Library Automation Upgrade Proposal By Pat Henderson.

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Transcript of Library Automation Upgrade Proposal By Pat Henderson.

Library Automation UpgradeProposal

By Pat Henderson

Our Need

3,451 students

5 schools in district, 2 on Infocentre, 3 on Winnebago

3 elementary schools using outdated system, Winnebago

1 elementary school does not have catalog module at all (no book look up)

1 elementary school does not have student lookup computer

Student look up is essential to gaining skills toward information fluency

Our focus is elementary

Three schools house the majority of our collection = 43,000 holdings

These schools are using a 12-year-old system

Three schools serve the most of our students 1,700


We face eventual system crash due to age of system

We are not prepared to recover from disaster

We are not adequately preparing elementary students to do independent research as required in middle school

We are pressured to teach more skills in middle school

Current system

Follett/Spectrum Winnebago

Installed in 1996, service contract moved from Spectrum to Sagebrush to Follett, and is no longer supported

Installed on three servers, one for each elementary school

2 schools have full circulation and catalog modules, 1 has circulation only


Windows interface screens.

Basic search capabilities (title, author, keyword).

Printed user's manual.

Handles basic circulation duties and provides printed reports.

Allows records import with internet access.

Winnebago--Cons No upgrades available and no systems support. No serials or acquisitions functionality, and no

separate products available as add-ons. Difficult data input on Quick Entry screen which

has the basic fields (author, title, publisher, subject, etc.).

No web access available. Text only screens, no book covers. Student records must be physically added,

resulting in one month of no access at start of year.

Inventory process makes library inaccessible for one month at end of year.

May be accessed from library computers only.

Proposed system

Atriuum by Book Systems, Inc.

Used by numerous school systems across the US, including Rockland, MA

Atriuum--Pros Installation support and training.

Multiple lookup capabilities including advanced search (subject, ISBN, illustrator, series title, Dewey).

Text and pictures (book covers) for easy recognition.

Significant time savings for cataloging due to ISBN recognition.

Data conversion experience with Winnebago.

Customizable OPAC theme.

Visual search mode with pictures.

Ability to connect to public library system.


Time consideration to install in schools

Must add to tech budget

Implementation in summer

Schools in Action

August 14, 2006 

Book Systems, Inc. successfully implemented its’ Atriuum product, a 100 percent Web-based library automation solution, to 153 library media centers in the Memphis City School District, Memphis, TN. 

August 6, 2008 

Book Systems is implementing its Atriuum Library Automation System, a 100 percent Web-based library automation solution, in the 54 school library media centers and the Central Office Instructional Materials Center (IMC) in Jefferson County School District, Birmingham, AL.

Take a lookOnline catalog -- HS

Fairview High School, Cullman, AL

Take a lookOnline catalog -- elementary

Jefferson County School District Birmingham, AL

Why is information lookup important?

Information seeking skills tie into research and critical thinking

Ability to locate information ties into research and problem solving

If lookup is not quick, student gives up

If lookup is not flexible, student gives up


Detailed cost analysis of implementation in 3 schools in one year

Detailed cost analysis of implementation in 5 schools over two years

Consider the cost of inaction, to staff and students