Lessons from Lily

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Lessons from Lily

Lessons from Lily

I have had many pets in my life, but she was different… special.

It would be my 1st

Christmas as a single mother; I wanted it to be special. I had wanted a puppy for some time, so

the thought of a Christmas morning surprise for my 3 small children delighted


On Christmas Eve I answered an ad in the newspaper. I walked through the gate and sat on the ground. One of the little balls of fur ran over to play with me, and I knew she was the one.

That night as we snuggled quietly on the sofa, I fell in love with her.

Morning came, and the children came down the stairs to a squirmy little puppy with a red bow around her neck. She

was like a Hallmark card in her little gold box under the tree. It was just as I had imagined as they ran to her

squealing and laughing – pure joy!

What would we name her?Lily Noel, they said, after a friend and it was Christmas after all.

Lily quickly became part of our family, and every day that passed it became clear that her heart’s desire was to please us. My 7 year old Michael had his tonsils out just a week later, and she was right by his side, not even squirming, as he wanted to cuddle. Even as a puppy, she seemed to know what we needed.

As she grew, she became my companion. We ran together each morning. She was there when we

needed a shoulder. She was there – always there.

I never thought about the fact that she wouldn’t be here forever. She aged so gracefully, but her health began to deteriorate. When she could barely walk, barely breathe, I knew the time had come to say goodbye.

The day arrived. I gathered her favorite blanket, my other doggie, (and her constant companion) Roxie, and we drove to the vet. They loved her there, always doting over her.

We spread the blanket out, and I lay down with her. Roxie lay with us too. The Dr. came in, and after we cried for a while, she gave Lily an anesthetic injection so she could relax and fall asleep. The doctor left us, saying it would take about ten minutes. I held her little head in my hand and rubbed her nose. I talked to her about the day she came into our lives and how much the kids loved her.

I reminded her of the naughty things that we later laughed about, like the time she chewed up my

linoleum floor…..

and the fact that she had barked

during our entire wedding


I told her how much joy she had brought into my life and how much I loved her. She began to get sleepy, her little eyes

drooping. Tears were dripping from my eyes onto her face. Right before she went to sleep, she licked my hand. I knew she

was saying goodbye and telling me it was ok – that it was time to go.

Even though I cried so hard, snot was

running out of my nose, I realized that her exit from my life

was every bit as special as her

entrance. She didn’t die alone. She didn’t die in pain. She died with me. And that’s how it was supposed

to be.

What We Learned

Now that she’s gone, I realize how much our family learned from her. These lessons will keep her memory alive forever.

Sometimes, bite off more than you can chew

Over time, you might find that you can actually chew it.

Hug those special to you

And then hug some more.


Keep your cool when things get heated

You’ll gain respect.

Go ahead and get wet….

Your fur will eventually dry!

Don’t forget to enjoy the leaves first…

Before you rake them all up.

Sometimes…say nothing

Silence can be Golden

Love your family

Be patient with others.

They may not be as mature as you are.

And finally: Always, always continue to learn and grow.

You can teach an old dog new tricks!

Feel free to forward. Lily would be honored

Contact information:

Tami West

Morning Sky, LLC


Telephone: (615) 497-7714

Web Site: www.tamiwest.com

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