Level F Unit 2. Adjective Definition: pompous or overblown in language; full of high-sounding words...

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Transcript of Level F Unit 2. Adjective Definition: pompous or overblown in language; full of high-sounding words...

Level F

Unit 2


Definition: pompous or overblown in language; full of high-sounding words intended to conceal a lack of ideas

Synonyms: inflated, highfalutin, pretentious

Antonyms: unadorned, simple, plain, austere

Sentence: I cannot believe the minister’s bombastic sermon lasted three hours; his inflated and pretentious language made the visitors question their decision to attend this church.



Definition: without experience; immature, not fully developed; lacking sophistication and poise; without feathers

Synonyms: green, raw, inexperienced

Antonyms: mature, grown-up, polished, sophisticated

Sentence: The callow boater did not have a life preserver, paddle, or radio onboard his sailboat; his inexperienced ways was bound to cause an emergency onboard.



Definition: a summary, condensed account; an instance that represents a larger reality

Synonyms: abstract, digest, model, archetype, prime example

The ballerina was the epitome of grace and beauty as she performed the lead role in Swan Lake; her performance was the prime example of how the part should be performed.



Definition: to urge strongly, advise earnestly

Synonyms: entreat, implore, adjure

Antonyms: discourage, advise against, deprecate

The teenager exhorted her mother to let her attend the chess match of the year; the mother, however, ignored her daughter as she dramatically implored her to not say no.



Definition: to violate, trespass, go beyond recognized bounds

Synonyms: encroach, intrude, poach

Antonyms: stay in bounds, comply

When I am doing my homework, I need complete quite, and no one can infringe on my solitude; if my sister trespasses into my space, I am not forgiving.


Shhhh! Student At Work


Definition: one who moves in where he or she is not wanted or has no right to be, an intruder

Synonyms: trespasser, meddler, buttinsky

In the short story, “The Interlopers” by Saki, nature becomes an intruder when a pack of wolves arrives at the end of the story destroying the hope that the feud between Ulrich von Gradwitz and Georg Znaeym will end because after their deaths no one will know that they became friends.



Definition: belonging to someone or something by its very nature, essential, inherent; originating in a bodily organ or part

Synonyms: innate, natural

Antonyms: extrinsic, external, outward

The book had very little monetary value, but it had great intrinsic value because it had belonged to her grandfather; it was an essential part of her family memories.


Adjective; Verb; Noun

Definition: (adj.) secret, hidden from view; not detectable by ordinary means; mysterious, magical, uncanny; (v). to hide, cover up; eclipse; (n.) matters involving the supernatural.

Synonyms: (adj.) Supernatural

Antonyms: (adj.) mundane, common

We watched the show called Supernatural Detectives, but we were not convinced of the occult happenings and the reality of ghosts; we thought the mysterious happenings were nothing more than trick photography and the ability to photoshop a photograph.



Definition: to spread through, penetrate, soak through

The rain permeated all of my clothing; the fact that it penetrated even my pockets insured that the map I carried was reduced to a pulpy mass.



Definition: strict, severe; rigorously or urgently finding or compelling; sharp or bitter to the taste

Synonyms: stern, rigorous, touch, urgent, imperative

Antonyms: lenient, mild, lax, permissive

Some argue that more stringent laws against speeding will make our streets safer, but many feel that these severe changes really won’t stop people from speeding.


Verb, Noun

Definition: (v.) to think or believe without certain supporting evidence; to conjecture or guess; (n.) likely idea that lacks definite proof

Synonyms: (v.) infer, gather (n.) inference, presumption

I cannot be sure, but I surmise that the theory of evolution lacks definite proof despite images that show an image of an ape evolving into a man walking.