Level II Agricultural Business Operations. Objectives ◦ Understand what biosecurity is ◦...

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Transcript of Level II Agricultural Business Operations. Objectives ◦ Understand what biosecurity is ◦...

Level II Agricultural Business Operations


◦ Understand what biosecurity is

◦ Identify farm biosecurity risks & methods of transmission

◦ Be able to give examples of notifiable weeds, pests and diseases.

◦ Consider farm biosecurity measures that can be practically implemented

Biosecurity refers to measures that are taken to stop the spread or introduction of harmful organisms to human, animal and plant life.

Harmful organisms could be either:


Farm biosecurity is a set of measures designed to protect a farm from the entry and spread of pests and diseases.

The same principles apply within the farm, preventing disease weeds and pests spreading between fields or batches of stored produce.

Farm biosecurity is your responsibility, and that of every person visiting or working on your property.

This includes:

◦Employees◦Contractors◦Those delivering goods or services

The major foliage disease of potatoes Spread by wind, water, soil or direct contact. Fungicide problems

Potato dumps - First source of infection Control volunteers/ground-keepers Use inoculum free seed

PCN Potato EelwormPCN Potato Eelworm Reducing the RiskReducing the Risk

Soil can harbour PCN

Cysts can survive in soil for up to 25 years

Widespread in ware potato land

Builds up with regular potato cropping


Plant certified basic seed

PCN soil sampling when using farm saved seed

Clean shared machinery

Dispose of grader waste to an on-farm tip or field of origin

Do not feed or spread untreated vegetable waste

Be wary of imported animal manures

Methods of Spread Biosecurity Measures

Manure or Straw




Combine Harvesters

Only import FYM from known source

Use home saved or certified seed

Harvest weed infested fields last

Blow down/clean machinery

Control noxious weeds

Implementation of EU Sustainable Use Directive(SUD)

Announced by UK Government in July 2012Requirements

IPMPOperator Certification

Sprayer Testing

What is IPMP?

The holistic use of all available plant protection methods and subsequent integration of appropriate measures to discourage the development of weed, pest and disease populations and keep the use of pesticide and other interventions to levels that are economically and ecologically justified and minimize risks to human health and the environment.

(Based on the FAO and Sustainable Use Directive definition).

What- Integrated pest management plan

Why - Requirement of SUD

Who - Any farm using professional pesticides to produce crops

When – Once (reviewed annually)

Where - http://www.nfuonline.com/ipm-plan/

Farm biosecurity - measures designed to protect a farm from the entry and spread of pests and diseases.

Routes of entry – be aware of the risks

Minimising the disease risk & reducing weed spread

Pest problems

Notifiable weeds, pests and diseases