Lessons From the Turnaround

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Transcript of Lessons From the Turnaround

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround


    Turning Around the Performance of an Agency:Lessons Learned from the Front Line

    Alistair Deakin, CEO of KaleidaCareAlso featuring Michael Redden, CEO New Horizons,Stacy Bruce, CEO of Caring Family Networks

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround


    Introduction Presentation Target AudienceNew leaders stepping into an organization in

    need of a turnaround in performance

    Existing leaders who want to eliminate significantdysfunction

    Anyone who wants to help or understand thechallenges of leadership in those situations

    This is not about taking good to greatits abouteliminating significant problems in an organizationand improving their chances to survive and thrive.

    Goals of PresentationA framework for decision making

    Specific challenges and questions

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    Visual Map

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround



    in thenumbersA CEOs main job is to make sure that all the

    gears of the organization are synchronized. Thisrequires understanding how each part works andabsolutely requires a handle on the numbers.

    Without understanding how the numbers work,

    control is an illusion and disaster is probable

    Some numbers are common to all organizations:Budgets, cash flow, P&L, Balance Sheet. Someare particular to your organization.

    I believe there are two kinds of numbers PastPerformance and Levers for Future Performance

    Dig, dig, dig, until you have confidence. Gethelp if you need it. There are no stupid questions

    other than the one you didnt ask but should have.

    Without margin, there is no

    mission. Sister Irene Kraus,

    Daughters of Charity.

    Run out of cash, and its all

    over and nothing else matters.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround



    in thenumbersWhat numbers are important to your


    What could happen if the numbers slipped?

    Where does your confidence in the numberscome from?

    Does your team believe you understand all thenumbers?

    Can you ask questions about any number so thatyou couldnt be fooled?

    Questions for groupdiscussion

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround


    Assess the

    organization Do not delegateKeep a Journal First impressions count!Look at the numbers firstReview critical legal documentsInterview people at every level inside and outside

    the organization- People will not tell you the whole truth- People will not be proactive in coming to youwith facts unless they want something- Many people are motivated more by loyalties topeople they are familiar with than the mission of

    the organization.- Unless you know you are an insider, you are anoutsider, and they will tend to say what they thinkyou want to hear- Especially if there has not been accountabilityfor owning facts and the truth

    You need to know what youre

    dealing with first. Think: What

    are the major threats andwhat are my resources?

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  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround


    Assess the

    organization Have you read the major contracts that impact yourorganization?

    Do you know who your team considers thestrongest and weakest members? Is there consensus

    between what your key managers believe, and whatyour line staff believe?

    Why did you win or lose your last five customers orcontracts?

    How do you track intelligence given to you?

    Questions for GroupDiscussion

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround



    People on

    the Team

    You just inherited a team thatput the cart in the ditch.Which of them can help get it


    The right people on the team, in the right places isthe single most important influence on long termsuccess.

    Having the wrong people on the team drains energy,

    undermines your leadership and changes the dynamicsof the whole company

    You might not need to hire everyone new, but youcertainly need a critical mass of people totally loyal toyou.

    Trust your gut on first impressions of people:familiarity clouds judgment

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround



    People on

    the Team

    Questions for GroupDiscussion

    Would you hire the people you have on your team?

    Do you understand how your organization attractsand retains top talent?

    Has your organization shuffled poor performers fromjob to job?

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround


    Work to a


    As much as anything, youneed a framework for sayingno while faced with an

    overwhelming competition foryour yes from ideas that allsound good.

    Start with a framework and principles that dont


    Promote ownership at lower and lower levels.

    Get past proprietary thinking

    Narrow to your core competency

    Look for technology accelerators

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround


    Work to a


    Questions for GroupDiscussion

    Can you explain your plan in 2 minutes or less?

    How many people in your organization could explainyour plan to your satisfaction?

    Who has validated your plan outside yourorganization?

    Does your plan have clearly measurable objectives?

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround


    Own the


    This is based on my mostcritical failures. You needto own all the castle walls.

    What you leave alone might well be your downfall

    You should be included and comfortable with allcritical relationships that impact your organization. No

    eggshell walking!

    Take advantage of the leadership honeymoon to getinside

    Know what the commanding heights of yourorganization. You need to own them on behalf of theorganization, not any one person.

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    Own the


    Questions for Discussion

    What initiatives are mission critical to yourorganization?

    Are there sacred cows in your organization that

    you dont feel comfortable investigating?

    Can you walk into any relationship?

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround



    the Team

    Regard your soldiers as your children,and they will follow you into thedeepest valleys. If, however, you areindulgent, but unable to make your

    authority felt: then your soldiers mustbe likened to spoilt children; they are

    useless for any practical purpose.-Sun Tzu

    Character and loyalty essentialWillingness to

    face brutal factsown results

    maintain unwavering commitment andhope

    Make sure you have confidence in the people youare empowering and be prepared for them to makedecisions you disagree with

    Make them earn increasing levels of

    trustPraising good decisions is just asimportant as criticizing bad onesImportance of leadership andempowerment at all levels

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    the Team

    Questions for GroupDiscussion

    What was the last major mistake made by anindividual at your organization?

    What did you do about it?

    What explicit instructions have you given your teamabout taking initiative?

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround


    Win the


    Culture is what happens whenyou arent watching

    The culture should be about performance andexcitement to make the strategy work.

    Use pilot projects to create quick wins and developwinning attitudes.

    Its a flywheel momentum builds slowly, on the

    backs of many smaller events Changing habits and ritual are critical New hires need to understand their role here

    Manage your popularity / political capitalBe careful with unpopular decisions thatdont really make a big difference Make all the unpopular decisions you needto quickly, try not to drag them outEarn some points too (unwinding policies

    that were necessary due to previous culture)

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround


    Win the


    Questions for GroupDiscussion

    How do you measure your culture?

    How would you describe your culture?

    How would different people in your organizationdescribe your culture?

    How would your customers describe your culture?

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround


    RapidDecisionMaking Need to break out of mass all-inclusive committees

    Empower smaller groupsPromote trust and communication between

    leadershipMistakes better than paralysis

    CEO needs to be aware of appropriate processesand balance of process and performance

    Create culture of executionNarrow the scope so you can create execution

    cultureNeed to say no to projects and commitments on

    outsetBreak massive projects into smaller, tighter projects

    that get finished and can be measuredPoint to benefits to all of new plan as rationaleExpect to negotiate out of previous longstanding

    albatross commitments

    Keep pushing down accountability to lower levels

    Ready, Aim, Fire notReady, aim, ready, ready..

    How your organization makesdecisions is the most tellingindicator of your leadership.

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    Questions for GroupDiscussion

    How many standing meetings are held in yourorganization?

    Would meetings be different if you participated in


    Does every meeting have an agenda and reviewablenotes?

    Do any meetings have people that arent needed?

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround


    MatchIncentives to

    Plan Compensation plans critical. Financial and Careeradvancement.

    Especially in revenue generation positions, but allover

    Do they line up with the plan?

    Are they appropriate for the personal goals of yourteam?

    Over time, all organizationsstart to perform at the level setby the individual incentives of

    the team members

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    MatchIncentives to


    Questions for GroupDiscussion

    Have you personally reviewed the incentive plans?

    How are incentive plans linked to meeting yourbusiness plan objectives?

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround



    George Bernard Shaw: The

    problem with communicationis the illusion that it has been


    Once isnt enough

    One channel not enough

    First make sure your core executive group

    understands and communicates the same message

    Understand how different people connect: Bigpicture, emotional, financial

    Enthusiasm and passion are very powerful

    Spinning /lying is very destructive

    Theres a fine line between the two culture of

    accountability for truth.

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround



    Questions for GroupDiscussion

    How do you know your messages have beenreceived and understood?

    Do you have regular, planned channels for

    communicating to all members of your organization

    How would you describe your communicationstrategy?

  • 8/4/2019 Lessons From the Turnaround


    Contact Us:

    The KaleidaCare team presenting today:

    Alistair Deakin, CEO.adeakin@kaleidacare.com
