Let’s Get Talking! Lisa Drake, CCC-Sp. Terms Speech Sound Articulation.

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Transcript of Let’s Get Talking! Lisa Drake, CCC-Sp. Terms Speech Sound Articulation.

Let’s Get Talking!

Lisa Drake, CCC-Sp


Speech Sound Articulation


Language Receptive: Understanding what is

said Expressive: Verbal – Nonverbal words gestures signs

Language Milestones

Birth to 6 months Coos (vowel-like sounds) Smiles Laughs Recognizes familiar voices

Language Milestones

6 – 12 months Babbles (consonant-vowel sound

combos) Looks for familiar objects/people when

named Imitates an adult (verbal and non-

verbal) Has about 3 words or so – mama,

dada, baba

Language Milestones

12 – 18 months Vocabulary increases to 15 – 25

words Points to several body parts or

pictures on books.

Language Milestones

18 – 24 months Follow 1 & 2 step commands Big increase in vocabulary Beginning to put 2 words together - (“my juice”)

Language Milestones

24 – 30 months Knows actions Vocabulary includes nouns and verbs 2 & 3 word phrases consistently Uses words for more than just


Words are used to:

Label – identify Request Comment Regulate the behaviors of others

Reasons for Language Delay

Birth trauma Neurological Structural (anatomy) Genetic (syndrome) Ear Infections or Middle Ear Fluid Family History None of the Above!!!


Important skill for babies When parents imitate their baby

early on it helps establish a pattern.

Baby will grow and start to imitate mom or dad and this helps the baby learn that his actions influence others.

Turn Taking

Communication requires “give & take” Baby learns that parent wants him to

do something Understanding the intention of others

lays the foundation that communication is more that just words – it is the beginning of interaction with others.

Examples of Turn Taking:

Peek-a-boo Banging toys Any repetitive game

*Playing with sounds back & forth is the beginning of turn taking skills necessary for all social interactions.


Facial expressions Physical movements Pointing

Gestures We use actions/gestures with our

babies Wave bye bye Signal “Come here” Arms out when we want to pick them up “Where” (We put arms up and shrug

shoulders) Use gestures to interact & actively

communicate with your child

Gestures will:

Teach your child how fun it is to interact and motivate him to learn to talk

Help enrich his receptive language base


Pair spoken word with the gesture (helps the child to understand the word and then he will be more likely to use it when ready)

Model the gesture to your child Be consistent with the gesture you


Follow Your Child’s Lead

Child’s attention is best when directed towards things he chooses rather than your choices.

Give the child time to respond.

Follow Your Child’s Lead

OWL Observe Wait Listen

Remember to:

Get at eye level Use simple language Give child choices Provide names of many of the

objects or actions in environment Avoid: Do you what this or that?

Self Talk

You, the parent, are talking about what you are doing, seeing, or hearing.

Parallel Talk

You, the parent, are describing what the child is doing, seeing or hearing.

Modeling & Expanding Acknowledge your child’s verbal

attempt and repeat it with a longer sentence structure.Example: Child: “Ba” (Points or looks at ball.) Parent: “Ball. That is a red ball.” or “You want the ball.” or “Big ball.” or “My ball.”

Modeling & Expanding

You should model and expand the utterance about one level higher than the child

1 word phrase – 2 word phrase

Talk Talk Talk Children learn by hearing language

over and over again. Encourage your child to talk by

creating teachable moments for your child to use his words.

Don’t anticipate every need (remember: give choices)

Talk Talk Talk

Don’t require him to say something on command “Say juice.”

Don’t require him to say something by always asking “What’s this?”

Talk Talk Talk

Spontaneous communication is more rewarding Use everyday activities

Dressing Bathing Mealtime Driving Shopping

Unplug the DVD and

Shut off the cell phone

Talk Talk Talk

Ask open ended questions Gives child more opportunity for

verbal response Yes/no questions

Limiting and then you need to repeat their answer!

Don’t Forget to Read

Make it part of your daily routine Helps make connection with words Read the pictures, not the words Don’t get discouraged!

Turn pages Keep trying Hand over hand touching!