Lexie princess kate and the bike race

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Lexie princess kate and the bike race

Princess Kate and the Bike Race

On the planet Zog there are five aliens, Chris, Bob, Fred, Sarah and Troy. They were planning a bike race in space. The boy aliens are green and have sky blue tentacles, the girl aliens are pink with violet tentacles. As aliens go they are nice and friendly.

On the planet Earth, Princess Kate got the newspaper. It had an article about the race and she decided to enter. When she was a child she always wanted to win a race. Now that she had married Prince William and become a princess if she entered a race the other competitors would let her win. So if she entered this race all she had to do is not tell the aliens she’s royal.

That night princess talked to a local astronaut to ask if she could use his spaceship.

A few weeks later Princess Kate had one last check of her bike, waved to her family and then whoosh! She was off into space.

It took 1 day and 13 hours to get to Planet Zog. “Hi. I’m Pr, P, Kate. I entered your bike race.” Kate said suddenly looking shy.

“Ahh. Kate, yes we got your letter. The race is tomorrow. Sarah please escort the young lady out and to her room please” Chris announced.

Kate peered through each door of the hotel. The snotty, green walls dripped with water because there was no roof. Still in a strange way Kate slept warm and sound, dreaming of the race tomorrow.

“Hoooonk! Rise an’ shine sleepin’ beauty, its race day.” Sarah shouted Kates ear. A few hours later the aliens and Kate were ready. Fred was feeling sick that day and while he showed up he had forgotten to check all his equipment. His bike was a cold grey colour. As everyone lined up Fred pointed out “Chris you’re not wearing a helmet! It’s only fair if I disqualify you.” Chris understood, so he walked to the rocket and went back to the Planet Zog.

“Take your marks, get set, GO!” The start was very close, but Sarah was still in the lead.

The competitors were swerving around stars, dodging massive meteors and biking in and out of the milky ways. “Come on Kate you’re riding as slow as a snail” called Troy who had taken the lead. Unfortunately he wasn’t looking where he was going and biked straight into a black hole.

Fred didn’t do a good job of checking the alien’s bikes before riding. Bob’s bike had a flat tyre and it was hard to control. He fell off and twisted his ankle. “Flying Fish” Bob screeched “That hurts.” Then he wheeled his bike the rest of the way.

As they turned a corner Sarah zoomed past Kate. But at another tight corner Sarah didn’t put her pedal up when turning and it dragged on the ground. That made her fall off. She picked herself up and carried on biking but had lost the lead.Finally Kate raced to the lead. I was a sensational finish.