Lessons learnedfor bsi

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Lessons learnedfor bsi



JUNE, 2010

I never think it’s my problem alone: the power of networks

Lessons Learned from SPECC

Action research design: strengths and limitations

Flexibility: make space for learning and change

The balance between guidelines and creativity

Fostering community

Why a network?

The power of community : The problems we are addressing are bigger than any one


In isolation (classroom/office/campus) you can’t see the dimensions or magnitude of the problem

You understand more about your context by seeing other contexts

Faculty leaders: a network on campus and beyond

Building relationships and trust

Learning from experiences

Connecting the big picture and fine-grained details

Knowing incentives to engage participation

Identifying and mentoring potential leaders

Mapping your network

Who (think organizations and individuals) on your campus -- Has relevant knowledge or skills? Needs to be actively involved ? Needs to be aware of what is happening? Could stop it? Could be helpful?

What already exists that you could build on or extend?

Where are dragons? Gaps?

Network beyond campus

Who in the state can help you? Who in this room can help you?

What questions would you ask? What stories would help you?

How would you find individuals you don’t (yet) know who could be a resource?

Last thoughts

How do you nurture a network?