Letters in the Air- Exercise

Post on 05-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Letters in the Air- Exercise

Letters In The Air (INTERMEDIATE)

Match the words with the correct transcription. Circle the vowel sounds in the transcription given.

b e e s m : lb I gk l db e dh ts f tb lh a: dBowlBearChairBedColdHotSoftHardSmallBig

Letters In The Air (LOW)

Circle the vowel sounds in the transcription given.1) Big = b I g2) Small = s m : l3) Hard = h a: d4) Soft = s f t5) Hot = h t6) Cold = k l d7) Bed = b e d8) Chair = e 9) Bear = b e 10)Bowl = b l

Letters In The Air (EXCELLENT)

Write the correct transcription for the words given. Circle the vowel sounds in the transcription.

1) Big = ____________2) Small = ____________3) Hard = ____________4) Soft = ____________5) Hot = ____________6) Cold = ____________7) Bed = ____________8) Chair = _____________9) Bear = ____________10)Bowl = ____________