Letter Analysis. PS. 003. From Champagnat to Gardette. Date: 1827-05 Type of Letter: Original.

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Transcript of Letter Analysis. PS. 003. From Champagnat to Gardette. Date: 1827-05 Type of Letter: Original.

Letter Analysis.

PS. 003

From Champagnat to Gardette.

Date: 1827-05Type of Letter: Original

The context

Father Champagnat wrote this letter to his superior Monsieur Philibert Gardette to make him aware of the difficult situation he was going through, he was equally seeking his advice.

The departure of father Courvielle and Terraillon

To further the formation of young brothers The supervision of young brothers in school Financial debt burden

Data of People

Philibert Gardette Birth: 7th May 1765 9th April 1791:Ordained to priesthood in Le

Puy by Bishop De Galard’s last ordination After a year of theology with the Oratorians

(1786-87), he was appointed, in the autumn of 1787, professor of philosophy in the seminary of Clermont-Ferrand


From his years in the major seminary, Marcellin Champagnat always found “a supporter, an excellent counsellor, and an experienced director in the person of the well-known Fr. Gardette, who directed the major seminary for a very long time, who trained an army of pious, regular, serious clergy, who did so much good in the diocese.

It was said of him that he was the living rule of the seminary; and in fact, he would not tolerate any irregularity. In the time of Bishop Dc Pins, a lady from the court of Louis-Philippe came to Lyons and wanted to see the major seminary. Having learned that Fr. Gardette would not receive any woman except in the parlor, she obtained a letter of recommendation from the bishop. Having been shown into the parlor, she presented this letter to Fr. Gardette, who after reading it, told her with his usual slight stammer: ‘Madam, the bishop runs the diocese, and I run my seminary,’ and he politely showed her to the door” (AA, pp. 25-26).

As the confidant of the Founder of the Little Brothers of Mary, Fr. Gardette “counselled him in his difficult dealings with Fr. Bochard, presented him to Bishop De Pins in 1824 (AA, p. 54: Life, pp. 112, 116-118), apparently suggested, that same year, that he ask for Fr. Cour veile to help him (L. 30), intervened on his behalf in the spring of 1827 (Life, p. 192; L. 3), and continued to help him after that. It was he who, during the summer of 1831, sent to the Hermitage a seminarian who had given up the idea of the priesthood, Pierre-Alexis Labrosse, who would become Bro. Louis-Marie, second superior general of the Little Brothers of Mary (AA, p. 107; cf. OM, IV, p. 287). Fr. Champa gnat readily went to see him about any difficult matters, and willingly followed his advice (L. 98). “He hadn’t confined himself to guiding and encouraging Father Champagnat, but had helped him with his own money. At any time that Marcellin visited the Major Seminary, Father Gardette provided him with advice, encouragement and material help for his work. The Little Brothers of Mary remain forever in the debt of that distinguished priest” (Life, p. 118).

Died : 16th August 1848


Birth: 16th April 1791 Ordination: 22nd July 1816 14th Dec. 1820-chaplain of Hospice de la charite 25th August 1825- joined Marist community at

Hermitage Parish Priest – St. Martin in Fontaine and St.

Chamond between 13th Oct. 1825 to 9th April 1828 24th Sept. 1836 – made vows with others (19) and

was elected assistant general He died at Bon-Encontre on 5th November 1869 c.f.

R. pp467-469


Birth: 15th March, 1787; He was the promoter of the projected society of Mary and

Benedictine Monk. 1809: cured of blindness at the Cathedral of Le Puy; Ordination: 22nd July 1816 1816: Curate in Verrieres 12th May 1824; authorized by Bishop De Pins to join

Champagnat and help in the foundation of the brothers 1826: left the Hermitage after immoral conduct 1829: chaplain of the hospital in Chateaurox 21st March 1838: entered Benedictine Monastery and made

profession; 25th Sept. 1866: died in Solesmes c.f. R. pp136-139

Attitude of Marcellin revealed in the letter


‘…I feel very confident in writing to you for some advice and consolation…’

Great trust in God and prayer:

‘…you never forget me in your prayers…’

‘…if the Lord does not build the house, they labour in vain…’


Self Awareness/limitedness(the humanness in Champagnat): ‘…I am all alone here…’; ‘…I simply cannot take care of everything…’; ‘…I simply cannot do all that unless I have someone to share the work…’

Pastoral/Hardworking/caring: ‘…I absolutely must visit our schools and see for myself how each of them is getting along (N.B. in May 1827, there were 14 establishments besides N.D L’Hermitage and two thousand children in our schools)

Moral attitude: ‘…I must also find out from the Parish Priests whether our Brothers are behaving as they should, whether they have made dangerous acquaintances…’

Mentality of Marcellin found in the letter

He is concerned with the Consolidation of the young brothers’ formation –the formation of children is important and much

important is the formation of the young brothers(no.4) He is concerned about the management/supervision of

the new projects-I must absolutely visit our schools…, I must also find out

from the parish priest… (pragmatist no.3) Concerned about the work of the brothers in school …

whether our brothers are behaving as they should…, they are not to be left to their own devices once they are sent out…(no.3)

He is a man of deep trust in God (abandonment to God’s will-if the lord does not build the house, they labour in vain… no.6)

Biblical Allusions

o Ps. 127‘…if the Lord does not build the house, they labour in vain…’

o Ps. 121 °…I look to the mountains,where will my help come from? My help will come from the lord who made heaven and earth°

o Mtt.6:31 do not worry, saying, ; What will we eat?' or 'What will we wear?... your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.

o Mtt. 9:37 °…the harvest is rich but the labourers are few

Reference from Marist Documents

Trust in God:

‘In whatever he undertook, father Champagnat was primarily concerned to do God’s will. This he sought in prayer…’c.f. Const. Art.39

Consolidation of the formation of young brothers:

‘Marcellin Champagnat devoted himself to developing the gifts and talents of the first Brothers…’ Const. Art. 109

Sentences that appeal to me from the letter

‘…I am all alone here…’ ‘… if the Lord does not build the house, they labour

in vain…’ ‘…No one but me alone knows the difficulties I am

facing…’ If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do the

builders labour If it is important for young people to have religious

formation, it is equally important, not only that those who give them formation receive a good formation, but that they are not left to their own devices when they are sent out (Accompaniment/spiritul direction)

Personal Reflection

The situation expressed by Champagnat in his letter to Monsieur Philibert Gardette is not alienated from the reality that I sometimes encounter in my apostolate; the feeling of abandonment or separation of a colleague.

There is need to share one”s problem or concern with the right person ( A person you can confide in) e.g. counselor, spiritual director, lay person, confrere etc

The need to trust and depend on God after our work ‘… If the Lord Does not build the house, they labour in vain…’

There is need to take keen interest in the on-going formation of the brothers, although, each person is the principal artisan of his formation c.f art.95

Parallelism-the theme of Abandonment.

Champagnat -1827 I am all alone(the departure of

Courveille & Terraillon) No matter how hard i try, i

simply cannot take care of everything

No one but me alone know the difficulties i am facing

Optimistic about the success of his work coming from God – if the Lord does not build the house…Ps.127

Jesus (passion, Death and resurrection)

Jn.12:27 "Now my soul is troubled. What shall I say? 'Father, save me from this time?' But for this cause I came to this time.

He was abandoned by the crowd, disciples, and his heavenly father c.f Mat 27:46 my God My God why have you forsaken me

His focus was on God who had the power to raise him to life(resurrection)