1

tempted with 9M0Ú000 to forswear hiiii_«»lf andcommit jx'ijury, he «lid not »resent the imputationupOS hi-« shariSOW, but merely r.-.jn»-««t. «I Dr. Bsho»Hon not to talk so any more if he wialied to retainhis friend illip. Some men will <;et mad right away

if you call them swindler« ; hut Amlenou Anea nottiare up without giving ample notioe. An the brihedo«'H not «-«ni to Itav» been ofti-rcd a third time, we

pretmuie A mit rn.»ii and Kobutton are atill the beat offriends.

Knterpriainc «Insiera lu auiall iti. s ¡im now mi\t-i-ii.tiiiK lame dtookH of lilue glana. Hut 'tu« notevery puue that lightens paiu, and nut all the blue«

will cure thr» Maas, (¡an. I'leseon ton's .en, *_

import«,«! from Franco, and is much mors erp-miai-»than ordifisry window glass. Th* color 14 darkmazarí no blue,


A eorreepoodeiit makos a yra«1ic»1 ISnjpBlBB lathe friend« of Theodore limniM »hieb in ifo-ud Hfsr ¡is it pea «nil oui/lit to In «r fnnt haalag and to.Bight at Hteinwav Hall. But of course the toatirnr»,niais of asgaed for Mr. Thomas will not atop W|(kthis simple and aasf plan.


The widow of Charles Hugo is ahont to marrrM. tmthmwg, a Isaaaft Depaav.The Hon. iiiibisha A. Grow has given fflfa

t.t eotnplete the soldiers' monument at Montm**.Mr. «Moody has a kind feeling for (}en. 0»ri-

Italtll. He says of bun: *' I don't know aj 1 admin...JiidKinont In all thing«, but he la aut:li «¡, -oUm«i«»u.lUittll" ¦¦.ans

Mr. Willard Carpenter of Kvansvillo is gr,int» Ix-irln tlie l.uil'Ütiv of lila publie library sin,,,,- .5

BaSiteaBy. It 1« to be of th« Corinthian ord»*r of *«._it«, turo.


The question of having John A. Elder -painta portrait of Baa. Jo*eph E. Joliaatou for the, Vir-iiiiaHtnto Library la under eonalderatl n by a l-¿l«i¡ti»«coinmittce.


.1. C. Jaeobscn is the name of a liencvolentbrewer of Oo-penhaircD vrbo fiaa Riven a whole uitji¡.n g,enrama too las aasaaaBaaef BBSsasaaaalBs, natural «*.Baas, philolocy, hiatory, and pkBanepfc*-,.al'l'hi' King of Holland lias paid a very greatcompliment to thr French actrr*««, rVinh 11« ri:hardt. HaBaa presented h«tr with a ¿ratid nifdiil of honor, ao»/wo-

peales fey a tetter ta ins own haaiSaa-BJac, ivitn m*atliiindcd to her by tlie Dutch Mlnlit-cr lo Frunce. '

The late Dr. George Bennies Joeatyi ofAlbion OSBaBB, Michigan, moat have been >iir»ui*el/precocious., for an obituary ot Mm declarea that at 10ypurs old be waa t«-.-»«--*imj< lower c!*>a kj p,j .^tuition of ,'iiniself and ai..tVr at tlie village school Id New-Aiiniiiy, Intl.

ThtOS of Harvard's Professprs are looturin-fin Ruliiiiinre -Jainoa Ku**tell Isiwell, Francia J. »hud,und Charles E. Norton. Darin* February, Rttiirdayiund Sundays asesa« d, Prof«. Lowell »ml GaSM win rio-liter dally lectures at the John« Hoj)kina Unlverslt**-.I'rof. I.owi'11 will tülk ¡tlioiit Danto und the llf»*r»ttire oftin- thirteenth and f«»nrt.-.-iitb ceTi»tirl«*>*. Prof QaBSSs.iltjftt is Cbaaeer. Prof. Morton'a «-eotorea an M* li*v*iArcl.itecturc are delivered at tn«> P.-itbotli Instituí»*.

Win. H. »Seward once wrote to his wife con-ceriiinn Thitrlow Wsai " A politician, -skillful in de-aigi¡ind pakaasaSÉBl In execution, whtme exi nui a principie lapersonal fri-iidablp or oppoaitlon and not stilt Intnroatthat laJuatTliurlow Weed. How much nore I HSe bunthan I aboiiltl if ho watt si Itlsîi .uni avaricious, you ktiovinn well enough to form an opinion. He ia wurm in baBttashmaala He St-eas for charity's sake, la »twneroiia toaf.iiiit, kind i.«.\.iiui dsssrlptiua op«-u i»e.»rtu*«i und -id-eara aajreni most mbms «¡merity."Somebody anee said to Johann 8tram« that

the "Danube Pion" waa a piiz/.liu«; BBS| why thairoli»r1 " I know an wi*ll no you," rapBai --iritisa, " thaithe Daniibo la ordinanlv creen, and aoim Minea yellow,but aerar blue : 1 «mid not, however, have «<aji**«i mywaltz tin- Batea DaBBBS or tit-** Yt-llow D.iiuih,., ne m, .a*would have taken to tbt* tillo, wbll« the ' Panul»- H;-*-,'baa a tllgut tnu. or poetry wbl-.h til«':i>,-.«, Ukj ihn» themoceas at tin* pues has torn) mat.'' 11 ¡it invi inir amiliisplrftbia; inn.-io kardly reqamaj a aBtÍBsa no* to inaaeeesaral.Judge W. W. CampiK'll, writing from Cherry

Vality, tells the atory of the Invitation given to Mr. A.T.r-tewart to b«t.*on»p Smretarv of the Treasury. Up utyai" I tllned wlthMr. Ht4»\vart 111 cotajiany with (,.*n. Urantun tin-liny wlii-n tliu invi'.atioii to btvoui«* S.tntary ottiw» Treasury waa Kiven |ioi«otiully to hlin. Aa w«. paitat-1from the parlor to the tliiliiii-inoii) he prcuit-d my hand,«ayinj-only, 'It has come.' Alt«*r <ieu. Grant left, Mr.Btewatl opened the subject, aiiying that tumia-h the iiirVt:itinii had been kindly and canieatly sTiveii, lie düld; that Lia btialii«-*«« wa.i «o 1 nti-n-lie h«could not well leave it; and li.bide«, be liatl 110 imiIii leal ex¬

périence, and while he mi-çhllK» aide to BMBap the finan¬cial di ¡.¡t. M.m ui, he would not be able to meet the poll».leal wiishcs of the Uepulilican party. After houra uf(.artieat dia«*u»»lt.n it waa dually agreed that If BancroftIlavia, who had exprcaaed a wish to be A»s¡«tí»nt Ba r»y

turyof ittat«* (which i.fflce l.o obtained antl ttb'.y Ulledl,coiiltl be induc«*il to take the oi' hta BBBsSBBal In theTraasary be would Bearas." Afi<-r u «¡u. ata Beaüituât un old statute f -11.. «¡, liia holdiiii; the oftlee, Mr.Stewart said to the Jii'U*e that in bis Ji».l«.rt)'ut th«coarse he offen*«] to (¡ike with nix iiiert-t'itile l)ti»ine«twoiiltl hnv" been BtBBBBlBB'lal lOliipll.iiiee with th<* taw ¡that lie had caieiullv ii.Htuie.l a «>«tern 111 hi.i BalaftBicarryiitf.- mi Iks At ptrtnu-nt, and added, " 1 would h,avst.tUeii Ibe Oittb ot i.tli«*.*."


Louisiana must be a lonesome place for sman who is not a versatile raical.

If you don't think future politic:,! event* are«1 r.-.titTul \ uncertain, contémplate the tinwonteil ipuet of(i.-ii. H. 9. Itiitl'-r. Hi* n>*vc.r Wits so liuprei-ivu '.c »*

Jinigo' rolaaafa forced retirement from poli¬tic« «.-i* h« to have «tiurcii MBB. A well tin aiini«' Nfortatasked him the other day to «ive tlie publie lu« opinioa i»B

the Arbitratitiu bill, ami received in reply t hla «onjewliat

abrupt aaaaeaaaa " Tea may t«»n them 1 leant kut»Biiuytiiiiii; ¡il.out It and don't care a d. !"

Cronin'tt homeward journey w.t.i lew tri-umpbant bis iKlvaiiot* upon Wai>hlntft«t.i, y«*t thcrs

ware tbrilllna Incidents connected with it. At VirziDl*

City The chronicle tclla 11» « »rood deal of excitement was

cr«;;itetlby tlie announcement thiitCroiiin »»¦ .ti tin tr.un:

'. When the train came in, o man with :t IBBSl .ir|K»taitck anil an iiiinii.|i«e twivcoinear'nient nu-"* itot off and

walked upine platform. 'That's him,' taWrjmMtJ,BatraS for Gknaaa r it was alaarwaei aa artatsai '!».*.

the man was not Cronin at all. buts party from 'Knieswho fell out of a threc-titory window lust week, atrilllnf011 111« nose, and the a< I'.iiliiit taiUM'tl Uaa ni«.i. '<> r ..

uith a voluptuou« swi'll. Tlnu etysliM-liu« act lu loi11 a*le it look like the pictures oi Croiiin."The Hon. B. H. Hill is BBSÍ to have Ih+b

aided ¡u hta cleciion to the »eitaie l»i im¦-jlar.» vrthreconl of lila opponent, Scoator Norwootl, the ptaasal ta*

cumlxnt. Mr. Hill's success tuts a liiui'ipli uf lb« -.*<.. pisover all sorts of iHilitici.iiis. Mr. Hedll.-lil «ay« .if it is

The Cincinnati Comtuereinl : " Mill'« el» sBsa is *eruml-fa <reat vlttori, as it was achieved 111 the f.1,1* of tliB

couibllied op|s)«itlotl of a 1 tlie proiniii'tit IX-liioi rats la

(¡enrifia. iiob lateases wsafeai Has a l^ajaa apaaB mit' Wliatl' said be in ostoiiisbuient to a uioniber wh*>m Its

supposed to be sound, ' arc you goimr 1o vie tui that

d-d political apostate and Hen 11:111' Tjs

nowa of the result 11 >ald t.» have BMsSI tSSSBa «-»ivir

like a pirate. It la BaVSaaSl that he «ill ¦¦< niiüiie M)awear duriiiK the entire bix yca-a that 9* n hi B th« 1 n

ate. Sinith didn't want Hill; N.irwi.od di.ln'l BBBl hlio,HIipt.eiiH tildn't want biDi, (jurilnn tlnlf't vt utt l«:io, »S

r.ict, aii the Baaaaa Gàw-njasas aatasaoeaai hi b'*«ciee-

tlon. The l.o«tlllty of (lotdon Is Iiik- t'¡ -'. ¦!.» senrssataifor II l*> sold tliat l.'.Tiliiii la a «ni». r¡. til u.U.. «o-iny

Bhal'iitit but not dct-p.nud that HUÍ will. ..i.pirtelyovershadow hla» la the Ssaate. gol oulj that, bat HUHf*i, nds.-iv that In* will oieishtd iw erorj Soulliera a»aa

i-i tin* seuale. When It BOBMS to lu :11s sad onlllsaeycoiubliKMl, It la oartain thai all U-s-arcta do.» not aossasltin snpci-ior Ui 11. li Hill- That siich a man sS «M luvS

eiieinii's m tes uní: saaap is aal Braaaja."The niemlK»r8 of the Mnssaehii;(.*ti< fegiaia

turo who aiipiHii-ted Mi. OmmtwtB m U»o r«n*in BsaalarBIcoiit- st held a ineetliii* the other day. and adopted res«»-

Uitions« hishiy eiiii.irtziii*-' ills pui.ii.* sanrlssB itmi BEpreaaluit their uiiiliiiiiiilsliotl cotifldeiKV* tu hla char;i-ter a»S

man Slid a aiateauian. The kaaastBg BBas from Mr.

HoutwcU's aaaaaaaar, the Hou Oc«'!*'« 9. Hoar, waareadi" Jr/y Dear Sir I have tin« muiieiit I aaaVSasMami acceptable letter ; I did not n«*«st1 ita asMir.tncea ti» b»

coiittdent that the BBBfBBl of C.ov. BtalWSl OSbTb>

spired In your 111I11.I und that of oth.rirctiitiii.ii-n hr ins

biiihest and purest lin.tivea. 1 supposed, null the aai-

pnx-tif tlietliiül m)U*. that tbcae BMBVBt woiiU B the

einl prêt ¡ill B Uh a lar«e n:a|.uU-y of tin. UaJBaBaaSj ¦».¦«

cause his nttirn to a position which ha bao adorne«! -*'.th

so much StaaagtB, wisdom and Integiiiy. 9mEm»tyMO_alona of coiiödeiice and congratulation, like so BBWfothers that btve con;« to me. i»ut lasesass ¦yasaaaeitltn Blllfclj re«|Minsil'ilily if »he, «treat lru«t to »huh the

(-t.iuinoiiwt tilth calla me, iiud with ili-itrust of myi BSBcitpacitv to answer her 1 xp« ciationa. 1 eiliiinl» i -ii**»i*»«»

In- uitii ly ha*-.* and uuwurtby if the low p-oituinal '¦oiíam-

«.r¡iti..n ifüit some BJBBtlsnBBB had pr. 1. iml oU}J» 1" .r*"~

to tue shall 1 ver luflueUce iny ¡kUoii 01 d«cll iu tn> ro

incmlicance."Üt-n. 8hoiinan doea not agree with ld-f

In-other, the «en,itnr. in belli tli»; the Ail))traUou bill uo-

wiae. A «>orn-MHio«leiit having asked lhee«lit*oral *"*.

it«x-A«*#iVr (alon wltlcli pari» l l.o lie 1. ral haaaBSB JSjtin- editor fotwarditd the Utter to the (Jem ral bimaetfend i«.«»*ivo<1 this cliaractcnslic b-lier iu nply I " VoUrt

otJ.iu. '¿7, with Inclosure, U recelved. As bear aa I cab

team, it «aouldlH« unsafe t«» class SJSB.aaBfaaai a» *-»¦

lont-ing to either of the «rviat parlies inlo uni'h our

oounlr) men are divided. He «Und« by Hie constitutedauthorities.'and has openlvtixt.reaa.-d hta aati»fa«.ttcBthatl'oiiKreaa bad by law rtK'ulote«l the exact manu«*of -><¦«.) i.tituurf and doelarius lia* olectoial v.(e. *» aa w

eaüajie lbs oalaiuit » ol drittln^ U]s»u the Utb of PthtWaiy a I t-b ecoitaluiy ui a di*aici\*enicut b.*twe.ii the I**

house* of oaafassa o«.u. Bsseaaaa "*.. B*MW^a*¡2that v»ar* alii be leas frcuueut u» lbs futuru ibau iu th*