Let's Go!

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Project workbook

Transcript of Let's Go!

assignment 1 – april 2013 – last review december 15th

2012 Page 1


A getting to know one another project bringing together students ages 13-15 providing an opportunity for them to begin to explore and understand the diversity of Europe. They will get to know their peers in different European countries and to explore their similarities and differences. The projects goal is to provide opportunities and experiences through visits to the partner countries in order to provide first hand experiences for the partners. They will learn about the roles of different influences such as (geography, topography, history, and language) and how they help to form social and cultural attitudes. Using the English language to communicate students will complete activities and share information to enrich their own understanding of other cultures and to gain more insight into their own. During these activities they will have opportunities to compare their lives including, education, social problems, lifestyles and more.

assignment 1 – april 2013 – last review december 15th

2012 Page 2

“I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any “ Mahatama Ghandi

assignment 1 “Picture in a picture” In this assignment you will show your own local area and an area abroad in the past & present. Create a row of 20 pictures that compare snapshots of buildings, monuments, statues, landmarks, locations, and people from your area with the present day scene. Maximum ten pages A4, so two pictures per page. Pay attention to and make comments about any differences & similarities. This can be in in the form of captions or short paragraphs on the pages with the pictures. Examples:

Who, what, when, where, how and why?

assignment 1 – april 2013 – last review december 15th

2012 Page 3

Who, what, when, where, how and why? “I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any “ Mahatama Ghandi

assignment 2

“ BurgerMania “ or “Fast food frenzie……” Interview at least two adults – you meet on the street – from the country in which you are visiting. Ask questions about their food buying habits. For instance ask about any changes in the kind of food they buy now verses when they were younger. Pay special attention to: when did they first buy a burger from an international fast-food restaurant. Next to that: how many simple burgers can they buy ( from an international fast-food companies ) with their monthly net wages ? Also if any of the fast-food restaurants offer local specialty items ( PeppernotenMcFlurry / Netherlands ). Interview two students from the country you are visiting as well; Ask the same or similar questions ( monthly net pocket-money instead of net wages ). Maximum of 1 page A4 each interview.

Do not forget to first form you Questions:

Open questions and follow up questions

assignment 1 – april 2013 – last review december 15th

2012 Page 4

“I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any “ Mahatama Ghandi

assignment 3

“Stadtluft macht frei.” – PowerPoint „My Hometown“ for visitors

a. Record your hometown ( or most nearby town / city ) using your camera/video camera.

b. Look up / search the town abroad ( or most nearby town / city ) where you will be

visiting in the same way. These are your items: history – influence from abroad – city layout – function – inhabitants – special(famous) people – minorities - infrastructure – traffic - housing - culture – major religions, environment (including geography) – education – safety – road signs - connections with town/city abroad – 4 item of your own choice. NOTE: Twenty screens in your PPT at the maximum. Bring into the PPT-pages a YouTube-link of two special items from this town / city. Write your comments as captions or use a separate dia. [ Stadtluft macht frei ("city air makes you free"), or Stadtluft macht frei nach Jahr und Tag ("city air makes you free after a year and a day"), is a German saying describing a principle of law from Middle Ages]

assignment 1 – april 2013 – last review december 15th

2012 Page 5

“I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any “ Mahatama Ghandi

assignment 4

“Cultural Timeline”

Read your books / websites of History & Arts on the subject The main national cultural influences in your own country ( after the year 1600 ) and main national cultural influences in the country you are to visit. Pay attention to: which painter had the greatest influence on your national culture ( how and when ) ? which book changed daily life most ( how and when ) ? which movie changed the thoughts on national culture the most ( how and when ) ? which cultural event still is of very great importance to your country ( how and from which year does it come ) ? which national poem is known by all adults ( and in which year was it written ) ? which national statue is known by all young people ( why and when was it created ) ? which kind of sport is known to all students ( why and when did it first appear in your country ) ? which cultural event ( like festival of pop music ) is visited by most students ( why and when was is first organized in your country ? Etc. Create a timeline in which all events can be seen, dates included. Timeline should start at the year 1600. Timeline is 20 cms wide, 2 cms high. Write your comments beneath the timeline. Pay attention and make notes about differences & similarities.

assignment 1 – april 2013 – last review december 15th

2012 Page 6

“I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any “ Mahatama Ghandi

assignment 5

“My Trip” or “Travel journal”

There are so many things to do when you travel, but one of the most important is to record

what you see, what you do and how you have experienced things. Yes, you may take

pictures, you can shoot video, you may even include your own drawings or sketches. As

writing about your day of travel is particularly worthwhile later on for remembering or

reflection. Writing about what you experiences as you experience them will help you to

remember things more clearly and deeply. You can keep it as simple as a calendar entry. Or

you can annotate it with photos, drawings, ticket stubs, and captured overheard snippets of

dialog. You can carefully detail every moment.

In your travel journal the teachers expect to be able to read at the very least a description

of three different interactions with local people from the country you are visiting. Notes

about at least 2 places you have visited from your trip, provide details such as

Where did you meet your locals ?

What area do they live in ?

What were their names ?

What kind of work do they ? How do they travel to their work ?

assignment 1 – april 2013 – last review december 15th

2012 Page 7

What music / movies / books do they like ?

Which five words do they use to describe The Netherlands ? Can they point at The

Netherlands on a map of Europe ?

What you found most/least interesting about the place? Why?

Would you recommend someone else to visit there? Why/Why not?

Does it compare in any way to somewhere you have visited before? If so how?


Your point of view must reflect the experiences you had while you were on journey.

The end of the day entry, diary style, is the most effective time to write some lines. Sit down,

and reflect, take a few moments and think about the day. What did you see? What did you

do? Who did you do it with? And what did you talk about, share together? Just a few

minutes of thought, making notes, and these things will be better established, written twice,

stamped, into your memory. You’ll find that you remember them better, in more detail, and

retain these memories longer.

assignment 1 – april 2013 – last review december 15th

2012 Page 8

“I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any “ Mahatama Ghandi

assignment 6

“How did we survive ?” The way the population of a country survives a severe moment or period has to do with culture, it is part of their culture. When, why and what occurred at that particular moment or period ? How did they survive ? Was it organized ? How much time did it take ? Who was in charge for a solution ? Who has been affected by this disaster ? Is there still evidence of the occurrence? Is there a book based on this disaster, a movie maybe ? Is there a website ? A YouTube-link maybe ?

In brief, each of the participating students writes one page for an e-book ( first part in their own language / second part in English ) on the item of “How did we survive ?”.

The contributors will write their ideas, thoughts, memories for readers to understand how their country survived some national catastrophes:

- natural hazard ( storm / flood / earthquake / avalanche ) - economic breakdown - war time - period of extreme coldness / heath - political confusion - major traffic accident - national confusion by attack / terrorism - any other severe event or catastrophic moment which the nation has experienced

Each student in a group writes one page.

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2012 Page 9

CONTEST: A contest will be held for the cover of the e-book. All students are invited to submit a title and/or a cover photo, illustration or combination of both for the book. Winner will be chosen by the teachers in combination with popular vote.