Let Us Give Thanks To God For all Things - Saint Athanasius Bulletin/St Athanasius... ·...

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Transcript of Let Us Give Thanks To God For all Things - Saint Athanasius Bulletin/St Athanasius... ·...

November 2016

Let Us Give Thanks To God For all Things

On Thursday, November 24th, we will gather together, with God’s Blessing, to celebrate the time

honoured tradition of the Thanksgiving Holiday. It is probably the pre-eminent day of the year

where the family unit assembles to pause from the ongoing daily routine to give thanks to God in

and for all things, as St. Paul exhorts us in his first Epistle to the Thessalonians, chapter 5,verses

16-21: “Rejoice always, pray unceasingly, and give thanks always to God in Christ Jesus…”

We truly, have much to be grateful for in our lives...

As Greek Orthodox Christians, we celebrate “thanksgiving” at every Divine Liturgy.

How do we know this? In Greek, The Divine Liturgy is called “Theia Eucharistia” or the

celebration of the “ Holy Eucharist.” Eucharist is the Greek word efcharisto meaning “thank


Thus, at every Liturgy we say thanks to God by participating in the worship services and lifting

our voices to the Almighty. We also recognize the title of the Divine Liturgy in Greek as “Theia

Leitourgia” which means “the work of the people.” In this case, the spiritual and liturgical work

of the communicants.

So then: Let’s be thankful to God for His blessings every day...

Let us work to be always be kind and gracious…

Let us be less selfish and more “self less…”

Let us be less childish and more child-like…

Let us be less greedy and more giving…

Let us always count our blessings and appreciate God’s gifts, every day…


Happy Thanksgiving to all! -Fr. Kastanas

St. Athanasius the Great Greek Orthodox Church

4 Appleton Street ■ Arlington, MA 02476 ■ 781.646.0705

■ www.saintathanasius.org ■ email: stathanasiusgoc@gmail.com


Metropolis of Boston 4 Appleton Street, Arlington, MA 02476


OFFICIAL Publication of St. Athanasius the Great

Greek Orthodox Church

Arlington, MA 02476


Dean Ioakimidis .................................................. President

Bill Karras ............................................. 1st Vice President

A. Paul Tsitsopoulos ............................. 2nd Vice President

S. Nicholas Kriketos ............................................ Secretary

Maria Tsaousidis ................................. Associate Secretary

Stefanos Bouboulis .............................................. Treasurer

Nikitas Splagounias ........................Associate Treasurer #1

Emmanuel Meimaris ......................Associate Treasurer #2

Vassilios Pantazopoulos .................Associate Treasurer #3

Parish Council Members: ........................................... David Bowling, Antonios Dakopoulos,

George Katsarakas, Peter Ladas, Charles Pappas,

Eleanor Profis, Ted Speros, Mark Ypsilantis


Winter: Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy: 10:00 am

Summer: Orthros 8:00 am Divine Liturgy: 9:15 am

Proistamenos: Rev. Fr. Nicholas Kastanas

Assistant Priest: Fr. Aaron C. Walker

St. Athanasius the Great is a parish under the spiritual

and ecclesial oversight of His Eminence Metropolitan

Methodios of the Metropolis of Boston, Greek Orthodox

Archdiocese of America, under the jurisdiction of The

Ecumenical Patriachate of Constantinople.

The St. Athanasius the Great Greek Orthodox Church in

Arlington, Massachusetts strives to be the living witness

of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Our mission as a

parish is to “practice hospitality” (Romans 12:13), as St.

Paul so exhorts. Thus it is our rich blessing to strive and

bring the Light of Christ to all of God’s people, through

Orthodox Christian tradition, education and philanthropy.

We seek to serve the spiritual needs of our faithful

parishioners through the sacramental life of the Church.

By means of outreach and faith in God, we continue our

growth as a living Church by inviting others into the

Orthodox faith through Baptism and/or Chrismation, and

educating them through the establishment of our Christian

ministries, programs, schools and philanthropic activities.


Altar Boys (Acolytes) ..................... Fr. Nicholas Kastanas

Cantors/Psaltes ............. Gregory Evangelis, Spyros Prois,

...................... Dimitrios Manolakis, and Vasilios Meimaris

Choir Director ............................................ Stella Pathiakis

Greek School Director ................ Fr. Nicholas M. Kastanas

Greek School PTO ............................ Tina Christodouleas,

................................... Betty Dakopoulos, Tanya Stamoulis

Little Halos Day School Director ........ Kaiti Galanopoulos

Little Halos Parent/Teacher Consultant ............................

................................................ Dr. Anastasia Galanopoulos

Fellowship Hour Ministry ............................ Eleanor Profis

Fifties Plus ................................................ Irene Paleologos

Gardening Ministry ........................... S. Nicholas Kriketos

GOYA President .................................. Stavros Ioakimidis

JOY & HOPE ................................................. Maria Matos

P.E.A.C.E. Ministry ........................... Elaine Kakambouras

Philoptochos President ............................... Irene Kalogeris

Pine Street Inn Ministry ................................ Randy Fassas

Stewardship Chair ................................... Maria Tsaousidis

Sunday School Director ...................... Ioannis Moutsatsos

Sunday School Assoc. Director ......... Cassandra Chamallas

Metropolis of Boston website ...... www.boston.goarch.org

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese website ...... www.goarch.org


Parish Administrative Assistant - Stella Kazantzas

Parish Office

Office hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

Main Office: (781) 646-0705

FAX: (781) 641-4700

EMAIL: stathanasiusgoc@gmail.com

Website: www.saintathanasius.org

Fr. Nick Kastanas *Emergency Pager* (781) 673-2002

Fr. Nick email: frnmk@aol.com

Fr. Aaron email: fraaronwalker@gmail.com


Sermon on the Parable of the Sower Luke 8:4-15

“And as for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bring forth fruit with patience” (Luke 8:15).

The Miracle of Growth in a Seed

A seed is a miracle. When you look at it from the outside, it is hard, dry, and dead. It looks incapable of producing anything. But place it in the ground, give it water and warmth, and life begins to stir. The outer shell dies but the inner kernel comes alive by the mysterious forces of growth. The inner powers of the kernel are released when the seed is in proper soil and receives enough moisture. The kernel germinates and new life begins. As long as nourishment is provided, growth continues. From the seed comes a shoot, leaves, flowers, and finally sweet ripe fruits, such as the apples our GOYAns recently picked at the orchard.

The Miracle of growth in human beings

This miracle of growth happens in human beings, too. Not only our physical bodies but also our mind and soul have potential of miraculous growth. Physical growth is almost automatic. Yet physical growth, too, requires adequate nourishment and suitable environment. Spiritual growth is never automatic. Spiritual growth requires the exercise of personal freedom through our commitments, decisions, and actions. And spiritual growth, too, surely needs a proper environment and constant nourishment to flourish.

The Good interaction of seed and soil leads to growth. In the Parable of the Sower (Lk 8:5-15), Jesus teaches that both seed and soil are necessary for growth. Both seed and soil need proper interaction to produce ripe fruit. The seed is the word of God. The soil is the life and heart of each person, of me and of you. The parable tells us that much seed is lost when falling into unreceptive soil. However, when seed and soil connect and interact properly, astonishing growth occurs. “And some fell into good soil and grew, and yielded a hundredfold.”

God’s Word reflects God’s mind and character and wisdom. What do we mean by the seed of the word of God? What is God’s “word?” Our words and messages, yours and mine, reflect our minds and characters don’t they? Just like our words, God’s word conveys God’s mind and character and message. God’s word conveys God’s guidance for us. “I am the Lord your God; you shall have no other gods before me” (Ex 20:2-3). “Seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Mt 6:33).

God’s words are light and life for us, his children. These divine words are not random rules, to test our obedience and keep us in our place. They are part of human nature. They are food and drink for our humanity because we are in the image of God. When those divine words are wholeheartedly embraced and faithfully practiced, they become “life-bearing” and “life-giving.” They generate light and life that others can feel because they guide us to healthy relationships with God and other people. Let us hear Christ’s words in that way…

Let us learn to pray His word… “Love one another as I have loved you” (Jn 13:34). “Whoever would be great among you must be your servant; for the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life for many” (Mt 20:26-28). These words are like seeds. When they fall into good soil, they grow and yield many sweet, ripe fruits.

There are some great Bible verses about the importance of God’s word that we can repeat to ourselves as prayers, and this cultivates the ground of our hearts to let His Word take root in our souls. When we are tempted to overindulgence, as Jesus was, we can reject the temptation and say: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Mt 4:4). We can remind ourselves of the stability that comes from standing firmly in Christ by repeating Christ’s words: “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house upon the rock; and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock” (Mt 7:24-25). At a time of crisis, Jesus asked His disciples: “Do you also wish to go away?” Simon Peter replied: “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (Jn 6:67-68)! We can makes these words our own.


God's word is Christ Himself. Most importantly, if we want to understand what God’s word is… we remember…. WHO it is. Christ himself is the Word of God— Logos Theou—who God is, what He has done, and what He continues to do today. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God … In Him was light and the light was the life of all people. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (Jn 1:1-5).

God’s word is salvation. Those words are the gospel, the amazing good news of the Christian faith. The good news is that God broke our bondage to the powers of sin, evil, and death. Christ, the Son of God, died on the cross and went down into hell to destroy death by his own death, and then rose from the dead bestowing His life on all of humanity. In Christ, God expresses His love and forgiveness for sinners. In Christ, God offers to every man and woman a new start, a redeemed life, a life full of his grace and his blessings. When we announce the gospel of Christ with our whole heart, the announcement not only gives us information about Christ. It offers Christ himself and all His wonderful blessings. Christ in His holiness and power is present in His word. When people hear the good news and embrace it-- their hearts are stirred and their lives are transformed. The gospel “is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Rom 1:16). When the gospel message falls into good soil, the gospel takes root and grows, and yields a hundredfold. Picture a tree full of sweet juicy apples!

O Λόγος του Θεού είναι η σωτηρία πάντων. Οι λέξεις αυτές τονίζουν το κεντρικό μήνυμα της Χριστιανικής πίστης, τα καλά νέα του ευαγγελίου. Τα καλά νέα είναι ότι ο Θεός εν Χριστώ έχει σπάσει τα δεσμά της ανθρωπότητας με τις δυνάμεις της αμαρτίας, το κακό, και το θάνατο. Στον Χριστό, ο Θεός εκφράζει την αγάπη και τη συγχώρεσή Του, για μας τους αμαρτωλούς. Στον Χριστό, ο Θεός προσφέρει σε κάθε άνθρωπο, μια νέα αρχή, ενα νέα τροπο ζωής, μια ζωή της χάριτος και της αληθείας. ο Απόστολος Παύλος αποκαλεί το ευαγγέλιο ότι είναι, ο λόγος του Θεού, ο λόγος του Χριστού, ο λόγος της χάριτος, ο λόγος της συμφιλίωσης, ο λόγος της αλήθειας. Όταν παρουσιάζουμε το ευαγγέλιο του Χριστού με όλη την καρδιά μας, δεν μας δίνει απλά πληροφορίες για τον Χριστό. Μας δίνει, επίσης, τον ίδιο τον Χριστό και τις θαυμάσιες ευλογίες Του. Ο Χριστός στην αγιότητα και την δύναμή Του είναι παρών στο λόγο Του. Όταν καλή είδηση ακούγεται και αγκαλιάζεται, οι ανθρώπινες καρδιές μεταμορφώνονται και η ανθρώπινη ζωή αλλάζει. Το ευαγγέλιο "είναι η δύναμη του Θεού για τη σωτηρία του κάθε ανθρώπου που πιστεύει» (Ρωμ 1:16). Όταν περιέλθει σε καλό έδαφος, το ευαγγέλιο ριζώνει και αναπτύσσεται, και αποδίδει εκατονταπλασίως.

Not cultivating our souls cancels out the power of God’s word in us. On the other hand, if the soil is not conducive to growth, the seed of the word of God remains inactive and powerless. Seeds cannot take root on the hard path. Seeds cannot last in rocky, dry ground. Seeds cannot flourish among weeds. Jesus tells us (Lk 8:11-15) that the hard path is a faithless heart, a heart that hears but pays no true heed to God’s word. The rocky ground is a heart that initially receives God’s word but later loses endurance when trials and temptation come. The soil with weeds is a heart filled with worldly cares and distractions that seem to swallow up God’s word. Lack of faith, lack of patient endurance, and lack of spiritual focus—these are the negative elements of the infertile soil that cancel out the miracle of the seed. We know all about those elements because we face them every day. We need to be humbly mindful that all of us at various times have exemplified the hard path, the rocky ground, or the soil with weeds.

Let us cultivate the soil to allow God’s word to bear fruit in us. But what we need much more is to concentrate on building up good soil. Christ the Sower is steadily acting through his mighty and life-giving word. What you and I need to do is respond in kind; to offer to Him the soil of “an honest and good heart” (Lk 8:15). The parable clearly identifies the negative elements of the unproductive soil—lack of faith, lack of endurance, lack of spiritual focus. But the parable also powerfully suggests the opposite elements, the contrasting positive qualities of the honest and good heart. Those are lively faith, patient endurance, and the focus of an active Christian worldview. The Lord warned: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” (Lk 8:8). But the Lord also gives assurance that, when falling on good soil, the seed of God’s word takes deep root, grows bountifully and yields blessings beyond imagination. O Christ, the eternal sower, help us to cultivate the good ground of our hearts, so we may find salvation in you and give praise, thanksgiving, and glory to you, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

(This sermon is based on one by my New Testament Professor, Fr. Theodore Stylianopoulos. +Fr. Aaron)


Goya News and Announcements

Hello GOYAns!

In October, we partook in our annual apple picking trip to Honey Pot Hills Orchard in Stow. As usual, it was a great success with over twenty GOYAns who attended! Thank you to the chaperones, Mrs. Ioakimidis, Mrs. Delegas, Mrs. Deligiannidis, Mr. Kandaras, Mr. Meimaris, and Mr. Arvanitis, for making the trip possible!

During the event, we picked many apples, rode on the hayride, ate plenty of cider doughnuts and caramel apples, and went through the enormous maze! We had a wonderful afternoon at the orchard!

We had our annual Halloween party, and we will soon have our beautiful Family Fall Glendi! We thank the Ioakimidis family for offering to host the Halloween party, as well as everyone else for their help!

Once again, our Family Glendi is on November 5th, here at the church from 7:00pm to 11:00pm. The cost is $15 for adults, and $10 for GOYAns and Children. We’re looking forward to seeing you there and having a great success!

Yours sincerely, Chris Dakopoulos Secretary of Correspondence

Halloween Party at Ioakimidis’ Home

The Joy of Sharing


Our Great Day at Honey Pot Hills Apple Orchard


Saint Athanasius GOYA Annual Family Glendi

Saturday, November 5th

7:00 PM to 11:00 PM

St. Athanasius Greek

Orthodox Church

4 Appleton St. Arlington MA

$15 per Adult

$10 Children and GOYA Members

Please bring a can to support our

canned food drive!

Come join the Saint Athanasius

GOYA as we celebrate our annual

Family Glendi! There will be plenty

of food, music provided by DJ

Stavros of the Salonica Boys, a raffle,

and dancing!


St. Athanasius Parish Christmas Card November 2016 Dear Parishioners of St. Athanasius the Great Greek Orthodox Church: We invite you to join the families of our beloved Church in expressing Christmas greetings to all of the families who make up our parish. This is a wonderful opportunity to express our greetings to every parishioner and at the same time support the many ministries of our beloved parish. Please support this very worthwhile endeavor by completing the lower portion of the letter and

return it to the Church Office no later than November 21, 2016.

Thank you for your continued support. St. Athanasius the Great Greek Orthodox Church Christmas Card Committee



Hope – Joy

November Event

“Giving Thanks”

Friday, November 18th

6:00 – 8:00pm

Church Hall

Join us for an evening of “Giving Thanks”!

We will be having a discussion with Father Nick

and Father Aaron.

Making a “Giving Thanks” Craft.

Enjoying Dinner, Dessert, Fun and Fellowship!

Please bring canned/boxed food donation

for the Arlington Food Pantry.

RSVP to: saintathanasiushopejoy@gmail.com (RSVP’s are important as they help us with accurate food counts)





Hope/Joy News and Announcements

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to thank the our community for bringing their children to the Fall Fest party. Thank you for all of

your support and assistance before, during, and after the event. I just want to reiterate that we would not be

successful without your involvement, and just how thankful I am for being part of such a great community! That

being said, it looked like all the kids had such a great time! Here are some pictures of all the fun that we had,

and I am looking forward to our next event "Giving Thanks" on November 18, so save the date!


Maria Matos


Hope/Joy News and Announcements


Catechetical Sunday School News

Our academic year is well on its way. As I write these news, we already had 4 weeks of classes. The

children have adjusted to their new classrooms and teachers and they all now understand the rules

(ask them about Liturgy attendance cards) and schedule of our Catechetical Sunday School.

The Catechetical Sunday School Ministry is supported by a committed set of faithful volunteers who

contribute their effort, time and talent to teach and assist in each of our 12 Catechetical Sunday

school grades. This year, we are blessed with the return of many veteran teachers, as well as, the

addition of several new ones that will continue this teaching tradition in the years to come. The CSS

teachers include: Chuck Chamallas and Pat Magoufis (Pre-K), Loula Boretos and Despina Bouboulis

(K), Eleni and Marianna Terzakis (1st), Elsa Zotos and Tina Pavlakis- Bowling (2nd), Popi

Moustakas and Gabriella Awad (3rd) Alex Athanasiou and Mary Kandaras (4th), Ioannis Moutsatsos,

Maria Anamateros and Hary Kandaras (5th), Val Relias and Mary Tsihlis (6th), Cassandra Chamallas

(7th), Nick Pantazopoulos (8th), Phillip Halikias (9th), and George Makredes (10th). Finally, Alexis

Mitchell and Mary Tsihlis will be working with the children to teach teach them Liturgy hymns and

Christmas carols. If you have not yet met your student's Catechetical School teacher, please, stop by

to say 'hello' and 'thank you'. Your support and active

encouragement is one of the most important and visible

rewards that our teachers can receive for their blessed

and humble efforts in children's ministry.

One of the first feast days in November is dedicated to

the gathering of God’s Archangels Michael and Gabriel.

Anyone named Michael, Gabriela or Angela celebrates

on this day. Did you know that there was a real sighting

of an Angel at the Hagia Sophia church in

Constantinople in the year 2010! (you can read it here:

Sacred Mysteries: An appointment with an angel at

Hagia Sophia) Perhaps it was one of the countless

Seraphim present at the last Liturgy before the City fell

to the Ottoman Turks, waiting to stir through the great

dome once the ‘Αγιος, Αγιος Αγιος ο Θεος, Holy, Holy

Holy is God’ is heard again at the Church of God’s Holy


November is a month full of celebrations and feast days

that we can use to remember and learn about some

important Saints of our Orthodox faith.In addition to the names I mentioned above, those named

Victor, Catherine, Mathew, Philip and Andrew/Andrea will also be celebrating their name days.

Χρονια Πολλα and many blessings to all!

Finally in November we will start preparing for the children’s Christmas pageant. See the

announcement in this bulletin and register your child on line at tinyurl.com/2016-youth-pageant Our

visit to the Hellenic Nursing Home is currently scheduled for Saturday December 10th. Parents and

children in grades 4-10th are invited to join us in this annual heart-warming event. The November

monthly staff meeting will be taking place on Sunday, November 13th at 12:15 pm. We wish

everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and a spiritual Advent period.


Catechetical Sunday School - Grade 10 Class Lesson

Spiritual Hygiene

Suppose you owned a nice car, and liked seeing it washed A nd waxed. How often do you think you would want it washed and waxed?

Now, suppose that was the only maintenance you ever performed? How long do you think it might be before some other issues started to surface, like say mechanical problems?

Merely tending to a car’s exterior is similar to our ‘looking good’ through bathing and grooming. But what’s going on within? Is everything, just fine and dandy with the mechanics of our inner person, too?

What if we could only bathe each week as many times as we prayed; would that be a good thing? Just like an auto, people need to care for their interior condition in addition to an exterior presence.

Repetitive washings will never help a car’s engine to go on running well, and neither will many baths, fragrances, fancy clothes or jewelry enable a person to achieve meaningful inner spiritual happiness.

When burdened by pressure, worry or feeling ‘down and out’, some have regrettably tried to escape reality and responsibility by resorting to drugs and alcohol, instead of turning to God for help. Aside from being wrong, those acts only temporarily mask a problem, thus worsening everything else in the process.

Inner peace comes only through an ongoing relationship with God. How many times has He heard from you this week?

PEACE Ministry News and Announcements

Worship Service and Gathering

Please join us on Sunday, November 20 @ 1:30 for our PEACE gathering along with Holy Communion. This fifteen minute service will be guided by Fr. Kastanas. Following the service all are welcomed to enjoy light refreshments and a fun Thanksgiving activityl. The PEACE Ministry is dedicated to offering an environment of full inclusion and acceptance of Orthodox Christians with physical and emotional challenges. The goal is to educate the community and provide an environment where all are able to come and worship regardless of their

abilities. For more information and to register, please visit: www.GreekBoston.com/event/peace


Greek School Annual Project:

This year again, as every year, the children

of our Greek School will work on projects which

they will present their project the week of

November 15 to 18th.

Their project this year is “My Favorite Traditional Food of My

Homeland” of Greece. He or she will provide some information about it

and the recipe. The presentation will take place

during the hours of 4:00-6:30 on the day that

each child attends school. The parents or any

other member of their family is very welcomed

to attend to observe.

Ετήσια εργασία µαθητων του ελληνικούµας σχολείου:

Όπως κάθε χρόνο έτσι και φέτος τα παιδιά του ελληνικού µας

σχολείου θα παρουσιάσουν την εργασία τους/project την εβδοµάδα 14-18


Η φετεινή εργασία έχει τίτλο «Το Αγαπηµένο Παραδοσιακό

Φαγητό του Τόπου Μου». Θα γράψουν κάτι για αυτό το φαγητό και θα

προσφέρουν την συνταγή του. Η παρουσίαση θα γίνει την ηµέρα που κάθε

παιδί έχει ελληνικό σχολείο κατα τις 4:00-6:30. Οι γονείς ή όποιος άλλος

από την οικογένεια είναι ευπροσδεκτοι.


Special Announcements

We are deeply grateful as a Community for the recent sizable donations of $35, 000 and

$8,500 from the estate of +Aristotle Pappanicholas+ of blessed memory. We take this

opportunity to thank John Macaris who was instrumental in guiding these monies to our


Ευχαριστουμε με ολη μας την καρδια για την γενναιωδωρη δωρεα των $35,000 δωλλαριων

και των $8,500 απο την κληρονομια του αειμνηστου +Αριστοτελη Παππανικολα+.

Ευχαριστουμε τον ενοριτη και πρωτοπορο κον Ιωαννη Μακαρη που βοηθησε με αυτην την

χορηγια . Αιωνια

η Μνημη του +Αριστοτελη Παππανικολα+

We are equally grateful to Arthur T. DeMoulas, his family, and his DeMoulas Foundation for

the gift of $25,000 dollars in one lump sum in 2015, and for sharing the donation of $7500 last

month towards the sponsorship of the our annual Golf Tournament.

Ευχαριστουμε εγκαρδιως τον Κυριο Αθανασιο Τηλαμαχο Δημουλα, μαζι με την οικογενεια

του και το Ιδρυμα Δημουλα του ποθ περυσι δωρησε $25, 000 στην Εκκλησια μας. Τωρα

τελευταια μας δωρησε $7,500 προς υποστηριξην του Τουρνουα Γκολφ μας.

We are deeply thankful to all for their/your generosity. Every little bit helps support the

various ministries of the Parish...

Home For Little Wanderers

On Sunday, November 13th, representatives from the N.E. Home For Little Wanderers will

visit our Parish to share insights about the holy work being done by this wonderful support

network. The presentation will be brief following the Divine Liturgy.

As you all know, we have been gathering turkeys for Thanksgiving in support of the Home for

27 years...

Please donate a turkey or two by 4pm on Monday, November 21st so that we can fill the table

of a number of families that the Home supports.

Thank you!

With agape,

Father Nick


Little Halos News and Announcements

The Little Halos students had a very busy month. They had fun and learned all about the harvest of grapes, Trygos, which is a custom in the Greek culture this time of the year. During this unit of study, the children harvested grapes from hand-made pretend grapevines. In turn, they stepped on the grapes and collected the must, mousto. Finally, children learned about the different products derived from grapes and created lots of art.

Little Halos has “Fire Safety Lesson” with Arlington Fire Department

On Tuesday morning, October 18th, during Fire Prevention Week, a team of firefighters led by Lt. T. Peone from the Arlington Fire Dept. visited our school and spoke to the students about safety.


On Saturday, October 22, our Little Halos PTO held a tag sale of baby/child items; the fundraiser was a huge success. Thank you to all who supported us!

Lastly, our students joined the Saint Athanasius Greek Afternoon School to commemorate together the anniversary of the OXI Day! Children sang patriotic songs and recited their poem for their family and friends. As always, this event was a success!

Registration for Fall 2017 will begin on November 30th, 2016 on a first come-first served basis.

Beginning this October and through April 2017, we will be hosting scheduled Open Houses from 10-11am on the second Thursday of each month. Please come and visit our great school.

Our St. Athanasius Little Halos Preschool provides a three-fold program of the English/Greek Languages, Hellenic culture, and Greek Orthodox Faith, within a developmental framework of play-based learning for children 2:9-5 years old. Little Halos is licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care.

If you need any further information or would like to schedule a tour, please call

781-646-1322 or 781-354-9232. (littlehalospreschool.org)


St. Barbara's Philoptochos Society cordially invites you to our

Saturday, December 17, 2016 12:00-4:00 p.m.

TUSCAN KITCHEN 2400 District Ave., Burlington, MA (781) 229 - 0300


Kindly bring a new-unwrapped winter clothing item donation for Cradles to Crayons – “Providing the Essentials for Childhood”

Requesting sizes Infant to Age 12


Questions? Mary-Anne Schubert (978) 287-0087 or Kathy VanKuilenburg (978) 663-3936

Cut at dotted line & mail to: St. Athanasius the Great, 4 Appleton St., Arlington, MA 02476; Attn: Philoptochos, Make checks payable to "St. Barbara’s Philoptochos"; write “Philoptochos Luncheon” in memo


* * * * RSVP Needed By Sunday, December 11, 2016 * * * *


How many are attending? _____ Enclosed is $50.00 per person: $ _______ total

3 Course Menu Choices Offered

Soup or Salad Choice of:

INSALATA MISTA SALAD - Baby Greens | Teardrop Tomatoes | Shaved Fennel | Honey Chardonnay Vinaigrette

TUSCAN KITCHEN CEASAR - Hearts of Romaine | Ciabatta Croutons | Shaved Parmigiano Reggiano

WHITE BEAN & ESCAROLE SOUP - Prosciutto di Parma | Olive Oil | Ciabatta Crouton

Dinner - Choice of:

EGGPLANT CRESPELLE - Roasted Eggplant | Ricotta Impastata | Basil | Citrus Tomato Sugo

PAN ROASTED CHICKEN BREAST - Roasted Garlic | Lemon Sauce

ROASTED BUTTERNUT SQUASH CAPPELLACCI - Sage Brown Butter Sauce, Shaved Parmigiano Reggiano

WOOD GRILLED SALMON FILET - Lemon Vinaigrette | Asparagus | Roasted Sweet Potato

Dessert - Choice of:




“Make A Difference Day”

A Philoptochos national volunteering day with the purpose of improving the lives of

others. The National Phloptochos has partnered with the Loukoumi Foundation to

show acts of kindness during the month of October. Teaching our children to engage

in acts of kindness will instill in them the spirit to go forward and make a difference

in the world.

Please remember our veterans. Consider donating to the clothing drive and/or the Housewarming Baskets for Homeless Veterans. Look for donation collection boxes in the church hall. For your convenience, take a flyer; it has a helpful list.

Become a Philoptochos member.

The annual dues are $25. This money is divided three ways; $15 per member is sent

to the National Philoptochos, $5 to the Metropolis Philoptochos and the remaining $5

per member remains in our treasury. All of the money is used to support charities both

nationally and locally. We are a very proud, hardworking, loving and charitable group

of ladies. Please join us in trying to make a difference in world by doing and supporting

acts of kindness.

We wish you and your family a most happy Thanksgiving!

November General Assembly

Tuesday, November 15th 6:30 p.m.

Lenten Pot Luck Dinner

(Bring a dish to share)


November 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Please donate a turkey for

the Home For Little

Wanderers by Monday, Nov.

21st at 4pm

October 30th Sunday

PEACE Ministry 1:30pm

Please donate a turkey for the

Home For Little Wanderers by

Monday, Nov. 21st at 4pm

1 Sts. Kosmas and

Damianos Orthros 8

Divine Liturgy 9-10

Little Halos 8:30-3

Greek School 4-6:30 Grades

1 and 4

Bible Study in English 7:15-


2 Little Halos 8:30-3pm

Greek School 4-6:30

Grades 2 and 5

Parish Council Meeting



Little Halos 8:30-3

Greek School 4-6:30

Grades 3 and 6


Littele Halos


Goya Basketball at

Ottoson 5-7pm

5 Memorial 10:30am

+Yannis Pagounis+

Baptism 11:30am Eleni

Spyridoula Taoultsides

4:30 Vespers with

Memorial +Anastasia

Rigakis; GOYA Family

Glendi 7pm

6 Orthros 8:45

Divine Liturgy 10-11:30

Sunday Cat. Ch. Sch 10am

Honouring Veterans 11:30

Pageant Rehearsal 12:30

Baptism 2pm of 2 children

Penelope and Vivian


7 Little Halos 8:30-3

Littele Halos 8:30-3

Greek School K1&K2

4-6pm Grk Dancing for

The Children 6-8

No Bible Study Vespers in

Watertown 7pm

Grk Dancing for Adults 8pm

8 The Feast of the

Archangels Michael and

Gabriel Orthros 8 Divine

Liturgy 9-10am

Little Halos 8:30-3

Greek School 4-6:30 Grades

1 and 4

Vespers in Roslindale 7pm

9 The Feast of

St. Nektarios

Orthros 8 Divine

Liturgy 9-10am Little Halos 8:30-3pm Greek School 4-6:30

Grades 2 and 5




Little Halos 8:30-3

Greek School 4-6:30

Grades 3 and 6


Happy Veteran’s Day!

God Bless America!

No School

Office Closed

Rembetiko Glendi 7pm!


Baptism 4pm

Andreas Panagiotis


Little Halos Pot Luck

Dinner 5-7pm

13 Orthros 8:45

Divine Liturgy 10-11:30

Sunday Cat. Ch. Sch 10am

Memorial: +Eftichia Pagonis

Home For Little Wanderers

Presentation 11:30am

Pageant Rehearsal 12:30

Baptism 3pm Sophia

Katherine Rose

14 Little Halos 8:30-3

Fifties Pluswith Nutritionist

presentation & fellowship

11am; Greek School K1&K2 4-

6pm Grk Dance for Children 6-

8; Adult Bible Study in Grk

7:15-:30pm;Grk Dance for

Adults 8pm

15 The Nativityof Our Lord

(Christmas Advent begins)

Little Halos 8:30-3

Greek School 4-6:30 Grades

1 and 4

Bible Study in English


Philoptochos General

Assembly 7pm with

“Lenten Pot-Luck Dinner”

16 Little Halos 8:30-3pm Greek School 4-6:30

Grades 2 and 5


Little Halos 8:30-3

Greek School 4-6:30

Grades 3 and 6


Littele Halos


HOPE-JOY Thanksgiving

Fellowship Gathering 6-


Goya Basketball at

Ottoson 5-7pm


Great Vespers Service


20 Orthros 8:45

Divine Liturgy 10-11:30

Sunday Cat. Ch. Sch 10am

Pageant Rehearsal 12:30


Wedding 4pm

Janelle Parker & Savvas


Pine St. Inn 5pm

21 The Entrance of the

Theotokos into the Temple

Orthros 8 D. Liturgy 9-10

Little Halos 8:30-3 Littele

Halos 8:30-3 Greek School

K1&K2 4-6pm Grk Dancing

for The Children 6-8 No Bible

Study in Greek Grk Dancing

for Adults 8pm

22 Delivery of Turkeys to

The Home For Little

Wanderers (morning)

Little Halos 8:30-3

Greek School 4-6:30 Grades

1 and 4

No Bible Study in English

23 Early Release

Little Halos






25 The Feast of

St. Katherine the Great

Martyr Orthros 8 Divine

Liturgy 9-10




Baptism 3pm

Dimitrios Drizos

No Vespers


Orthros 8:45

Divine Liturgy 10-11:30

Sunday Cat. Ch. Sch 10am


+ Theano & +Efstratios


+Kleoniki Stamos

28 Little Halos 8:30-3

Littele Halos 8:30-3

Greek School K1&K2

4-6pm Grk Dancing for

The Children 6-8 Loading turkeys


Adult Religious Ed and

Bible Study in Greek 7:15-8:30pm

Grk Dancing for Adults 8pm

29Little Halos 8:30-3

Greek School 4-6:30 Grades

1 and 4

Vespers at the Cathedral

Chapel for

The Feast of St. Andrew

7pm (Metropolis


No Bible Study in English

30 The Feast of

St. Andrew

Metropolis Celebration

at the Cathedral Chapel

in Brookline 8am

Little Halos 8:30-3pm

Greek School 4-6:30

Grades 2 and 5

Strict Fast



Fast Free

Fish Allowed


Νοέμβριος 2016 Κυριακή Δευτέρα Τρίτη Τετάρτη Πέμπτη Παρασκευή Σάββατο

Home For

Little Wanderers


Home For

Little Wanderers

Strict Fast



Fast Free

Fish Allowed


Fifties Plus Ministry News

The Fifties Plus Ministry will meet on Monday November 14th at 11am ... Nutritionist Voula Xanthopoulos

will speak on "Good Foods and Good Eating Habits" followed by light refreshments and lunch.


Orthodox Christian Fellowship

First Event!

Thursday, November 3rd

6:00 pm

Sacred Space, Student Center

Bentley University

Blessing of the Waters Service Agiasmos

Come and ask for a blessing on your studies, your life, even your phone!

Be sprinkled with Holy Water

Service Followed by Pizza and Refreshments

Meet other Orthodox Students

Learn about OCF and Orthodoxy

Meet our OCF Advisor

Fr. Aaron Walker, OCF Advisor

St. Athanasius the Great - Greek Orthodox Church

Arlington, MA

Questions? Email: fraaronwalker@gmail.com

St. Barbara’s Philoptochos

Family Night at the Pops

December 9, 2016

8:00 P.M. -- Boston Symphony Hall

Cocktail Reception 5:15 P.M. – 6:45 P.M.

James A. Bouboulis Auditorium

St. Athanasius Church

4 Appleton Street, Arlington, MA 01773

Concert Performance $85.00 A bus will be available for your convenience - $10 Per Person

Cocktail Reception with Light Fare – No Charge

Limited Seating Available Contact Vicki Konstandakis 781-259-8035

Or Crystal Iakovou 781-862-7136



REMBETIKA & LAIKAPlease join us for an evening of

ADMISSION $45 | Mezedakia included

Proceeds to benefi t the James Bouboulis Hall renovation

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2016 AT 7 PMSt. Athanasius the Great, 4 Appleton Street, Arlington

Tickets and information

Maria: 617-448-7931 // klitirava@gmail.comAnnette: 781-799-9626 // annette@tsitsop.com

Despina: 781-589-8156 // despina.bouboulis@gmail.comAnnette:

Despina: 781-589-8156 // despina.bouboulis@gmail.com



St. Athanasius Stewardship Roll of Honor for 2016 Contributions as of October 15, 2016

THANK YOU! Your continued Love and Support make our many ministries possible ΣΑΣ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΟΥΜΕ! Η αγάπη και η υποστήριξη σας στηρίζουν τις πολλές διακονίες της εκκλησίας μας

Ms. Debbie Adelson

George & Sophia Afouxenides

Mr. Nicholas Afouxenides

Mr. Peter Afouxenides

Mrs. Aggeliki Aggelis

Evgenia Aggouras

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Aggouras

Mr. & Mrs. John Alepakis

Elaine M. Alexis

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Anamateros

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Anamateros

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Anargirou

Joseph & Potoula Angelakis

Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Angelakis

Sotirios & Constantina Angelakis

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Antonakas

Mr. & Mrs. George Antonopoulos

Nick & Sophia Aronis

Athanasios & Angela Arvanitis

Jonathan & Thea Athanas

George & Lena Athanasiadis

Pavlos & Danielle Athanasiadis

Alexander & Katerina Athanasiou

Mr. & Mrs. Christos Athanassiu

Karim & Jane Awad

Arthur & Maria Bakopolus

Mr. & Mrs. George Baltatzidis

Ms. Maria Bandouveres

Mr. & Mrs. Haralabos & Andrea Baras

Mr. & Mrs. Drew Bililies

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bilis

Mr. & Mrs. Stefanos Bilis

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bithoney

Mrs. Eleftheria Bolanos

Kyriaki Bolender

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bonavita

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bonos

Georgios & Spiridoula Boretos

Themistoklis & Demetra Boretos

Ekaterini Bouboulis

Mihail S. Bouboulis

Mr. & Mrs. Stefanos Bouboulis

Mr. Georgios I. Bouboulis

Bouboulis & Giakoumis

Mrs. Irene Boulas

Mrs. Nicole Boulas

Konstadinos & Gina Bourikas

Mr. & Mrs. Vassilios Bourikas

Dr.David & Tina Bowling

Stella and Richard Cahn

Mr. & Mrs. Christos Calakoutis

Anthony & Christina Cambria

Ms. Katina Caramanis

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cardarelli

Steven & Fatima Ceppi

Mr. & Mrs. James Chalapatas

Cassandra Chamallas

Charles & Lynne Chamallas

Christina Chamallas

Diamond Chamallas

Mr. David Charpie

Neil & Maria Kleftis Chesler

Mrs. Kiki Chrisafis

Nicholas & Betsy Christinakis Haris Tabakovic & Tina Christodouleas

Anastasios & Eleni Christophilos

Mr. & Mrs. Elias Christopoulos

Mr. & Mrs. Alex Chrysanthopoulos

Mr & Mrs Charlie Chrysanthopoulos

Jean Cicalis

Mrs. Zoe Colt

Ms. Georgia Contes

George & Bernice Coumounduros

Mr & Mrs C. Courduvelis

Konstantinos & Leah Dafoulas

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Daigel

Antonios & Betty Dakopoulos

Mr. & Mrs. Menelaos Dalaklis

Mrs. Elaine Dalaklis

Stephen & Isabell Dalaklis

Mr. & Mrs. Jorgjia & Rafael Daluz

Mr. & Mrs. George Dardonis

Mr. Athanasios Dardonis

Mr. Nicholas Dardonis

Aphrodite Darris

Ms. Katherine Darris

Mr. Vasileios Daskalopoulos

Dorothy & Gioseppe Deblasi

Adam & Mercy Deleidi

Mr. & Mrs. Leonidas Deligiannidis

Ms. Christiana Dellellis

George & Joanne Delyani

Mr. & Mrs. Sophia Demetropoulos

Athanasios & Voula Demopoulos

James & Kalisty Demopoulos

Ms. Christina Demopoulos

Angela Denison

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dennison

Robert & Stephanie Devasto

Robert & Thespena Devito

Mr. & Mrs. Rich DiPietro

Christos & Georgia Vastis Dimas

Andrea & Aikaterini Dinis

Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Dinis

Stavros & Vasiliki Dinis

Brian & Dede Downey

James & Maria Dres

Maria Dubrowski

Stephen& Kim Edmonds

George & Thea Eliopoulos

Mr. & Mrs. Alex & Jilliane Eliopoulos

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Eliopoulos

Kathryn G. Elios

Demetre Evangelinellis

Devin & Carrie Evangelinos

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Evangelis

Mr. Randall T. Fassas

Mr. Thomas Fassas

Ms. Christine Fassas

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Fell

Mr. Justin Fico

Andrew & Pelagia Fotopulos

John & Joanne Francis

Mr. John Gagalis

Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Galanopoulos

H. Galanopoulos & M. Dardati

Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Garalis

Kosta and Fotini Gavrielidis

Mr. & Mrs. James Geanakos

Mr. John Geannaris

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Gennis

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gennis

Mr. & Mrs. Costas Georgacopoulos

Mr. Taso & Tamara Georgacopoulos

Irene Georgakoudi

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas George

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Georgelis

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Georgopoulos

Mrs. Garyfallia Georgoulis

Dr. Anesti & Natalie Ghanotakis

Mr. & Mrs. John Ghanotakis

Mr. Gerard Gharios

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Gianakura

Kyriakos & Irene Giannopoulos

Peter & Anna Giannopoulos

Mrs. Evangeline Gianocostas

James & Victoria Giosmas

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Girdis

Mr. & Mrs. James Gogos

Taj & Margarita Goodpaster

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gorman III

Mr. & Mrs. Margaritta Grimes


St. Athanasius Stewardship Roll of Honor for 2016 (Continued)

Mr. & Mrs. Ramin Haghgooie

Mr. & Mrs. George Hatziconstani

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hatzikostanti

Mrs. Maria Hatziliadis

Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Hatziyannis

Barbara & Leonard J. Henson

Arthur Horiatis

Evangelos & Eleftheria Horiatis

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Horiatis

Mr. Konstantinos Hristofilous

Mr. Perry Hristofilous

Crystal Iakovou

Yianni & Tanya Iliadis

George and Anastasia Iliopoulos

Haralambos& Eleni Iliopoulos

Christos Ioakimidis

John & Althea Ioakimidis

Mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Ioakimidis

Stavros & Katina Ioakimidis

Mr. & Mrs. Nelson & Corry Irias

John & Martha Jefferson

Constantine & Susanna Joannidis

Mr. & Mrs. Christos Kakambouras

Ms. Lenna Kakambouras

Mr. & Mrs. George Kaliontzis

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kalivas

Eleni Kalmoukos

Theodore & Angela Kalmoukos

John & Irene Kalogeris

Anastasia Sophia Kaloyanides

James & Courtney Kaloyanidis

Gregory & Helen Kandaras

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kanellias

Corina Kapetanakis

Mr.& Mrs. Constantine Kapetanakis

Mr. & Mrs. George Kapodistrias

Clio Karabatsas

Elizabeth Karagianis

Mrs. Katherine Karagianis

Atha & Stephanie Karasoulos

Anna Karelas

Andrew & Themis Karpouzis

Bill Karras

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Karras

Fr. Nicholas and Presv. Litsa Kastanas

Mr. Mikael Kastanas

Konstantinos & Alexandra Katehis

George & Yiota Katsarakes

Mr. & Mrs. Elias Katsos

Steven & Shara Katsos

Nicholas & Stella Kazantzas

Alice Kefalas

Jaime M. Speros & David Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. Stavros Kesaris

Spiros Kesaris

Stathis & Angela Kesaris

Demetra Ketcios

Mrs. Aphrodite Kleftis

Christopher & Nicky Kokoras

Vihren & Rositsa Kolev

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Kolias

Mr. & Mrs. George Kolokithas

Mr. Dimitrios Kolokithas

Mr. & Mrs. George Kombouras

Mrs. Katherine Kombouras

Konstandina Kondilis

Nick & Vicki Konstandakis

Mr. Yianni Konstantinidis

Ms. Vasiliki Kontakos

Mr. & Mrs. Perikles Kontalipos

Ms. Katerina Korfias

Mr. & Mrs. John Korifas

John & Evdoxia Korovilas

Demetrios & Eleni Kosmidis

Mr. & Mrs. Michail Kosmidis

Maria & Valerie Kostandos

Alexandria Kostopoulos

Paula Kostopoulos Fico

Costas & Eleni Koudanis

Ms Jenny Koulouris

Ms Susan L. Koulouris

Evangelos & Athena Koutroukas

Katherine Kriketos

Mr. S. Nicholas Kriketos II

Nicholas Kritikos

Evmorfilli Kyridis

Mr. Peter Ladas

Nicholas Lambrou

Mrs. Effie Legatos

Mr. Peter Lekkakos

N. Leonardos & R. Chandonnet

Virginia Leonardos

Ellen Leotsakos

Mr. & Mrs. Efstratios Liakos

Mr. Dimitrios Loucagos

Alexander & Loula Loukeris

Aristomenes & Stella Lydotes

John Macaris & Fotini Patsiocostas

Mr. & Mrs. Macleod

Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Makrakis

Charles & Despina Makredes

George & Leona Makredes

Mr. Gary & Tatiana Makredes

Frank & Panagiota Makrides

Angeliki Mamounas

Panagiotis & Kalliopi Mamounas

Mr Seth & Dr. Dana Mann

Peter & Elaine Manners

Dimitris & Anna Manolakis

Vasiliki Manousos

Evangelos & Despina Maradianos

Melanie I. Marken

Demitrios & Pauline Mastorakos

Sandra Mastorakos

Mr. & Mrs. Maria Matos

Mr. & Mrs. John McCloskey

Anthoula & Georgio Meimaris

Emmanuel & Eleni Meimaris

Nikolaos & Maria Meimaris

Pavlos & Eleni Meimaris

Dennis & Elaine Melahouris

Nicholas Melahouris

Dr. Jim & Penny Meletidis

Mark & Carolyn Miminos

Peter & Kathy Mirogiannis

Margaret Mitropoulos

Mr. William Mitropoulos

Tessie Mitropoulos

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Moisakis

Anastasios Moshonisiou

Mr. & Mrs. Leo & Niki Mourmoutis

George & Popi Moustakas

Dr.Ioannis & Angela Moutsatsos

Mrs. Katina Muksuris

Robert & Marea Mullen

Thomas Nanopoulos

Kalliope Nicholas

Sean & Maria O'Connell

Nazar & Evangelia Ohanessian

Hope Orfanos

Theofanis & Christine Orfanos

James & Joanne Pagounes

Mrs. Irene Paleologos

Mr. & Mrs Panagiotis Blanas

William Pananos

George & Georgia Pantazopoulos

Mr. Costa Papadimitris

Arthur Papas

Peter & Eleftheria Papatsoris

Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Papoulidis

Mary Pappas

Mr. & Mrs. John Pappas

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pappas

Ms. Stephanie Pappas

George & Panagiota Paras

Elias & Olga Patoucheas

John & Aliki Patoucheas

John & Maria Pavlidis

Mr. Ara Pehlivanian

Nicolaos & Evangelia Perhanidis

Vasilios & Eleftheria Pesiridis

Patrick Shaugnnessy & Erica Petnes


St. Athanasius Stewardship Roll of Honor for 2016 (Continued)

Mr. Philip Petrides

Constantinos Philips

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Phillips

Haralambos & Panagiota Phillos

Eleftherios & Patra Piandes

Joanne E. Piandes

Maria Pithis

Ms. Florence Pollock

Charles & Jeannie Poulakidas

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Pourakis

Mrs. Eleanor Profis

Mr. Steven Prois

Spyridon Prois

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Protopapas

Nicholas & Athina Reisopoulos

Paritsa Reissis

Ms Valerie Relias

Andrew & Deborah Rempis

Anastasia Roache

Gena & Brandon Robinson

Mr. Jorge E. Rodriguez

Peter & Soula Rogaris

Crystal Roussos

Mr. & Mrs. James Sakorafos

John & Joanne Salogiannis

Michael Savas

Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Schizas

Joseph and Maryanne Senna

Anthony & Elaine Sgouros

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Shuris

Mrs. Betty Shushan

Arthur & Maria Skambas

Paul & Maria Skambas

Ms. Anna Maria Skiotis

Ms. Elizabeth Skiotis

Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Skourides

Mr. George Skourides

Costas & Gianoula Skouridis

Othon & Jenny Sofianopoulos

Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Sofronas

Andreas & Ioanna Spalaris

Anthony & Despina Speros

Mr. & Mrs. James Speros

Peter & Anna Speros

Mr.& Mrs. N. Splagounias Family

Mrs. Angelina Stamas

Mr. & Mrs. Stefanos Stamides

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stangas

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stanitsas

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Stathakis

Mr. Erik Stathakis

Ms. Georgia Stathopoulos

Ms. Anna Stathopoulou

Dimitrios & Fotini Stefanis

George & Rodanthi Stratakis

Marko & Agapi Stratakias

Irini Stylianou

Mr. & Mrs. Giannis Suitlitsas

Alex & Heather Taoultsides

George & Anna Taoultsides

Mary Tashjian

Ms Diane M. Tashjian

Christos Terzakis

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Terzakis

Costas & Elena Theocharidis

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Theodore

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Theodoulou

Emmanuel & Argie Tiliakos

Paul & Elaine Tilly

Perry A. & Vicky Tingos

John W Toulopoulos

Stefanos & Maria Tourkomanolis

Mr. & Mrs. George Tsakirgis

Maria Tsaousidis

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Tsaousidis

Mr. Ioannis Tsartsidis

Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Tserkonis

Vasilios & Argyro Tsiaras

Mr. & Mrs. James Tsihlis

Mr. & Mrs. Apostolos Tsitsopoulos

Mr. & Mrs. George Tsitsopoulos

Mr. Stergios Tsouloufas

Mr. & Mrs. Theophilos Vallas

Mr. & Mrs. John Vankuilenburg

Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Venizelos

Mr. & Mrs. Ciprian Vilcu

Ms.Sultana Volaitis

Fotini Vosnakis

Steven & Kelly Vosnakis

Andrew & Anna Voyatzakis

Fr. Aaron & Presv. Amelia Walker

Maria & Steven Vasilakis Walker

Lazaros & Voula Xanthopoulos

Mr. & Mrs. Efstiathios Xigoros

Homer & Georgia Ypsilantis

Mr. & Mrs. Evan Ypsilantis

Ms. Christina Ypsilantis

Demetra Zacharakis

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Zacharakis

Amalia Zanakos

Dorothy Zevitas

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Zevitas

Mrs. Katherine Zevitas

Nickolas Ziavras

Menelaos & Elsa Zotos

Sponsor the Fellowship Hour @ St Athanasius!

Faithful parishioners, please come and join us in sponsoring our Fellowship Hour. It’s easy to participate … simply bring some coffee, sweets, snacks or juice for parishioners to enjoy during fellowship hour.

For further information in helping out, please call Eleanor Profis at 781-775-7143. On behalf of our Stewardship Committee, thank you for your love and kind generosity!


Save the Date

Saturday Afternoon Tea Saturday, March 18, 2017, 3-6 PM

In Honor of Aphrodite Darris

For Benefit Of

St. Barbara Philoptochos Charity Commitments and “Apostoli”


Please Donate

Children’s & Adult

USED Winter Coats

From Now through

Thanksgiving & Christmas & New Year’s

Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos

In Cooperation with ANTON’S CLEANERS

For Those Less Fortunate!

A Warm Coat Can Save

a Life!!!






St. Athanasius the Great Church

Office & Auditorium 29




HOMELESS VETERANS The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos with the overwhelming support and

generosity of all Philoptochos chapters and parish communities at large, to date have provided

more than 200 "Housewarming Baskets" to veterans transitioning to independent living.

Because veterans’ needs are continuous, this is an important and on-going ministry.

The items listed below represent the homeless veteran's needs as identified by the homeless veterans in

order to establish their home in the community. Items collected by your chapter/parish will be

delivered to the Metropolis for distribution to the veterans (162 Goddard Ave., Brookline Ma. 02445-



Broom/dustpan, mop Bucket, toilet brush & holder Shower curtain & shower rings Dishpan dish rack/tray Twin/full size bed cover Dish cloth/towel Flashlight/batteries All-purpose cleaner Dish soap Toothpaste Bar soap (pkg of 4) Toilet paper (pkg of 4) Paper towels (pkg of 4) Bath towels/wash cloths Trash container/bags Small bathroom trash container Laundry detergent Set of silverware (for 4)

Cleaning sponges Inflatable bed with air pump Bed pillows Bed blankets Non-slip (inside) shower mat Cloth (outside) shower mat Set of twin size bed sheets Set of full size bed sheets Set of plastic dishware & cups (for 4)

Set of pots & pans Coffee maker Electric toaster oven Cooking utensil container Liquid hand soap Tea kettle Mattress pads or protectors Gillette razors Woman's hygiene items Manual can opener Set of cooking utensils

When you shop for your family once or twice a month, please Remember our Veterans !!!

NOTE: Monitory contributions or gift cards in lieu of the listed items are also welcome. The funds will be

used by the Metropolis Philoptochos to purchase the items listed for the veterans.

Please make checks payable to: Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos.

Thank you for your continued support and g enerosity. Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos Note: Should you have any questions or need assistance you may contact: at St. Athanasius the Great

Church….Stella Kazantzas skazantzas@hotmail.com 781-646-0705 church office or Eleni Stamboulidis at 508-807-1828 (estamboulidis@hotmail.com ) or Georgia Lagadinos at 617-734-1994 (gmell l@aol.com)



Η προσευχή του Ιησού

π. Θωµά Χόπκο, Βίβλος και πνευµατικότητα,

εκδ. Αποστολική ∆ιακονία, Αθήνα 2014, σελ. 262-269 Ο πιο φυσιολογικός τύπος αδιάλειπτης προσευχής στην ορθόδοξη παράδοση είναι η προσευχή του Ιησού. Η προσευχή του Ιησού είναι ο τύπος εκείνος της επίκλησης που χρησιµοποιούν όσοι εξασκούν την νοητική προσευχή, αυτή που σήµερα αποκαλείται επίσης και «καρδιακή προσευχή». Τα λόγια της προσευχής αυτής (τα λόγια που λέγονται συνηθέστερα) είναι τα εξής: «Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ, Υιέ του Θεού, ελέησόν µε τον αµαρτωλό». Η επιλογή αυτού του συγκεκριµένου στίχου έχει θεολογικό και πνευµατικό περιεχόµενο. Πρώτα απ' όλα, η προσευχή αυτή είναι επικεντρωµένη στο όνοµα του Ιησού, επειδή αυτό είναι το όνοµα Εκείνου, τον Οποίο « ο Θεός υπερύψωσε » (Φιλιπ. 2,9), το όνοµα που δόθηκε στον Κύριο από τον ίδιο τον Θεό (βλ. Λουκ. 1,31), το όνοµα που είναι « υπέρ παν όνοµα » (Φιλιπ. 2,9· βλ. και 'Εφεσ. 1,21). «...ουδέ γαρ όνοµά εστιν έτερον υπό τον ουρανόν το δεδοµένον εν ανθρώποις εν ω δει σωθήναι ηµάς» (Πραξ. 4,12 ). Για τους χριστιανούς, κάθε προσευχή πρέπει να λέγεται στο όνοµα του Ιησού: «Και ο,τι αν αιτήσητε εν τω ονόµατί µου, τούτο ποιήσω, ίνα δοξασθή ο πατήρ εν τω υιώ. Εάν τι αιτήσητε εν τω ονόµατί µου, εγώ ποιήσω» (Ιωάν. 14,1314). Ο λόγος που η προσευχή απευθύνεται στον Ιησού ως Κύριο και Χριστό και Υιό του Θεού είναι γιατί Αυτός είναι το κέντρο ολόκληρης της πίστης, όπως αποκαλύφθηκε από τον Θεό εν Πνεύµατι Αγίω. «Λέγει αύτοίς, Υµείς δε τίνα µε λέγετε είναι; Αποκριθείς δε Σίµων

Πέτρος είπεν, Συ ει ο Χριστός ο υιός του θεού του ζώντος. Αποκριθείς δε ο Ιησούς είπεν αυτώ, µακάριος ει, Σίµων Βαριωνά, ότι σαρξ και αίµα ουκ απεκάλυψέ σοι αλλ' ο πατήρ µου ο εν τοις ουρανοίς. Κάγώ δε σοι λέγω ότι συ ει Πέτρος, και επί ταύτη τη πέτρα οικοδοµήσω µου την έκκλη- σίαν, και πύλαι αδου ου κατισχύσουσιν αύτής» (Ματθ. 16,15-18). Ότι ο Ιησούς είναι ο Χριστός και ότι ο Χριστός είναι Κύριος, αποτελεί την ουσία της χριστιανικής πίστης και το θεµέλιο της χριστιανικής Εκκλησίας. Το να πιστεύει κανείς και να οµολογεί αυτή την αλήθεια, αποτελεί δώρηµα του Αγίου Πνεύµατος. «... ουδείς δύναται ειπείν Κύριον Ιησούν ει µη εν Πνεύµατι αγίω» (Α' Κορ. 12,3). «... πάσα γλώσσα εξοµολογήσηται ότι Κύριος Ιησούς Χριστός εις δόξαν Θεού πατρός» (Φιλιπ. 2,11). Επικαλούµενος κανείς τον Ιησού, τον Υιό του Θεού, αναγνωρίζει και οµολογεί πίστη στον Θεό, τον Πατέρα Του. Και ταυτόχρονα, πράττοντάς το αυτό, έχει και ο ίδιος Πατέρα του τον Θεό, πράγµα που επίσης αποτελεί δώρηµα του ενοικούντως Αγίου Πνεύµατος. «Ότε δε ήλθε το πλήρωµα του χρόνου, εξαπέστειλεν ο Θεός τον υιόν αυτού, γενόµενον εκ γυναικός, γενόµενον υπό νόµον, ίνα τους υπό νόµον εξαγοράση, ίνα την υιοθεσίαν απολάβωµεν. Ότι δε έστε υιοί, εξαπέστειλεν ο Θεός το Πνεύµα του υιού αυτού εις τας καρδίας υµών, κράζον αββά ο πατήρ» (Γαλ. 4,4-6). «Ου γαρ ελάβετε Πνεύµα δουλείας πάλιν εις φόβον, αλλ' ελάβετε Πνεύµα υιοθεσίας, εν ω κράζοµεν αββά ο πατήρ. Αυτό το Πνεύµα συµµαρτυρεί τα πνεύµατι ηµών ότι εσµέν τέκνα Θεού» (Ρωµ. 8,15-16). Εποµένως, το να προσεύχεται κανείς λέγοντας «Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ, Υιέ του Θεού», σηµαίνει ότι είναι ήδη παιδί του Θεού και είναι ήδη σίγουρος πως το ’γιο Πνεύµα είναι εντός του. Κατ' αυτό τον τρόπο η προσευχή του Ιησού φέρνει το Πνεύµα του Θεού στην καρδιά του ανθρώπου. Το «ελέησόν µε τον αµαρτωλό» αποτελεί την προσευχή του τελώνη της παραβολής (βλ. Λουκ. 18,9-14). Όταν προφέρεται µε ταπεινή συναίσθηση του νοήµατος του, γεννά τη θεία δικαίωση για τον άνθρωπο. Εξάλλου, κατά γενική παραδοχή, το θείο έλεος είναι ο,τι περισσότερο χρειάζεται ο άνθρωπος. Γι' αυτό το λόγο και οι αµέτρητες επαναλήψεις της αίτησης για το έλεος του Κυρίου υπάρχουν παντού στις προσευχές της Εκκλησίας. Και τέλος, όλοι οι άνθρωποι είναι αµαρτωλοί. Το να γνωρίζει κανείς πως αυτό αποτελεί γεγονός και το να το οµολογεί µε πίστη σηµαίνει τη δική του δικαίωση και συγχώρηση από τον Θεό (βλ. Ρωµ. 3,10-12 και Ψαλµ. 14,1-3).


Η προσευχή του Ιησού χρησιµοποιείται βασικά µε τρεις διαφορετικούς τρόπους. Πρώτον, ως ο στίχος της «καρδιακής προσευχής» που καλλιεργείται εν σιωπή µε την ησυχαστική µέθοδο. ∆εύτερον, ως η συνεχής νοητική και αδιάλειπτη προσευχή του πιστού έξω από το πλαίσιο της ησυχαστικής παράδοσης. Και τρίτον, ως σύντοµη επιφωνηµατική προσευχή, που χρησιµοποιείται για να αποτραπούν οι πειρασµοί. Βέβαια, στην πραγµατική ζωή ενός ανθρώπου, αυτές οι τρεις χρήσεις της προσευχής συχνά συσχετίζονται και συνδυάζονται. Κατά την ησυχαστική µέθοδο προσευχής, ο άνθρωπος κάθεται µόνος του, έχοντας το σώµα του σε τέτοια στάση ώστε το κεφάλι να είναι σκυµµένο και τα µάτια του στραµµένα στο στήθος η το στοµάχι του. Επαναλαµβάνει συνεχώς την προσευχή του Ιησού µε την εισπνοή και εκπνοή, τοποθετώντας «τον νου του στην καρδιά», συγκεντρώνοντας την προσοχή του. Αδειάζει το µυαλό του από κάθε είδους νοητικούς στοχασµούς και συλλογιστικούς πλατειασµούς, και επιχειρεί να απαλλάξει τον νου του από κάθε εικόνα και παράσταση. Κατόπιν, χωρίς τον περισπασµό σκέψεων η φαντασιών, αλλά µε κάθε δυνατή προσοχή και συγκέντρωση επαναλαµβάνει ρυθµικά την προσευχή του Ιησού εν ησυχία -από εδώ προέρχεται και ο όρος ησυχασµός- και µε τη µέθοδο αυτή του προσευχητικού διαλογισµού ενώνεται µε τον Θεό δια της ενοίκησης εντός του του Χριστού εν τω Πνεύµατι. Σύµφωνα µε τους πατέρες της Εκκλησίας, αυτού του είδους η προσευχή, όταν εφαρµόζεται µε πιστότητα εντός σύνολης της ζωής της Εκκλησίας, οδηγεί στην εµπειρία του ακτίστου θείου φωτός του Κυρίου και φέρνει άφατη χαρά στην ψυχή του ανθρώπου. Σκοπός της είναι να καταστήσει τον άνθρωπο δούλο του Θεού. «... όταν ο νους ενώνεται µε την καρδιά, γεµίζει από άφατη χαρά και αγαλλίαση. Τότε ο άνθρωπος διαπιστώνει πως η Βασιλεία των ουρανών “εντός ηµών εστί”. Όταν εισέρχεσαι στον τόπο της καρδιάς... ευχαρίστησε τον Θεό και, ζητώντας το έλεός Του, µείνε σ' αυτή την δραστηριότητα και θα διδαχθείς πράγµατα που δεν θα µπορούσες να διδαχθείς µε κάποιο άλλο τρόπο. Όταν ο νους εδραιωθεί στην καρδιά δεν πρέπει να µείνει ανενεργός αλλά πρέπει συνεχώς να επαναλαµβάνει την προσευχή “Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ' Υιέ του Θεού' ελέησόν µε τον αµαρτωλό'' και να µη σταµατά ποτέ. ∆ιότι αυτή η πρακτική κρατώντας τον νου µακριά από ονειροπολήσεις' τον καθιστά ανίκητο στους λογισµούς του πονηρού και τον οδηγεί µέρα µε την ηµέρα στην αγάπη και τον πόθο για τον Θεό» (αγ. Νικηφόρος - 14ος αιώνας). Για να εξασκήσει κανείς την ησυχαστική µέθοδο της προσευχής, απαιτείται πάντοτε και χωρίς καµιά εξαίρεση η καθοδήγηση ενός πνευµατικού οδηγού. ∆εν πρέπει κανείς να χρησιµοποιεί αυτή τη µέθοδο παρά µόνο αν διαθέτει αυθεντική ταπείνωση και σωφροσύνη γεµάτη από κάθε σοφία και ειρήνη. Το να εξασκήσει κανείς αυτή τη µέθοδο χωρίς καθοδήγηση η ταπεινή σοφία, είναι σαν να καταδικάζει τον εαυτό του σε πνευµατική καταστροφή, δεδοµένου ότι οι πειρασµοί που συνοδεύουν τη µέθοδο αυτή είναι πολλοί. Πράγµατι, η παράχρηση της µεθόδου αυτής έγινε τόσο συχνή τους τελευταίους αιώνες που η χρήση της σε µεγάλο βαθµό περιορίστηκε. Ο Επίσκοπος Θεοφάνης µας πληροφορεί πως η ειδική στάση του σώµατος και η τεχνική της αναπνοής είχαν κατ' ουσίαν απαγορευτεί στοπν καιρό του, αφού οι άνθρωποι, αντί να κερδίζουν το Πνεύµα το ’γιο, το µόνο που κατάφερναν είναι να «καταστρέφουν τα πνευµόνια τους» (βλ. Η Τέχνη της προσευχής' επιµέλεια Ηγουµένου Χαρίτωνα). Τέτοια καταχρηστική και αδιέξοδη χρήση της µεθόδου αυτής (της µεθόδου που καθαυτή είναι αληθινή και παρέχει πλούσιους καρπούς) ήταν ήδη γνωστή στο Βυζάντιο, τον δέκατο τέταρτο αιώνα, όταν ο άγιος Γρηγόριος ο Παλαµάς υπερασπιζόταν την παράδοση. Και υπάρχουν µαρτυρίες ακόµα και από τον τέταρτο αιώνα, που καταδεικνύουν πως ακόµα και τότε κάποιοι ανθρώποι χρησιµοποιούσαν την προσευχή µε τρόπο ανόητο και άκαρπο, µειώνοντάς την σε αξία καθαυτή και παγιδεύοντας τον εαυτό τους στην τεχνική της, χωρίς να ενδιαφέρονται για τον σκοπό της. Πράγµατι, το ειδωλολατρικό ενδιαφέρον για τις πνευµατικές τεχνικές και για τα ηδονιστικά οφέλη της δήθεν «πνευµατικότητας» ή του «µυστικισµού», είναι ο διαρκής πειρασµός της πνευµατικής ζωής και το ισχυρότερο όπλο του διαβόλου. Ο Επίσκοπος Θεοφάνης χαρακτηρίζει αυτού του είδους το ενδιαφέρον «πνευµατικό ηδονισµό». Ο Ιωάννης του Σταυρού (16ος αιώνας) το αποκαλεί «πνευµατική αδηφαγία» και «πνευµατική τρυφηλότητα». Εποµένως, λόγω των διαφόρων παραδειγµάτων από τους ποικίλους τόπους και τους καιρούς της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας, έχουν προκύψει οι παρακάτω προειδοποιήσεις: «Αυτοί που αρνούνται να κάνουν τη χειρωνακτική τους εργασία, προφασιζόµενοι ότι πρέπει ο άνθρωπος να προσεύχεται αδιάλειπτα, στην πραγµατικότητα δεν εξασκοόν ούτε την προσευχή. Με την αργία... περιπλέκουν την ψυχή σε ένα λαβύρινθο σκέψεων... και την καθιστούν ανίκανη για προσευχή» (’γιος Νείλος ο Σιναίτης - 5ος αιώνας). «Απ' τη στιγµή που αφιερώνεις την προσοχή σου µόνο στη στάση του σώµατος κατά την προσευχή, και ο νους σου νοιάζεται µόνο για το έξωθεν του ποτηρίου (δηλαδή για τους εξωτερικούς τύπους) να ξέρεις ότι δεν έχεις βρει ακόµα τον τόπο της προσευχής και ο ευλογηµένος της τρόπος είναι άκόµα µακριά από σένα. Να ξέρεις πως καταµεσής κάθε πνευµατικής αγαλλίασης και παραµυθίας, αυτό που παραµένει πιο αναγκαίο είναι το να υπηρετείς τον Κύριο µε αφοσίωση και φόβο» (’γιος Νείλος ο Σιναίτης - 5ος αιώνας).


«Είναι φυσικό για τον νου να άπορρίπτει ο,τι εχει διαθέσιµο µπροστά του και να ονειρεύεται τον ερχοµό άλλων πραγµάτων... να χτίζει φαντασίες και ούτοπικά οράµατα σε σχέση µε επιτεύγµατα που δεν έχει ακόµα κατακτήσει. Ένας τέτοιος άνθρωπος διατρέχει σηµαντικό κίνδυνο να χάσει ο,τι έχει, να περιπέσει στην αυταπάτη και να αποµακρυνθεί από την ορθή διαίσθηση. Μετατρέπεται σε άνθρωπο ονειροπαρµένο και όχι σε άνθρωπο αδιάλειπτης προσευχής (δηλ. σε ησυχαστή)» (’γιος Γρηγόριος ο Σιναΐτης - 14ος αιώνας). «Αν εξασκείς πραγµατικά την αδιάλειπτη προσευχή της ησυχίας' ελπίζοντας να είσαι εν τω Θεώ' και τύχει να δεις κάτι µε τις σωµατικές η πνευµατικές σου αίσθήσεις' µέσα σου η εξω σου' µην το αποδεχτείς µε τίποτα' έστω κι αν αυτό είναι η είκόνα του Χριστού' η ενός αγγέλου' η κάποιου αγίου... Να είσαι πάντοτε δυσαρεστηµένος µε τέτοιες εικόνες και να τηρείς τον νου σου καθαρό από εικόνες και µορφές... και δεν θα πάθεις κανένα κακό. Συνέβη συχνά 'τέτοιου είδους πράγµατα' ακόµα κι όταν στάλθηκαν από τον Θεό ως δοκιµασία λίγο πριν τη νίκη' να έχουν αποτέλεσµα κακό για πολλούς... οι οποίοι µε τη σειρά τους έκαναν κακό σε άλλους' εξίσου άσοφα... οδηγούµενοι και οδηγώντας τους άλλους στην υπερηφάνεια και την έπαρση. ∆ιότι οι πατέρες λένε πως όσοι ζουν µε δικαιοσύνη και δεν κάνουν σφάλµατα στη συµπεριφορά τους µε τους άλλους άνθρώπους... που άναζητούν τον Θεό µε διάθεση υπακοής και ερευνητικότητας και µε ένσοφη ταπείνωση... θα είναι πάντοτε προστατευµένοι από το κακό µε τη χάρη του Χριστού» (’γιος Γρηγόριος ο Σιναΐτης - 14ος αιώνας). Η χρήση της προσευχής του Ιησού έξω από την ησυχαστική µέθοδο αδιαλείπτου προσευχής, σηµαίνει επανάληψη της προσευχής, συνεχώς και εξακολουθητικά, οτιδήποτε κι αν κάνει κανείς, χωρίς την εµπλοκή κάποιας συγκεκριµένης στάσης του σώµατος ή τεχνικής της αναπνοής. Αυτός είναι ο τρόπος που µε το έργο και τη διδασκαλία του δίδαξε ο άγιος Γρηγόριος ο Παλαµάς, υποστηρίζοντας και επιµένοντας πως η αδιάλειπτη νοητική προσευχή είναι καθήκον όλων των χριστιανών.Όλοι µπορούν να έπιτύχουν κάτι τέτοιο, όποια κι αν είναι η ασχολία ή η θέση τους στη ζωή. Αυτό έπίσης καταδεικνύεται και στο βιβλίο Οι περιπέτειες ενός προσκυνητού. Ο σκοπός και τα αποτελέσµατα αύτής της µεθόδου προσευχής είναι γενικά αύτά που ισχύουν και για κάθε προσευχή: ότι δηλαδή ο ανθρωπος πρέπει να είναι συνεχώς ενωµένος µε τον Θεό δια της αδιάλειπτης ενθύµησης της παρουσίας Του και δια της αδιάκοπης επίκλησης του ονόµατος Του, έτσι ώστε να µπορεί πάντοτε να υπηρετεί τόσο Εκείνον, όσο και τους άλλους ανθρώπους, µε τις αρετές του Χριστού και τους καρπούς του 'Αγιου Πνεύµατος. Ο τρίτος τρόπος ένάσκησης της προσευχής του Ίησοϋ είναι να την έχει κανείς πάντοτε έτοιµη για τις στιγµές εκείνες του πειρασµού. Με αυτό τον τρόπο, όπως λέει ο άγιος Ιωάννης ο Σιναίτης, µπορείς «να µαστιγώσεις τους εχθρούς σου (δηλαδή τους πειρασµούς), µε το όνοµα του Ιησού, καθότι δεν υπάρχει ισχυρότερο όπλο στον ουρανό και τη γη από αυτό» (Κλίµαξ, Λόγος Εικοστός Πρώτος). Αυτή η µέθοδος έχει τα καλύτερα αποτελέσµατα, όταν εξασκεί κανείς την προσευχή ασταµάτητα, και κάνει την κάθε ανάσα του µια επίκληση του ονόµατος του Ιησού, καθώς λέει ο άγιος Ευάγριος ο Ποντικός. Όταν εξασκεί κανείς τη συνεχή «προσευχή της καρδιάς», τότε κάθε φορά που οι πειρασµοί της αµαρτίας πλησιάζουν την καρδιά, συναντιούνται µε την προσευχή και νικώνται από τη χάρη. Ο άνθρωπος δεν µπορεί να ζήσει σ' αυτό τον κόσµο χωρίς να γνωρίσει πειρασµούς. Όταν έρχεται σε ένα πρόσωπο ο πειρασµός, υπάρχουν µόνο τρία πιθανά αποτελέσµατα. Είτε ο άνθρωπος υποκύπτει αµέσως στον πειρασµό και αµαρτάνει, είτε προσπαθεί να του αντισταθεί µε τη δύναµη της θέλησής του, και τελικώς νικάται µετά από µεγάλη στενοχώρια και διαπάλη, ή τέλος πολεµά και αποµακρύνει τον πειρασµό µε τη δύναµη του Χριστού, που υπάρχει εντός της καρδιάς του µόνο και µόνο λόγω της προσευχής. Αυτό δεν σηµαίνει πως «η προσευχή διώχνει µακριά τον πειρασµό» ή ότι ο Θεός µαγικά και θαυµατουργικά κατεβαίνει και ελευθερώνει τον άνθρωπο από τον πειρασµό. Σηµαίνει µάλλον πως η ψυχή του είναι τόσο γεµάτη από τη χάρη και τη δύναµη του Θεού, που ο πειρασµός δεν µπορεί να έχει κανένα αποτέλεσµα. Υπό αυτή την έννοια πρέπει να κατανοήσουµε και αυτό που έχει γράψει ο απόστολος Ιωάννης: «πας ο εν αυτώ µένων ουχ αµαρτάνει» (Α' 'Ιωαν. 3,6). «Ο ποιών την αµαρτίαν εκ του διαβόλου εστίν... εις τούτο εφανερώθη ο υιός του Θεού ίνα λύση τα έργα του διαβόλου. Πας ο γεγεννηµένος εκ του Θεού αµαρτίαν ου ποιεί ότι σπέρµα αυτού εν αυτώ µένει· και ου δύναται αµαρτάνειν, ότι εκ του Θεού γεγέννηται. Εν τούτω φανερά έστι τα τέκνα του Θεού και τα τέκνα του διαβόλου» (Α' Ιωάν. 3,8-10). Γίνεται κανείς υιός του Θεού, γεννηµένος εκ του Θεού, µέσα στην Εκκλησία και δια του Βαπτίσµατος. Και συνεχίζει κανείς να είναι υιός του Θεού, χωρίς να αµαρτάνει, µόνο µέσα από συνεχή προσευχή: µε την ενθύµηση του Θεού, την προσκόλληση σ' Αυτόν, την επίκληση του ονόµατος Του αδιάλειπτα εντός της ψυχής του. Η τρίτη χρήση της προσευχής του Ιησού, όπως και οι προηγούµενες δύο, έχει αυτό τον σκοπό: να τηρήσει τον άνθρωπο µακριά από την αµαρτία.




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Volume Twenty-Eight, Number Three, November 2016


Begin monitoring everything you say to yourself and others. Ask this critical thinking question: "Is the way I use language

programming me for success or failure? Next, begin listening to the way people around you use language. Ask yourself the

same question about them. This is an eye-opening experience.

Let's not miss our lives while they're happening. You can make choices about what you want to do right this moment. Today,

give yourself a few minutes to appreciate a beautiful sunrise, the comfort of your warm bed or even the pleasure of solitude.

Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget

creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future. — Lewis B. Smedes

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishment toward

organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results - Successories

BE THE BRIDGE! Problems become opportunities when the right people join together - Successories

Some excel because it is in there DNA; Most excel because they are determined to excel. - Successories

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true."~Leon J. Suenes

When our lives are difficult, we sometimes feel like life will never change. This, in turn, makes it harder for us to take the steps

that might create the change we want. When your life is full of ups and downs, remember to keep your eye on your goal, and

the desires of your heart. You will get through it. Trust in God and ask for HIS Help! -Unknown

"Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple." ~C.W. Ceram

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity is one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century, and even scientists agree the formula

is complex. Einstein disagreed. Explaining the basic theory to a non-scientist one day he said, "Have you ever spent time with

a pretty girl and time just flew by? Have you ever spent time with someone you didn't like and time seemed to drag on

forever? That's relativity. – Authorship unknown

"Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery

demands all of a person." ~ Albert Einstein

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to

order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes

sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." ~ Unknown