Levitation 2010

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treatise on levitation

Transcript of Levitation 2010

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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"The Total System of Chi Power Training”

The Levitation SeminarThe Levitation SeminarThe Levitation SeminarThe Levitation Seminar Secret Training Methods �ot Usually Taught

Scientific Premium Company- USA

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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Levitation Seminar

What is Levitation About?

Sifu Jones: How is everyone doing today? Today’s topic we are going over is

levitation and what that is all about. It is one of the most asked questions, besides

how do you move something. So what we are going to do is actually show people

that there is a whole lot to what they hear about out there that is real.

It’s really learning the process, how things are done. If you break it down, you are

able to go through step by step process; it’s not hard to get to that level where

you can actually pull off some of the things that people are interested in doing

and pulling off.

The Key Is To Do It In a Scientific Way

Now we are teaching people this very scientific way, and what is involved is that

you have to do it that way to get certain techniques right. Studying the sciences of

quantum physics and how it actually works, how chi energy or subatomic particles

work, we started getting a whole new understanding on how this kind of energy


We started understanding how subatomic particles work... Your energy does work

this bioelectrical energy that you put off that you could build up if you do it the

right way. This leads to different types of abilities such as Telekinesis, certain

psychic abilities and later on the ability to Levitate...

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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Levitation is One of The Highest Level Techniques To Learn

You have to understand that levitation is one of those high level techniques to

pull off; it ranks right up there with disappearing techniques or moving large


Normally anything like that is going to take a number of years to change your

body the right way in order to get these advanced techniques to work... Most

people who follow directions well and don’t mind the long journey, will be able to

learn this through our methods....

It seems like there are a lot of brick walls in the way, you just have to learn the

ways to get around the brick walls. That’s where we come in; we show you all

these different ways to getting around the brick walls.

It takes really a whole variety of learning different types of topics and

information. Learning how this energy really works that allows you to get the

knowledge needed to reach these types of goals.

The Total System is a Great Place to Start

Now if a person is really interested in this path of study, the best way to do that is

going through our Total System of Chi Power Training, which is a 3 year intensive


We fill in the information you need there and as I go over the actual things

involved here, as I get further into this, I will go over the key main ingredients to

do in order to pull off levitation as well as the things that will impede your

progress if you do those types of techniques.

That helps a lot in your ability to know what will be involved to be able to pull

something like that off. But it takes a whole lot of variety of learning different

techniques, exercises, methods, & concepts taught in "The Total System".

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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From Beginner to Advanced

We train all different types of people from the beginner to the advanced person

who knows a lot about it, or is able to put out a lot of energy...

Advanced practitioners will go at a lot quicker pace than someone who is a total

Novice that barely even has an understanding chi. We take someone where ever

they are and build from there.

Quantum Physics & Chi

If you really understand about the latest information that is coming out on

quantum physics field and apply that to what we teach, you'll have a very good

understanding of what we are doing...

You can see how the body reacts with these different types of energy's and how

the researchers in the Quantum Physics field are proving alot of what we've been

teaching for years.

Magicians and Chi

A mass majority of people who do Levitation out there are probably magicians

who use tricks, and anything from hydraulic lifts to props that will help their

weight distribution and most of those techniques are tricks, and set up where you

can’t see it from all sides.

Now a days you are getting guys like Criss Angel who’s doing it right out in the

open and you can see that it’s really not a trick and he is able to pull it off.

People want to know how he is doing that...

These are techniques which he has perfected over the years, but are similar to

what we teach you on how to build up your body’s nerve fibers system. That’s

what you have to learn to do so that you can put out more of this electrical bio

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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electricity energy we call chi, and as you build up your nerve fibers you put out a

whole lot more of this energy.

You Must Build Up The Nerve Fibers

We give you the exercises that you need to do in order to start that process.

Building up your nerve fibers takes a number of months before you start feeling

it well, and a few years before you get to the point where you have them well

enough that you start forming chi in place, or use chi in very specific manners

that we would go over with you.

You'll learn specific techniques and you'll learn how to emit stronger and stronger

chi and you'll be able to do some pretty cool stuff but the pinnacle is doing the

levitation techniques or the disappearing techniques, you would have to be able

to put out a lot of chi in order to be able to pull something like that off.

Think about it...Actually lifting your body off the ground or disappearing are quite

dramatic, but you'll learn the concepts behind how to do this. Of course you'll

have to put in the proper flight time in order to make this happen..

You'll Feel The Changes Taking Place

Now saying that is the cool thing about going through training like this... The Total

System will give you techniques and methods that teach very precisely and we are

very specific on how to do things and it is not that long before you physically,

tangibly feel the body changes taking place.

As you feel your body changing and you feel your energy increasing, you'll see it's

not hard to do, but again to get from point A (beginner) to Point Z (Levitation) will

require dedication and commitment on your part.

We show you through the chi palm test how to feel your energy and as you feel it

getting stronger and stronger through that test, that’s pretty much our tangible

proof right there and that is a pretty simple technique that we could teach a 5

year old to do...

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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If you're able to put out more and more of that energy, we can show you more

and more things of how to use it. You will learn a few more techniques first

before you get to the point where you can do that.

You do these exercises at first glance maybe look nonsensical, but building nerve

fibers is kind of a strange concept and most people until about the last 30 years

didn’t even know that it was a possibility, that you could build them up, wider,

longer and a lot stronger.

Now that we know you can and it is scientifically proven you can, that’s how we

start peoples on their path. To learn to do that first, so that as you put out more

and more energy you learn to manipulate it in different ways.

That’s the difference between what we are teaching. We want you to get an

understanding of what we're talking about so you can see the possibility is there,

but it is something that is down the road in your training.

With enough time and the correct training methods, you can learn to do some

really amazing things. Just check out our "Cool Stuff" page for more videos and

info of our actual students doing some rather unique techniques.

How Fast Can You Get There?

You can probably look online and find people who say they can teach you to do it

in a faster period of time, but it is not realistic. Think about it, we are talking

about the physical lifting of your body off of the ground.

If you look back at levitation and you could go back hundreds of years and you can

see in books that are hundreds of years old, you can even go back to the biblical

times, where they talk about levitation.

The way we look at things is if you’ve seen that evidence and heard it over the

years then there has to be some truth to that. People are talking about it, people

have witnessed it; people have seen it so we realized it’s out there.

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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Like Sifu Jones said, there are a lot of people out there who are doing it from the

magic perspective, but there are some out there that can actually perform it and

we can show you that pathway to get there, it’s just going to take some time for

you to do it.

The exciting part is there is light at the end of the tunnel.

So that is the first process towards that extreme goal in levitation is to get the

proper ground work in. our "Total System" will provide you with the foundation

you need along the way.

You'll Prove To Yourself The Chi Works

You'll get these physically tangible ways that what we are teaching you actually

works and will work for you. The fact that you are able to feel that chi palm test,

and through other types of ways, will prove to you that this is real. Pretty simply


What we teach you, this whole process is a low aerobic impact, you’re feeling the

body mind and spirit way and improves your entire life. It isn’t something that will

be hard; our exercises are really simple and easy to do, like I said you get a whole

lot out of them.

To actually pull off something like levitation, you have to be in pretty good shape

that is one of the things that might hold you back or impedes you from really

reaching those types of goals that you are trying to obtain.

What Kind of Shape Are You In?

If you wanted to see your ability, to be able to pull it off, it is really something you

will have to go about it in a number of ways.

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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The first thing you need to do is get in shape; if you are out of shape and have bad

habits, your chances of pulling off levitation go down proportionally to the

amount you allow it to interfere with your life.

The main thing is if you get on this path, you start understanding how energy


We are going to combine teaching you how to relax, combine it with utilizing the

right specific great feeling type exercises and it brings out the best of this method

and the best in you.

The Law of Attraction Is a Chi Technique

It kicks in the law of attraction as well as going along this path where you are

trying to reach these different types of abilities. When you can learn how to use

your energy to attract what you desire, life becomes a lot more enjoyable.

You can have a joyful path all along the way; it’s just for the most part not taught

that way. Most teach this as either hot energy or a very restrictive hard energy.

Both of which from our experience will only get you so far, and in most cases

cause side effects which you don't want anyway.

We really do teach it in the way scientists teach it. That is a direct contradiction to

the ways you see it in the books, you’ll see different dojos teaching different ways

of doing this stuff.

Doesn't it make sense that if you are looking to attract something that there is not

only a mental force, but a physical one to go along with that mental force?

These are things most never even consider when using the law of attraction. In

fact, most so called law of attraction experts no nothing about the physical

aspects, and that is sad.

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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Levitation can be broken up into 3 different ways...

Lying Down on Your Back-The easiest way is on the bed, laying down feeling your

back, it’s probably the easiest way to pull off levitation. It is probably the way

most levitate more than any other way. Levitation is all about learning to relax

and certainly when you’re laying in bed you are in a very relaxed way, so it is

probably the simplest way.

Sitting Position-The second way is the sitting position. Usually it’s done in the

lotus position, legs crossed. It’s really hard on the body doing it that way, I

wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a roundabout way to use heat to generate and its

gives you way to many bad side effects doing it through a sitting position.

Standing Position-The third is the standing or the upright position, which is also

the hardest. We teach the third way which is the longest and hardest to achieve,

but it is actually the safer way because you have more control factors in place.

because you’re standing there, and able to see what’s going on and what you’re

doing compared to most of the time when you levitate in your bed it would be

with your eyes closed and you’re not really sure what’s going on.

So it’s a much better way, the way we teach it.

Fasting Is a Secret Key to Levitation

One of the things you will have to learn is to learn is how to fast properly. One of

the biggies you will have to learn in order to pull off levitation techniques because

it is the only way you will get sensitive enough to pull it off.

We really do go over some effective techniques to get around problems like that

because most people would not be able to fast easily. After a while you get

hungry and your stomach pains start kicking in and pretty soon you start thinking,

wow, this is crazy, I want to eat something.

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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What we do is teach you exercises that curb your appetite by going to the proper

places in your brain and by putting energy in the right areas that cause that

sensation to go away.

The biggest thing about levitation is that there are plenty of things that may slow

down your progress towards levitation, if this is something you really want to

achieve. So I will go over a couple of the big stumbling blocks that will get in your

way first and then I will give you some key ingredients on how this works.

Some Stumbling Blocks to Avoid

The first thing is if you’re practicing grounding techniques too much, making

yourself feeling heavier, it’s actually the opposite of what you want to do. You

don’t want to practice grounding techniques if want or have it in your mind that

you want to get off the ground; they are in direct contradiction to each other.

Doing too many exercises’ in a hard or tightened or in this pressurized way will

also be impede your success towards levitation.

There is a lot of Chi Kung methods out there that tell you to pocket energy in

different areas of the body like the dantien energy point, the chi point which is

located 2 inches below your navel. They start pocketing in energy, using their

breast to try and control and put in energy in different areas of their body. This is

a very ineffective way if you want to be able to levitate down the road.

All of that kind of stuff will cause and lead to bad side effects over time and does

not lead to levitation.

I have not seen anyone that did those types of methods that were able to

perform anything near levitation.

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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Not being in good shape or form, like I said, you may get out of your spirit that

way but if you’re out of shape you probably normally won’t get your body and

spirit in the air at the same time.

Usually you can do one or the other if you’re not in really good shape.

If you’re in good shape, you can probably pull it off and you can probably pull off

any type of thing.

The Spiritual Connection

At these types of extreme abilities you to get in touch with your spirit like you’ve

never been in touch with it before. You actually feel the difference between your

spirit and body. It is a key ingredient of that to take place.

Most Chi Kungs will teach about the spirit, but they don't really go into how you

can combine it with your physical body to create an even more powerful force.

Standing Meditation

Not understanding what to look for, or even why you’re doing standing

meditation can impede your progress. Just about everyone will teach you how to

do the standing meditation and a lot of people will do it as a grounding technique,

it is just a case of you disassociating from the heat and the pressure build up in

your feet and this is not a good way to learn.

If you have to do standing meditation, you have to get good enough with your

standing meditation so that you can circulate that energy around you and make it

a very light thing, and it takes the heat and the heaviness out of your feet.

It normally takes a person 3-6 months to be able to get energy out of that

exercise of standing meditation... You need the first 3-6 months to build a base,

but it’s not going to necessarily help you with levitation, but it is something you

got to knock out of the way in order to be able to move around energy enough if

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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you’re a beginner, this is that first part to be able to at least move around that


Now if you’ve done standing meditation for a long time, it is now really a new way

of learning how to do it and moving this energy around and not letting it


You constantly move it around so that you’re not feeling heavy anywhere and

then it won’t impede your progress.

Too Much Weight Training Can Impede Your Progress

Weight training impedes your progress as well. You should stay away from heavy

weights and concentrate on more moderate weight with moderate reps.

We would suggest more of an aerobic workout, stay in shape that way. It would

be low weight with high reps, but a lot of it would be in a controlled way.

Everyone wants to stay in shape and look good; you can kind of do both if you

want to. The key is moderation in your exercise, including weight lifting.

Other things detrimental to your training like grounding or bulk weights or doing

habits that are not conduce to this training like drugs, drinking, smoking, and


All these are going to impede that progress if it’s too excess. Your body is an

amazing machine, take out the garbage, but if you put in excessive garbage it will

slow you down and your progress towards the levitation.

So you really have to find out what your priorities are; if you have things like that

in your life. The more you don’t do things to excess, the better chance you are to

have this as a real goal. The good thing about our method is it teaches you to be

so much more sensitive than normal, so you naturally learn not to do bad things.

As you go through your training, you become more and more sensitive and pretty

soon you don’t eat the bad foods, you don’t do the bad things because you can

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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feel it on your body and suddenly you realize wow, how this bad habit is hurting

you and you now have a way to change it.

If you really want this you need to get in better shape and you'll feel so much

better than you normally can. Now the path to levitation will be available to a lot

of people, if you’re willing to put in the work to get there.

We can teach you that route, that pathway towards that. You’re going to have to

go through all this information, topics that teach you different parts of this

training. A lot of it, if you haven’t seen it yet, is detailed in our "Master Secrets of

Qigong report", it tells you a lot of what you have to learn to go down this path.

Why Teach Levitation?

Our first thought about levitation was to not even bring it up. We then decided to

bring it up and let people know what it would take to make it happen.

We wanted to show them that it's possible, but it’s not like you can just levitate

on demand, there is a whole process you have to go through. Most people will

prep and do a fasting thing in preparation to pull off something like that. That’s

one of the things you see happen out there and that’s another thing we are trying

to go over.

Keys to Prepare For Levitation

It’s making sure people see the difference. There are basically seven key

ingredients that lead to this levitation part.

The first thing that we go over with you in the open part of our system is how to

get emotions to build, how to control the emotions at all times. If you have a lack

of emotions when you’re trying to do something like this, it is very easy to get


The Total System of Chi Power Training

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The higher up you get into putting more and more chi out, the more control

you’re going to have to be able to maintain over your chi, or it just gets out of


So emotional stability is a key factor, and something we go over in great detail in

the open system.

How to do it specifically, where to go right to the correct brain parts, how to put

this in so you can get this good feeling of cool energy out of yourself so you can

begin to discover the power of these techniques...

We show you specifically how to do that. It takes the ability to make yourself fly,

so you have to go through this whole process of how to make light chi, and that’s

what we start teaching you is how to make light chi, how to make the smokey

type chi come out of you from the type of exercises that you do.

Learning "Form Chi" & Creating a Vortex

Through this process, we get you over to where you will be able to learn "Form

Chi" and it really takes that ability to learn "Form Chi", to be able to get into the

next place, up the mountain towards levitation.

As you have the ability to make both light chi and heavy chi, or this "Form Chi" we

are talking about, its energy that will hold right in place and when you put light chi

through it, it will create what we call vortex’s which may sound a little exotic, but

a vortex is similar to a tornado.

Everybody has these vortexes in their body, some people call them chakras, some

call them chi channels and what we will show you is how to activate them as they

were designed as these tornados or these vortex’s and that is why we get a lot of

this chi power out of you.

We will take you through this process that will show you how to do that. How to

form it in place, all the steps you have to do in order to take that into

consideration and keep it safe.

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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The thing about doing any kind of qigong or chi power, doing this the wrong way

can cause bad side effects so we are really about getting the right side effects

from doing your chi right. Knowing how to build chi is probably the number one

big thing you have to do right.

Learning to Build Chi Correctly

Unfortunately, this is one of the hardest things to get people to do is to build chi

right in the first place. By building chi right you’re using good feeling and cool chi,

you can’t use hot chi, to get there...

Hot chi expands and gets out of control and you can’t control hot chi. You have to

actually teach your body this ability to make good feeling cool chi and we do a

very thorough job in teaching a person how to get cool chi to come right out.

So if you were doing your chi palm test, you can go right over to a person and say

this is what cool chi feels like, and this is what hot chi feels like. You could easily

do the difference with a little bit of training.

A lot of this isn’t hard to do, but to do something as spectacular as levitation, you

have to build up large quantities of this chi, and the only way you can build up

large quantities safely at all is through this good feeling route, where you make

the energy feel really, really good. If you only make this feel ok, somewhere along

the line, it will turn hot and will make your life miserable.

"Secret" 2-5 Minute Chi Building Exercises

It’s a kind of an easy path if you’re willing to take the journey, but there are a

whole lot of different things involved that you have to learn. A lot of the things

that were going to teach you are these 2-5 min exercises that you do in this very

precise and specific ways.

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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When doing these specific 2-5 minute exercises, you'll be able to get to where you

want to go and in fact, if you do them longer than the 2-5 minutes, it will actually

impede your progress instead of help you.

The Heat Factor

We explain why because of this heat factor...

A lot of people do not understand that temperature has a whole lot to do

whether you’re going to be able to pull something off. If it gets too hot, you get

less control out of your chi and the more cool you can make your chi, the more

you can form it in place or get it to do what you want.

It’s a matter of learning this series of exercise that will allow that kind of process

to take place. You have to learn the methods, techniques and principles, and then

part of this is like learning how to self hypnotizes yourself so you believe what

you’re going to do.

It’s another way of totally relaxing you down and an important ingredient to

getting you to that final goal of getting up off the ground with levitation...

Mind Force + Chi Power= Incredible Physical & Mental Power

You can learn a lot of these types of techniques from many of the systems at the

MindForceSecrets.com website where you'll discover all these types of

relaxation exercises, different ways that you can learn to hypnotize yourself,

subliminal suggestions and to get yourself to act in a better way.

By combining all these techniques that we teach you in "The Total System", we

can effectively say that if this is in your mind to obtain these kinds of goals, you

really should give this a shot.

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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Circular vs Linear Chi

A lot of people teach what we are talking about in a linear fashion, and it really

isn’t one of those things that will allow you to reach this ultimate goal of


We teach it circular style, and there is a good reason for that because it takes that

ability to create the circles to be able to perform these vortex’s properly. The

vortex’s are like these little tornadoes and you get an incredible amount of power

out of them as stated before, and they are one of the key components to getting

an actual levitation to take place...

In the beginning we are going to show you how to use your energy in different

ways, just like moving inanimate objects. Once you start seeing that you can do

that, then it’s not as hard to think.. Wow, can I really get off the ground? Of

course you will need to put in the flight time to make this happen...

You can see yourself going from one technique to another that you can pull off

that you didn’t think it was possible at first, and you start seeing it is possible, it’s

not so hard to think that levitation is something that’s totally out of the question.

Weird Levitation Methods

Most things are not impossible, it is a matter of figuring out how to get there and

we are doing a good job of showing them that.

The important part is that we will be giving you a nice pathway to get there. There

are a lot of schools of thought out there; Sifu Jones has been doing it a lot longer

than I have. I’ve been doing it for over 15 years and the fact is that we have run

across people who have done levitation in so many funky ways.

A lot of times when they were doing this levitation, they weren’t really doing

levitation. Some were doing this hopping method where they would sit in a lotus

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position and they would lift their body off the ground, but there is no control and

it is not a real levitation.

The sad thing is that there are a lot of people that are going down that route and

are spending years and years doing that type of exercise and the results are so


What we are talking about is when you can get to the point where you can

levitate properly, you can do a lot of other skills too, and you can get to that stage

where you see many of these individuals doing these things.

Do The Research Yourself

You’ve heard what we are saying, and what I want you to do is research it. Just

don’t take our word for it and think we are just talking about it. Sifu Jones

mentioned some of these things about the quantum physics and a lot of these

scientific concepts which is really what we pride ourselves on in terms of getting

these concepts to actual work the way science is going to determine if there’re

valid or not...

Go out there and do the research and look in as many areas as you can, and see

how these things happen. You will find out that there is spontaneous levitation,

there is levitation done under extreme circumstances, and when you take a look

at that, there is a reason why those events happened in a particular time.

When you do that, it builds a belief factor that you will go from the unknown to

the known. We teach them to go from the unknown to the known.

People get started and listen to the concepts of levitation and it sounds

unbelievable or something that doesn’t sound reasonable at all. Then we

introduce you to a concept like that, and you start doing the research and start

looking around and you see there are others talking about it, others have

witnessed it and it’s not as farfetched as what you might of thought.

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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It kind of goes against what most people think is normal in life, and that’s really

how we come across that. You'll change your definition of normal for sure...

I recommend that you do the research and check it out. Then know that once you

do that research that we can certainly help you out. We’ve been helping

thousands of people over the years to be able to do very unique techniques.

Master Secrets of Chi Power & Qigong Report

One way we really have helped them out is that they have to go no further than

to read our master secrets of qigong report where we spell out a lot and give

references out. We bring up the pheromones if you use this hot chi, saying that

you have to heat up your chi and put it in the dantien, and if they would actually

see the science of what happens when they do that, they would never do that.

Science says that you’re going to burn pheromones, and when you burn

pheromones you actually sink on a subconscious level to other people. These are

the kinds of things you don’t know and that we teach in "The Total System", So

that you don’t run into those brick walls, so you don’t get into arguments with

people because you got bad training methods.

Bad Training Methods= Bad Side Effects & Problems

These are bad training methods that lead to problems when you do Qigong

wrong. One of the reasons why we are teaching this is because we’ve seen this

bad training method all our lives, went through most of them and got really bad


You don’t have to do that, you don’t have to teach this type of energy work in a

painful way. For some reason most people teach it that way. When you go

through our school, we follow the science.

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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If the science is a fact, and this is the way it is because it has been proven

experiment after experiment, then why not go the safe way. That’s what we offer

people when they go through "The Total System".

If they do the chi in the right way, it changes the way people feel about you. You

get to a certain level and then your thinking I’m seeing some progress, and where

do I go from here.. You begin to see the possibilities...

Most instructors are lost, and they will not get you any further. We have found

ways around those plateaus. That’s the whole point about teaching this. We want

to show people that there are ways around it. We've had advanced people from

every known Qigong, Reiki, healing, energy group out there, and they are usually

blown away by how much their chi increases even after a few weeks in our

system...This is powerful Chi medicine...

Anybody that wants to get into The Total System will benefit from what we

learned collectively over the years.

So, the bottom line is if you want to learn how to levitate, there is no magic pill or

trickery involved, but you'll need to learn exercises, techniques and methods

which will allow you to harness that ability down the road. Here's a quick

roadmap in summary.

Levitation Secrets

1. Learning the 3 different types (lying, sitting, standing)

2. Creating light chi and making the body light

3. Keeping the energy cool

4. Putting in the "flight time" or years of training

5. Understanding how fasting relates to levitation

6. Creating a belief factor for success

The Total System of Chi Power Training

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7. Using The techniques from "The Total System"

About The Total System of Chi Power Training

"The Total System" is a unique method of Chi Power Training or Qigong training,

that prepares the individual over a 3 year period to learn how to build and

maximize the power of their mind, body and spirit.

The first year or Inner Circle sets the tone and over the 12 months, you'll learn

many of the concepts discussed in this report.

The 2nd 12 months is our "Closed Door System", where you'll learn the next level

of exercises and training including actual levitation and disappearing techniques

and concepts.

The 3rd 12 months is where you'll learn even more advanced material leading up

to your "Certified Instructor Certificate" at the completion of all 3 years.

For more information, check out http://www.ChiPowerInnerCircle.com